How to use GitHub badges to stop feeling like a noob

Imposter syndrome is a pervasive struggle in the world of software development, especially for those who are self-taught or just starting their coding journey. A 2018 study by Blind found that a whopping 58% of tech professionals experience imposter syndrome, with 1 in 5 reporting that it significantly impacts their careers.

As a self-taught developer, I‘ve certainly had my fair share of moments wondering if my code was "good enough" or if I really belonged in this field. But over time, I discovered a simple yet powerful way to boost my skills and confidence: GitHub badges.

In this ultimate guide, I‘ll dive into what GitHub badges are, how they can benefit you as a developer, and walk you step-by-step through the process of adding them to your own projects. Say goodbye to feeling like a "noob" and hello to showcasing your coding prowess!

What are GitHub badges?

GitHub badges (also known as shields) are small, dynamically generated images that display the status of your repository. They are typically placed at the top of your project‘s README file.

Some common examples you‘ve likely seen include:

  • Build status: Indicates whether the project‘s tests are currently passing or failing
  • Code coverage: Shows the percentage of the codebase that is covered by tests
  • Version compatibility: Confirms the project supports specific language or framework versions
  • License type: Displays the open source license that specifies usage permissions
  • Code quality: Provides a maintainability score based on code complexity, duplication, etc.

The key is that these badges aren‘t just decorative. They pull data from various third-party services that continuously monitor the repository, so they always reflect the current status of the project.

Why use GitHub badges?

Now you might be thinking, sure the badges look cool but are they really worth the effort of setting up? The answer is a resounding yes! Here‘s why:

1. Showcase your skills

Having a lineup of badges showing passing tests, high code coverage, and stellar maintainability scores is like having a trophy case of your coding achievements. It demonstrates that you adhere to industry best practices and care about code quality.

In fact, a 2019 HackerRank survey of over 71,000 developers found that 65% consider the quality and cleanliness of a company‘s code to be a significant factor in their job search. By displaying badges that vouch for the caliber of your code, you can stand out to potential employers.

2. Attract contributors and users

Open source projects with badges indicating a healthy codebase, good test coverage, and active maintenance are more likely to attract outside contributors. People want to work on projects they can trust will be a good use of their time and effort.

Similarly, users are more likely to feel confident using a library or tool if they can easily glance at the badges and confirm it is well-tested and reliable. A 2020 study by Snyk found that 85% of developers consider security to be a top priority when evaluating open source packages, so having a security badge can boost adoption.

3. Keep yourself accountable

It‘s easy to let best practices like writing tests or updating dependencies fall by the wayside, especially on personal projects. But when you add badges, you have a constant visual reminder to keep those metrics in the green.

The instant feedback of seeing a badge turn red can be the motivation you need to prioritize that refactoring work or dependency upgrade. Over time, maintaining those badges becomes a source of pride and helps establish good coding habits.

4. Learn by example

Exploring other developers‘ GitHub repositories with impressive badge lineups can be a great learning opportunity. What services are they using to monitor code quality or security? How are they generating documentation or changelog badges?

Badges can tip you off to tools and techniques you may not have been aware of before. You can even explore the configuration files like .travis.yml or codecov.yml to see how they set them up. It‘s like being able to peek under the hood of high-quality projects and learn by example.

Adding badges to your projects

Sold on the value of GitHub badges? Great! Let‘s walk through the process of implementing some of the most popular ones.

Build status with Travis CI

The build status badge is like the heartbeat of your project. It confirms that the code is stable and the tests are passing. Travis CI is a popular continuous integration service that makes it easy to generate a build badge.

Here‘s how to set it up:

  1. Sign up for Travis CI using your GitHub account
  2. Go to your profile page and find the repository you want to add the badge to
  3. Click the toggle switch to enable Travis CI for that repo
  4. Add a .travis.yml file to your repo specifying the language and commands to run your tests
  5. Trigger a new build by pushing a change to GitHub
  6. Once the build passes, go to the build page and click the badge in the top right corner
  7. Select the Markdown format and copy the code snippet
  8. Paste the snippet at the top of your project‘s README file

Here‘s an example of what that Markdown snippet looks like:

[![Build Status](](

Code coverage with Codecov

Code coverage is the perfect complement to a passing build badge, as it shows how much of your codebase is actually being tested. Codecov is a code coverage reporting tool that integrates seamlessly with Travis CI.

To set it up:

  1. Sign up for Codecov using your GitHub account
  2. Add the Codecov script to your .travis.yml file to send coverage reports:
      - Istanbul cover ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --reporter Icov -- -R spec
      - codecov
  3. Trigger a new Travis CI build by pushing a change
  4. Navigate to the Codecov page for your repository
  5. Click the gear icon in the top right and select "Badge"
  6. Choose your preferred badge style and copy the Markdown snippet
  7. Paste the badge code in your README file

Code quality with CodeClimate

Code quality badges give potential contributors a high-level assessment of your project‘s overall code health, including factors like complexity, duplication, and maintainability. CodeClimate is a static analysis tool that generates code quality reports and badges.

Here‘s how to add it to your project:

  1. Sign up for CodeClimate using your GitHub account
  2. Add your repository and configure your preferred analysis settings
  3. Trigger a new analysis by pushing a change to GitHub
  4. Once the analysis is complete, click "Repo Settings" in the top right
  5. Select "Badges" from the left sidebar menu
  6. Copy the Markdown snippet for the "Maintainability" badge
  7. Paste the badge code in your README and push the changes

Security with Snyk

With the increasing focus on supply chain security, having a badge that confirms your project‘s dependencies are free of known vulnerabilities is more valuable than ever. Snyk is a security scanning service that integrates with npm, Maven, PyPI, and other package managers.

To add a Snyk badge:

  1. Sign up for a free Snyk account and link it to your GitHub
  2. Navigate to your Snyk dashboard and click "Add New Project"
  3. Select your package manager and choose the repository to monitor
  4. Snyk will generate a dependency graph and scan for vulnerabilities
  5. In your project page, click the settings gear icon
  6. Under "General Settings", toggle on the "Project Badge"
  7. Copy the badge code and paste it in your README

Documentation with Inch CI

If you‘ve put time and effort into thoroughly documenting your code, why not showcase that with a badge? Inch CI is a documentation analysis service that integrates with your GitHub repo.

To set it up:

  1. Sign up for an Inch CI account and link it to your GitHub
  2. Add your repository and configure the analysis settings
  3. Navigate to your project page and click the "Badges" tab
  4. Select your preferred badge style and copy the Markdown snippet
  5. Paste the documentation coverage badge code in your README

Imposter syndrome and the power of badges

At the end of the day, displaying badges on your GitHub projects is about more than just vanity metrics. It‘s a powerful way to combat the imposter syndrome that plagues so many developers.

The 2018 Blind study found that 1 in 4 tech professionals experience imposter syndrome on a daily or weekly basis. When you‘re constantly doubting your own skills and capabilities, it can be hard to feel like you belong in the industry.

But having tangible proof of your coding abilities in the form of GitHub badges can help quiet that nagging voice of self-doubt. It‘s a reminder that yes, you do write high-quality, well-tested code. You do follow best practices and care about security. You are constantly improving and your code shows it.

Plus, the process of setting up the badges in the first place becomes an opportunity to level up your skills. You learn about continuous integration with Travis, code coverage with Codecov, static analysis with CodeClimate. Each new badge is a new tool in your developer toolbelt.

And remember, every expert developer was once a beginner like you. They pushed through those same imposter syndrome feelings and kept coding, kept learning, kept improving. The badges on their projects now are a testament to that growth.

So don‘t be afraid to showcase your achievements with GitHub badges, no matter how "small" they may seem. Every passing build, every bump in coverage, every A+ maintainability score is worth celebrating.

Choosing the right badges

With so many services offering badges, it can be tempting to overload your README with a dizzying array of shields. However, it‘s important to be judicious in your selection.

Consider what badges are most relevant and valuable for your specific project. A small JavaScript utility probably doesn‘t need a full suite of 10+ badges. On the other hand, a complex machine learning library may benefit from more niche badges like PyPI version or Jupyter Notebook compatibility.

Some questions to ask when choosing badges:

  • What are the key metrics that indicate the health of this project?
  • Which badges will be most useful for potential users or contributors?
  • Are there any badges that are particularly relevant to the language, framework, or domain of this project?
  • What badges do similar high-quality projects in this space use?

It‘s also a good idea to periodically audit and update your badge lineup. Are you still actively using that CI service or code coverage tool? Have you added a badge for your spiffy new documentation site? Keep your README badges current and relevant.

At the end of the day, the goal is to use badges to tell the story of your project and your skills as a developer. Choose the ones that best highlight your strengths and the quality of your code.

Wrapping up

Who knew those little badges could be such a powerhouse for boosting your confidence and showcasing your coding skills? As a self-taught developer, discovering GitHub badges was a revelation for me.

Seeing those green "passing" shields on my projects became a constant reminder that yes, I do belong in this field. My code is tested, secure, and maintainable. I may still have a lot to learn, but my commitment to writing quality code is no longer in doubt.

More than that, adding badges became a mechanism for continuous learning and improvement. It exposed me to industry best practices and gave me an easy way to keep myself accountable. Whenever a badge would slip into the red, I knew it was time to prioritize that upgrade or refactor.

If you‘re struggling with imposter syndrome or feeling like your projects don‘t measure up, I encourage you to start incorporating badges. Start with a simple build status and code coverage, then layer on additional ones as you gain confidence.

Remember, every developer‘s journey is different. Don‘t compare your Chapter 1 to someone else‘s Chapter 20. Focus on making progress, learning, and improving with each new badge you add.

Happy coding, and may your READMEs be forever filled with green shields! 🚀

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