Streamline Your App‘s Flow with Android Navigation Component

As an Android developer, designing the navigation flow of your app is a critical part of the user experience. You want to provide a logical and intuitive way for users to move between different screens and accomplish their goals. However, managing fragment transactions, passing data between destinations, and handling complex navigation scenarios can quickly become cumbersome and error-prone.

That‘s where the Android Navigation Component comes to the rescue! Introduced by Google at I/O 2018, this powerful library makes it easier than ever to design, implement, and visualize your app‘s navigation flow. By declaring the navigation structure in a XML resource file and leveraging the NavController to manage fragment transactions, the Navigation Component takes care of the heavy lifting so you can focus on crafting great app experiences.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll dive into the key features and benefits of using the Navigation Component in your Android projects. From setting up your project and defining destinations, to navigating between screens and passing data, we‘ll cover everything you need to know to become a navigation pro. We‘ll also explore some advanced scenarios and best practices to take your navigation to the next level.

So grab a cup of coffee, fire up Android Studio, and let‘s navigate our way to app success!

Getting Started with Navigation Component

Before we embark on our navigation journey, we need to make sure we have everything set up correctly in our project. The Navigation Component requires Android Studio 3.3 or higher and is part of the Android Jetpack library.

To add the Navigation Component dependencies to your app, open your module‘s build.gradle file and add the following lines under the dependencies block:

dependencies {
    def nav_version = "2.3.5"

    implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:$nav_version"
    implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:$nav_version"

We‘re using the -ktx dependencies here which provide some nice Kotlin extensions, but there are also non-ktx versions available if you prefer.

Next, we need to create a navigation graph to define the destinations in our app and how they are connected. A navigation graph is a XML resource file that visually represents your app‘s navigation structure.

To create a new navigation graph, right-click on your project‘s res directory and select New > Android Resource File. Give it a name like "nav_graph", select "Navigation" as the Resource type, and click OK.

Creating a new navigation graph

This will create a new nav_graph.xml file in the navigation resource directory and open the Navigation Editor, where you can visually design your navigation flow.

Defining Destinations and Actions

Now that we have our navigation graph, it‘s time to define our app‘s destinations. A destination represents a screen in your app, typically a fragment or an activity.

To add a new destination, click the "Add Destination" button in the Navigation Editor and select "Create new destination". Give your destination a name, choose the fragment or activity class, and click OK.

Adding a new destination

Repeat this process for each screen you want to include in your navigation graph. You can also customize various properties of each destination, such as the label, arguments, and actions.

Speaking of actions, they define how you can navigate from one destination to another. An action has a source destination and a target destination, and may also include arguments to pass between them.

To create an action, hover over a destination and click the circle that appears on its right side. Then drag the arrow to the destination you want to navigate to.

Creating an action between destinations

You can give your action an ID and configure any arguments to pass in the Attributes panel.

Navigating with NavController

Now that we‘ve defined our navigation graph, how do we actually navigate between destinations in our code? That‘s where the NavController comes in.

NavController is the class responsible for swapping destination content in and out as you navigate through your app. Each destination has its own NavController that manages navigating to other destinations.

To retrieve the NavController, you can call the findNavController() extension function from a Fragment or View:

val navController = findNavController()

To navigate to a destination, you simply call the navigate() method on the NavController and pass in the action ID or destination ID you want to navigate to:


You can also pass arguments to the target destination using the Bundle class:

val bundle = bundleOf("amount" to 100)
navController.navigate(, bundle)

However, passing arguments like this is not type-safe and can be prone to errors. That‘s where the Safe Args plugin comes in handy.

Passing Data with Safe Args

The Safe Args plugin is a handy tool that generates type-safe navigation code based on your navigation graph. It ensures that the arguments you pass between destinations are properly defined and validated at compile-time.

To enable Safe Args, add the following line to your app‘s build.gradle file:

apply plugin: ‘androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin‘

Then rebuild your project to generate the necessary classes.

Now, to define an argument for a destination, open the navigation graph in the Navigation Editor, select the destination, and click the "+" button next to Arguments in the Attributes panel.

Defining arguments for a destination

Specify the argument name and type, and whether it is nullable or has a default value.

To pass an argument using Safe Args, first retrieve the generated Directions class for the action:

val directions = HomeFragmentDirections.actionHomeFragmentToDetailFragment(100)

Then pass the directions to the navigate() method:


In the receiving destination, you can access the arguments using the generated Args class:

val args = DetailFragmentArgs.fromBundle(requireArguments())
val amount = args.amount

This way you can safely pass and retrieve arguments between destinations without worrying about manually putting extras into bundles.

Advanced Navigation Scenarios

The Navigation Component can handle much more than simple back and forth navigation between destinations. Let‘s look at a few advanced scenarios you may encounter.

Nested Navigation Graphs

For more complex navigation flows, you can create nested navigation graphs that encapsulate related destinations and actions. This allows you to modularize and reuse portions of your navigation structure.

To create a nested graph, right-click on your main navigation graph and select New > Navigation Resource File. Design your nested graph as usual, then go back to the main graph and add a nested graph reference.

Adding a nested navigation graph reference

Now you can navigate into and out of the nested graph using special actions like navigate_up and navigate_to_parent.

Global Actions

Global actions are actions that can be triggered from anywhere in your navigation graph, regardless of the current destination. They are useful for app-level destinations like a settings screen or user profile.

To add a global action, open the Navigation Editor, click on the text area outside of any destination, and select "Global Actions" from the Attributes panel. Then use the "Add Action" button to create your global actions.

Adding a global action

You can navigate to a global action from any destination using its action ID:


Deep Linking

Deep linking allows you to jump directly to a specific destination in your app from an external URL. The Navigation Component makes it easy to define deep links for your destinations.

To add a deep link, select the destination in the Navigation Editor and specify the URL pattern in the Deep Links section of the Attributes panel.

Adding a deep link to a destination

When a user clicks on a link that matches the pattern, they will be taken directly to that destination. You can also define placeholder values in the URL pattern to extract as arguments.

Custom Transitions

By default, the Navigation Component uses simple fade animations when transitioning between destinations. But you can customize these transitions to use different animations or even shared element transitions.

To specify custom animations, create an Animation resource file defining your enter, exit, pop enter, and pop exit animations. Then, select the action in the Navigation Editor and choose the animation resources in the Attributes panel.

Specifying custom animation transitions for an action

To enable shared element transitions, you‘ll need to use the FragmentNavigator instead of the default. Shared element transitions allow you to seamlessly animate a View from one destination to another, like an image expanding to full screen.

Best Practices

As you incorporate the Navigation Component into your app architecture, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Keep your navigation graph simple and shallow. Prefer more top-level destinations over deep nesting to avoid complex and hard-to-follow navigation flows.

  • Use descriptive IDs and labels for your destinations and actions. This will make your navigation graph more readable and maintainable.

  • Leverage Safe Args for type-safe argument passing between destinations. This will catch errors at compile-time and make your code cleaner.

  • Be mindful of navigation state when your app process is killed. Use the --save-state argument with the SafeArgs plugin to automatically handle saving and restoring navigation state.

  • Test your navigation flow thoroughly, both manually and with automated tests. The Navigation Testing library provides useful APIs for verifying navigation behavior in your Espresso UI tests.

  • Modularize your navigation graph for better reusability and maintainability. Use nested graphs to encapsulate related screens and actions that can be reused across features.


The Android Navigation Component is a powerful tool that takes the pain out of designing and implementing navigation in your app. By separating your app‘s navigation structure into a visual XML format, it makes it easier to reason about, refactor, and test your user flows.

We‘ve covered a lot of ground in this guide, from the basics of setting up and navigating between destinations, to advanced scenarios like nested graphs and deep linking. With these techniques in your toolbelt, you‘ll be able to create intuitive and engaging navigation experiences in your apps.

But don‘t just take my word for it – dive in and start using the Navigation Component in your own projects! The more you practice and experiment with it, the more opportunities you‘ll find to clean up your navigation code and focus on what really matters – delighting your users.

To learn more, check out these additional resources:

Happy navigating!

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