How I Became an Author for freeCodeCamp (And Why You Should Too)

Becoming a freeCodeCamp author

If you told me two years ago that I‘d be a regular contributor to one of the most popular programming publications, I wouldn‘t have believed you. At the time, I was a self-taught developer with a couple years of experience under my belt. I enjoyed coding but never saw myself as much of a writer.

Fast forward to today, and I‘ve published over 20 tutorials on freeCodeCamp News, covering topics like JavaScript, React, web accessibility, and career growth. My articles have reached hundreds of thousands of readers around the world. And I‘ve connected with so many incredible developers through writing.

Becoming an author for freeCodeCamp has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my coding journey so far. In this article, I want to share the full story of how I became a freeCodeCamp author, offer tips if you‘re considering applying, and reflect on the impact it‘s had on my growth as a developer. Let‘s dive in!

Discovering freeCodeCamp‘s Publication

I first came across freeCodeCamp in 2018 when I was teaching myself to code. The curriculum and coding challenges were instrumental in developing my frontend skills. But it wasn‘t until a couple years later that I realized freeCodeCamp had a publication.

At the time, I was working as a frontend developer and I had started writing blogs on the side, mostly to document things I was learning. I cross-posted some articles to DEV and Hashnode. That‘s when freeCodeCamp articles began showing up in my feed.

I was impressed by the quality of the tutorials – they were comprehensive, well-written, and often taught me something new. I started reading freeCodeCamp articles regularly. But it didn‘t occur to me that I could write for them too.

That changed when I saw a tweet from freeCodeCamp‘s head of publishing, Abbey Rennemeyer, encouraging developers of all skill levels to apply to be an author. I was intrigued. Maybe I had knowledge worth sharing with the freeCodeCamp community too, even as a relative beginner.

I replied to the tweet expressing my interest. Abbey sent me a link to the application form, along with freeCodeCamp‘s style guide. That was the push I needed to take the leap and apply.

Applying to Be an Author

The author application process was straightforward. I filled out a Google Form with some information about myself, my coding skills, and writing experience. The key part was submitting writing samples.

Even though I only had a few published articles at the time, I tried to choose my best ones that showed my ability to explain technical concepts. I submitted two tutorials I had written, one on React Hooks and another on CSS flexbox.

A couple weeks after applying, I got the email I was hoping for – I had been accepted into the author program! I was thrilled to have the opportunity to share my knowledge with the freeCodeCamp community.

Acceptance email from freeCodeCamp

If you‘re thinking about applying to be an author, here are my tips:

  1. Put effort into your writing samples. Choose tutorials that are clear, original, and showcase your technical writing abilities. Quality is more important than quantity.

  2. Don‘t worry if you‘re not an expert. freeCodeCamp wants authors of all skill levels, as long as you can explain concepts well. Write about what you know.

  3. Show your unique perspective. How can your experiences and insights help other developers? Let your personality shine through in your writing.

  4. Review the style guide. freeCodeCamp tutorials have a specific format. Following the style guide shows you put in the work to understand what they‘re looking for.

The acceptance email included an invite to the author Slack group and my very own freeCodeCamp author profile. It was time to start writing!

My Experience Writing for freeCodeCamp

I‘ve been writing consistently for freeCodeCamp for about a year now. In that timeframe, I‘ve published tutorials on a wide range of web development topics, including:

  • JavaScript concepts like generators, Set, and recursion
  • React hooks, state management, and testing
  • CSS layout techniques like flexbox and grid
  • Web accessibility
  • Career advice for new developers
  • Projects and tools I‘ve built

With each article, my writing skills have grown. I‘ve become better at outlining, storytelling, and breaking down complex topics. I‘ve learned a ton through the research and coding required for each tutorial. And I‘ve pushed myself to dive deeper into programming concepts.

Some of my freeCodeCamp articles

Writing for such a large audience has been incredible. Some of my tutorials have gotten over 50K reads and been featured in the weekly newsletter. I‘ve received comments and emails from developers around the world saying my articles helped them grasp a concept or solve a problem. That kind of feedback never gets old.

But my favorite part about being a freeCodeCamp author is the community. In the author Slack group, we bounce ideas off each other, share our successes, and offer support. I‘ve met developers from all over, made new friends, and learned about the incredible things they‘re building. It‘s showed me how powerful community is in tech.

The Impact on My Growth as a Developer

Beyond the writing skills and portfolio I‘ve built, being a freeCodeCamp author has impacted my growth as a developer in ways I never anticipated.

For one, it‘s made me a better communicator. Collaborating with editors has taught me how to take feedback gracefully. Responding to reader questions and comments has sharpened my skills in explaining code and technical concepts. I‘ve become more confident in communicating with both technical and non-technical audiences.

Writing has also expanded my knowledge, and not just in the topics I write about. Reading other authors‘ work has exposed me to a wealth of ideas. I‘ve discovered new tools, techniques, and ways of thinking. My perspective as a developer has broadened.

Perhaps most significantly, becoming a freeCodeCamp author has opened doors I didn‘t expect. I‘ve been invited to speak at local meetups about my writing experience. I‘ve gotten freelance writing opportunities. Recruiters have reached out to me after coming across my author profile. And I‘ve grown my network in ways I know will serve my career for years to come.

Start Sharing Your Knowledge

If you‘ve ever thought about writing tutorials, I encourage you to go for it. Start a blog, post on DEV or Hashnode, and consider applying to freeCodeCamp‘s author program. Your unique knowledge and perspectives can make a real impact for other developers.

  1. Pick a topic you know well or are excited to learn about. What do you wish you knew when you were first learning to code? What‘s a problem you‘ve solved recently? These make great topics for beginner-friendly tutorials.

  2. Outline your tutorial and do your research. Break your topic down into logical sections and don‘t forget a strong intro and conclusion. Include code samples, illustrations, and external resources to enhance your explanations.

  3. Write like you‘re explaining the concept to a friend. Use simple language, short paragraphs, and relatable examples. The best tutorials feel like a conversation.

  4. Have someone review your draft before submitting. A second pair of eyes can catch typos and spots for clarification. Feedback will make you a better writer!

Remember, you don‘t have to be an expert to write a fantastic tutorial. You just have to be a couple steps ahead of your target audience. Share what you‘ve learned on your coding journey – I promise there are other developers out there who will benefit.

The Power of Teaching

If there‘s one big lesson I‘ve learned from being a freeCodeCamp author, it‘s that teaching is one of the best ways to grow as a developer. Putting your knowledge into words reveals gaps in your understanding. Writing clear code snippets and examples deepens your mastery. And seeing how your work helps others is incredibly motivating.

I‘m grateful to be part of such an amazing community of developers at freeCodeCamp. Having a platform to teach what I know and learn from others has been a gift. And I‘m a better developer because of it.

So start sharing, teaching, writing – whatever that looks like for you. You never know what doors it might open or the impact you could have. If a self-taught developer like me can become a freeCodeCamp author, you can too.

Happy coding!

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