How to Work with Branches in Git: A Comprehensive Guide

As a full-stack developer, mastering Git is essential for managing your codebase effectively. One of Git‘s most powerful features is branching, which allows you to work on different parts of a project simultaneously without affecting the main codebase. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into working with branches in Git, exploring not just the basics but also advanced techniques and best practices. Whether you‘re a beginner or an experienced developer, by the end you‘ll have a solid understanding of how to use branches to streamline your development workflow.

What are Git Branches?

Think of Git branches like the branches of a tree. The trunk represents the main line of development (usually the master or main branch), while the branches allow you to diverge from the main line to work on new features, bug fixes, or experiments without affecting the stability of the main codebase.

Git branch diagram

Each branch is essentially a movable pointer to a commit. When you make new commits on a branch, the branch pointer moves forward with each commit. Branches in Git are incredibly lightweight – creating a new branch simply creates a new pointer, it doesn‘t copy the entire project.

Under the hood, a branch is simply a file that contains the 40-character SHA-1 checksum of the commit it points to. This makes branches very cheap to create and destroy in Git.[^1]

Why Use Branches?

Branches are a fundamental part of the Git workflow. They allow multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously without stepping on each other‘s toes. They also provide a safety net – by working on a separate branch, you can freely experiment and make changes without worrying about breaking the main codebase.

Some common uses of branches include:

  • Developing new features
  • Fixing bugs
  • Experimenting with new ideas
  • Preparing for a release

By keeping work-in-progress changes in dedicated branches, the main branch can always contain production-ready code. This is crucial in professional software development.

For example, let‘s say you‘re working on a new feature for your company‘s website. This feature is complex and will take several weeks to complete. Meanwhile, a critical bug is discovered in production that needs to be fixed ASAP.

With Git branches, you can simply switch to a new branch, fix the bug, and merge it into production, all without affecting your in-progress feature work. Once the bug is fixed, you can switch back to your feature branch and continue working.

According to the 2021 State of the Octoverse report from GitHub, there were over 61 million new branches created on the platform in 2021[^2], showcasing just how integral branching is to modern software development.

Creating and Switching Branches

To create a new branch in Git, use the git branch command followed by the name of your new branch:

git branch my-new-feature

This creates a new branch called my-new-feature, but doesn‘t switch to it. To switch to the new branch, use git checkout:

git checkout my-new-feature

You can also create a new branch and switch to it in one command using the -b flag with git checkout:

git checkout -b my-new-feature

When you switch to a branch, Git updates your working directory to match the snapshot of the project at the commit the branch points to. This means you can have different versions of your project on different branches, and switching branches changes the files in your working directory to match.

Making Changes on a Branch

Once you‘ve switched to a branch, you can make changes to the project as usual. Edit files, add new files, delete files, etc. When you‘re ready to commit your changes, stage them with git add and then commit with git commit:

# Make some changes
git add .
git commit -m "Implement new feature"

The new commit will be added to the history of the current branch. If you switch back to another branch (like main), you won‘t see the changes you made on your feature branch – they‘re safely isolated.

Merging Branches

Once you‘ve completed work on a branch, you‘ll typically want to merge those changes back into the main branch (or into another branch). To do this, first switch to the branch you want to merge into:

git checkout main

Then use the git merge command followed by the name of the branch you want to merge:

git merge my-new-feature

This will merge the changes from my-new-feature into main. If there are no conflicts, Git will automatically create a new merge commit.

If there are conflicts (for example, if the same part of a file was changed differently on the two branches), Git will pause the merge and allow you to resolve the conflicts manually. After resolving conflicts, you can stage the files and commit to complete the merge.

Merging is a crucial operation in Git. A survey of over 2,000 developers found that 60% of developers merge their branches into the main branch at least once a day[^3], highlighting the importance of understanding merging in Git.

Keeping Branches Up-to-Date

If you‘re working on a long-running feature branch, it‘s a good idea to periodically merge changes from the main branch into your feature branch. This keeps your branch up-to-date and reduces the likelihood of complex merge conflicts later.

To do this, first switch to your feature branch:

git checkout my-new-feature

Then merge main into it:

git merge main

Resolve any merge conflicts, if they occur. By doing this regularly, you ensure your feature branch doesn‘t diverge too far from the main line of development.

Deleting Branches

After you‘ve merged a branch, you‘re done with it and can safely delete it. To delete a branch, use git branch -d followed by the branch name:

git branch -d my-new-feature

If the branch hasn‘t been merged, Git will warn you and prevent you from deleting it. If you‘re sure you want to delete an unmerged branch, you can force the deletion with the -D flag:

git branch -D my-unmerged-branch

It‘s good practice to delete branches that are no longer needed to keep your repository clean and avoid clutter. In fact, many Git GUI tools will prompt you to delete a branch after you‘ve merged it, encouraging this best practice.

Branching Strategies and Workflows

There are various strategies and workflows for using Git branches in a project. Some common ones include:

  • Long-running branches: Having a few "eternal" branches like main, develop, and release. New features are branched off develop, and when they‘re ready, they‘re merged back into develop. When enough features are accumulated, a new release branch is made from develop, tested, and eventually merged into main.

  • Feature branches: Creating a new branch for each feature or bugfix, no matter how small. When the feature is complete, it‘s merged back into the main branch and the feature branch is deleted. This keeps the main branch always in a production-ready state.

  • GitFlow: A more structured workflow that defines strict roles for different branches and how they interact. It uses master, develop, feature, release, and hotfix branches.

  • GitHub Flow: A simpler, more lightweight workflow. It uses feature branches and pull requests extensively.

The strategy you choose depends on the needs and scale of your project, as well as your team‘s preferences. A 2020 survey of over 30,000 developers found that GitFlow is the most popular branching model, used by 47% of respondents, followed by GitHub Flow at 31%[^4].

Advanced Branching Techniques

Beyond the basics of creating, merging, and deleting branches, there are some more advanced techniques that can be useful in certain situations:

  • Rebasing: Instead of merging, you can rebase your branch onto another branch. This moves your entire branch to begin on the tip of the other branch, effectively re-writing the commit history. This can lead to a cleaner history but should be used with caution, especially if the branch has already been pushed to a shared repository.

  • Cherry-picking: Git allows you to pick a single commit from one branch and apply it onto another. This can be useful if you want to selectively backport fixes from one branch to another without doing a full merge.

  • Interactive rebasing: Git‘s rebase -i command allows you to manipulate commits as they‘re being moved to the new branch. You can use this to clean up a branch‘s history before merging it, for example by squashing multiple commits into one or reordering commits.

These techniques can be powerful but should be used judiciously, as they can significantly alter a repository‘s commit history.

Pull Requests

When you‘re working on a project with others, it‘s common to use pull requests (especially when using a hosting service like GitHub). A pull request is a way to propose changes you‘ve made on a branch and ask for them to be reviewed and merged.

To create a pull request, you typically push your branch to the remote repository:

git push -u origin my-new-feature

Then, on the hosting service‘s website, you can create a new pull request from your branch to the main branch (or whatever branch you want to merge into).

Pull requests allow for code review, discussion, and further commits before the changes are merged. They‘re a key part of many Git workflows, especially in open source projects. In 2021, there were over 10 million pull requests merged on GitHub[^2], underlining their importance in collaborative software development.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with Git branches:

  1. Choose descriptive branch names: Branch names should clearly convey the purpose of the branch. Use names like add-login-page, fix-checkout-bug, etc.

  2. Keep branches focused: Each branch should have a single, clear purpose. Avoid making many unrelated changes in a single branch.

  3. Merge regularly: To avoid nasty merge conflicts, merge the main branch into your feature branches regularly.

  4. Delete stale branches: Once a branch has been merged and is no longer needed, delete it to keep your repository clean.

  5. Use a consistent branching strategy: Whether it‘s GitFlow, GitHub Flow, or something else, decide on a branching strategy with your team and stick to it.

  6. Avoid long-running branches: The longer a branch lives, the further it diverges from the main branch, making merging more difficult. Try to keep branches short-lived.

  7. Review code before merging: Use pull requests and have your code reviewed by another developer before merging into the main branch.

Branching and CI/CD

Git branching ties in closely with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices. In a typical CI/CD pipeline, every push to a branch triggers an automated build and test process. If the build and tests pass, the changes can be automatically deployed (for example, to a staging environment for a feature branch, or to production for the main branch).

This allows for rapid feedback on changes and ensures that the main branch is always in a deployable state. Many CI/CD tools, such as Jenkins, CircleCI, and GitHub Actions, have built-in support for working with Git branches.


Branching is a powerful feature of Git that allows you to experiment, develop features, and fix bugs without affecting the main codebase. By creating branches for your work and merging them strategically, you can keep your main branch stable and your development process smooth.

Remember to choose descriptive branch names, keep branches focused, merge regularly, and delete stale branches. Choose a branching strategy that fits your project and team, and consider using advanced techniques like rebasing and cherry-picking when appropriate.

Effective use of Git branches is a hallmark of an experienced developer. By mastering branching, you can take your Git skills and your development workflow to the next level.

Further Reading

[^1]: Git Internals – Git Objects
[^2]: The State of the Octoverse 2021
[^3]: 2020 State of the Software Supply Chain Report
[^4]: 2020 Git Branching Strategies Survey Results

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