An Introduction to the SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Design

As software developers, we strive to write code that doesn‘t just work, but is also clean, maintainable, and easy to extend. However, as codebases and teams grow in size and complexity, it can become increasingly difficult to manage changes and avoid introducing bugs. This is where the SOLID principles come in. SOLID is an acronym…

A Jetpack Compose Tutorial for Beginners – Understanding Composables & Recomposition

Jetpack Compose is Android‘s modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development by combining a reactive programming model with concise and idiomatic Kotlin code. If you‘re an Android developer, you‘ll find that Compose is a radical departure from the old View system – but a welcome one! In this tutorial, we‘ll…

Build a Java Android App Using a REST API – Network Data in Android Course

As an Android developer, integrating data from web APIs can open up a world of possibilities for your mobile apps. REST APIs allow you to access vast amounts of data from external sources and use it to power your app‘s features and functionality. Whether it‘s retrieving weather data, social media feeds, financial information, or anything…

Create Android RecyclerView Adapters Like a Boss with MultiViewAdapter

As a seasoned Android developer and architect, I‘ve seen the evolution of ListView to RecyclerView, and the impact it‘s had on app performance and codebase maintainability. RecyclerView has become the de facto standard for lists in modern Android development, with widespread adoption. Consider these stats: Over 90% of Android apps on Google Play use RecyclerView[^1]…

If You Want to Become an Android Developer, Read These Books

Android development is an incredibly rewarding and lucrative career path for programmers. With over 2.5 billion active Android devices worldwide as of 2021, the demand for skilled Android developers is higher than ever. In fact, the number of available Android development jobs is expected to grow by 22% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than…

How we reduced our Android app‘s memory footprint by 50%

As an Android developer at a fast-paced startup, I understand the pressure to ship features quickly. However, neglecting performance can come back to bite you as your app scales. Our team learned this the hard way when our Android app started freezing and crashing on low-end devices due to high memory usage. After some investigation…

How We Recreated Amazon Go in 36 Hours: A Full-Stack Developer‘s Perspective

In January 2018, Amazon opened its first Amazon Go store to the public in Seattle. The 1,800 square foot convenience store has no registers or cashiers. Instead, it relies on a complex network of cameras, sensors, and artificial intelligence to automatically detect what items customers take from the shelves, allowing them to simply walk out…

What is the Latest Android Version? And How to Update to the Current Android OS?

As an Android developer and enthusiast, I‘ve witnessed firsthand the incredible evolution of the Android operating system over the years. From its humble beginnings as a simple mobile OS to its current status as a global powerhouse running on over 2.5 billion active devices, Android has continuously pushed the boundaries of what‘s possible on mobile….

Mastering App Styling and Theming With Jetpack Compose: An Expert Guide

Since its stable 1.0 release in July 2021, Jetpack Compose has rapidly gained popularity as Android‘s modern UI toolkit. According to Google, over 100,000 Android apps now use Compose, including many of its own first-party apps like Gmail, Play Store, and Maps. A big reason for its success is the declarative, Kotlin-first approach to building…

Mastering Android Networking with Retrofit, RxJava, and MVP Architecture

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I‘ve had my fair share of experiences working with various networking libraries and architectures in Android development. Over the years, I‘ve found that the combination of Retrofit, RxJava, and MVP (Model-View-Presenter) architecture provides a powerful and efficient solution for handling network requests and creating maintainable and testable code….

How to Publish Your Android App in the Google Play Store: The Ultimate Guide for Developers

The Google Play Store is the largest mobile app marketplace in the world, with over 3.48 million apps available as of the first quarter of 2021, according to Statista. For Android developers, publishing an app on the Play Store is an exciting opportunity to reach a massive global audience. However, the process involves several critical…