Mastering Website Hosting on GitHub Pages with Git Submodules

As a seasoned full-stack developer, I‘ve learned that structuring your code repositories is just as important as writing clean, efficient code. One powerful tool for managing complex project structures is Git submodules. When combined with GitHub Pages for hosting, submodules can truly elevate your web development workflow.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore what Git submodules are, how they work, and how you can use them in conjunction with GitHub Pages to create a sophisticated, modular website hosting setup. Whether you‘re building a personal blog, a documentation site, or a complex web application, understanding submodules will give you a valuable tool in your developer toolkit.

Understanding Git Submodules

At its core, a Git submodule allows you to embed one Git repository inside another as a subdirectory. However, unlike a regular subdirectory, a submodule maintains its own separate Git history. This means that the submodule‘s code can be managed independently from the parent repository.

Here‘s a simple diagram illustrating this structure:


In this example, parent-repo contains two submodules, sub-repo1 and sub-repo2. Each submodule has its own .git directory, indicating that it is a separate Git repository.

The .gitmodules file in the parent repository is what tells Git which subdirectories are submodules and where their respective Git repositories are located.

Why Use Submodules?

So why would you choose to use submodules instead of just keeping all your code in one repository? There are several compelling reasons:

  1. Modularity: Submodules allow you to split a large project into smaller, more manageable pieces. Each piece can be developed, tested, and updated independently.

  2. Code Sharing: If you have code that‘s used across multiple projects, you can share it via a submodule. Updates to the shared code can be propagated to all projects that use it.

  3. Specific Versions: Submodules allow you to pin a specific version of a dependency. The parent project can reference a specific commit in the submodule, ensuring consistent behavior even if the submodule is updated.

  4. Cleaner Repository: By moving some code into submodules, you can keep your main project repository cleaner and more focused.

Of course, submodules aren‘t always the right choice. Here‘s a quick comparison of using submodules versus keeping everything in a single repository (often called a monorepo):

Feature Submodules Monorepo
Code isolation
Independent versioning
Single source of truth
Simplified code sharing
Ease of atomic changes

As you can see, submodules and monorepos each have their strengths. The right choice for your project will depend on your specific needs and constraints.

Setting Up GitHub Pages with Submodules

Now that we understand what submodules are and why we might want to use them, let‘s walk through the process of setting up a GitHub Pages site with submodules.

Creating the Repositories

First, we‘ll need to create our repositories on GitHub. For this example, let‘s say we‘re building a personal website with a blog and a projects showcase. We‘ll have three repositories:

  • personal-website: The main repository for our website.
  • blog: A repository for our blog posts.
  • projects: A repository for our project showcases.

Create each of these repositories on GitHub.

Adding Submodules

Next, we‘ll set up our local personal-website repository and add the blog and projects repositories as submodules.

# Create the personal-website directory and initialize it as a Git repository
mkdir personal-website
cd personal-website
git init

# Add the blog and projects repositories as submodules
git submodule add
git submodule add

# Commit the changes
git add .
git commit -m "Add blog and projects submodules"

# Push to GitHub
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

Replace yourusername with your actual GitHub username.

Configuring GitHub Pages

With our repositories set up, it‘s time to configure GitHub Pages. Go to the settings page for your personal-website repository on GitHub, scroll down to the "GitHub Pages" section, select the main branch as the source, and click "Save".

Next, we need to configure GitHub Pages for each of our submodules. In each submodule‘s repository, create a new branch called gh-pages. This is the default branch that GitHub Pages looks for when building your site.

# In the blog repository
git checkout -b gh-pages
git push -u origin gh-pages

# In the projects repository
git checkout -b gh-pages
git push -u origin gh-pages

Now, when you navigate to, you should see your main website. The blog will be accessible at, and the projects at

Managing Submodules

As you work on your website, you‘ll likely need to update your submodules frequently. Here are some common tasks you‘ll encounter:

Fetching Submodule Updates

To fetch changes from all submodules:

git submodule update --remote

To fetch changes for a specific submodule:

git submodule update --remote blog

After fetching changes, you‘ll need to commit the updated submodule reference in the parent repository:

git add blog
git commit -m "Update blog submodule"

Making Changes in a Submodule

If you need to make changes within a submodule, the process is similar to working with a regular Git repository:

# Enter the submodule directory
cd blog

# Make your changes
echo "New blog post" >

# Commit the changes
git add
git commit -m "Add new blog post"

# Push the changes
git push

Remember to also commit the updated submodule reference in the parent repository.

Releasing with Submodules

One of the benefits of using submodules is that it allows you to decouple the release cycles of your main project and its dependencies.

For example, let‘s say you‘ve made some updates to your blog and you‘re ready to release a new version of your website. You might do something like this:

# In the blog repository
git checkout main
git merge dev
git tag v1.2.0
git push --tags

# In the personal-website repository
git submodule update --remote
git add blog
git commit -m "Update blog to v1.2.0"
git tag website-v2.0.0
git push --tags

In this example, we first create a new release of the blog by merging the dev branch into main, tagging it as v1.2.0, and pushing the tag to GitHub. Then, in the personal-website repository, we update the blog submodule to this new version, create a new release of the website (website-v2.0.0), and push that tag.

This way, we can manage the versions of our website and its subcomponents independently.

Best Practices and Gotchas

While submodules are a powerful tool, they can also introduce some complexity to your development workflow. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Keep submodules small and focused: Submodules work best when they encapsulate a specific piece of functionality. Avoid the temptation to create massive, monolithic submodules.

  • Pin submodules to specific commits: By default, cloning a project with submodules will check out the submodules on their default branch. This can lead to inconsistent behavior if the submodule is updated. Instead, get in the habit of pinning submodules to specific commits.

  • Be mindful of coupling: While submodules can help decouple parts of your project, it‘s still possible to create tight coupling between the parent project and its submodules. Aim for loose coupling whenever possible.

  • Watch out for recursive submodules: It‘s possible for submodules to contain their own submodules, leading to deeply nested structures. This can quickly become hard to manage. Avoid recursive submodules unless absolutely necessary.

Here are a few gotchas to be aware of:

  • Cloning a project with submodules: When you clone a project that uses submodules, Git will not automatically download the submodules‘ contents. You need to run git submodule init and git submodule update after cloning to fetch the submodules.

  • Submodules and branch switching: If you switch branches in your main project and the new branch has a different submodule commit referenced, you need to manually update the submodule as well (git submodule update).

  • Submodules and GitHub Pages: As we saw in the setup process, GitHub Pages doesn‘t automatically publish submodules. You need to configure each submodule to be published on its own gh-pages branch.

Remember, Git submodules are a tool, not a silver bullet. Evaluate whether they‘re the right fit for your specific project and team.


Git submodules, when used judiciously, can be a powerful addition to your web development workflow. Combined with the hosting capabilities of GitHub Pages, submodules enable you to create modular, maintainable websites with ease.

However, as with any advanced Git functionality, submodules come with their own set of complexities and potential pitfalls. By following best practices and being aware of common gotchas, you can harness the power of submodules while minimizing the headaches.

As a full-stack developer, your job is not just to write code, but to architect systems. Thoughtful repository structure is a crucial part of this. Submodules are one tool in your toolbelt – use them wisely, and they can help you build more robust, manageable codebases.

So go forth and submodule! But do so with care and intention. Happy coding!

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