Mastering Icon Design and Export for Android with Affinity Designer: An Expert‘s Guide

As an Android developer, you know that great app icons are essential for making a positive first impression on potential users. With millions of apps competing for attention in the Play Store, your icon needs to stand out and effectively communicate your app‘s purpose at a glance. However, crafting the perfect app icon is only part of the challenge – you also need to ensure your icons are exported correctly for the wide range of Android devices on the market.

In this in-depth guide, I‘ll share my proven workflow for designing and exporting pixel-perfect icons for Android using Affinity Designer. As a full-stack developer with years of experience in both app design and development, I‘ve fine-tuned this process to achieve the best results across various screen densities and sizes. Whether you‘re a seasoned designer or a developer looking to improve your design skills, this article will provide you with the knowledge and techniques needed to create outstanding app icons.

Understanding the Importance of Optimized Icons in Android

Before diving into the design process, let‘s take a step back and examine why well-crafted, properly exported icons are so crucial for Android apps.

Communicating Brand and Purpose

Your app icon is often the first interaction a user has with your app in the Play Store. It needs to quickly convey your app‘s purpose, style, and brand identity. A unique, recognizable icon can help your app stand out in a crowded market and attract downloads.

Ensuring Consistency Across Devices

Android devices come in a staggering array of screen sizes and resolutions. From small, low-density phones to high-resolution tablets, your icon needs to look sharp and clear on every device. By providing optimized icons for each density bucket (mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, and xxxhdpi), you ensure a consistent, polished look for your app.

Consider these statistics:

  • There are over 24,000 distinct Android devices on the market (OpenSignal, 2019)
  • The most common screen density is xxhdpi, followed by xxxhdpi and xhdpi (DeviceAtlas, 2020)
  • 83.9% of Android devices have a high-density screen or greater (StatCounter, 2021)

Neglecting to provide assets for different densities can lead to blurry, distorted icons that diminish the perceived quality of your app.

Improving Performance and APK Size

Using vector drawables instead of raster images for your icons has several benefits. Vector drawables are resolution-independent, so a single asset can be scaled for different densities without loss of quality. This results in a smaller APK size compared to shipping multiple raster images. Additionally, vector drawables can be animated and dynamically tinted, offering more flexibility in your designs.

Designing Effective Icons in Affinity Designer

Now that we understand the importance of optimized icons, let‘s walk through the process of designing an icon in Affinity Designer.

Setting Up Your Document

Start by creating a new document in Affinity Designer with a width and height of 192×192 pixels. This will be our base size for the xxxhdpi density.

Under the "View" menu, enable both "Pixel Grid" and "Snapping > Snap to Grid". This will help you create sharp, aligned shapes that scale cleanly.

Creating a new document in Affinity Designer
Set up your document for precise vector icon design

Utilizing Vector Tools

Affinity Designer offers a robust set of vector shape tools for creating crisp, scalable icons. Begin by sketching out your icon concept using the pen, pencil, or brush tool. Refine your shapes using the node tool, and combine shapes using boolean operations like Add, Subtract, and Intersect.

Vector shape tools in Affinity Designer
Affinity Designer‘s vector tools make it easy to create precise icon designs

Remember to keep your shapes simple and iconic – avoid adding too many small details that may get lost at lower resolutions.

Applying Color and Shading

When applying colors to your icon, consider using a limited palette that complements your brand identity. Use Affinity Designer‘s color picker and palette tools to create a cohesive color scheme.

Color tools in Affinity Designer
Customize colors to match your brand using Affinity Designer‘s color tools

To add depth and dimension to your icon, employ shading techniques like gradients and inner shadows. Use these effects sparingly and test your icon at smaller sizes to ensure it remains legible.

Examples of icon shading techniques
Subtle shading adds depth to your icons without sacrificing clarity

Organizing Layers and Shapes

As you design your icon, keep your layers organized and name them descriptively. This will make it easier to select and export individual elements later on.

Group related shapes together using the "Group" command (Control-G). This allows you to move and transform multiple objects as a single unit.

Layers panel in Affinity Designer
Keeping your layers organized makes editing and exporting easier

Exporting Optimized Icons for Android

With your icon design complete, it‘s time to export your assets for use in Android. Affinity Designer‘s slices feature makes it easy to export multiple sizes and densities from a single file.

Setting Up Slices

Switch to the "Export Persona" using the menu at the top of the window. Here, you can create and manage slices for different export settings.

Start by renaming the default slice to match your icon name (e.g., "my_icon"). Then, add additional slices for each desired density:

  • mdpi (1x, 48x48px)
  • hdpi (1.5x, 72x72px)
  • xhdpi (2x, 96x96px)
  • xxhdpi (3x, 144x144px)
  • xxxhdpi (4x, 192x192px)
Export Persona in Affinity Designer
Use the Export Persona to set up slices for different densities

For each slice, set the following properties:

  • Name: The density (e.g., "mdpi", "hdpi")
  • Scale: The multiplier for that density (e.g., 1x, 1.5x)
  • Format: PNG
  • File Path: The output location using Android‘s density naming convention (e.g., "drawable-mdpi/", "drawable-hdpi/")
Slice settings in Affinity Designer
Customize each slice‘s properties for Android asset export

Exporting Icons

With your slices configured, click "Export Slices" in the bottom-right corner of the window. Affinity Designer will generate PNG files at the specified sizes and place them in the corresponding density folders.

Exported Android icons
Affinity Designer exports your icons in the correct sizes and folders for Android

You can now add these folders to your Android project‘s "res" directory. To reference the icons in your code or XML layouts, use the base name without the density qualifier:

    android:src="@drawable/my_icon" />

Android will automatically select the appropriate asset based on the device‘s screen density.

Enabling Continuous Export

If you need to make changes to your icon in the future, you can streamline the export process by enabling "Continuous" export in Affinity Designer. With this option checked, any changes you make to your icon will be instantly exported when you save the file.

Continuous export option in Affinity Designer
Enable continuous export for faster iteration on icon designs

This is especially useful when refining designs or making small adjustments based on feedback.

Advanced Icon Techniques

Now that you‘ve mastered the basics of icon design and export in Affinity Designer, let‘s explore some more advanced techniques to take your icons to the next level.

Working with 9-Patch Icons

9-patch icons are stretchable PNG images that can adapt to different sizes without distortion. They‘re commonly used for backgrounds, buttons, and other resizable elements in Android.

To create a 9-patch icon in Affinity Designer:

  1. Design your icon as usual, adding a 1-pixel transparent border around the edges
  2. Add black pixels to the top and left edges to define the stretchable area
  3. Add black pixels to the bottom and right edges to define the content area
  4. Export the icon with the ".9.png" file extension
Example of a 9-patch icon
9-patch icons can stretch and adapt to different sizes

Android‘s NinePatchDrawable class will automatically recognize and display the icon correctly.

Using Icon Fonts

Icon fonts are a popular alternative to traditional bitmap icons. By packaging icons as a font file, you can easily scale, color, and shadow them using CSS or code.

To create an icon font from your Affinity Designer icons:

  1. Export each icon as an SVG file
  2. Use a tool like IcoMoon ( to convert the SVGs into a font file
  3. Import the font file into your Android project and reference the icons using XML or code
    android:textColor="@color/red" />

Icon fonts offer more flexibility and smaller file sizes compared to raster images.

Animating Icons with Vector Drawables

Vector drawables are XML-based graphics that can be animated and styled in code. They provide a lightweight, resolution-independent alternative to raster animations.

To create an animated vector icon:

  1. Design your icon in Affinity Designer and export it as an SVG
  2. Convert the SVG to a vector drawable using Android Studio‘s Asset Studio
  3. Define animation sequences in XML using the <animate> and <objectAnimator> tags
  4. Load and start the animation in your code
val animatedIcon = findViewById<ImageView>(
val drawable = animatedIcon.drawable as Animatable

Animated icons can add polish and delight to your app‘s user experience.

Icon Design Resources and Inspiration

Designing effective app icons requires a combination of creativity, technical skill, and familiarity with platform conventions. Here are some resources to help you learn and stay inspired:

Remember, the best way to improve your icon design skills is through practice and iteration. Don‘t be afraid to experiment with different styles and techniques until you find what works best for your app.


Designing and exporting high-quality icons is a critical skill for Android developers and designers alike. By leveraging Affinity Designer‘s powerful vector editing and export tools, you can create stunning, optimized icons that will make your app stand out.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ve covered:

  • The importance of pixel-perfect icons for Android‘s diverse device ecosystem
  • Setting up your icon design files in Affinity Designer for the best results
  • Crafting effective icons using shapes, colors, and shading techniques
  • Exporting icons for Android‘s different density buckets
  • Advanced techniques like 9-patch icons, icon fonts, and vector drawable animations
  • Resources and inspiration for refining your icon design skills

By following these best practices and continually honing your design skills, you‘ll be well on your way to creating app icons that engage users and elevate your app‘s brand.

How do you approach icon design for your Android projects? Share your tips, tricks, and favorite tools in the comments below!

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