I Finished the Entire freeCodeCamp Curriculum in 1 Month (and Recorded Everything)

What if I told you it was possible to go from knowing very little about coding to earning 6 professional developer certifications in just 1 month? You‘d probably think I was crazy or question how well I actually learned the material. But I‘m here to tell you it is possible, because I did it. I dedicated myself to completing the entire freeCodeCamp curriculum full-time for a month, and documented the whole experience.

What is freeCodeCamp?

For those unfamiliar, freeCodeCamp is a free online community that offers a comprehensive web development curriculum. It was founded in 2014 by Quincy Larson with the mission of helping anyone learn to code for free.

Since then, it has grown into a global community of millions of aspiring developers across 160 countries. Over 40,000 graduates have gotten developer jobs at companies like Google, Spotify, and Microsoft after completing the curriculum. (Source)

The curriculum covers everything from HTML and CSS basics to advanced algorithm scripting, data visualization, and full-stack development. It is split into 6 certifications:

  1. Responsive Web Design (300 hours)
  2. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (300 hours)
  3. Front End Development Libraries (300 hours)
  4. Data Visualization (300 hours)
  5. APIs and Microservices (300 hours)
  6. Quality Assurance (300 hours)

In total, the curriculum includes over 1,400 coding challenges, 30 projects, and 6,000 hours of content. It is designed to be completely self-paced and can be completed part-time or full-time. The average completion time is around 1 year, but some dedicated learners have finished in as little as 3 months. (Source)

So what possessed me to attempt it all in just 30 days? As a full-stack developer with a few years of experience under my belt, I wanted to challenge myself and fill in some gaps in my knowledge across the stack. I knew freeCodeCamp would provide a well-rounded foundation, but I had never quite made it all the way through the curriculum.

I decided to commit to it full-time for a month as an experiment and to show others what‘s possible with dedication. To keep myself accountable, I live-streamed the entire journey on Twitch, warts and all. I wanted aspiring developers to see the reality of the learning process, including the victories and the struggles.

Curriculum Deep Dive

Let‘s take a closer look at each certification in the freeCodeCamp curriculum and what it entails.

Responsive Web Design (300 hours)

The first certification focuses on the building blocks of web development: HTML and CSS. It covers topics like:

  • Basic HTML and HTML5
  • Basic CSS
  • Applied Visual Design
  • Applied Accessibility
  • Responsive Web Design Principles
  • CSS Flexbox and Grid

The challenges ramp up gradually from simple HTML tags to building complex, responsive layouts. The projects in this section include:

  • Tribute Page
  • Survey Form
  • Product Landing Page
  • Technical Documentation Page
  • Personal Portfolio Page

Here‘s an example of the technical documentation page project I built:

Technical Documentation Page Project

This section took me about a week to complete, working 6-7 hours per day on average. While I had prior experience with HTML and CSS, I still learned a lot, particularly about accessibility and responsive design principles.

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (300 hours)

The second certification dives deep into JavaScript fundamentals and more advanced concepts. It covers:

  • Basic JavaScript
  • ES6
  • Regular Expressions
  • Debugging
  • Basic Data Structures
  • Basic Algorithm Scripting
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Functional Programming
  • Intermediate Algorithm Scripting

This was by far the most challenging and time-consuming section for me. While I use JavaScript regularly, this certification exposed gaps in my understanding of certain concepts and really leveled up my problem-solving skills.

I spent close to 2 weeks working through the 300+ challenges and projects in this section. The algorithm scripting challenges were particularly tough – I had to resist the urge to look up solutions and really struggle through them. But this is where I saw my skills grow the most.

Front End Development Libraries (300 hours)

The third certification introduces several popular front-end frameworks and libraries, including:

  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • Sass
  • React
  • Redux

As someone who primarily works with vanilla JavaScript and Vue, this section pushed me out of my comfort zone. I had to quickly adapt to the unique syntax and paradigms of each library.

The React challenges were especially eye-opening. While I had experimented with React before, I gained a much deeper understanding of concepts like JSX, state management, and lifecycle methods.

The projects in this section were super engaging and practical, including:

  • Random Quote Machine
  • Markdown Previewer
  • Drum Machine
  • JavaScript Calculator
  • 25 + 5 Clock

Here‘s a look at the drum machine I built using React:

Drum Machine Project

Data Visualization (300 hours)

Next up was data visualization using D3.js. This section covers topics like:

  • Data Visualization with D3
  • JSON APIs and AJAX

The projects were a fun way to apply these concepts:

  • Bar Chart
  • Scatterplot Graph
  • Heat Map
  • Choropleth Map
  • Treemap Diagram

While I had used D3 sparingly before, this section deepened my understanding and showed me the full potential of the library. I can definitely see myself reaching for D3 more often in future projects.

APIs and Microservices (300 hours)

The fifth certification marked a shift to back-end development and working with APIs. It covers:

  • Managing Packages with NPM
  • Basic Node and Express
  • MongoDB and Mongoose

We built several microservices and APIs for the projects:

  • Timestamp Microservice
  • Request Header Parser Microservice
  • URL Shortener Microservice
  • Exercise Tracker
  • File Metadata Microservice

As a full-stack developer, I really enjoyed diving into the back-end projects and flexing my Node.js and Express skills. The MongoDB challenges were also a great refresher.

Quality Assurance (300 hours)

The final certification is all about testing and quality assurance. It covers:

  • Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai
  • Advanced Node and Express

The projects involve writing tests for several web applications using Chai and other libraries:

  • Metric-Imperial Converter
  • Issue Tracker
  • Personal Library
  • Stock Price Checker
  • Anonymous Message Board

I‘ll admit, testing is an area I often neglect in my own projects. But this section hammered home the importance of thorough testing and gave me the tools to do it effectively. I now feel much more confident writing tests for my code.

Challenges and Lessons Learned

This experience challenged me in more ways than one. Technically, I had to constantly push myself outside my comfort zone and confront what I didn‘t know. The algorithm scripting challenges and timed coding tests, in particular, were nerve-wracking.

I distinctly remember struggling with the "Map the Debris" challenge for hours, trying to wrap my head around orbital physics formulas. I had to step away from the computer and clear my head several times. But I stuck with it and eventually had a breakthrough. That feeling of finally solving a tough problem is unparalleled.

I also ran into my fair share of bugs and roadblocks, like when I couldn‘t get a React project to deploy on Heroku or when an accidental page refresh wiped out an hour of unsaved code. Each of these moments taught me the importance of version control, frequent commits, and maintaining a growth mindset.

Psychologically, imposter syndrome reared its ugly head more than once. I had to constantly remind myself that struggling is a natural part of the learning process and that every developer faces challenges. Live-streaming my journey added another layer of vulnerability and accountability. At first, I was self-conscious about making mistakes in front of an audience. But I learned to embrace the messiness and share my thought process openly.

Time management was also a constant struggle. With such an ambitious goal and countless distractions at my fingertips, I had to be deliberate about how I spent each day. Using the Pomodoro Technique—working in focused 25-minute sessions with short breaks in between—was a game-changer. It helped me maintain my focus and momentum, even on days when my motivation was lacking.

Some other key lessons and tips:

  • Focus on understanding the underlying concepts, not just memorizing syntax.
  • Break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts.
  • Use the "Read-Search-Ask" method to get unstuck.
  • Take breaks to recharge and let difficult concepts sink in.
  • Don‘t compare your progress to others – everyone learns at their own pace.
  • Make time for physical exercise, sleep, and socializing. Burnout is real!
  • Find a community to learn with and draw inspiration from.

The Power of Community

On the topic of community… Besides the technical curriculum, one of the best parts of freeCodeCamp is the vibrant, supportive community. Between the forums, chat rooms, and social media groups, there‘s always someone ready to lend a helping hand or word of encouragement.

Over 5 million people visit freeCodeCamp‘s publication, forum, and YouTube channel each month. The community has over 500k followers across Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. And there are thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups that meet up in cities around the world. (Source)

I experienced the power of this community firsthand through my live streams. Viewers would join the chat to ask questions, share resources, and cheer me on. It was incredibly motivating to know I had an audience holding me accountable. And it was rewarding to help inspire others in their own coding journeys.

I was also blown away by the generosity and helpfulness I encountered in the freeCodeCamp forums. Every time I posted a question, I would get multiple thoughtful replies within minutes from experienced developers around the world. People genuinely want to see each other succeed. It‘s a beautiful thing.

A World of Opportunities

Learning to code is about so much more than just acquiring a set of technical skills. It‘s really about problem-solving, continuous learning, and contributing something valuable to the world. These are highly transferable skills that can open up a world of opportunities, no matter your background.

Demand for developers is exploding. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 15 percent employment growth for web developers between 2016 and 2026. And jobs requiring coding skills pay $22,000 more per year than jobs that don‘t. (Source)

But beyond the financial benefits, coding empowers you to build solutions to real-world problems and express your creativity in new ways. Whether you want to start your own business, work for a mission-driven company, or pursue cutting-edge research, coding can help you get there.

And with the rise of remote work, geography is no longer a limitation. As long as you have an internet connection and a computer, you can collaborate with people around the globe and make a living from anywhere. The possibilities are endless.

Conclusion: Start Your Journey Today

So what are you waiting for? If a self-taught developer like me can complete the entire freeCodeCamp curriculum in a month, imagine what you can accomplish by dedicating yourself a little bit each day.

Maybe your goal is to land your first developer job, or build a passion project, or just learn a new skill for fun. Whatever it is, the most important thing is to start and stay consistent.

freeCodeCamp makes it easy by breaking down complex concepts into bite-sized lessons and projects that build on each other. You can go at your own pace and fit it into your schedule, whether you have 30 minutes a day or several hours.

And remember, you‘re not alone in this journey. The freeCodeCamp community is here to support you every step of the way, from providing feedback on your projects to celebrating your successes. We‘re all constantly learning and growing together.

To get started, create a free account on freecodecamp.org. Then join one of the many study groups or hop into the chat rooms to introduce yourself to the community. You can also follow freeCodeCamp on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube for daily doses of inspiration and education.

And if you want to follow in my footsteps and attempt to complete the entire curriculum in a short period of time, feel free to check out my live stream recordings on YouTube (links in journal). I also highly recommend checking out Quincy Larson‘s How to Learn to Code in 2021 article for a more in-depth roadmap and tips for staying motivated.

The hardest part is getting started. But once you do, I promise you won‘t regret investing in yourself and your future. Just take it one day, one challenge at a time. The sense of accomplishment you‘ll feel as you progress is truly unparalleled.

Happy coding!

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