Java, Ruby, and Go, Oh My! A Full-Stack Developer‘s Guide

As a seasoned full-stack developer and professional coder, I‘ve had the privilege of working with a wide range of programming languages throughout my career. While JavaScript continues to dominate the front-end web development landscape, the back-end offers a more diverse array of options, each with its own strengths and peculiarities. In this article, we‘ll take…

Is It "Computer Science" or "Programming"? An In-Depth Look from a Developer‘s Perspective

As a professional full-stack software engineer and former computer science (CS) teaching assistant, I‘ve seen firsthand the growing momentum behind efforts to expand CS education access in K-12 schools. There‘s a strong sentiment that in an increasingly digital world, "every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science," as over 2…

Is College Still Worth It? An In-Depth Look at the Return on Investment of Higher Education

As someone who has worked in adult education and technology for over 20 years, I‘ve seen firsthand how the landscape of higher education and the job market has evolved. And one question that nearly every learner I encounter is grappling with is: "Is college still worth it?" It‘s a fair question to ask. The cost…

If you want to learn Data Science, start with one of these programming classes

So you‘ve decided you want to become a data scientist – excellent choice! Data science is an exciting, fast-growing, and high-impact field with tremendous opportunities for advancement. But before you dive into sophisticated machine learning algorithms and statistical analysis techniques, there‘s one absolutely critical skill you‘ll need to master first: Programming. Data from the 2020…

Preparing the Next Generation of Innovators: How Google CS Academy is Transforming K-12 Computer Science Education

As a professional developer and tech educator, I‘ve seen firsthand the incredible power of coding skills to open up new opportunities and enable students to become creators, not just consumers, of technology. However, I‘ve also seen how a lack of access to computer science education in K-12 schools leaves many students, particularly those from underrepresented…

How to Teach Programming to Teenagers: An Expert Guide

Teaching programming to teenagers can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it also comes with its own unique set of challenges. Adolescents have distinct interests, learning styles, and attention spans compared to adult learners. To effectively engage and educate this age group, it‘s essential to tailor your approach to their specific needs and preferences. As…

How to Sign up for Coursera Courses for Free

In the fast-paced world of programming and development, keeping your skills current is essential. Online learning platforms like Coursera have become increasingly popular among coders looking to level up their knowledge and advance their careers. But with courses often costing hundreds of dollars each, can developers really afford to invest in online learning? The good…

How to Earn a World-Class Business Education for Free: The MOOC MBA Guide

The traditional MBA has long been a popular option for professionals seeking to advance their business knowledge and accelerate their careers. But with top programs costing upwards of $200,000 and requiring two years out of the workforce, the degree has remained out of reach for many. Enter massive open online courses (MOOCs). Over the past…

How to Land Your First Open Source Contribution, From Your Browser, in 15 Minutes

Open source software has taken over the world. From the operating system on your phone to the servers powering your favorite websites, open source is everywhere. A 2022 report from the TODO Group found that 90% of companies are using open source in at least part of their codebase. But open source isn‘t just for…

How to Choose the Right Computer Science Degree Program for Your Career Goals

Deciding to pursue a Computer Science degree is a significant step towards a rewarding and lucrative career in technology. However, with countless programs available, each with its unique strengths and focus areas, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. As a seasoned full-stack developer and industry expert, I‘m here to guide you through the process…