How to Build a Secure User Authentication Flow in Flutter with Firebase and Bloc State Management

User authentication is a critical component of most mobile applications. It ensures that only authorized users can access the app‘s features and protects sensitive user data from unauthorized access. Implementing a secure and seamless authentication flow is essential for providing a good user experience and maintaining the app‘s security.

In this article, we‘ll explore how to build a robust user authentication system in Flutter using Firebase Authentication and the Bloc (Business Logic Component) state management library. We‘ll cover the step-by-step process of setting up Firebase, integrating it with a Flutter app, and implementing the authentication flow using the Bloc pattern.

Why Firebase Authentication?

Firebase Authentication is a popular choice for implementing authentication in mobile apps due to its simplicity, security, and wide range of supported authentication methods. It offers the following benefits:

  1. Multiple authentication providers: Firebase supports various authentication methods such as email/password, Google Sign-In, Facebook Login, Twitter Login, and more. This allows you to provide different options for users to authenticate.

  2. Secure user management: Firebase handles the secure storage and transmission of user credentials. It also provides features like password hashing and token-based authentication to enhance security.

  3. Easy integration: Firebase provides SDKs and libraries that make it easy to integrate authentication into your Flutter app. You can quickly set up authentication and focus on building your app‘s core features.

Why Bloc State Management?

Bloc (Business Logic Component) is a powerful state management library for Flutter that helps in managing complex application states in a predictable and testable manner. It promotes a clean separation of concerns by isolating the business logic from the UI.

Using Bloc for authentication offers the following advantages:

  1. Centralized state management: Bloc allows you to centralize the authentication state management in a single place. This makes it easier to handle different authentication events and states consistently throughout the app.

  2. Reactive programming: Bloc is built on top of RxDart, which enables reactive programming. You can easily listen to authentication state changes and update the UI accordingly.

  3. Testability: Bloc makes it easy to write unit tests for your authentication logic. You can test different authentication scenarios and ensure the correctness of your implementation.

Setting up Firebase Authentication

Before we dive into the implementation details, let‘s set up Firebase Authentication in your Flutter project. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Flutter project or open an existing one in your preferred IDE.

  2. Go to the Firebase Console ( and create a new project.

  3. In the Firebase Console, navigate to the "Authentication" section and enable the desired authentication methods (e.g., email/password, Google Sign-In).

  4. Add the Firebase SDK to your Flutter project by following the Firebase documentation for Flutter (

  5. Configure your Flutter app to use Firebase by adding the necessary configuration files (google-services.json for Android and GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS).

With Firebase Authentication set up, we can now focus on implementing the authentication flow using Bloc.

Implementing Authentication Flow with Bloc

Let‘s break down the implementation of the authentication flow using Bloc into several steps:

Step 1: Define Authentication States

First, we need to define the different states that our authentication flow can be in. Create a new file called authentication_state.dart and define the following states:

abstract class AuthenticationState extends Equatable {
  const AuthenticationState();

  List<Object> get props => [];

class AuthenticationInitial extends AuthenticationState {}

class AuthenticationLoading extends AuthenticationState {}

class AuthenticationAuthenticated extends AuthenticationState {
  final String userId;

  const AuthenticationAuthenticated(this.userId);

  List<Object> get props => [userId];

class AuthenticationUnauthenticated extends AuthenticationState {}

class AuthenticationFailure extends AuthenticationState {
  final String errorMessage;

  const AuthenticationFailure(this.errorMessage);

  List<Object> get props => [errorMessage];

Here, we define five authentication states:

  • AuthenticationInitial: The initial state when the authentication state is unknown.
  • AuthenticationLoading: The state when the authentication process is in progress.
  • AuthenticationAuthenticated: The state when the user is successfully authenticated. It includes the user ID.
  • AuthenticationUnauthenticated: The state when the user is not authenticated.
  • AuthenticationFailure: The state when the authentication process fails. It includes an error message.

Step 2: Define Authentication Events

Next, we define the events that can occur during the authentication process. Create a new file called authentication_event.dart and define the following events:

abstract class AuthenticationEvent extends Equatable {
  const AuthenticationEvent();

  List<Object> get props => [];

class AuthenticationStarted extends AuthenticationEvent {}

class AuthenticationLoggedIn extends AuthenticationEvent {
  final String userId;

  const AuthenticationLoggedIn(this.userId);

  List<Object> get props => [userId];

class AuthenticationLoggedOut extends AuthenticationEvent {}

Here, we define three authentication events:

  • AuthenticationStarted: Triggered when the authentication process starts.
  • AuthenticationLoggedIn: Triggered when the user successfully logs in. It includes the user ID.
  • AuthenticationLoggedOut: Triggered when the user logs out.

Step 3: Create Authentication Bloc

Now, let‘s create the AuthenticationBloc that will handle the authentication state and events. Create a new file called authentication_bloc.dart and implement the following:

class AuthenticationBloc extends Bloc<AuthenticationEvent, AuthenticationState> {
  final AuthenticationService _authenticationService;

  AuthenticationBloc(this._authenticationService) : super(AuthenticationInitial()) {

  void _onAuthenticationStarted(AuthenticationStarted event, Emitter<AuthenticationState> emit) async {
    try {
      final userId = await _authenticationService.getCurrentUser();
      if (userId != null) {
      } else {
    } catch (e) {
      emit(AuthenticationFailure(‘Authentication failed: ${e.toString()}‘));

  void _onAuthenticationLoggedIn(AuthenticationLoggedIn event, Emitter<AuthenticationState> emit) {

  void _onAuthenticationLoggedOut(AuthenticationLoggedOut event, Emitter<AuthenticationState> emit) async {
    await _authenticationService.logOut();

The AuthenticationBloc receives authentication events and emits new states based on those events. It depends on an AuthenticationService to perform the actual authentication operations (e.g., login, logout, get current user).

  • When the AuthenticationStarted event is received, it emits the AuthenticationLoading state and checks if the user is currently authenticated by calling _authenticationService.getCurrentUser(). If a user ID is returned, it emits the AuthenticationAuthenticated state with the user ID. Otherwise, it emits the AuthenticationUnauthenticated state.

  • When the AuthenticationLoggedIn event is received, it emits the AuthenticationAuthenticated state with the provided user ID.

  • When the AuthenticationLoggedOut event is received, it emits the AuthenticationLoading state, logs out the user using _authenticationService.logOut(), and then emits the AuthenticationUnauthenticated state.

Step 4: Implement Authentication Service

The AuthenticationService is responsible for communicating with Firebase Authentication and performing the actual authentication operations. Create a new file called authentication_service.dart and implement the following:

class AuthenticationService {
  final FirebaseAuth _firebaseAuth;


  Future<String?> getCurrentUser() async {
    final user = _firebaseAuth.currentUser;
    return user?.uid;

  Future<String?> signInWithEmailAndPassword(String email, String password) async {
    try {
      final userCredential = await _firebaseAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(
        email: email,
        password: password,
      return userCredential.user?.uid;
    } catch (e) {
      throw Exception(‘Sign in failed: ${e.toString()}‘);

  Future<String?> createUserWithEmailAndPassword(String email, String password) async {
    try {
      final userCredential = await _firebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(
        email: email,
        password: password,
      return userCredential.user?.uid;
    } catch (e) {
      throw Exception(‘User creation failed: ${e.toString()}‘);

  Future<void> logOut() async {
    await _firebaseAuth.signOut();

The AuthenticationService class uses the FirebaseAuth instance to perform authentication operations:

  • getCurrentUser(): Retrieves the currently authenticated user‘s ID, if any.
  • signInWithEmailAndPassword(String email, String password): Signs in the user with the provided email and password. Returns the user ID on success, or throws an exception on failure.
  • createUserWithEmailAndPassword(String email, String password): Creates a new user account with the provided email and password. Returns the user ID on success, or throws an exception on failure.
  • logOut(): Logs out the currently authenticated user.

Step 5: Use Authentication Bloc in the UI

Finally, let‘s use the AuthenticationBloc in our Flutter UI to handle authentication state changes and update the UI accordingly. Here‘s an example of how you can use the bloc in your main app widget:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final AuthenticationService _authenticationService;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocProvider(
      create: (context) => AuthenticationBloc(_authenticationService),
      child: MaterialApp(
        home: BlocBuilder<AuthenticationBloc, AuthenticationState>(
          builder: (context, state) {
            if (state is AuthenticationInitial) {
              // Show splash screen or loading indicator
              return SplashScreen();
            } else if (state is AuthenticationLoading) {
              // Show loading indicator
              return LoadingScreen();
            } else if (state is AuthenticationAuthenticated) {
              // Show authenticated screen (e.g., home screen)
              return HomeScreen(userId: state.userId);
            } else if (state is AuthenticationUnauthenticated) {
              // Show login/sign-up screen
              return LoginScreen();
            } else if (state is AuthenticationFailure) {
              // Show error message
              return ErrorScreen(errorMessage: state.errorMessage);
            } else {
              // Handle unknown state
              return Scaffold(body: Center(child: Text(‘Unknown authentication state‘)));

In this example, we wrap our MaterialApp with a BlocProvider that provides the AuthenticationBloc to the widget tree. We then use a BlocBuilder to rebuild the UI based on the current authentication state.

  • If the state is AuthenticationInitial, we show a splash screen or loading indicator.
  • If the state is AuthenticationLoading, we show a loading indicator.
  • If the state is AuthenticationAuthenticated, we show the authenticated screen (e.g., home screen) and pass the user ID.
  • If the state is AuthenticationUnauthenticated, we show the login/sign-up screen.
  • If the state is AuthenticationFailure, we show an error message.

You can further customize the UI screens based on your app‘s design and requirements.

Additional Authentication Features

In addition to the basic authentication flow, you may want to implement additional features to enhance the user experience and security. Some common features include:

  1. Password reset: Allow users to reset their password if they forget it. You can use Firebase Authentication‘s password reset functionality to send a password reset email to the user.

  2. Email verification: Require users to verify their email address before accessing certain features or after registration. Firebase Authentication provides email verification functionality out of the box.

  3. Social media authentication: Allow users to sign in using their social media accounts like Google, Facebook, or Twitter. Firebase Authentication supports multiple social media providers, making it easy to integrate social login into your app.

  4. Two-factor authentication (2FA): Implement 2FA to add an extra layer of security to user accounts. Firebase Authentication supports 2FA through SMS or authenticator apps.

Best Practices for Secure Authentication

When implementing user authentication, it‘s crucial to follow best practices to ensure the security of user data. Here are some key best practices:

  1. Use secure communication channels: Always use HTTPS/SSL to encrypt data transmission between the client and server.

  2. Store passwords securely: Never store passwords in plain text. Use strong password hashing algorithms (e.g., bcrypt, scrypt) to store hashed passwords.

  3. Implement proper access controls: Restrict access to sensitive data and functionality based on user roles and permissions.

  4. Use token-based authentication: Instead of storing user credentials on the client-side, use token-based authentication (e.g., JWT) to authenticate requests.

  5. Implement session management: Properly manage user sessions, including session expiration and secure session storage.

  6. Keep dependencies up to date: Regularly update your project‘s dependencies, including the Firebase SDK and Bloc library, to ensure you have the latest security patches and bug fixes.


Building a secure user authentication flow is essential for protecting user data and providing a seamless user experience. By leveraging Firebase Authentication and the Bloc state management library, you can implement a robust authentication system in your Flutter app.

In this article, we covered the step-by-step process of setting up Firebase Authentication, integrating it with a Flutter app, and implementing the authentication flow using the Bloc pattern. We defined authentication states and events, created the AuthenticationBloc and AuthenticationService, and used them in the Flutter UI.

Remember to follow best practices for secure authentication, such as using secure communication channels, storing passwords securely, implementing proper access controls, and keeping dependencies up to date.

With the knowledge gained from this article, you‘re now equipped to build secure and user-friendly authentication flows in your Flutter apps using Firebase and Bloc.

Further Reading

To learn more about Firebase Authentication, Bloc state management, and Flutter app development, check out the following resources:

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