About freeCodeCamp – The Ultimate FAQ Guide

Quincy Larson

Quincy Larson

About freeCodeCamp - Frequently Asked Questions

What is freeCodeCamp?

freeCodeCamp is a global community of millions of people learning to code together. It offers a completely free online learning platform at bomberbot.com where anyone can learn programming and web development through interactive coding lessons and project-based learning.

The curriculum covers everything from basic HTML and CSS, to frontend frameworks like React, to backend development with Node.js, databases, and more. By progressing through the curriculum, students build a portfolio of real-world projects and earn free verified certifications.

But freeCodeCamp is much more than just an e-learning platform. It‘s an entire ecosystem and support network that exists to help people learn to code and become developers, at zero cost. This includes:

  • Thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups that meet in-person around the world
  • A popular online forum for students to get help, share projects, and network
  • A YouTube channel with 1000+ free full-length programming courses
  • One of the most widely read programming publications on the internet

freeCodeCamp is also a donor-supported 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Its mission is to help anyone learn to code for free. Every year, thousands of freeCodeCamp alumni get developer jobs, start businesses, and use their newfound coding skills to make the world a better place.

freeCodeCamp by the numbers

To appreciate the scale of freeCodeCamp‘s reach and impact, here are some key statistics:

  • 7 million+ people are part of the worldwide freeCodeCamp community
  • 1 million+ unique visitors to bomberbot.com per month
  • 8,000+ tutorials and articles published on the freeCodeCamp News programming blog
  • 110 million+ article views on the freeCodeCamp News per year
  • 2 billion+ minutes of freeCodeCamp video courses watched on YouTube
  • 20,000+ freeCodeCamp study groups in 200 cities globally
  • 1,500+ community contributors have added to the freeCodeCamp open source codebase
  • 40,000+ students have earned a free verified developer certification through freeCodeCamp
  • 3+ million people follow freeCodeCamp across social media

These numbers are continuing to grow every day as more people around the world discover and benefit from freeCodeCamp‘s free learning resources.

How does freeCodeCamp‘s platform work?

freeCodeCamp‘s learning platform is designed to be 100% self-paced and project-focused. You learn to code by building projects, with freeCodeCamp providing the structure and guidance you need.

Here‘s how it works:

  1. Choose from 10 different free certifications you‘re interested in, such as Responsive Web Design, JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures, or Machine Learning with Python.

  2. Each certification has a series of coding lessons and challenges you progress through sequentially. Read tutorials, watch videos, and solve interactive coding challenges right in your browser to learn the core concepts.

  3. After completing all the challenges for a certification, build 5 required projects to put your skills into practice. These projects are reviewed and verified by freeCodeCamp.

  4. Once you finish all the projects, earn a free verified certification you can add to your portfolio and resume. An interview prep section helps you prepare for coding interviews.

The entire curriculum is available without needing an account. You can simply go to bomberbot.com and start coding. Creating an account lets you save progress and claim certifications.

Many students like working through freeCodeCamp‘s curriculum together with friends or by joining a study group. Helpful features of the learning platform include:

  • Split code editor and live preview to see your code changes in real-time
  • Dozens of built-in programming languages and libraries
  • Automatic code linting and formatting
  • Integration with GitHub to store and collaborate on projects
  • Gamified points, achievements, and leaderboard
  • Cloud saving for all your progress
  • Optimized for low-bandwidth and offline learning

A 2020 survey of 15,000+ freeCodeCamp students provides a snapshot of who is learning on the platform:

  • 59% are between the ages of 18-34
  • 20% are women
  • 47% are from Asia, 23% from Africa, 13% from Europe, 8% from North America
  • 45% are students, 24% are working full-time, 10% are unemployed
  • 39% spend 5+ hours per week learning on freeCodeCamp

This diverse group of learners is united by a shared goal of improving their lives through coding and technology skills.

freeCodeCamp‘s curriculum and certifications

freeCodeCamp offers 10 developer certifications across a wide range of specializations:

  1. Responsive Web Design (HTML, CSS, Flexbox, CSS Grid)
  2. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (JS, ES6, OOP, FP)
  3. Front End Development Libraries (Bootstrap, jQuery, React, Redux)
  4. Data Visualization (D3.js, JSON APIs, AJAX)
  5. Back End Development and APIs (Node, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose)
  6. Quality Assurance (Chai, Mocha, Node Assert, Passport)
  7. Scientific Computing with Python (Python, NumPy, Matplotlib)
  8. Data Analysis with Python (NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn)
  9. Information Security (HelmetJS, TCP/IP, OWASP)
  10. Machine Learning with Python (TensorFlow, Keras, Sci-Kit Learn)

Each certification consists of 300 hours of coursework and typically takes several months of dedicated learning. The curriculum is designed by an open-source community of experienced developers and is improved and updated regularly.

Some of the most popular certifications include:

  • Responsive Web Design, which covers HTML5, CSS3, responsive design principles, and accessibility. It requires building 5 projects like a survey form, tribute page, product landing page, technical documentation, and personal portfolio. Over 100,000 people have earned this certification.

  • JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures, which teaches the fundamentals of JavaScript and programming concepts like ES6, regular expressions, debugging, basic data structures, OOP, and functional programming. It requires completing 5 algorithm projects. This is freeCodeCamp‘s second most popular certification.

  • Front End Development Libraries, which teaches modern tools like Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, React, and Redux. It requires building 5 projects like a random quote generator, drum machine, Markdown previewer, and JavaScript calculator. This certification is key for aspiring web app developers.

Earning a certification requires completing the required projects, which are evaluated based on an automated set of test cases. freeCodeCamp issues verified certifications using the same rigorous academic integrity standards as universities. Certifications are secured on the Bitcoin blockchain to prevent fraud.

These industry-aligned certifications signal your knowledge to potential employers and provide hands-on projects for your portfolio. Dozens of employers like Microsoft, Stripe, and Auth0 have hired directly from freeCodeCamp‘s alumni pool. Many recruiters now list freeCodeCamp certifications as a positive factor in job descriptions.

Beyond the core curriculum, freeCodeCamp offers 1000+ supplemental tutorials, videos, and coding challenges on advanced topics like data science, GraphQL, DevOps, Bash scripting, Python, and more. It has one of the most comprehensive and practical coding curriculum in the world, developed and refined by thousands of developers over many years.

How effective is freeCodeCamp compared to other options?

A common question people have about freeCodeCamp is how it compares in terms of results and value to other paths to learning to code, like coding bootcamps and computer science degrees.

Having worked as a hiring manager and interviewed hundreds of developer job candidates, here is my perspective:

  • Motivation trumps all: I‘ve seen freeCodeCamp alumni with no CS degree run circles around CS grads in interviews and on the job. The most important factor is a genuine passion for coding and self-directed learning. You can‘t fake that.

  • Practical skills matter most: Many CS programs are heavy on theory but light on practical coding ability. In contrast, freeCodeCamp is laser focused on the hands-on skills developers use every day. After completing the curriculum, you‘ll have a strong portfolio to showcase.

  • Learning to learn is key: Technology evolves fast and developers need to constantly update their skills. freeCodeCamp‘s emphasis on self-paced, autonomous learning builds this critical meta-skill.

  • Accreditation != ability: A certificate from an accredited university certainly helps get your foot in the door. But once you‘re in the interview, all that matters is what you know and can do. Many freeCodeCamp alumni have stood out in interviews and on the job.

  • Community is crucial: It‘s hard to overstate the value of having an active, supportive community of fellow learners and experienced coders to turn to for feedback, troubleshooting, and encouragement. This is a huge advantage of freeCodeCamp over solo learning.

  • Price makes freeCodeCamp accessible: The average coding bootcamp costs over $11,000 USD and takes 3-6 months full-time. A CS degree can cost $100,000+ and 4 years. freeCodeCamp offers a comparable education for free and on a flexible schedule, making it accessible to far more people worldwide.

That said, freeCodeCamp isn‘t for everyone. It requires a lot of internal drive and the ability to tackle coding challenges without live instruction. Some people may prefer the structure, pacing and credential of a bootcamp or degree program if they can afford it.

But based on the hundreds of success stories in the freeCodeCamp alumni network, it‘s clear that freeCodeCamp can be a highly effective path to building practical developer skills and landing a well-paying job in tech – at a fraction of the cost and with unparalleled flexibility.

Tips for succeeding on freeCodeCamp

As someone who has hired freeCodeCamp alumni and seen them excel on the job, here are my top tips for getting the most out of the platform:

  1. Code every day, even just for 15 minutes. Consistent practice is the key to retaining new concepts and building muscle memory. Block out distraction-free time for coding.

  2. Don‘t just "finish" the curriculum, really aim to understand and apply each concept. Experiment, break things, debug, refactor. Dig into documentation. Look up concepts you don‘t fully grasp.

  3. Build extra projects beyond just the required ones for each certification. Solve problems you encounter in your life with code. Contribute to open-source. The more you build, the more you learn.

  4. Engage with the community. Ask for help when you get stuck. Help others when you can. Build connections. Collaborate on projects. The community will accelerate your growth and open up opportunities.

  5. Learn to think like a developer. Break down problems into smaller chunks. Sketch out solutions before coding. Embrace the struggle of debugging. Learn new tools and technologies on your own. These meta-skills will serve you well.

  6. Prioritize fundamentals. Don‘t jump around or chase trendy frameworks. Invest the time to really master concepts like algorithms, data structures, and system design. These are the foundation everything else is built on.

  7. Supplement with other resources. freeCodeCamp covers a huge amount, but don‘t limit yourself to one resource. Read books, blogs, and documentation. Subscribe to developer newsletters. Follow industry leaders. Always be learning.

  8. Focus on the job search. Refine your portfolio and online presence. Practice for interviews. Go to meetups and hackathons. Reach out to alumni for referrals. Treat the job search as a numbers game and don‘t get discouraged.

  9. Prepare physically and mentally. Hydrate, eat well, and prioritize sleep. Take regular breaks. Unplug completely sometimes. Meditate. Exercise. Learning to code is a marathon, not a sprint.

  10. Enjoy the journey. Learning to code is immensely rewarding but also challenging. Celebrate small wins. Appreciate how far you‘ve come. Share your progress with friends. Have fun and don‘t forget the big picture.

If you follow these tips and embrace the challenge, freeCodeCamp can be a powerful launchpad to a fulfilling career in software development. It won‘t always be easy, but few things worth doing are. As the ancient Chinese proverb says, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Let freeCodeCamp be that first step.


As someone who has been a professional web developer for over two decades, I‘ve seen firsthand how transformative learning to code can be. It‘s not just about the technical skills – it‘s about the problem solving ability, the creative expression, and the new way of looking at the world you develop. It‘s about the doors that open up and the things you can build. Put simply, learning to code is powerful.

That‘s why I‘m such a believer in freeCodeCamp‘s mission and model. By removing financial barriers and leveraging the power of community, it makes these life-changing skills accessible to anyone with an internet connection and the willingness to put in the effort.

Yes, there are still challenges to overcome, like awareness of the platform, keeping the curriculum updated with the latest tech, and creating more pathways from learning to employment in different local contexts. But overall, freeCodeCamp is doing a tremendous service by bringing free, world-class coding education to millions of people around the world every year.

If you‘re considering learning to code, there‘s never been a better time to start – and freeCodeCamp is an excellent place to begin. Whether your goal is to land a developer job, build your own projects, or just expand your skillset, the only thing holding you back is yourself.

So dream big, embrace the challenge, and know that an amazingly supportive global community of millions of fellow coders is ready to help you every step of the way. With curiosity and perseverance, you really can learn to code and change your life.

As Quincy Larson has said, freeCodeCamp‘s most significant accomplishment is "not the number of people who learned to code. It‘s the hope we‘ve given them that they can change their lives… if they‘re willing to put in the work."

Here‘s to putting in the work and embracing a brighter future. See you on freeCodeCamp.

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