Create Your Own Video Game from Scratch – No Coding Required!

Have you always dreamed of making your own video game but felt intimidated by the coding aspect? Great news – with the power of no-code game development tools like GDevelop, anyone can design and build their own game without writing a single line of code.

In this beginner-friendly guide, we‘ll walk through the basics of creating a playable game prototype using GDevelop‘s intuitive, visual interface. By the end, you‘ll have a foundational understanding of game logic, level design, character interactions and more. Let‘s jump in!

What is GDevelop?

GDevelop is a free, open-source, cross-platform game engine that enables users to create 2D and simple 3D games without any coding knowledge. Instead of typing out complex source code, you visually design your game using GDevelop‘s event-based system.

Under the hood, GDevelop generates optimized JavaScript, but as the developer you never have to interact with the underlying code. GDevelop abstracts away the programming aspects so you can focus purely on the creative side of game development.

Some of GDevelop‘s key features include:

  • Drag and drop game creation
  • Asset store with free sprites, tilesets and sounds
  • Event-based visual scripting
  • Scene editor for level design
  • Behaviors to easily add pre-built functionality
  • Cross-platform exports to Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and HTML5

With GDevelop, both complete beginners and experienced game devs seeking faster prototyping can build games with ease. The intuitive interface is simple enough for kids and non-programmers to grasp, while the extensive features allow for more ambitious projects as well.

The Power of No-Code Game Development

Why use a no-code game engine like GDevelop in the first place? Building a game the traditional way, by coding it from scratch, requires advanced programming skills and can be extremely time consuming, especially for a solo indie developer or small team.

No-code tools like GDevelop significantly lower the barriers to entry, opening up game development to a much wider audience. People with an creative vision for a game can focus on the design, art and gameplay instead of getting bogged down in coding syntax.

Using a visual, drag-and-drop interface, you can rapidly prototype game ideas and mechanics to test what works and what doesn‘t. This allows you to iterate faster to craft the ideal player experience. Then once your core game loop is solid, you can invest time into polishing the visuals and adding more content.

No-code doesn‘t mean limited or overly simplistic though. Thanks to the power of behaviors in GDevelop that implement common game mechanics, you can create quite robust and engaging games without all the tedious low-level coding. Professional studios even use no-code tools to quickly test out ideas before moving into production.

Making a Playable Game in GDevelop

Enough intro, let‘s actually make something! We‘ll now step through the basics of creating a small platformer game in GDevelop. A platformer is a game where the player controls a character to run and jump across suspended platforms, collecting items and avoiding obstacles.

First, download GDevelop from the official website ( and install it on your computer. Open GDevelop and click the "Create a New Project" button on the Start Page. Select a folder to save the project.

The main GDevelop interface has a few key areas:

  • The Scene Editor is the main visual workspace where you lay out levels and build your game world
  • The Properties Panel on the left allows you to modify the settings of the currently selected object
  • The Objects List shows all the assets currently used in your game
  • The Events Editor is where you define the logic and interactivity of your game

To start, we‘ll create a basic level. Right-click in the Scene Editor and choose "Insert new object" > "Sprite." Select an image file to use as your platforming tiles. Resize it to an appropriate size in the Properties Panel.

Copy and paste the sprite to build out an arrangement of platforms. You can make them into different shapes and heights. Keep the platforms fairly close together for now to simplify the gameplay.

Next, we need a player character. Repeat the process to insert a new sprite object, this time choosing a character image. Place the character sprite on top of one of the platforms.

Now we need to define the player‘s behavior. GDevelop uses "behaviors" to implement common game functionality without needing to code it yourself. In the Properties Panel with the player sprite selected, click "Add a behavior to the object." Expand the "Platformer Engine" category and double-click "Platformer character."

Adding this behavior enables the player character to move left and right using the arrow keys, as well as jump when the spacebar is pressed. You can configure properties like the jump speed and maximum fall speed.

To make the platforms solid, select each of the platform sprites and give them the "Platform" behavior. Otherwise the player will fall right through the platforms.

Hit the Play button to test the game so far. The player character should be able to run and jump across the level.

At this point, we‘ve covered the basics of using GDevelop to:

  • Set up a project
  • Create a level using tiled sprites
  • Add a player character
  • Implement platformer movement and physics

But there‘s so much more you can do! More advanced features we can add to the platformer include:

  • Collectible coins or items
  • Hazards and obstacles to avoid
  • Moving platforms or environments
  • Enemies to fight or dodge
  • Sound effects and background music
  • A level goal or endpoint to reach
  • Multiple levels connected by portals or a level select menu

Endless Game Possibilities

A basic platformer is just one example of the kinds of games you can create without code in GDevelop:

  • Side-scrolling action games
  • Arcade-style space shooters
  • Puzzles and brain teasers
  • Casual "tap and play" mobile games
  • Educational games and quizzes
  • Retro-inspired pixel art games
  • Local multiplayer party games
  • Experimental art games

The only limit is your creativity and imagination. With GDevelop‘s extensive collection of built-in behaviors, visual effects and easy extensibility, you can craft engaging gameplay experiences across many different genres and styles.

For inspiration, check out the GDevelop game showcase ( to see the wide variety of polished and innovative indie games built with this no-code engine. You‘ll find everything from addictive mobile puzzlers to beautiful story-driven adventures and intense bullet hell shooters.

Resources to Get Started

Hopefully this article gave you a sense of how powerful no-code game development can be and how easy it is to get started with a tool like GDevelop. We only scratched the surface of what‘s possible.

To dive deeper into GDevelop and build on the concepts from this tutorial, check out these official resources:

You‘ll find step-by-step instructions for creating many different game types, as well as tips for designing balanced and engaging levels, crafting immersive pixel art and sound design, optimizing performance across platforms and more.

Remember, you don‘t need to be a professional coder to bring your dream game to life. With the power of no-code tools like GDevelop, anyone can unleash their creativity and build incredible gaming experiences from scratch. So dream up your ultimate game idea and make it a (virtual) reality!

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