How to Get More Views on Your Tech Blog: A Comprehensive Guide

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, starting a tech blog can be an incredibly rewarding way to share your knowledge, build your personal brand, and advance your career. But with millions of blogs out there, it can be challenging to cut through the noise and attract a loyal readership.

However, by focusing on creating high-quality, valuable content and employing smart promotion strategies, you can significantly grow your blog‘s reach and impact. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive into proven tactics for getting more views on your tech blog, backed by real-world examples and data.

Create Truly Outstanding Content

The foundation of a successful blog is excellent content. To get more views, your posts need to provide real value to readers by going in-depth on topics and offering expert insights they can‘t find elsewhere.

When developing post ideas, look for subjects that fit the following criteria:

  • You have a strong understanding of the topic and can provide unique insights
  • You can write a comprehensive post of at least 1500-2000 words on it
  • It‘s a subject that your target audience cares about and is actively searching for information on
  • You can back up your points with data, examples, and personal experiences

For example, let‘s say you‘re writing a post on "Top JavaScript Frameworks for 2023". Instead of just listing out the frameworks, dive into the pros and cons of each one, share your experience working with them, and include usage statistics and performance benchmarks. You could even conduct your own survey of developers to get original data points.

The more you can differentiate your content with your unique perspective and insights, the more valuable it will be to readers.

As full-stack developer Flavio Copes advises, "Don‘t just write content for the sake of writing content. Every post should have a purpose and provide value to your readers. Aim to create content that is so good people would be willing to pay for it."

In addition to long-form blog posts, consider creating other types of in-depth content like:

  • Detailed tutorials with code examples and screenshots
  • Case studies on projects you‘ve worked on
  • Opinionated pieces taking a stand on controversial topics
  • Interviews with other developers and industry experts

According to a study by Backlinko, the average word count of a first-page Google result is 1,447 words. So aim to write comprehensive posts that cover a topic in-depth rather than short, surface-level articles.

Also spend time developing your unique writing voice that‘s engaging and authentic. Your perspective as a developer is what will make your content stand out, so don‘t be afraid to let your personality shine through.

Finally, make sure to edit your posts ruthlessly. Use tools like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor to catch grammar and readability issues. Get feedback from other developers and use their insights to improve your drafts. A polished, comprehensive post is far more likely to succeed than one that‘s thrown together.

Optimize for Search Engines

For readers to find your awesome content, you need to make sure it‘s optimized for search engines. Proper SEO helps your posts rank higher in search results for relevant queries, driving more organic traffic to your blog.

Start by conducting keyword research to find the terms your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords related to your topic.

Then, naturally incorporate those keywords into your post‘s:

  • Title
  • Headers and subheaders
  • Introductory paragraph
  • Body content (aim for a keyword density of 1-2%)
  • Meta title and description
  • Image alt text
  • URL

For example, if your target keyword is "JavaScript performance tips", you might use a post title like: "10 Advanced JavaScript Performance Tips to Make Your Code Faster".

In addition to keywords, make sure your blog itself is optimized for search engines by:

  • Using a mobile-friendly, responsive design
  • Optimizing your page speed and core web vitals
  • Creating an SEO-friendly site structure with clear navigation
  • Submitting an XML sitemap to search engines
  • Using structured data markup
  • Earning high-quality backlinks from other reputable sites

Backlinks in particular are one of the most important ranking factors. According to a study by Ahrefs, the number of domains linking to a page correlated with higher rankings more than any other factor.

To earn more backlinks, focus on creating link-worthy content and building relationships with other bloggers and influencers in your niche. You can also proactively reach out to site owners and ask for links, submit guest posts to other blogs, and create valuable resources like infographics and free tools that naturally attract links.

Promote Your Content Strategically

Even with great content and solid SEO, you can‘t just expect readers to find you. You need to actively promote your blog to put it in front of your target audience.

One of the most effective promotion channels is social media. Share your posts on platforms where your target audience hangs out, like Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Hacker News. Optimize your profile to showcase your blog and engage with other users to build your following.

For example, developer and blogger Ben Halpern grew his Twitter account to over 100,000 followers by consistently sharing his blog posts and engaging with other developers. He also used Twitter threads to repurpose his blog content and drive traffic back to his site.

In addition to social media, other promotion strategies to try include:

  • Answering relevant questions on Q&A sites like Quora and Stack Overflow, and linking back to your blog posts
  • Participating in online forums and communities related to your niche, like Hashnode and for developers
  • Commenting on other relevant blogs and building relationships with bloggers in your space
  • Republishing your posts on platforms like Medium and freeCodeCamp to reach new audiences
  • Getting featured on newsletters and roundup posts in your industry
  • Building an email list and sending regular newsletters to your subscribers
  • Creating video and audio versions of your posts to appeal to different learning preferences

To give you an idea of what‘s possible with strategic promotion, web developer and blogger Emma Bostian grew her blog to over 100,000 monthly page views in less than a year by focusing on SEO, writing for publications like freeCodeCamp and LogRocket, and being an active participant in the dev community on platforms like Twitter.

The key is to choose 2-3 promotion channels that align with your strengths and audience, and focus on being consistent with them. As you start to see results, you can layer on additional tactics to amplify your reach.

Analyze and Optimize Your Performance

To keep improving your blog‘s traffic and engagement, you need to understand what content resonates with your audience and double down on what‘s working.

Start by installing Google Analytics on your blog to track key metrics like:

  • Page views and unique visitors
  • Average time on page and bounce rate
  • Traffic sources (organic search, social, referral, direct, etc.)
  • Top performing posts and pages
  • Audience demographics, interests, and behaviors

According to a survey by Databox, the most important metrics bloggers track are:

  • Traffic: 86.8%
  • Leads: 36.4%
  • Social shares: 35.7%
  • Backlinks: 19.4%
  • Comments: 16.3%

Use these metrics to gain insights into where to focus your efforts. For example, if you notice certain topics or formats drive significantly more traffic and engagement, prioritize creating more of that type of content.

You can also use tools like Hotjar and Crazy Egg to see how users are interacting with your blog, such as where they‘re clicking and scrolling. This can help you optimize your design and calls-to-action to improve engagement and conversions.

Running A/B tests is another way to optimize your blog‘s performance. Test different headlines, images, opt-in forms, and other elements to see what resonates best with your audience. Even small tweaks can make a big difference in your traffic and growth.

For example, marketer and blogger Derek Halpern found that by changing his opt-in box from the sidebar to the top of his blog posts, his conversion rate increased by 51.7%.

By continuously analyzing your data and making informed optimizations, you can improve your blog‘s performance and attract more readers over time.

Build Your Authority and Credibility

As a developer, your blog isn‘t just a hobby – it‘s an extension of your professional brand and reputation. The more you can position yourself as an expert and thought leader in your niche, the more your content will be trusted and shared.

One way to build your credibility is by showcasing your technical expertise in your posts. Share real code examples and demos of projects you‘ve worked on. Break down complex topics and explain them in a way that‘s easy to understand.

You can also collaborate with other respected developers and bloggers in your space to tap into their audiences and borrow their authority. Reach out to influencers for quotes to include in your posts, or work together on a joint piece of content.

In addition to your own blog, build your authority by writing for other popular publications and sites in your niche. Many top tech blogs like Smashing Magazine, CSS-Tricks, and Envato Tuts+ accept guest posts from developers, giving you the chance to get your name and ideas in front of a larger audience.

Finally, don‘t be afraid to showcase your personality and share your unique perspective as a developer. Your experiences, opinions, and stories are what will differentiate you and make your content memorable.

As full-stack developer and popular blogger Dan Abramov puts it, "I try to write the kind of articles I wish I had access to when I started learning. I‘m not trying to impress or sound smart. I just want to share what I‘ve learned in a way that‘s easy to understand and remember."

By consistently creating valuable content, collaborating with others, and being authentic in your writing, you can build a strong reputation as a trusted voice in your field.

The Long Game of Blogging

Growing a successful tech blog takes time and consistent effort. Even if you employ all the strategies we‘ve covered, it likely won‘t happen overnight.

But by focusing on creating truly helpful content, promoting it strategically, and building your authority over time, you can develop an engaged audience of loyal readers who trust your expertise and insights.

To give you an idea of what‘s possible, here are some inspiring examples of developers who have built large, impactful blogs:

  • freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson grew the site‘s blog to over 3 million monthly readers by publishing high-quality, long-form tutorials and guides on a wide range of programming topics.

  • Web developer Chris Coyier started CSS-Tricks as a side project in 2007 and grew it into one of the most popular front-end development blogs, with over 5 million monthly page views.

  • Software engineer and consultant Khalil Stemmler used his blog to attract clients and grow his business to over $300,000 in annual revenue.

These successes didn‘t happen by accident – they were the result of years of hard work, experimentation, and consistently delivering value to their audiences.

As you grow your own blog, remember that it‘s a long-term investment in your skills, knowledge, and career. By showing up and putting in the work day after day, you‘ll gradually build an audience, establish your expertise, and open up new opportunities.

And don‘t be afraid to monetize your blog as it grows. There are many ways to generate revenue from your content, such as:

  • Affiliate marketing and sponsorships
  • Creating and selling digital products like ebooks and courses
  • Offering freelance services and consulting
  • Accepting donations through platforms like Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee

By diversifying your income streams, you can turn your blog into a sustainable side project or even a full-time business.


As a developer, starting and growing a successful tech blog can be a game-changer for your career. By sharing your knowledge and experiences, you can build your reputation, connect with other professionals, and even attract job opportunities and clients.

But to stand out in a crowded blogosphere, you need to be strategic and intentional about how you create and promote your content. By following the tactics and examples laid out in this guide, you‘ll be well on your way to driving more traffic and engagement to your blog.

Remember, success in blogging comes from consistently providing value to your audience and building authentic relationships. Keep putting in the work, stay true to your voice and expertise, and don‘t be afraid to experiment and iterate along the way.

With persistence and a focus on serving your readers, you can turn your tech blog into an invaluable asset for your career and a go-to resource for the developer community.

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I have to get back to work on my own blog. Happy coding!

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