CSS Linear Gradient Explained with Examples

CSS gradients are a powerful tool that allow designers to create smooth, seamless transitions between multiple colors. In this article, we‘ll take an in-depth look at linear gradients – how they work, the syntax for creating them, and tons of examples to inspire your next project. By the end, you‘ll be a linear gradient pro!

What is a Linear Gradient?

A linear gradient is an image created by transitioning between two or more colors along a straight line. The colors flow in one direction, for example from top to bottom, left to right, or at any angle you define.

Linear gradients are commonly used to add visual interest and depth to flat designs. They‘re especially useful for livening up backgrounds, buttons, and other elements without relying on images.

The main advantages of using CSS gradients over images are:

  • Gradients are resolution-independent and scale seamlessly
  • They‘re easy to edit and tweak without modifying an image
  • CSS gradients don‘t require an HTTP request like images do
  • They can reduce the total size of a web page

So how exactly do linear gradients work? Let‘s dive into the details.

How Linear Gradients Work

To create a linear gradient, you need to specify at least two colors, known as "color stops". The browser then figures out the intermediate colors between these stops to create a smooth transition.

By default, a linear gradient flows from the top of an element to the bottom. But you can easily change the direction or angle to create left-to-right, diagonal, or any angled gradient you need.

Here‘s a simple top-to-bottom gradient transitioning from blue to green:

.gradient {
  background: linear-gradient(blue, green);  

Top to bottom blue to green linear gradient

Behind the scenes, the browser treats gradients as special types of images. But unlike a typical raster image, gradients are generated dynamically based on the colors and dimensions you specify in CSS. This makes them flexible, responsive, and easy to customize without editing images.

Now that we understand the basics of how linear gradients work, let‘s explore the specific syntax for creating them.

Linear Gradient Syntax

The linear-gradient() function in CSS accepts several parameters for defining the direction, colors, and position of the gradient:

  [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ,]?  

The first parameter specifies the direction or angle of the gradient. You can use predefined keywords like to top, to right, to bottom, or to left to quickly set the direction. For example:

/* Flowing from left to right */
linear-gradient(to right, blue, green);

Left to right linear gradient

Alternatively, you can specify the gradient direction using an <angle> value in degrees, radians, or turns. A value of 0deg creates a bottom-to-top gradient, while 90deg creates a left-to-right gradient:

/* 45 degree angled gradient */
linear-gradient(45deg, blue, green);

45 degree angled gradient

The remaining parameters define a list of <color-stop> values. A color stop is a combination of a color and an optional position defining where the color should be pure or "solid".

The following example creates a gradient from red to yellow to blue, with color stops at the beginning, middle, and end:

linear-gradient(red 0%, yellow 50%, blue 100%);

Gradient from red to yellow to blue

The position of each color stop is defined as a length or percentage. If you omit the position, the stops will be evenly spaced. And if you only specify the starting and ending colors, the browser will automatically transition between them:

/* Evenly spaced color stops from red to yellow to blue */
linear-gradient(red, yellow, blue);  

Examples of Different Linear Gradients

Now that we‘re familiar with the syntax, let‘s look at some practical examples of the types of linear gradients you can create.

Top to Bottom Gradients

As we saw earlier, top-to-bottom gradients are the default direction if you don‘t specify an angle or direction. Here‘s an example that transitions from pink to purple:

.top-bottom {
  background: linear-gradient(#ff69b4, #663399);

Top to bottom gradient

Left to Right Gradients

To create a left-to-right gradient, use the to right keyword before the color stops:

.left-right {  
  background: linear-gradient(to right, #ff0000, #ff7f00);

Gradient flowing from left to right

Diagonal Gradients

Diagonal gradients are created by specifying both a horizontal and vertical starting position, such as to top right or to bottom left. This example creates a diagonal gradient from the top left to the bottom right corner:

.diagonal {
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #00ffff, #ff00ff);

Diagonal gradient example

Hard Color Stops

For an abrupt change from one solid color to another, define color stops with the same position value. The following creates a hard stop between black and white at the 50% position:

.hard-stop {
  background: linear-gradient(to right, 
    black 0%, black 50%,
    white 50%, white 100%);

Hard color stop example

Hard color stops can be useful for creating striped backgrounds or two-toned elements.

Multiple Color Stops

There‘s no limit to the number of color stops you can define in a linear gradient. Adding many color stops allows creating complex, vibrant gradients:

.rainbow {
  background: linear-gradient(to right, 
    red 0%, orange 16.66%, 
    yellow 33.33%, green 50%,
    blue 66.66%, indigo 83.33%, 
    violet 100%);

Rainbow gradient example

By carefully selecting colors and stop positions, you can create all sorts of unique and eye-catching effects.

Tips and Best Practices

Here are some tips to keep in mind when working with linear gradients:

  1. Keep it simple. Limit your gradients to 2-3 colors in most cases. Too many colors can be visually overwhelming.

  2. Use semi-transparent colors to create a tinted overlay effect on images or textured backgrounds. For example:

    .overlay {
  3. Pair subtle linear gradients with background images to add a touch of depth and visual interest.

  4. Use a CSS gradient generator tool to create more complex gradients without memorizing the syntax. Some great tools are:

  5. Be mindful of accessibility when using gradients behind text. Make sure there is sufficient color contrast between the text and all colors of the gradient.

Linear Gradient Use Cases

So where can you apply your newfound linear gradient skills? Here are some common use cases:

  1. Hero Banners and Headers
    Subtle gradients can add a touch of depth and personality to hero sections without distracting from the main content.

  2. Buttons and CTAs
    Use linear gradients on buttons to make them appear more polished and clickable. Bonus points for using an accent color on hover!

  3. Text and Image Overlays
    Tinted or semi-transparent gradient overlays are perfect for improving text legibility on busy backgrounds.

  4. Replacing Solid Colors
    Swap out your boring, flat background colors for subtle gradients to modernize a design.

  5. Creating Dimension
    Use shading and highlights to mimic the look of real-world lighting and materials.

When you start looking, you‘ll notice linear gradients are used in all sorts of creative ways across the web!

Browser Support

The good news is that CSS linear gradients are supported in all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Even Internet Explorer 10+ supports linear gradients!

In the past, WebKit browsers like Chrome and Safari required vendor prefixes like -webkit-linear-gradient(). But these prefixes are no longer necessary.

If you need to support older browsers like IE9 that lack gradient support, you can provide a fallback solid color. Here‘s an example that provides a blue fallback for browsers that don‘t understand linear-gradient():

.gradient {
  background: blue;
  background: linear-gradient(blue, navy);

Modern browsers will override the solid color with the gradient, while older browsers will simply use the solid color.

If you want to get fancy and detect gradient support using CSS, you can use an @supports rule to provide different styles:

.gradient {
  background: blue;

@supports (background: linear-gradient(blue, navy)) {  
  .gradient {
    background: linear-gradient(blue, navy);  

This checks if the browser supports linear-gradient() before applying the gradient. Pretty neat!

Comparison to Other Gradients

Linear gradients are the most common type of CSS gradient, but there are a couple other varieties worth knowing about.

Radial Gradients

Radial gradients are similar to linear ones, but they radiate outward from an origin point. The basic syntax looks like this:

.radial {
  background: radial-gradient(circle at center, white, black);  

Radial gradient example

The first parameter defines the gradient‘s shape (either circular or elliptical) as well as its starting position. Color stops are defined the same way as linear gradients.

Conic Gradients

Conic gradients are the new kid on the block, and they‘re not yet supported in all browsers. But they‘re a really interesting addition to the gradient toolbox.

As the name implies, conic gradients sweep around a center point like colors on a wheel. The syntax is a bit different than linear and radial gradients:

.conic {
  background: conic-gradient(red, yellow, lime, aqua, blue, magenta, red);

Conic gradient example

Sure, you could create a similar effect with many color stops on a radial gradient. But conic gradients open the door for lots of interesting design possibilities.

Repeating Gradients

Did you know you can also repeat linear and radial gradients to create interesting stripe and ring effects?

Simply use the repeating-linear-gradient() and repeating-radial-gradient() functions, and define the pattern you want to repeat. Here‘s a diagonal stripe pattern:

.stripes {   
  background: repeating-linear-gradient(
    #cc2b5e 0px, #cc2b5e 40px,
    #753a88 40px, #753a88 80px

Repeating gradient stripe pattern

Experiment with different angles, colors, and sizes to create your own unique patterns!

Key Takeaways

Let‘s recap what we‘ve learned:

  • Linear gradients transition colors along a straight line
  • The linear-gradient() function accepts parameters for direction, angle, and color stops
  • We can create gradients that flow top-to-bottom, left-to-right, diagonally, with hard color stops, and everything in between!
  • Gradients are a great way to add visual interest without relying on images
  • All modern browsers support linear gradients with no need for prefixes
  • Radial and conic gradients offer even more possibilities for creative effects

I encourage you to start playing with linear gradients in your own projects. Experiment, have fun, and see what unique designs you can come up with!

If you want to learn more, check out these resources:

Happy coding!

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