How to Supercharge Google Sheets with ChatGPT Using Google Apps Script

Cover image showing ChatGPT, Google Sheets and Apps Script logos

Are you looking to take your Google Sheets to the next level by integrating the power of AI? In this in-depth tutorial, we‘ll walk through how to connect the ChatGPT language model with Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

By the end, you‘ll be able to use simple sheet formulas to generate text summaries, data insights, reports and more – all powered by ChatGPT. Let‘s get started!

What is ChatGPT?

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language model that can engage in conversational interactions and assist with a wide variety of natural language tasks. Based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, it is trained on a massive corpus of online text data.

ChatGPT exposes an API that allows developers to integrate its capabilities into their own applications. By providing a text prompt, you can have ChatGPT generate relevant text completions, summaries, answers to questions, and more.

What is Google Apps Script?

Google Apps Script is a serverless scripting platform that enables you to extend and automate functionality across Google Workspace products like Sheets, Docs, Forms, and Gmail. It supports JavaScript and provides a rich set of APIs for interacting with Google apps and external services.

With Apps Script, you can write custom functions, menu items, dialogs and sidebars for Google Sheets. This makes it an ideal tool for integrating powerful capabilities like those of ChatGPT directly into your spreadsheets.

Why Integrate ChatGPT with Google Sheets?

There are many compelling reasons and use cases for connecting ChatGPT with Google Sheets, such as:

  • Summarizing large datasets or blocks of text in a sheet with a simple formula
  • Generating insights and reports based on sheet data
  • Simplifying or explaining complex concepts pulled from sheet cells
  • Categorizing, tagging or sentiment analysis of qualitative data in sheets
  • Generating text content directly in sheets, like product descriptions or social media posts
  • Streamlining data entry by predictive text powered by ChatGPT
  • Answering data-driven questions via a conversational ChatGPT interface embedded in sheets

The possibilities are vast! By combining the data in your Google Sheets with ChatGPT‘s language understanding and generation capabilities, you can create powerful tools to supercharge your analysis, reporting and productivity.

Now that we understand the potential, let‘s dive into the technical steps to make it happen.


Before we get started, make sure you have the following:

  1. A Google account to access Google Sheets and Apps Script
  2. An OpenAI account and API key to access ChatGPT (sign up at

It will also be helpful to have some familiarity with JavaScript and Apps Script development, but I‘ll be explaining each step in detail.

Set Up a New Apps Script Project

First, create or open the Google Sheet you want to integrate with ChatGPT.

In the sheet, go to Extensions > Apps Script to open a new Apps Script project. You can rename the project to something like "ChatGPT_Integration" for clarity.

Rename Apps Script project

Now we‘re ready to start writing some code! We‘ll begin by creating a new script file to handle interactions with the ChatGPT API.

Create ChatGPT API Handler

In your Apps Script project, create a new script file and name it something like "chatgpt.js". Here we‘ll write the functions to send requests to ChatGPT‘s API.

First define some constants at the top of the file:

const OPENAI_API_KEY = ‘your_api_key_here‘;
const OPENAI_API_URL = ‘‘;
const OPENAI_MODEL = ‘gpt-3.5-turbo‘;

Make sure to replace your_api_key_here with your actual OpenAI API key.

Next let‘s define an asynchronous function to send a prompt to ChatGPT and return the generated completion:

async function generateCompletionFromChatGPT(prompt, temperature = 0.7) {
  const messages = [
      role: ‘system‘,
      content: ‘You are a helpful assistant integrated with Google Sheets.‘
      role: ‘user‘,
      content: prompt

  const requestBody = {
    model: OPENAI_MODEL,
    messages: messages,
    temperature: temperature

  const requestOptions = {
    method: ‘POST‘,
    headers: {
      ‘Content-Type‘: ‘application/json‘,
      ‘Authorization‘: ‘Bearer ‘ + OPENAI_API_KEY
    payload: JSON.stringify(requestBody)

  try {
    const response = await UrlFetchApp.fetch(OPENAI_API_URL, requestOptions);
    const responseJson = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
    const generatedText = responseJson.choices[0].message.content.trim();
    return generatedText;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(‘Error generating ChatGPT completion:‘, error);
    throw new Error(‘Failed to generate ChatGPT completion. Check the logs for more details.‘);

This function does the following:

  1. Constructs the messages array to provide context to ChatGPT. The first message sets the system role, instructing ChatGPT that it is an assistant integrated with Google Sheets. The second message is the actual user prompt to generate a completion for.

  2. Sets up the request body and header options for the POST request to ChatGPT‘s /completions endpoint. The temperature parameter controls the randomness of the generated text (higher values = more random, lower = more focused/deterministic).

  3. Sends the request using UrlFetchApp.fetch() and parses the response to extract the generated text from the first returned choice.

  4. Includes error handling to catch any failures in the ChatGPT request and return a user-friendly message. Detailed errors are logged to the console for debugging.

Great, we now have a reusable function to generate completions from ChatGPT! Next, let‘s expose this capability to Google Sheets users.

Create Custom Sheet Formula

One handy way to use ChatGPT in Google Sheets is via a custom formula that can be called from any cell. Let‘s create one called GPT_GENERATE_TEXT that takes a prompt and returns the generated completion.

In your Apps Script project, create a new file called "" and add the following code:

function GPT_GENERATE_TEXT(prompt, temperature = 0.7) {
  const generatedText = generateCompletionFromChatGPT(prompt, temperature);
  return generatedText;

This formula simply wraps our generateCompletionFromChatGPT function and returns the generated text.

Now let‘s test it out in our Google Sheet. In any cell, enter the formula =GPT_GENERATE_TEXT("Explain quantum computing in simple terms", 0.7) and wait a few seconds for the formula to calculate:

GPT custom formula result

If all went well, you should see ChatGPT‘s explanation of quantum computing appear in the cell! Try changing the prompt to experiment with different kinds of generations.

Add Custom Menu Item

In addition to formulas, we can make ChatGPT accessible via a custom menu item in Google Sheets. This provides a friendly interface for users to generate text without having to type out a formula.

Back in the "" file, add this function:

function onOpen(e) {
    .addItem(‘Generate Text‘, ‘showGenerateTextDialog‘)

This special onOpen function runs automatically whenever the Google Sheet is opened. It creates a new top-level "ChatGPT" menu and adds a "Generate Text" item that triggers the showGenerateTextDialog function when clicked (which we‘ll create next).

Now add the following functions to handle displaying the prompt dialog and inserting the generated result into the active cell:

function showGenerateTextDialog() {
  const dialogTemplate = HtmlService.createTemplate(`
      <p>Enter a prompt for ChatGPT:</p>
      <textarea id="prompt" rows="5" cols="50"></textarea>
      <button id="generate-text">Generate Text</button>
      <button id="cancel">Cancel</button>

      document.getElementById(‘generate-text‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, () => {
        const prompt = document.getElementById(‘prompt‘).value; =>

      document.getElementById(‘cancel‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, () => {;

  const dialog = dialogTemplate.evaluate().setWidth(400).setHeight(250);
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(dialog, ‘Generate Text‘);

function insertGeneratedTextIntoSheet(prompt) {
  const generatedText = generateCompletionFromChatGPT(prompt);
  const activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  const activeCell = activeSheet.getActiveCell();

The showGenerateTextDialog function creates a simple HTML dialog with a textarea for the user to enter a prompt and click a "Generate Text" button. When clicked, the prompt is passed via to the server-side insertGeneratedTextIntoSheet function. This in turn calls our generateCompletionFromChatGPT handler, then sets the generated result as the value of the currently active cell in the sheet.

Reload your Google Sheet and look for the new "ChatGPT" menu. Click "Generate Text", enter a prompt, and watch the result appear in your selected cell!

GPT generate text dialog

Prompt Engineering Tips

To get the most out of integrating ChatGPT with Google Sheets, it‘s important to craft effective prompts that steer the model toward desired outputs. Here are some prompt engineering tips:

  • Be clear and specific about the task or action you want ChatGPT to perform
  • Provide sufficient context about the data ChatGPT will be acting on
  • Use delimiters like triple backticks (“`) to separate text that should be interpreted as code/data vs. instructions
  • Specify the desired format for the output, like bullet points, JSON, a table, etc.
  • Include constraints like maximum number of words, sentences or list items to keep outputs focused
  • Experiment with adjusting the temperature parameter to control output randomness

For example, to summarize a column of text in a sheet, you might use a prompt like:

Summarize the following passages, pulling out the key points as a bulleted list with a maximum of 5 items per passage. Passages are delimited with triple backticks:

Passage 1 text here

Passage 2 text here

By thoughtfully designing prompts for your specific use case, you can achieve some very impressive AI-powered results in Google Sheets!

Advanced Use Cases

With the foundations of integrating ChatGPT into Google Sheets via Apps Script in place, you can build all sorts of powerful custom functionality. Here are a few ideas:

  • A sheet formula that takes a complex technical topic as input and explains it at a specified reading level (e.g. GPT_EXPLAIN("quantum entanglement", "5th grade reading level"))

  • A custom menu item that generates a formatted report based on data in the sheet, complete with an executive summary, data highlights, and embedded charts.

  • Sidebar that lets you enter a question about your sheet data and uses ChatGPT to query the relevant data and generate a response (e.g. "Which products had the highest sales last quarter and what were their total revenues?")

  • A sheet add-on that streamlines data entry by providing ChatGPT-powered autocomplete suggestions as you type in cells.

The key is to identify manual or repetitive data analysis and content generation tasks that ChatGPT can augment or automate for you.

Limitations and Considerations

While integrating ChatGPT into Google Sheets is extremely powerful, there are some important limitations and factors to keep in mind:

  • ChatGPT is a large language model, not a source of truth. It can sometimes generate outputs that sound convincing but are inaccurate or inconsistent. Always carefully review and fact-check generated content, especially before using it in critical applications.

  • ChatGPT has no awareness of the contents of your Google Sheet beyond what you explicitly include in the prompt. It cannot directly query or aggregate your sheet data on its own.

  • There is currently a limit on the number of tokens (words/punctuation) that can be sent to ChatGPT in a single request. For very large datasets or texts, you may need to break them into multiple smaller requests.

  • Using the ChatGPT API is not free. OpenAI charges based on the number of tokens sent in requests and generated in responses. Be sure to monitor your usage and costs, especially if integrating into sheets that may be used by many people.

  • Very high usage of ChatGPT via Apps Script may run into usage quota limits. Consider optimizing usage with techniques like caching generated content to avoid hitting limits.

As with any AI integration, start with small, low-stakes experiments and gradually expand use cases while monitoring quality, costs and performance.


In this guide, we walked through the steps to integrate the powerful ChatGPT language model into Google Sheets using Google Apps Script. We covered:

  1. Setting up a new Apps Script project and obtaining ChatGPT API credentials
  2. Creating a ChatGPT API request handler to generate completions from a prompt
  3. Exposing ChatGPT capabilities in sheets via a custom formula and menu item
  4. Prompt engineering techniques for effective AI-augmented data analysis and content generation
  5. Advanced use cases and ideas to further leverage ChatGPT in sheets
  6. Key limitations and considerations to keep in mind

I hope this tutorial has inspired you with the vast possibilities of supercharging Google Sheets with ChatGPT‘s AI language capabilities! The combination of a familiar spreadsheet interface and user-defined prompts make AI accessible to empower all kinds of data work.

So go forth and experiment with your own Google Sheets and see what helpful new ChatGPT-infused automations and tools you can create! And if you build something impactful, be sure to share it with the world.

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