670+ Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This August

Laptop and programming books

This August, an amazing opportunity awaits for anyone looking to gain programming and computer science skills. Over 670 online courses from nearly 200 universities worldwide are fully open for enrollment – without any tuition costs or application requirements.

A report from Class Central, a discovery platform for online courses, reveals the impressive breakdown of this month‘s free offerings:

Subject Area Number of Courses
Computer Science 174
Programming 116
Data Science 73
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 70
IT & Software 66
Cybersecurity 39
Other 132

Source: Class Central August 2020 Report

Whether your goal is to pick up basic coding skills, dive deep into data structures and algorithms, or explore cutting-edge fields like artificial intelligence, you‘ll find a wealth of options to fit your interests and level of experience.

The best part? These courses come from some of the most prestigious institutions in the world. You can learn from instructors at MIT, Stanford, Princeton, and more – without the barrier of cost or competition for limited seats.

Unlocking In-Demand Developer Skills

Taking these free online courses isn‘t just a fun way to pass the time – it‘s a strategic way to gain the skills today‘s employers look for. Research from labor market analytics firm Burning Glass found programming skills like SQL, Java, JavaScript, and Python are among the most in-demand by companies (source: Burning Glass 2019 Skills Outlook).

Most in-demand skills chart

Most in-demand programming languages. Source: Burning Glass Technologies

And jobs requiring coding skills aren‘t limited to just tech companies. A recent analysis found over 50% of postings in top job categories like data analysis, engineering, art and design, and science also called for programming abilities (source: Burning Glass Programming Skills Report).

Taking advantage of free online university courses is a powerful way to gain these sought-after skills. Many provide hands-on coding practice and real-world projects that let you build a portfolio to showcase to potential employers.

For example, Rice University‘s "An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python" course has students design and build their own versions of classic arcade games. And the University of Helsinki‘s "Full Stack Open" guides learners through developing modern web applications using React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, and GraphQL.

Even if you‘re already working as a developer, these courses provide efficient paths to upskill into new areas. You can get up to speed quickly on an in-demand framework or dive into a high-growth domain like machine learning, without having to take time off work or invest in a formal degree program.

Rice University: A Standout in Free Online Computer Science Education

Rice University aerial campus view

Among the 190 institutions offering free courses this August, Rice University is a true standout. This private research university in Houston, Texas has built a reputation for excellence in STEM education. And when it comes to free online computer science offerings, it‘s hard to top Rice‘s variety and quality.

Some of Rice‘s most popular free programming and CS courses include:

  • An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python: A two-part course that teaches the fundamentals of Python and building interactive applications, with over 295,000 total enrollments to date.

  • Principles of Computing: A deep dive into key computer science concepts like logic, probability, and combinatorics, capped off with developing graphical games in Python.

  • Algorithmic Thinking: A challenging two-part course that trains learners to approach problems with the mindset of a computer scientist and implement efficient solutions.

  • Parallel Programming in Java: An advanced course covering the principles and practice of parallel programming, with an emphasis on parallel algorithms, performance, and software development practices.

  • Computer Science Concepts: Algorithms and Data Structures: A masters-level introduction to fundamental data structures, sorting and graph algorithms, and algorithm analysis and design.

One factor that sets Rice‘s free offerings apart is their focus on hands-on, project-based learning. Rather than just passively watching lecture videos, students put their knowledge into practice by writing real code and building functioning applications.

This interactive approach is based on educational research showing active learning helps students grasp concepts better than just passive listening. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found students in traditional lecture courses were 1.5 times more likely to fail than those in active learning environments (source: Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics).

Rice also focuses on teaching fundamental, generalizable concepts and ways of thinking, rather than just trendy tools or frameworks. The goal is to equip students with a solid computer science foundation they can carry beyond the courses into a long, versatile career.

Making the Most of Free Online Courses

Student learning online

Committing to learning online does require self-motivation and discipline. Without a strict schedule or campus environment, it‘s up to you to put in the time and effort. But for the rewards – valuable knowledge and skills, greater career opportunities, and personal growth – that effort is well worth it.

As an online learner and professional developer myself, here are my tips for making the most of free university computer science courses:

  1. Set clear goals: Having specific learning objectives will help you stay focused and motivated. Are you aiming to master a new language? Build an application to solve a problem? Add to your portfolio for a job search? Write down your goals and use them as a guidepost.

  2. Make a schedule: Treat your learning time like any other important appointment. Block off time on your calendar and commit to showing up. Most courses have a suggested week-by-week schedule, but feel free to adjust it to your needs.

  3. Take notes: Research shows the act of note-taking can help cement understanding better than just reading or watching alone. Take the time to write or type out the key points in your own words. You‘ll be glad to have them as a reference later.

  4. Get interactive: Just like in a classroom, active participation helps boost comprehension online too. Follow along with the code examples, post in the discussion forums, and tackle the quizzes and assignments.

  5. Find an accountability partner: Teaming up with a friend or family member can make your learning more fun and keep you on track. You might work through a course together, share progress in a group chat, or demo your projects for each other.

  6. Build a portfolio: Whenever possible, go beyond the course assignments and use your new skills to make your own programs and applications. You‘ll reinforce your knowledge through extra practice and wind up with something tangible to showcase your abilities.

  7. Explore areas of interest: With so many free courses at your fingertips, don‘t limit yourself to just the topics you already know. Branch out and explore subjects that spark your curiosity. You never know what new passion or specialty you might discover.

Enroll Today, Invest in Your Future

Free online university courses put a world-class computer science education within reach of anyone willing to put in the time and effort to learn. This month alone, you can choose from over 670 courses from Harvard, Princeton, Rice, and other renowned institutions – without paying a cent in tuition.

Whether you‘re completely new to coding or a professional looking to upskill, you‘ll find high-quality courses to fit your experience level and goals. From introductory Python programming to advanced AI algorithms, there are ample opportunities to gain in-demand tech skills.

Enrolling is simple: find a course that interests you, register with the course platform, and start learning. While most courses are self-paced, some may have a set start date, so be sure to check the details before you enroll.

Remember, online learning is what you make of it. Set clear goals, make a schedule, and get the most from the experience by taking notes and actively participating. The knowledge and skills you gain will pay off for years to come in your studies, career, and personal projects.

So seize this opportunity and invest in yourself by starting a free online programming or computer science course this month. A few hours of learning each week can open up a lifetime of possibilities. All that‘s required is your curiosity, commitment, and an internet connection.

What new skill will you master this August? The virtual classroom is open – enroll today and find out.

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