650 Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start

The world of programming and computer science education has been revolutionized by the rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) over the past decade. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity have made it possible for anyone with an internet connection to learn coding and other technical skills from world-class universities and industry partners. Many of these courses are completely free to audit, opening up learning opportunities to millions of students globally.

Class Central, a search engine and reviews site for online courses, recently compiled a list of 650 free online programming and computer science courses that are being offered in June. This is an incredible number of learning options to choose from, covering a wide range of topics, difficulty levels, and programming languages. Whether you are just getting started with coding or are an experienced developer looking to upskill, there is something for everyone.

Most Popular Free Coding Courses

So what are the most sought after free online programming courses? Class Central‘s data shows that courses focused on Python and web development tend to attract the highest enrollments. Here are the top 5 courses by enrollment across all platforms:

  1. Machine Learning from Stanford University (2,091,187 enrolled)
  2. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) from University of Michigan (1,199,142 enrolled)
  3. Python Data Structures from University of Michigan (665,307 enrolled)
  4. Intro to HTML and CSS from Udacity (568,464 enrolled)
  5. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python from MIT (563,740 enrolled)

It‘s clear that Python has emerged as the most popular programming language to learn online. Its versatility for everything from web development to data analysis to machine learning makes it a valuable skill in today‘s job market. And with a plethora of free resources to learn it, Python is a great entry point even for those new to coding.

Rank Course Platform Enrolled
1 Machine Learning Coursera 2,091,187
2 Programming for Everybody with Python Coursera 1,199,142
3 Python Data Structures Coursera 665,307
4 Intro to HTML and CSS Udacity 568,464
5 Intro to CS and Programming with Python edX 563,740

Web development is another in-demand domain, with a variety of free coding courses available. The University of Michigan‘s "Web Applications for Everybody" Specialization on Coursera is a popular choice (119,058 enrolled). Harvard‘s "CS50‘s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript" on edX is another highly-rated option (85,238 enrolled).

Course Platform Enrolled
Web Applications for Everybody Specialization Coursera 119,058
CS50‘s Web Programming with Python and JS edX 85,238
Intro to HTML and CSS Udacity 568,464
Programming Fundamentals Coursera 53,629
Internet History, Technology, and Security Coursera 45,640

While enrollments are one metric of popularity, which courses have the highest engagement and completion rates? Class Central reports the following free courses with the best completion rates:

  1. Learning How to Learn from UC San Diego on Coursera (36.6%)
  2. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning from McMaster University on Coursera (32.4%)
  3. A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment from Indian School of Business on Coursera (26.4%)

Notably, the courses with the highest completion rates are not coding related, but rather "soft skill" courses focused on learning strategies, personal development, and well-being. This highlights that finding the motivation to learn online is perhaps a bigger challenge than the subject matter itself.

Learner Demographics & Trends

So who is taking these free online programming courses? Class Central‘s "Anatomy of a MOOC Learner" report from 2017 provides some insights.

Key findings include:

  • The typical MOOC learner is a well-educated 20-30 year old from a developed country
  • 81% of MOOC learners already have a post-secondary degree
  • 40% are female
  • The US is the top country for MOOC participation, followed by India, China, UK, and Canada
  • Most learners use MOOCs for career development or educational benefits
  • Completion rates are very low (less than 10% on average)
  • "Serious learners" (completed most assignments and spent >2 hrs per week) had a 22% completion rate

MOOC Learner Demographics
Image Source: Class Central

While online learners skew young, educated and male, enrollment is becoming increasingly global and age diversity is growing. Older professionals are using online courses to gain new skills, transition careers, or explore interests after retirement. Some studies have found that learner diversity positively impacts engagement and completion rates in MOOCs.

Hottest Coding Skills to Learn

If you look at the curriculum of the most popular programming MOOCs, you can get a sense of what technical skills are in demand. Here is my take as a full-stack developer on some of the most valuable areas to focus your learning, based on an analysis of Class Central‘s top courses:

  1. Python fundamentals – You can‘t go wrong with gaining a foundation in Python. It will serve you well whether you want to do web development, data science, scripting, or general automation. Courses like "Programming for Everybody" and "Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python" give a comprehensive intro.

  2. Data Structures & Algorithms – For those wanting to level up their coding skills and crack technical interviews, you‘ll need to get comfortable with data structures and algorithms. Courses like "Algorithms, Part I" from Princeton and UC San Diego‘s "Data Structures and Algorithms" Specialization are great options.

  3. Web Development Basics – Having a foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is valuable for any developer. You‘ll be able to create interactive websites and web applications. The University of Michigan‘s "Web Applications for Everybody" and "Intro to HTML and CSS" from Udacity are solid intros.

  4. Databases & SQL – Most applications deal with data, so familiarity with databases is key. "Introduction to Databases" from Stanford covers relational and NoSQL databases. Knowing SQL will allow you to extract insights and architect back-ends.

  5. Cloud Computing – With companies increasingly moving to the cloud, understanding cloud platforms and architecture is becoming essential. The "Cloud Computing" MicroMasters from University of Maryland on edX is a good way to skill up, covering AWS, Azure, GCP, Hadoop and Spark.

  6. AI / Machine Learning – There is huge demand (and hype) around AI and machine learning skills. Andrew Ng‘s classic "Machine Learning" course is still relevant for the fundamentals. For those wanting to go deeper, Stanford‘s "Deep Learning Specialization is an advanced option.

By focusing your learning journey on these core areas, you‘ll develop a versatile coding toolkit applicable to many domains. I recommend beginning with introductory programming and web dev courses, then progress to algorithms, databases and advanced electives based on your interests.

Tips for MOOC Success

Learning to code online has never been more accessible, but it still requires commitment and strategy to be successful. Here are my top tips for getting the most out of free programming MOOCs:

  1. Set goals and deadlines – Be clear about what you want to achieve through the course and set a realistic timeline. This will help you stay accountable.

  2. Code along and do assignments – Don‘t just passively watch video lectures. Write code, complete exercises, and do projects to apply your knowledge. Hands-on practice is essential.

  3. Engage with the community – Many courses have forums or discussion groups to connect with classmates and instructors. Asking questions and collaborating with others enhances the learning experience.

  4. Supplement with other resources – MOOCs are a great foundation but don‘t limit yourself. Check out coding blogs, stack overflow, podcasts, open-source projects, and development tools to round out your learning.

  5. Prioritize learning over certificates – Certificates can be a nice add-on, but the real value is in gaining practical skills you can apply. Focus on the learning process over the piece of paper.

By combining a clear direction, commitment to doing the work, and leveraging supplemental resources – you can achieve impressive results with free online coding courses.

From MOOC to Developer Job

So can you actually use free online programming courses to land a developer job? While not a formal degree, self-taught coders are becoming increasingly common in the industry.

Paige Bailey is one example of a successful career changer who used MOOCs like "Learn Python The Hard Way" and "Intro to Computer Science" to transition from psychology major to software engineer. After a year of dedicated learning and building projects, she landed a job at education startup Coursera.

Austin Tackaberry enrolled in Coursera‘s "IBM Full Stack Cloud Developer" Professional Certificate and completed the 10 course program in just 5 months. With his new portfolio of projects, he was able to transition from a job in pest control to software engineering.

These success stories show that with the right courses, projects, and proactive outreach – career transitions are possible. Employers are often more concerned with your demonstrated ability to learn and deliver rather than traditional credentials.

That said, you will still need to grind out applications, do coding challenges, and build a strong portfolio to get your foot in the door. Free online courses alone likely won‘t land you a FAANG job. But they can absolutely launch you on the path to an entry-level or junior developer role, especially if combined with a coding bootcamp or other intensive training.

Future of Free Coding Courses

The explosion of free online programming courses shows no signs of slowing down. Class Central reports the number of free technical MOOCs has grown from just a handful in 2012 to over 1,500 today. And Course Report estimates that over 1 million people attended coding bootcamps in 2019, many supplementing their learning with free online courses.

Looking forward to 2022 and beyond, I anticipate some key trends in free online programming education:

  1. More courses focused on emerging tech like blockchain, quantum computing, AR/VR, robotics, and edge computing. As these domains mature, expect to see MOOCs breaking them down for mainstream audiences.

  2. Expanded industry partnerships between e-learning platforms and major tech companies. More courses will be taught or sponsored by FAANG companies to build awareness and gain mindshare with new developers.

  3. Blended learning experiences that combine asynchronous MOOCs with live interactions, group projects, and personalized coaching. Platforms like Udacity and Springboard are pioneering this mentor-led model.

  4. Alternative credentials like micro-degrees, stackable certificates, or competency-based assessments. With enrollments in traditional degrees declining, MOOCs will experiment with new ways to translate learning to employment.

  5. Improved retention and engagement within courses through tighter cohorts, accountability features, and well-timed interventions. Platforms are investing heavily in cracking the motivation code.

Whatever the format, free online programming courses will remain a vital resource for upskilling in an increasingly digital economy. As a full-stack developer, I‘m excited to see how MOOCs will evolve to empower the next generation of diverse tech talent around the globe.

The Class Central list of 650 free online programming and computer science courses for June is impressive in its breadth and depth. There truly is something for every type of coding learner. And with technological change only accelerating, we can expect the MOOC revolution in programming education to keep gaining momentum.

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