Deploy Your NUXT App to Amazon S3 in 5 Minutes: A Comprehensive Guide

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I‘ve deployed my fair share of web applications over the years. From simple static sites to complex server-side rendered apps, I‘ve used a variety of hosting platforms and deployment strategies.

One of my favorite approaches for deploying Vue.js applications is to combine the NUXT framework with Amazon S3 static hosting. This powerful combo allows you to get the benefits of server-side rendering and the JAMstack architecture, while keeping your hosting costs low and your deployments fast.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through the process of deploying a NUXT app to S3 in just 5 minutes. We‘ll cover everything from setting up your development environment to configuring your production deployment, with plenty of tips and best practices along the way.

What is NUXT and Why Use It?

Before we dive into the deployment details, let‘s take a step back and discuss what NUXT is and why you might want to use it for your Vue.js projects.

NUXT is a higher-level framework that builds on top of Vue, adding powerful features like server-side rendering, static site generation, and a modular architecture. According to the 2020 State of JS survey, NUXT is one of the most popular Vue frameworks, with 64% of respondents saying they have used it and would use it again.

Here are some key benefits of using NUXT:

  • Server-side rendering – NUXT allows you to render your Vue components on the server, sending fully-formed HTML to the client. This can improve your app‘s performance, SEO, and accessibility.

  • Static site generation – NUXT can also generate a completely static version of your site, with all routes pre-rendered as HTML files. This is great for content-heavy sites that don‘t need real-time data or interactivity on every page.

  • Extensible architecture – NUXT provides a modular architecture with a powerful hook system and pluggable modules. This makes it easy to extend and customize your app without cluttering your codebase.

  • Developer experience – NUXT has an excellent developer experience with features like hot module replacement, auto-imports, and a built-in ESLint configuration. It also has great documentation and a supportive community.

Of course, NUXT isn‘t the right choice for every project. It adds some complexity and build overhead compared to a pure client-side Vue app. And if you need maximum flexibility and control over your server-side logic, you may prefer a custom Node.js setup.

But for many apps, NUXT hits the sweet spot between performance, productivity, and maintainability. And when combined with S3 hosting, it‘s a great option for deploying Vue apps quickly and cheaply.

Why Host Your NUXT App on Amazon S3?

So why host your NUXT app on Amazon S3? There are a few key benefits:

  • Low cost – S3 is very cheap for hosting static assets like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You pay only for what you use, with no minimum fees or long-term commitments.

  • High scalability – S3 can seamlessly handle spikes in traffic without any extra configuration or provisioning. Your site will stay fast and responsive even during peak loads.

  • Easy deployment – Deploying to S3 is as simple as syncing your files to a bucket. You can easily automate this process with scripts or CI/CD pipelines.

  • Global distribution – S3 integrates with Amazon CloudFront, a global content delivery network that can cache your files closer to your users for faster loading times.

Of course, S3 also has some limitations. It‘s a static file host, so you can‘t run server-side code or use a database directly. But for many NUXT apps, especially content-driven sites, S3 is a great fit.

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

Alright, let‘s get started with the actual deployment process! The first step is to set up your local development environment.

If you don‘t already have Node.js and npm installed, head over to the official Node.js website and download the version appropriate for your operating system. I recommend using the latest LTS (long-term support) version for stability.

Once you have Node.js installed, create a new directory for your project and initialize a new npm package:

mkdir my-nuxt-app
cd my-nuxt-app
npm init -y

Next, install the Vue CLI and the NUXT starter template:

npm install -g @vue/cli @vue/cli-init
vue init nuxt-community/starter-template .

This will ask you a series of questions about your new project. For this example, you can use the default options by pressing enter for each prompt.

To make sure everything is working, run the development server:

npm run dev

You should see the default NUXT page when you open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

NUXT welcome page

Step 2: Create Your S3 Bucket

Now that you have a working NUXT app, let‘s set up your S3 bucket. Log into the AWS Management Console and navigate to the S3 dashboard.

Click the "Create bucket" button and give your bucket a unique name. I recommend using your domain name (or a close variation) to make it easy to remember. Choose the region closest to your primary audience.

Create S3 bucket

Under "Block Public Access settings", uncheck the "Block all public access" option. We need to make our bucket public so that anyone can access our site.

Leave the other default options and click "Create bucket" to finish the process.

Step 3: Enable Static Website Hosting

By default, S3 buckets are configured to store private files. To use your bucket for web hosting, you need to enable the "Static website hosting" option.

Open your new bucket and navigate to the "Properties" tab. Scroll down to the "Static website hosting" card and click "Edit".

Static website hosting options

Choose the "Enable" option and set the following values:

  • Index document: index.html
  • Error document: index.html (we‘ll let NUXT handle 404 errors)

Click "Save changes" to apply the new settings.

Step 4: Configure Your Bucket Policy

To allow public access to your bucket, you need to add a bucket policy that grants read permissions to everyone.

Go to the "Permissions" tab and click "Edit" under "Bucket policy". Paste in the following policy, replacing your-bucket-name with your actual bucket name:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*"

This policy grants the s3:GetObject permission to all principals, effectively making your bucket public.

Step 5: Generate Your NUXT App

With your S3 bucket configured, you‘re ready to generate your production NUXT build.

In your project directory, run:

npm run generate

This command creates a dist directory with your generated static files.

Output from nuxt generate

As you can see from the output, NUXT has generated static HTML files for each of your pages, along with the compiled CSS and JavaScript assets.

Step 6: Deploy to S3

Finally, you can deploy your generated NUXT app to S3 with a single command:

aws s3 sync dist/ s3://your-bucket-name

This syncs the contents of your dist directory with your S3 bucket, uploading any new or changed files.

To verify your deployment, navigate to the S3 console and click on your bucket name. You should see your generated files in the bucket.

Deployed files in S3 bucket

To view your live site, go to the "Static website hosting" card in the bucket properties and click on the "Bucket website endpoint" link.

NUXT site hosted on S3

Congratulations, your NUXT app is now live on Amazon S3!

Bonus: Set Up a Custom Domain

While you can access your site using the S3 website endpoint, it‘s usually better to use a custom domain.

To do this, you‘ll need to register a domain through Route 53 or your preferred registrar and create a hosted zone in Route 53.

Once you have your hosted zone set up, create a new record set with the following options:

  • Name: Your subdomain (e.g. www or blog)
  • Type: A
  • Alias: Yes
  • Alias Target: Your S3 bucket‘s static website hosting endpoint

Route 53 record for custom domain

With this configuration, your custom domain will route traffic to your S3 bucket, and you can access your NUXT app at your own URL.

Advanced Deployment Considerations

At this point, you have a basic NUXT app deployed to S3. However, there are a few more things you should consider for a production-ready deployment:


To enable HTTPS for your custom domain, you can provision an SSL/TLS certificate through AWS Certificate Manager and set up a CloudFront distribution to serve your S3 bucket over HTTPS.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

To streamline your deployment process, you can set up a CI/CD pipeline using services like AWS CodeBuild, CodePipeline, and CodeDeploy. This allows you to automatically build and deploy your app whenever you push changes to your source code repository.

Monitoring and Logging

To keep tabs on your application‘s performance and usage, you can enable access logging for your S3 bucket and use services like AWS CloudWatch to monitor metrics and set up alerts.

Security Best Practices

To protect your application and users, be sure to follow security best practices like using strong authentication and authorization controls, encrypting sensitive data at rest and in transit, and applying security updates and patches regularly.


In this guide, we‘ve walked through the process of deploying a NUXT application to Amazon S3 from start to finish. By leveraging the power of server-side rendering and static site generation, you can create fast, SEO-friendly applications that are cheap and easy to host.

Of course, this is just one possible deployment strategy, and the right approach for your application will depend on your specific requirements and constraints. But for many Vue.js projects, the NUXT + S3 combo is a great place to start.

I hope this guide has been helpful for your own deployment workflows. If you have any other tips or experiences to share, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy deploying!

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