Learn the Basics of Git in Under 10 Minutes

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I can confidently say that learning Git is one of the most important skills for modern software development. Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to efficiently collaborate on projects of any scale. It‘s become an essential tool for coding projects, with widespread adoption across the industry.

In this article, we‘ll cover the fundamentals of Git, including key terminology, the basic workflow, essential commands, and how to leverage GitHub for collaboration. By the end, you‘ll have a solid foundation to start using Git in your own projects. Let‘s dive in!

Why Git is Essential for Developers

Before looking at how Git works, it‘s worth understanding why it‘s become so critical for software development. Here are some of the key advantages of Git:

  1. Distributed version control – Git is a distributed version control system, which means every developer has a complete copy of the repository on their local machine. This enables working offline, fast performance for most operations, and the ability to collaborate easily with others.

  2. Non-linear development – Git has a unique branching model that allows for lightweight experimentation, efficient integration of changes, and the ability to easily context switch between different lines of development.

  3. Efficient collaboration – Git, especially when paired with a platform like GitHub, enables seamless collaboration between developers. It‘s easy to share changes, conduct code reviews, have discussions around code, and contribute to others‘ projects.

  4. Comprehensive history and versioning – Git maintains a complete history of all changes made to a codebase. You can easily look back at previous versions, see who made specific changes and when, and revert to earlier states if needed.

  5. Integration with modern developer tools – Git plays nicely with essentially all modern developer tools and platforms. Whether it‘s your code editor, CI/CD pipeline, project management tools, or deployment workflows, Git can be integrated to streamline development.

To highlight Git‘s popularity and importance, consider these statistics:

  • Git is used by 93% of professional developers according to Stack Overflow‘s 2022 Developer Survey.
  • There are over 200M repositories on GitHub and it has over 83M developers contributing to projects.
  • The State of the Octoverse Report from GitHub in 2022 showed a 27.6% year-over-year growth in the number of repositories that developers created and contributed to.

Understanding Essential Git Concepts and Terminology

To effectively use Git, you need to understand some of its core components and terminology:

  • Repository (repo) – The repository is the core of Git, representing the complete history and all versions of a project. It contains all the metadata that Git maintains about a project.
  • Working directory – This is essentially your local filesystem where you can view and edit files. It represents a specific version of the files checked out from the repository.
  • Staging area – The staging area is the space between the working directory and the repo itself. It‘s where you stage changes that you want to commit to the repository.
  • Commit – A commit represents a specific version of the files in the repository. It‘s a snapshot of the project at a point in time, with metadata like the author, message, and timestamp.
  • Branch – A Git branch is a movable pointer that allows developers to work on different versions of a codebase simultaneously. Branches enable parallel development and experimentation.
  • Remote – A remote is a version of the repository hosted somewhere other than your local machine, often a centralized server (like GitHub). You can sync changes between the remote and your local clone of the repo.

Here‘s a great visualization of how these components fit together in the Git architecture:

Git Architecture Diagram
Image source: Comparing Git Workflows by Georgia Tech

The Basic Git Workflow

With the key concepts in mind, let‘s walk through the typical workflow of making and committing changes to files in Git.

  1. Initialize or Clone the Repo

Before you can start tracking changes in a project, you need to either initialize a new Git repo or clone an existing one. To create a new local repo, use git init in the project directory. To clone an existing project, use git clone <repo-url>.

  1. Make Changes in the Working Directory

Once you have a repo, you can start making changes to files in your local working directory. This could be things like adding a new feature, fixing a bug, or refactoring some code. Git tracks these changes, but it doesn‘t record them in the repository history until you commit them.

  1. Stage Changes

When you‘ve made some changes that you want to commit, you need to stage them first. Staging is essentially telling Git "I want to include these specific changes in the next commit". You can stage individual files with git add <file> or stage all changes with git add .

  1. Commit Changes

Once your desired changes are staged, you create a new commit to permanently store those changes in the repo history. Each commit has a unique identifier, a message describing the changes, and keeps track of the author and timestamp. To make a commit, use git commit -m "Descriptive commit message".

  1. Push to Remote

Finally, if you‘re collaborating with others or want an off-site backup of your repo, you‘ll push your local changes up to a remote repository. This sync changes between your local copy and the centralized server copy. To push new commits, use git push origin <branch>.

Here‘s an example of this workflow in action:

# Make some changes to files
echo "Test file" > test.txt
echo "import numpy as np" >> analysis.py 

# Stage the changes 
git add test.txt
git add analysis.py

# Commit with a message
git commit -m "Add test file and update analysis script"

# Push to remote
git push origin main

Essential Git Commands

We‘ve already seen a few key Git commands in the basic workflow, but let‘s cover them and a few others in more detail:

  • git init – Initialize a new Git repo in the current directory
  • git clone <repo> – Clone an existing repo to your local machine
  • git add <file> – Stage changes in a specific file for the next commit
  • git commit -m "message" – Create a new commit with the staged changes and a message
  • git push <remote> <branch> – Push commits to a remote repository
  • git pull <remote> <branch> – Pull changes from a remote repository to your local machine
  • git status – View the current state of the repo, seeing changed/staged files
  • git log – Show a log of all commits in the repo history
  • git diff – See the difference between the working directory, staged files, and/or commits

These commands have many options that can tailor their behavior. For example, with git log you can use --graph to see a visual graph of the commit history, --oneline for a compact summary, or --author="Author Name" to filter commits by a specific person.

Similarly, git diff is really powerful for investigating changes. Some helpful options are --staged to see changes in files that are staged but not committed, --name-only to just see names of changed files, or --diff-filter=[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)] to select only files that have been added, copied, deleted, modified, etc.

Collaborating with GitHub

While Git is a phenomenal standalone tool, it really shines as a collaboration platform when paired with GitHub. GitHub is the most popular centralized location for hosting remote Git repositories, and layered on many features that facilitate collaborative development.

To start using GitHub:

  1. Create an account at github.com (choose a good username, it will be public!)
  2. Configure your local Git install with your GitHub credentials
  3. Create a new empty repo on GitHub with a name and description
  4. Push your local repo (if you already created one) to GitHub with:
git remote add origin <GitHub-repo-URL>
git push -u origin main

Or, clone an existing GitHub repo to your machine with:

git clone <GitHub-repo-URL>

Once your local repo is connected to GitHub, it opens up a world of collaborative possibilities:

  • Other developers can easily clone your project, make changes, and contribute those changes back via a pull request
  • You can use GitHub issues to discuss bugs, features, and other plans for the project
  • GitHub projects allow you to create Kanban-style task boards to track and manage work
  • You can automatically run tests, builds, deployments when new changes are made using GitHub actions
  • Project documentation can be created and maintained in the repo wiki

Many major open-source projects are hosted and collaborated on via GitHub. For example, Visual Studio Code, React, Angular, Bootstrap, and TensorFlow all leverage GitHub. Companies like Microsoft, Google, Meta, and many more use GitHub heavily for both public and private projects.

Resolving Conflicts

One of the most common challenges when collaborating with Git is dealing with merge conflicts. These occur when two branches have changed the same part of a file and are being merged together.

For example, imagine this history:

          o---o---o feature branch
         /         \
    o---o---o---o---? main branch

Both the feature branch and main branch continued development and now need to be brought together. If changes were made to the same lines of code in the same files, Git won‘t be able to automatically merge them.

When this happens, Git will mark the file as being in conflict and halt the merge process. It‘s then up to developers to resolve the conflict by deciding what the final state of the file should be. Git will insert visual markers in files to show where conflicts are:

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is the version of the code in main
This is the version of the code in the feature branch 
>>>>>>> feature-branch

To resolve, edit the file to the desired final state, remove the conflict markers, stage the file, and commit to complete the merge.

Many Git tools, like the VS Code Git extension, can help visualize and resolve merge conflicts. GitHub also has great documentation on resolving merge conflicts.

Additional Powerful Git Commands

Beyond the basics we‘ve covered, Git has many powerful commands that can help you precisely manage a repo history:

  • git stash – Temporarily stash changes you‘ve made to revert to a clean working directory. Useful when you need to quickly switch context without committing half-done work.
  • git reset – Reset the state of files and/or the staging area. Can be used to unstage changes, revert to previous commits, or discard uncommitted changes.
  • git rebase – Apply changes from one branch onto another. Commonly used to keep a feature branch up to date with main or to clean up a messy history before merging.
  • git cherry-pick – Apply the changes from a single specific commit onto the current branch. Allows for very targeted integration of changes.
  • git bisect – Perform a binary search through the commit history to identify the commit that introduced a bug or regression. Extremely helpful for tracking down when breaking changes were introduced.

Git Clients and IDE Integration

While the command line interface is the most direct way to leverage Git, there are also many graphical user interface (GUI) clients that can simplify working with Git. Some popular ones are:

  • GitHub Desktop
  • GitKraken
  • Sourcetree
  • Tower
  • Git Extensions

Additionally, most modern integrated development environments (IDEs) and text editors have robust Git integrations. VS Code, IntelliJ, Android Studio, Xcode, and many others allow you to perform Git operations directly from the editor. This can greatly streamline your development workflow.


We‘ve covered a lot of ground in this whirlwind tour of Git! From understanding the core terminology and architecture, to the basic workflow of staging and committing changes, to collaborating effectively with GitHub, you‘re now equipped with the fundamental knowledge needed to start leveraging Git in your own projects.

Git is an incredibly powerful and flexible tool, and we‘ve really only scratched the surface of what it can do. As you continue to work with Git, you‘ll encounter more advanced use cases and techniques. Don‘t be afraid to explore and experiment – the beauty of Git is that it‘s very hard to irreversibly mess things up!

Remember, Git is ultimately a tool to make your development process more efficient, effective, and collaborative. Use it in the way that best supports your and your team‘s workflow.

Some parting advice:

  • Always write clear and descriptive commit messages! Your future self and collaborators will thank you.
  • Commit early and often. Smaller, more focused commits are much easier to understand and revert if needed.
  • Don‘t be afraid of branching and experimenting. Git makes it easy to try new things without risking stable code.
  • When collaborating, communicate early and often. Git and GitHub have many tools to facilitate discussion around code.

I‘ll leave you with this great quote from Linus Torvalds, the creator of Git:

"I‘m an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First Linux, now Git."

Happy coding, and may your commits be clean and your merges be smooth!

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