How to Use the Lottie Library like a Pro – Lottie Resources for Designers and Developers

As a full-stack developer, I‘m always on the lookout for tools and libraries that can enhance the user experience of the web and mobile apps I build. One such tool that has made a big impact in recent years is Lottie, an open-source library that renders Adobe After Effects animations natively on multiple platforms.

Lottie offers several key benefits over traditional methods of adding animations to digital products:

  • Lottie files are vector-based and resolution-independent, so they look sharp at any size
  • Lottie animations are small in file size compared to GIFs or videos
  • Lottie animations can be interactive and respond to user input
  • The Lottie library is free, open-source, and has wide community support

In this in-depth guide, I‘ll share everything you need to know to start using Lottie like a pro in your own projects. We‘ll cover where to find premade Lottie animations, how to customize them to fit your needs, implementation techniques for various platforms, performance optimizations, and much more. Let‘s get animated!

Finding and Using Premade Lottie Animations

While designers can export their own After Effects creations to the Lottie format, there are also many websites offering free and paid premade Lottie animations ready to drop into your project. Some of the best resources include:


The biggest and most well-known library of Lottie animations. Offers thousands of free animations in categories like icons, characters, backgrounds, and more. Also includes a premium marketplace for purchasing exclusive animations.
LottieFiles screenshot


Provides a curated collection of free animated icons in multiple styles. The icons are hosted by Icons8 and served via direct links to JSON files.
Icons8 screenshot


A design tool for customizing and downloading Lottie animations. Allows editing properties like colors, stroke width, and more before exporting in your preferred format. Offers a limited free plan and paid subscriptions.
Lordicon screenshot

When selecting a premade animation, be sure to preview it first to verify it matches your intended use case. You‘ll also want to check the license to ensure you have permission to use it in your project.

Previewing and Editing Lottie Animations

Found the perfect animation but want to tweak it to perfection? There are several online tools that allow previewing and editing Lottie JSON files without needing After Effects:

LottieFiles Editor

Upload your JSON file to inspect and edit properties like:
– Canvas size
– Frame rate and duration
– Layer colors, opacity, and names
– Playback direction and speed

Live preview updates as you make changes. You can then export your edited animation or individual layers.

LottieFiles Editor

Lottie Preview

A simple web app by the LottieFiles team that renders your animation fullscreen from a JSON file or URL. Useful for quick previews of the complete animation.
Lottie Preview screenshot

Making edits to an existing Lottie animation is a great way to learn how they are structured under-the-hood. Just be careful not to get too carried away with customizations, as complex animations can negatively impact performance.

Implementing Lottie Across Platforms

Now that you have your ideal animation ready to go, it‘s time to implement it in your digital product. Thankfully, the Lottie library makes this easy no matter which platform you‘re targeting.


For websites, you‘ll want to use the lottie-web package installable from npm. It can render Lottie animations via a standalone player or directly in HTML.

The basic steps are:

  1. Install lottie-web in your project
  2. Import the player into your code
  3. Load your animation using the loadAnimation() function
  4. Customize playback with the available options and methods

Here‘s a simplified code snippet:

import lottie from ‘lottie-web‘;

const container = document.getElementById(‘animation-container‘);

const animation = lottie.loadAnimation({
  renderer: ‘svg‘,
  loop: true,
  autoplay: true,
  path: ‘animation.json‘

Be sure to thoroughly test your web animations to ensure they perform well across device sizes and network speeds.


The Lottie library also supports rendering natively in iOS, Android, and React Native mobile apps. The setup process differs depending on the platform:


1. Install the Lottie Cocoapod in your Xcode project
2. Drag your JSON file into your Xcode project
3. Import Lottie and add an AnimationView to your storyboard or XIB
4. Connect the animation to your view controller
5. Customize playback with the available properties and methods


1. Add the Lottie dependency to your gradle file
2. Copy your JSON file into the assets directory
3. Add LottieAnimationView to your XML layout file
4. Load the animation in your activity or fragment
5. Customize playback with the available properties and methods

React Native

1. Install the lottie-react-native package from npm
2. Import LottieView into your component
3. Render LottieView with your JSON file as the source prop
4. Customize playback with the available props

Refer to the official Lottie docs for complete code samples and best practices for each mobile platform.

Content Management Systems (CMSs)

Many popular website building platforms now offer plugins or integrations for embedding Lottie animations without coding:

  • Webflow has an official Lottie component that can be added to any page or layout
  • Wix added support for Lottie animations via a dedicated Media component
  • Squarespace, WordPress, and others offer third-party plugins and code snippets

If your CMS of choice doesn‘t have built-in Lottie support, you can still embed them by hosting the JSON file yourself and adding it to a page using the lottie-web player covered earlier.

Optimizing Lottie Animation Performance

While Lottie animations are generally lightweight, there are still some steps you can take to ensure optimal performance:

  • Use compressed JSON files to minimize load times
  • Limit the number of Lottie animations on a single page
  • Avoid very long or complex animations
  • Use device-specific sizing to prevent scaling
  • Defer loading off-screen animations
  • Test on real devices, especially older/slower ones

You can use Chrome DevTools to profile the performance impact of your Lottie animations and identify opportunities for improvement.

Useful References

As you dive deeper into Lottie development, be sure to bookmark these key resources:

I also recommend following the LottieFiles blog to stay updated on new Lottie features and inspiring use cases.


As you can see, the Lottie library is an incredibly powerful tool for adding engaging animations to web and mobile apps. By leveraging the techniques and resources covered in this guide, you‘ll be well on your way to becoming a Lottie pro.

Some key takeaways to remember:

  • Lottie is resolution-independent, small in file size, and interactive
  • Many free and paid premade Lottie animations are available online
  • Lottie animations can be customized using web-based editing tools
  • The lottie-web package enables Lottie animations on websites
  • Native Lottie libraries are available for iOS and Android apps
  • Many popular CMSs offer Lottie support via plugins or integrations
  • Performance optimizations include compression, device sizing, and more

I hope this in-depth look at Lottie has inspired you to start experimenting with animations in your own projects. Trust me, a little motion goes a long way in creating memorable digital experiences. Happy animating!

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