Python Discord Bot Tutorial – Code a Discord Bot And Host it for Free

Discord bots are powerful tools that can supercharge your server with custom functionality. Whether you want to moderate discussions, add games and entertainment, or create an interactive classroom, bots open up a world of possibilities.

In this in-depth tutorial, we‘ll walk through the complete process of building and hosting a Discord bot using Python. Along the way, you‘ll learn about the Discord API, Python libraries, cloud hosting platforms, and more.

Why Python is the Ideal Language for Discord Bots

Python has become the go-to language for writing Discord bots, and for good reason. Its extensive libraries, clean syntax, and supportive community make it accessible for beginners yet powerful enough for advanced projects.

Python‘s advantages for bot development include:

  1. The library, which provides an intuitive wrapper for the Discord API
  2. Beginner-friendly syntax that lets you express complex ideas with minimal code
  3. Robust tools for data manipulation, web scraping, machine learning, and more
  4. A massive collection of tutorials, code samples, and community support

According to the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Python is the 3rd most popular programming language overall, used by 48% of professional developers. Its popularity continues to rise, especially in fields like data science, machine learning, and back-end web development.

How Discord Bots Work: Architecture Overview

Before diving into code, it helps to understand the basic architecture of a Discord bot. Essentially, your bot is a program that runs continuously and uses the Discord API to interact with your server.

The key components are:

  1. Your bot‘s code, written in Python using the library
  2. The Discord API, which lets your code send and receive data from Discord
  3. A hosting environment to run the code 24/7 and handle requests

Here‘s a simplified diagram of the data flow:

graph LR
A[Your Python Code] --> B[]
B --> C[Discord API]
C --> D[Your Discord Server] 
D --> C
C --> B
B --> A

When a user interacts with your bot on Discord (by sending a message or using a slash command), that event gets sent through the Discord API to your bot‘s code. There, you can process the event and determine how the bot should respond. Any response then flows back through the API to the user.

The library acts as a wrapper to simplify all of these interactions. It provides convenient Python methods to create, send, and react to messages and events.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

To start coding a Discord bot, you‘ll need a few key ingredients:

  1. Python installed on your computer
  2. A code editor like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or Sublime Text
  3. The library and related dependencies
  4. A Discord account and server to test your bot

First, download and install the latest version of Python from the official website ( During installation, be sure to check the box to add Python to your PATH environment variable.

Next, create a new folder for your bot project and open it in your preferred code editor.

Creating a Python Virtual Environment

While not strictly required, it‘s a good habit to create a virtual environment for each Python project. Virtual environments isolate your project‘s dependencies from other Python installations on your system. This helps avoid version conflicts and keeps your global Python environment clean.

To create a virtual environment, open a terminal or command prompt in your project folder and run:

python -m venv mybot-env

This creates a new virtual environment named "mybot-env". To activate it:

# On Windows:

# On Unix/MacOS:
source mybot-env/bin/activate

Your terminal prompt should now show the active environment. Any Python libraries you install going forward will be contained within this environment.

To install the library:

pip install

pip is the standard Python package manager and will fetch from the Python Package Index (PyPI).

You‘re now ready to start building your bot!

Writing the Basic Bot Code

Create a new Python file in your project folder named This is where we‘ll write the core logic for the bot.

Here‘s a minimal example to get a bot up and running:

import discord
import os

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    print(f‘Logged in as {client.user}‘)

async def on_message(message):
    if == client.user:

    if message.content.startswith(‘!hello‘):
        await‘Hello {}! I am a friendly math bot. How may I assist you today?‘)[‘DISCORD_TOKEN‘])

Let‘s break this down step-by-step:

  1. We start by importing the discord module, which contains the library. We also import os for reading environment variables.

  2. We create an instance of discord.Client, which represents a connection to Discord. This is the foundation of our bot.

  3. The on_ready event handler is called when the bot successfully logs in. Here we print a confirmation message to the console.

  4. The on_message handler fires every time a message is sent in a channel the bot has access to. This is where we‘ll process commands and respond to the user.

  5. We first check that the message author is not the bot itself, to avoid an infinite self-reply loop.

  6. If the message starts with "!hello", the bot replies by mentioning the user‘s name and introducing itself as a math bot. The await syntax is used for asynchronous Discord methods.

  7. Finally, we start the bot by passing our secret Discord token to This token allows the bot to authenticate with the Discord API.

Before running the code, you‘ll need to create a Discord bot account and obtain its token. Follow the official Discord documentation to create a new application and add a bot user: Be sure to invite the bot to your test server as well.

For security, never hard-code the token in your source files. Instead, use an environment variable or config file that is not committed to version control.

You can now run your bot:


If all goes well, you should see the logged in message, and the bot will respond to "!hello" in your Discord server!

Expanding Your Math Bot‘s Capabilities

Now that we have a functioning bot, let‘s add some juicy math features. We‘ll cover a few examples, but feel free to get creative and implement your own ideas.

Fetching Random Math Facts

The Numbers API ( offers a treasure trove of numerical trivia that we can share with users. Let‘s add a !fact command to retrieve a random math fact.

First, install the requests library to make HTTP requests in Python:

pip install requests

Then define a helper function to fetch facts:

import requests

def get_math_fact():
    response = requests.get("")
    return response.text

And update the on_message handler:

if message.content.startswith(‘!fact‘):
    fact = get_math_fact()

Typing "!fact" will now regale you with mathematical wisdom like:

2 is the only even prime number.

According to the API‘s author, the Numbers API serves over 100,000 requests per day, with 1416 unique math facts in its database.

Evaluate Math Expressions

Python‘s built-in eval() function can execute arbitrary math expressions from a string. We can expose this to users with an "!eval" command:

if message.content.startswith(‘!eval‘):
    expression = message.content.split(‘ ‘, maxsplit=1)[1]
    result = eval(expression)
    await‘The result is: {result}‘)

Now you can crunch numbers right in Discord:

User: !eval 123 * 456 – 789
Bot: The result is: 55299

CAUTION: eval() will execute any valid Python code, which can be dangerous if not properly sanitized. In a real-world bot, you would need strict constraints on the allowed expressions, or use a more limited math parsing library.

Graphing Equations

To really flex our math muscles, let‘s add graphing capabilities to the bot. We can use the matplotlib library to plot equations and send the resulting images.

pip install matplotlib

Define a graphing function:

import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_equation(equation):
    x = range(-10, 11)
    y = [eval(equation) for x in x]

    plt.plot(x, y)

    buffer = io.BytesIO()
    plt.savefig(buffer, format=‘png‘)
    return discord.File(buffer, filename=‘plot.png‘)

This function takes an equation in terms of x, evaluates it for x values from -10 to 10, and plots the resulting curve using matplotlib. The plot is saved to an in-memory buffer as a PNG image so it can be sent over Discord.

Invoke it from the message handler:

if message.content.startswith(‘!graph‘):
    equation = message.content.split(‘ ‘, maxsplit=1)[1]
    plot = plot_equation(equation) 

Now you can visualize equations effortlessly:

User: !graph x*2 – 4x + 3
Bot: [uploaded plot image]

Matplotlib is an incredibly versatile plotting library, installed over 40 million times per month according to the PyPI stats. It powers data visualization across countless domains, from scientific publishing to web applications.

Recommending Learning Resources

As a final touch, let‘s have our bot recommend resources for further math learning. We can curate a list of websites, videos, and books, and allow the user to request a random suggestion.

import random

def get_learning_resource():
    resources = [
        ‘Khan Academy ( offers free courses on math, science, and more.‘,
        ‘3Blue1Brown ( is an excellent YouTube channel for math concepts and visualizations.‘,  
        ‘"How to Think Like a Mathematician" by Kevin Houston is a great intro book for mathematical reasoning and proofs.‘,
        # ...
    return random.choice(resources)

Fetch a resource on command:

if message.content.startswith(‘!learn‘):
    resource = get_learning_resource()

Your bot can now offer personalized learning advice:

User: !learn
Bot: 3Blue1Brown ( is an excellent YouTube channel for math concepts and visualizations.

According to YouTube stats, 3Blue1Brown has over 3.5 million subscribers and 250 million total views, testifying to the growing popularity of entertaining math education.

Hosting Your Bot in the Cloud with Replit

Congratulations, you now have a feature-packed Discord math bot! The final step is to host it online so it can run 24/7.

Replit ( is a phenomenal platform that offers free hosting for Python projects. You can write, run, and host your code entirely in the cloud.

To get started:

  1. Create a Replit account and start a new Python project.
  2. Upload your bot files (,, .env) or clone them from a GitHub repo.
  3. Store your Discord bot token securely using Replit‘s built-in Secrets manager.
  4. Hit the "Run" button to launch your bot!

Replit‘s free plan is perfect for small bots and personal projects. For high-traffic bots or commercial applications, you can upgrade to a paid plan for more resources and priority support.

As an extra reliability boost, you can use a service like Uptime Robot ( to ping your Replit web URL on a regular interval, preventing the bot from going to sleep after inactivity.

Learning and Growing with Discord Bot Development

Building a Discord bot is a fantastic learning opportunity, not just for Python programming but for working with APIs, data formats, cloud hosting, and more. It‘s a hands-on way to develop practical skills that translate directly to real-world applications.

Some key takeaways and reflections:

  1. Python‘s simplicity and versatility make it an ideal language for beginners and experienced developers alike. Its vast ecosystem of libraries opens up endless project possibilities.

  2. The library abstracts away the low-level details of the Discord API, allowing you to focus on crafting awesome bot features. It‘s a shining example of how good API design can empower developers.

  3. Hosting your bot in the cloud with Replit is a seamless experience that gets your code up and running in minutes. It demystifies server management and lets you ship faster.

  4. Engaging with the Discord and Python communities can accelerate your growth and inspire new ideas. Don‘t be afraid to ask questions, share your projects, and learn from others.

  5. Bot development teaches valuable skills for the modern software landscape, like asynchronous programming, RESTful APIs, and cloud deployment. It‘s a stepping stone to larger applications and systems.

So what‘s next for your Discord bot journey? The possibilities are endless. You might explore other APIs to integrate, like weather data, news feeds, or stock quotes. You could dive into natural language processing to make your bot more conversant. Or maybe you‘ll build a suite of bots to power a vibrant online community.

Whatever your path, remember that the joy is in the journey. Each bug squashed and each feature shipped is a testament to your growing prowess as a bot-savvy Pythonista. So keep coding, keep learning, and most importantly – have fun!

Happy bot building!

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