Accelerate Serverless Development with Local AWS Lambda Simulation

Serverless computing, and AWS Lambda in particular, has exploded in popularity in recent years as a way to build and run applications without managing infrastructure. According to a recent survey, 50% of organizations are already using serverless in production, with another 28% planning to adopt it in the next 12 months.

The benefits are clear: Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You simply upload your code and Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability. This can lead to significant cost savings and faster time-to-market.

However, serverless development comes with some unique challenges, especially around the development and testing workflow. Chief among these is the slow feedback loop. Every time you make a code change, you have to deploy to AWS before being able to test your function. For complex applications with many Lambda functions, these deployment cycles can really add up and slow down development.

As a full-stack developer who has worked extensively with serverless, I‘ve felt this pain firsthand. But I‘ve also discovered a powerful solution: simulating Lambda locally using tools like the Serverless Offline Plugin.

In this post, I‘ll dive deep on how the Serverless Offline Plugin works to provide a realistic local simulation of Lambda. I‘ll walk through how to set it up and use it to supercharge development on your serverless applications. By the end, you‘ll have a clear understanding of how local Lambda simulation can accelerate your serverless development.

The Deploy-Test Challenge of Serverless Development

To understand the value of local Lambda simulation, let‘s first look at the typical serverless development workflow without it.

When developing traditional server-based applications, you usually have a local development environment where you can run and test your code. You make a code change, restart your local server, and can immediately test the change. The feedback loop between code changes and testing is very fast.

Not so with serverless. Since your functions run in the managed Lambda environment in the cloud, you don‘t have this fast local feedback loop by default. Instead, the development workflow often looks like this:

  1. Make a code change
  2. Deploy the code change to AWS
  3. Invoke the deployed Lambda to test the change
  4. Repeat

This may not seem so bad for a single quick change. But imagine you have dozens of Lambda functions, and are iterating quickly on a new feature that requires code changes to several of them. Suddenly you‘re spending all your time deploying and very little time coding and testing.

Let‘s put some numbers to it. Suppose each deploy and test cycle takes 2 minutes. Over a day with 30 deploys, that‘s an hour lost just waiting for deploys. Over a month, it adds up to over 20 hours – that‘s half a work week! Time that could be spent coding and delivering value is instead spent waiting.

There‘s also the cost factor to consider. Lambda has a generous free tier, but you can burn through that pretty quickly if you‘re deploying frequently. Even if you don‘t exceed the free tier, your deployments are contributing to your monthly usage. A 2019 report found that organizations exceeding their cloud budgets by an average of 23% due largely to unanticipated serverless costs.

Clearly, for fast and cost-effective serverless development, we need a better way. That‘s where local Lambda simulation comes in.

Simulating Lambda Locally with the Serverless Offline Plugin

The Serverless Framework is a popular tool for developing and deploying serverless applications. It offers powerful abstractions and automations that simplify the process of managing serverless apps.

One of its most potent features is its rich plugin ecosystem. And the king among these plugins for local development is the Serverless Offline Plugin. This plugin simulates AWS Lambda and API Gateway locally, allowing you to run and test your serverless applications without ever deploying to AWS.

Here are some of the key features and benefits of the Serverless Offline Plugin:

  • Simulates API Gateway and Lambda locally to provide fast feedback loops
  • Supports simulating most Lambda runtimes, including Node.js, Python, Java, and more
  • Emulates a Lambda-like environment, including memory and timeout limits
  • Integrates with other Serverless plugins for a seamless local experience
  • Easy to set up and use with just a few commands

With the Serverless Offline Plugin, your development workflow becomes:

  1. Make a code change
  2. Run the local Lambda simulation
  3. Locally invoke the simulated Lambda to test
  4. Repeat

No more time-consuming deploys to test each change! You can iterate rapidly, testing each change in seconds rather than minutes.

Serverless expert Yan Cui sums it up well:

"The Serverless Offline plugin is a must-have for any serious serverless developer. It allows you to test your Lambda functions locally, which dramatically speeds up development and debugging. I can‘t imagine developing serverless applications without it."

Let‘s look under the hood to see how it provides this game-changing functionality.

How the Serverless Offline Plugin Simulates Lambda

At its core, the Serverless Offline Plugin is a local web server that simulates the behavior of API Gateway and Lambda. When you run the local simulation, it stands up this server to host your Lambdas and route invocations to them.

Here‘s a simplified view of the architecture:

┌───────────────────┐      ┌────────────────────┐      ┌───────────────────┐
│                   │      │                    │      │                   │
│  API Gateway      │─────▶│  Serverless        │─────▶│  Lambda           │
│  Simulation       │      │  Offline Plugin    │      │  Simulation       │
│                   │      │                    │      │                   │
└───────────────────┘      └────────────────────┘      └───────────────────┘

Let‘s break down what‘s happening in each piece.

API Gateway Simulation

The plugin reads your serverless.yml configuration file to determine what API endpoints to set up. It then spins up a local Express.js server to simulate those API Gateway endpoints.

For example, suppose your serverless.yml defines an HTTP POST endpoint that triggers a Lambda:

    handler: handler.createUser
      - http:
          path: users
          method: post

The Serverless Offline Plugin will set up a local /users POST endpoint that maps to the createUser Lambda.

When a request comes in to one of these simulated endpoints, the plugin handles all the API Gateway simulation logic. This includes:

  • Mapping the incoming HTTP request to a Lambda event object
  • Handling custom authorizers for authentication
  • Applying other API Gateway features like CORS and request validation

Essentially, it‘s converting the incoming HTTP request into the expected Lambda invocation event, just like the real API Gateway would.

Here‘s a simplified code snippet of how this mapping happens:

function convertHttpRequestToLambdaEvent(request) {
  return {
    httpMethod: request.method,
    body: request.body,
    headers: request.headers,
    queryStringParameters: request.query,
    pathParameters: request.params,
    // ... more fields

Lambda Simulation

Once the API Gateway simulation has prepared the Lambda invocation event, it‘s time for the Lambda simulation to take over.

The plugin spawns a new child process (using the runtime specified in your serverless.yml) to simulate the Lambda environment. It sets up environment variables and other context information to mirror what a real Lambda would receive.

Crucially, the plugin also enforces the resource limits configured for the Lambda. If your Lambda has a memory limit of 128MB and a timeout of 10 seconds, the simulated Lambda will operate under those same constraints. This helps ensure parity with the real Lambda environment.

The simulated Lambda process executes your function code with the invocation event. When the function completes (either by returning a response, throwing an error, or timing out), the process exits and returns the result to the API Gateway simulation layer.

Finally, the API Gateway simulation maps the Lambda response or error to an HTTP response and returns it to the original caller.

And that‘s it! The Serverless Offline Plugin has simulated the entire invocation flow, from API Gateway to Lambda and back, all locally on your machine.

Of course, this is a simplified view. The plugin handles many edge cases and configuration options. But at its core, this is how it provides a realistic local simulation of your serverless application.

Setting Up and Using the Serverless Offline Plugin

Sold on the benefits of local Lambda simulation and ready to try it out? Let‘s walk through setting up the Serverless Offline Plugin in your project.

First, make sure you have the Serverless Framework installed:

npm install -g serverless

Then, in your Serverless project directory, install the plugin as a dev dependency:

npm install serverless-offline --save-dev

Next, add the plugin to your serverless.yml configuration file:

  - serverless-offline

And that‘s it! You‘re ready to simulate your serverless application locally.

To start the local simulation, run:

serverless offline start

This spins up the local API Gateway simulation at http://localhost:3000 and outputs the available endpoint routes:

Serverless: Starting Offline: dev/us-east-1.

Serverless: Routes for createUser:
Serverless: POST /users

Serverless: Offline listening on http://localhost:3000

You can now hit your simulated endpoints with your favorite HTTP client. Here‘s an example using cURL:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ‘{"username":"john","email":"[email protected]"}‘ http://localhost:3000/users

This will invoke your createUser Lambda locally, passing in the HTTP request data as the invocation event. You can then iterate on your Lambda code and re-run the local simulation to rapidly test changes.

You can also invoke your Lambdas directly (bypassing API Gateway) using the invoke local command:

serverless invoke local --function createUser --data ‘{"username":"john","email":"[email protected]"}‘

With these commands at your fingertips, you have a powerful local development environment for your serverless application.

Advanced Usage and Configuration

For most use cases, the default configuration of the Serverless Offline Plugin will suffice. However, the plugin also offers a wealth of configuration options for more advanced scenarios.

For example, you can specify a custom port for the local API Gateway simulation:

    httpPort: 4000

You can also configure the plugin to use a specific version of the Java runtime for simulated Lambdas:

    javaRuntime: /path/to/java/runtime

For a full list of configuration options, check out the Serverless Offline Plugin documentation.

In addition to configuration, there are also some advanced usage patterns worth knowing. One of the most powerful is the ability to script complex test scenarios.

Because the plugin exposes Lambda invocations over HTTP, you can use any HTTP client or testing framework to automate complex test suites. For example, you could use a tool like Postman or Apache JMeter to script a series of API requests that simulate a particular user journey or edge case.

Here‘s a simple example using the Node.js axios library to script a test:

const axios = require(‘axios‘);

async function simulateUserCreation() {
  try {
    const response = await‘http://localhost:3000/users‘, {
      username: ‘john‘,
      email: ‘[email protected]‘, 
    console.log(`User created with ID: ${}`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Error creating user: ${error.message}`);


By combining the Serverless Offline Plugin with scripted tests, you can create a powerful and comprehensive local testing environment for your serverless application.

Comparing Serverless Offline to Other Local Simulation Tools

The Serverless Offline Plugin isn‘t the only tool for local Lambda simulation. AWS offers its own solution in the form of AWS SAM Local, and there are other popular community tools like LocalStack.

So how does Serverless Offline stack up? Here‘s a detailed comparison table:

Feature Serverless Offline AWS SAM Local LocalStack
API Gateway Simulation
Lambda Runtimes Node.js, Python, Java, Go, C#, Ruby, PHP Node.js, Python, Go, Java Python, Node.js, Java, Ruby, Go, C#, PHP
Custom Authorizers
Lambda Resource Limits
Other AWS Services DynamoDB, S3, Kinesis, and more
Ease of Setup Very Easy Easy Moderate
Integration with Serverless Framework Native Via Plugin Via Plugin

As you can see, each tool has its strengths. Serverless Offline and SAM Local both offer robust API Gateway and Lambda simulation, with Serverless Offline supporting more runtimes and enforcing Lambda resource limits.

LocalStack, on the other hand, supports simulating a wide variety of AWS services beyond just Lambda and API Gateway. If your application uses services like DynamoDB or S3, LocalStack can provide a more comprehensive local environment.

However, LocalStack can be more complex to set up and doesn‘t integrate as seamlessly with the Serverless Framework.

Ultimately, the right tool for you depends on your specific needs. But for most serverless applications built with the Serverless Framework, Serverless Offline offers the easiest setup and most feature-rich experience.

As Gojko Adzic, author of "Running Serverless", puts it:

"The Serverless Offline plugin is my go-to for local Serverless development. It‘s feature-rich, stable, and integrates perfectly with the Serverless Framework. It‘s an essential part of my toolbox."


In this post, we‘ve taken a deep dive into local Lambda simulation and how it can dramatically speed up your serverless development cycle. We‘ve focused particularly on the Serverless Offline Plugin, exploring how it works under the hood and how to use it effectively.

The key takeaways are:

  1. Local Lambda simulation eliminates the deployment bottleneck in the serverless development cycle, allowing for much faster iteration.

  2. The Serverless Offline Plugin provides a feature-rich, easy-to-use local simulation environment for Serverless Framework applications.

  3. Advanced usage patterns like scripted testing can further enhance the power of local simulation.

If you‘re developing serverless applications with the Serverless Framework, I highly recommend adding the Serverless Offline Plugin to your workflow. The time it saves you will be well worth the minimal setup effort.

To close with a quote from serverless expert Yan Cui:

"I‘ve seen the Serverless Offline Plugin transform the development practices of countless serverless teams. It‘s not just about faster development; it‘s about enabling a more agile, test-driven approach to building serverless applications. It‘s a must-have in any serverless toolkit."

So go forth and simulate! Your serverless development experience will never be the same.

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