How to Use the Command Line Interface – A Guide for Beginners

The command line interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that every aspiring technologist should master. While graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are more beginner-friendly, the command line offers more control, flexibility, and automation for a wide range of computing tasks.

According to the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, over 55% of professional developers use the command line as part of their daily workflow. For full-stack developers and DevOps engineers in particular, CLI proficiency is essential for managing servers, version control, container orchestration, and other mission-critical tasks.

In this guide, we‘ll introduce the basics of using the command line, explain its importance for beginners in the tech field, and share practical tips from seasoned developers. By the end, you‘ll have a solid foundation for using the command line to boost your productivity and level up your technical skills.

What is the Command Line Interface?

The command line interface is a way of interacting with your computer‘s operating system by typing text commands into a terminal program. Rather than clicking on visual elements like icons and menus, you tell the computer what to do by entering statements at a prompt, and the computer executes those commands and displays the output.

Here‘s a simple example of what running commands in the Terminal on macOS looks like:

$ pwd
$ ls 
$ cd myfolder 
$ pwd

In this snippet, we use the pwd command to print the current working directory, ls to list the files in that directory, and cd to change into a different directory.

The specific syntax and available commands will vary between operating systems and command line programs, but the general concept is the same. You type a command, press Enter, and the computer executes it.

Why Learn the Command Line?

For beginners, using the command line can seem intimidating and unnecessary compared to friendly graphical interfaces. However, learning the command line offers several compelling benefits:

  1. Control and flexibility: The command line gives you direct access to the internals of your operating system and lets you perform tasks that may be difficult or impossible to do through a graphical interface.

  2. Automation: Once you know the commands for a particular task, you can automate them by writing shell scripts. This can save you hours of time on repetitive tasks.

  3. Remote access: The command line is essential for working with remote servers and cloud computing services. If you‘re pursuing a career in web development, data science, or IT, you‘ll need to be comfortable SSHing into remote machines and running commands.

  4. Developer productivity: Many developer tools like Git version control, package managers, and build systems rely heavily on the command line. Mastering the CLI will make you a more efficient and productive coder.

  5. Troubleshooting: When things go wrong, the command line is often the best place to diagnose issues and find solutions, since it provides more detailed error messages and logging than graphical interfaces.

  6. Impressing your colleagues: Like it or not, being proficient with the command line is seen as a mark of technical sophistication. It shows that you‘re willing to invest the time and effort to understand your tools at a deeper level.

Command Line Basics

Let‘s walk through some essential commands and concepts that every command line user should know.

Navigating the File System

One of the most fundamental things you‘ll do on the command line is navigate through your computer‘s directories (folders) and files. Here are the key commands for doing that:

  • pwd (print working directory) – Shows the current directory you‘re in.
  • ls (list) – Shows the files and subdirectories in the current directory.
  • cd (change directory) – Switches to a different directory.

Here‘s an example of using these commands to navigate through a file system:

$ pwd
$ ls
Desktop    Downloads   Pictures
Documents  Library     Public 
$ cd Documents
$ pwd 
$ ls

To navigate up one level to the parent directory, use cd ... You can also specify an absolute path (starting from the root directory) or a relative path (starting from the current directory) to cd. For example:

$ pwd
$ cd /Users/jsmith/Downloads
$ pwd
$ cd ../Pictures
$ pwd

File Management Commands

In addition to navigating directories, you‘ll also need to create, copy, move, and delete files from the command line. Here are the key commands for file management:

  • mkdir (make directory) – Creates a new directory.
  • touch – Creates a new empty file.
  • cp (copy) – Copies a file or directory to another location.
  • mv (move) – Moves a file or directory to another location. Also used to rename files.
  • rm (remove) – Deletes a file.
  • rmdir (remove directory) – Deletes an empty directory.

Here are some examples of using these commands:

$ pwd 
$ mkdir NewFolder
$ ls
NewFolder   report.txt   spreadsheet.xlsx
$ touch NewFolder/newfile.txt
$ cp report.txt NewFolder/
$ mv spreadsheet.xlsx NewFolder/sheet.xlsx
$ rm NewFolder/newfile.txt
$ rmdir NewFolder

Be very careful with the rm command, as it permanently deletes files without sending them to the trash or recycle bin. Always double-check that you‘re deleting the right thing before pressing Enter.

Wildcards and Redirect Operators

The command line supports special characters called wildcards and redirect operators that let you work with multiple files at once and chain commands together.

The * wildcard matches any sequence of characters. For example, *.txt would match all files with a .txt extension. You can use wildcards with many commands that take filenames as arguments, like cp, mv, and rm:

$ ls
file1.txt   file2.txt   image1.jpg
$ rm *.txt
$ ls 

Redirect operators like >, >>, and | let you redirect the output of a command into a file or into the input of another command. For example:

$ ls > files.txt
$ cat files.txt
$ grep "hello" file1.txt | wc -l

In this example, we use > to redirect the output of ls into a file called files.txt instead of printing it to the screen. Then we use cat to print the contents of files.txt.

Finally, we use the pipe operator | to feed the output of grep (which searches for a pattern in a file) into the wc command, which counts the number of matching lines.

Mastering wildcards and redirects will enable you to perform complex operations on the command line and fully leverage its power.

Installing Software

As a developer or IT professional, you‘ll frequently need to install open source tools, libraries, and frameworks from the command line using a package manager.

The specific package manager you use will depend on your operating system:

Operating System Package Manager Example Command
macOS Homebrew brew install node
Ubuntu Linux apt sudo apt install nodejs
Windows Chocolatey choco install nodejs

Having a package manager allows you to install tools with a single command rather than having to download installers from websites. It also makes it easier to automate setup of development environments using scripts.

Tips for Beginners

Familiarizing yourself with the command line for the first time can feel daunting, but it will get easier with practice. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you‘re learning:

  1. Don‘t be afraid to make mistakes. In the worst case, you might delete some files or mess up your configuration, but you‘re unlikely to cause lasting damage to your system. Keep backups of important files and be ready to troubleshoot issues.

  2. Google is your friend. If you run into an error message or don‘t know how to do something, chances are someone else has encountered the same issue and written about it on Stack Overflow or a blog post. Don‘t bang your head against the wall trying to figure it out alone.

  3. Learn to use man pages. Most command line tools come with built-in documentation that you can access by typing man [command]. This will bring up the manual page with detailed information on the available options and usage examples. Press q to quit the man page viewer.

  4. Customize your command line. As you get more comfortable, look into customizing your shell prompt, creating aliases for frequently used commands, and installing useful utilities. Little tweaks to your workflow can add up to big time savings.

  5. Practice, practice, practice. The only way to get better at using the command line is to use it regularly. Make a point of doing routine tasks like file management and git operations on the command line rather than reaching for a GUI. Over time, you‘ll build up the muscle memory and fluency you need.


Mastering the command line is a critical skill for anyone pursuing a career in software development, IT, or data science. While graphical user interfaces are more approachable for beginners, investing the time and effort to learn the command line will pay dividends in productivity and flexibility throughout your tech journey.

In this guide, we‘ve covered the basics of using the command line, including navigating the file system, managing files and directories, installing software, and using wildcards and redirect operators. We also shared some tips and resources to make the learning process easier.

But we‘ve only scratched the surface of what‘s possible. As you gain confidence with the command line, you‘ll open up a world of possibilities for automating tasks, customizing your development environment, and impressing your colleagues.

For further learning, I recommend working through the command line tutorials on Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, or the Linux Survival website. You can also join online communities like the Command Line Heroes forum to connect with other learners and get support.

Remember, even the most experienced developers still have to Google commands and troubleshoot errors on the command line. Don‘t get discouraged if it feels hard at first — keep practicing and you‘ll soon wonder how you ever lived without it!

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