How to Build an AI for Two-Player Turn-based Games

If you‘ve ever played chess against a computer or matched wits with a virtual opponent in a strategy game, you‘ve seen artificial intelligence for gaming in action. Creating AI that can play turn-based games at a high level is a fascinating application of computer science and game theory.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore how to build AI for two-player, turn-based games like chess, checkers, and Connect Four. You‘ll learn the core concepts behind game-playing AI systems and discover best practices for implementing them as a software developer. By the end, you‘ll be equipped to create your own virtual opponents!

Types of Two-Player Turn-based Games

Before we dive into the AI aspect, let‘s define the category of games we‘re talking about. Two-player turn-based games are adversarial games where:

  1. There are two players competing against each other
  2. Players take turns making moves
  3. Both players have perfect information about the game state
  4. The game ends with a win, loss, or draw

This includes classic board games like chess and go, as well as abstract strategy games like mancala. It also covers simple children‘s games like tic-tac-toe and more complex planning games like Battleship. The key is that moves happen sequentially, not simultaneously as in rock-paper-scissors.

Game Trees and Minimax

The foundational technique for building two-player game AI is the minimax algorithm. To understand minimax, we first need to model a game as a tree structure:

  • The root node represents the initial game state
  • Edges represent possible moves
  • Child nodes are states resulting from a move
  • Terminal nodes are end game states (win, loss, draw)

Here‘s a simple game tree for tic-tac-toe:

Tic-tac-toe game tree

Given a game tree, the minimax algorithm helps determine the best move for a player, assuming the opponent also plays optimally. It‘s a recursive algorithm that works as follows:

  1. If the current node is a terminal node, return its value (1 for win, -1 for loss, 0 for draw)
  2. Otherwise, if maximizing, return the maximum minimax value of the child nodes
  3. If minimizing, return the minimum minimax value of the child nodes

By alternating between maximizing and minimizing, minimax simulates the best moves for each player. The maximizing player aims to get the highest final score, while the minimizing player seeks the lowest score.

Here‘s a visualization of minimax in action on a small game tree:

Minimax visualization

At the root, the maximizing player sees two choices, 3 and 5, and selects 5 for the best outcome. Minimax ensures optimal play by looking ahead to all possible moves and countermoves.

Implementing Minimax

Now that we understand how minimax works conceptually, let‘s see how to code it up. We‘ll define a generic two-player game class in Python:

class Game:
    def __init__(self, initial_state):
        self.state = initial_state

    def get_possible_moves(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def make_move(self, move):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def is_game_over(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_score(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

Subclasses will fill in the game-specific logic for generating moves, updating state, checking for game over, and calculating scores.

The minimax function takes a game state and recursively scores the game tree:

def minimax(game_state, depth, maximizing_player):
    if depth == 0 or game_state.is_game_over():
        return game_state.get_score()

    if maximizing_player:
        max_score = -math.inf
        for move in game_state.get_possible_moves():
            child_state = game_state.make_move(move)
            score = minimax(child_state, depth - 1, False)
            max_score = max(max_score, score) 
        return max_score
        min_score = math.inf
        for move in game_state.get_possible_moves():
            child_state = game_state.make_move(move)
            score = minimax(child_state, depth - 1, True)
            min_score = min(min_score, score)
        return min_score

To select the AI‘s next move, we generate all possible moves, score them with minimax to a chosen depth, and pick the move with the maximum score:

def get_ai_move(game_state, depth):
    best_score = -math.inf
    best_move = None
    for move in game_state.get_possible_moves():
        child_state = game_state.make_move(move)
        score = minimax(child_state, depth, False)
        if score > best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_move = move
    return best_move

This implements the core minimax game AI. You can adapt it to any specific two-player turn-based game by defining the rules in a subclass.

Minimax Optimizations

While minimax is effective, it suffers from exponential time complexity due to exploring all possible game paths. For complex games like chess, looking ahead more than a few moves is computationally infeasible.

The most common optimization for minimax is alpha-beta pruning. It maintains two values, alpha and beta, representing the minimum score the maximizing player is assured of and the maximum score the minimizing player is assured of respectively.

As the algorithm traverses the tree, it tracks these values:

  • If alpha is greater than beta, the maximizing player should avoid this branch, so it is pruned
  • Otherwise alpha and beta are updated at each node based on the minimax scores

Alpha-beta pruning can dramatically reduce the effective branching factor without changing the final result. Other optimizations include iterative deepening, transposition tables, and move ordering heuristics.

Beyond Minimax

Minimax and its variants are the classic techniques for two-player games, but modern game AI often uses other methods:

  • Monte Carlo tree search builds a game tree based on random sampling of moves. It excels in games with high branching factors and randomness like Go.
  • Machine learning approaches train neural networks to play games through self-play or learning from human games. DeepMind‘s AlphaZero used deep reinforcement learning to master chess and shogi.
  • Evolutionary algorithms optimize a population of AI agents and select the fittest ones to reproduce. This can discover novel strategies and adapt to changing game conditions.

The field of game AI is rapidly advancing, with innovations coming from both academia and industry. As a game developer, it‘s worth keeping up with the latest techniques and tools.

Practical Game AI Development

When building game AI systems in practice, there are several considerations:

  1. Think about the desired player experience. Do you want an AI that plays optimally or one that feels fun and responsive? Stronger isn‘t always better.

  2. Consider the time and space complexity of your algorithms. Slow AI can ruin a game‘s pacing. Look for optimizations or ways to precompute data.

  3. Use established libraries and engines where possible. There are many open source solutions for common game AI needs. Don‘t reinvent the wheel.

  4. Test your AI thoroughly. Make sure it behaves correctly in edge cases and doesn‘t break the game logic. AI bugs can be tricky to diagnose.

  5. Allow for different difficulty levels. Let players choose how smart the AI is. You can scale the lookahead depth, add random noise, or tune other parameters.


Building AI for two-player turn-based games is an exciting challenge that combines algorithms, game design, and software engineering. The minimax algorithm provides a foundation for creating competent AI opponents, while more advanced techniques push the boundaries of artificial intelligence.

As a developer, understanding game AI will make you a stronger programmer and problem solver. It‘s also a rewarding way to explore topics like decision theory, optimization, and machine learning. Implement some game AI and test your skills! You might be surprised how satisfying it is to face off against your digital creations.

That concludes our deep dive into game AI. I hope this guide has demystified the core concepts and provided practical advice for your own AI projects. Go forth and build amazing game-playing agents! And if you found this useful, connect with me to stay updated on more AI and software development content. Game on!

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