GitHub Repo Guide – How to Increase Engagement on your Public GitHub Repositories

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, your public GitHub repositories serve as a testament to your skills, expertise, and contributions to the open source community. Engaging and well-maintained repositories not only showcase your technical abilities but also provide opportunities for collaboration, learning, and recognition from fellow developers worldwide. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore…

How you can learn Git and GitHub while you‘re learning to code

As an aspiring developer, you have a lot on your plate. Between learning one or more programming languages, building projects for your portfolio, and developing problem-solving skills, it may feel like there‘s hardly time for anything else. But one skill you absolutely can‘t afford to neglect is version control with Git and GitHub. Used by…

How to Use Gatsby to Create Your Blog (And Work on It From Your Phone)

Are you a developer looking to start a personal blog? Or perhaps you already have a blog on a platform like WordPress or Medium, but you‘re frustrated by the lack of customization options and control over your content. If so, you should consider using Gatsby to create your blog. Gatsby is a powerful static site…

Revolutionize Your Web Development Workflow with Travis CI and GitHub

As a seasoned full-stack web developer, I know firsthand the pains of manually testing and deploying code changes. In the dark ages before continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD), I would spend hours painstakingly building and validating even the smallest code change, only to repeat the whole arduous process again for the next change….

Mastering the .github Repository: An In-Depth Guide

If you‘re a developer using GitHub, you know it‘s a powerful platform for version control and collaborative coding. But are you leveraging all of its features to maximize your productivity and project success? One often-overlooked tool is the .github repository. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into what the .github repo is, how it…

Empowering Developers with GitHub Copilot: The AI-Powered Coding Revolution

As a software developer, you‘re always looking for ways to be more productive and write better code. What if you had an AI-powered assistant that could understand your coding style, suggest intelligent completions, and even generate entire functions from scratch? Enter GitHub Copilot – a game-changing tool that promises to revolutionize the way we write…

How to use GitHub badges to stop feeling like a noob

Imposter syndrome is a pervasive struggle in the world of software development, especially for those who are self-taught or just starting their coding journey. A 2018 study by Blind found that a whopping 58% of tech professionals experience imposter syndrome, with 1 in 5 reporting that it significantly impacts their careers. As a self-taught developer,…

How to Set Up a GitHub OAuth Application: A Comprehensive Guide

As a full-stack developer, you may have encountered situations where you needed to integrate third-party authentication into your application. OAuth (Open Authorization) is a widely adopted protocol that allows users to grant access to their resources on one website to another website without sharing their credentials. In this article, we will dive into the process…

How to Make Your First Pull Request on GitHub: A Comprehensive Guide

If you‘re a developer looking to contribute to open source projects or collaborate with others on GitHub, one of the most important skills to learn is how to make a pull request. A pull request is the primary way developers propose changes to a codebase on GitHub. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through the…

Unlock Your Coding Potential with the GitHub Student Developer Pack

As a full-stack developer and educator, I‘m always excited to share resources that can help student developers grow their skills and build impressive projects. One of the best tools available is the GitHub Student Developer Pack, a comprehensive collection of professional developer tools and services offered for free to students. In this guide, I‘ll dive…

Unlocking Pro Developer Tools: A Student‘s Guide to GitHub and Replit

As a student learning to code, having access to professional development tools can make a huge difference in your learning journey and future career prospects. Two of the most popular and powerful platforms used by developers worldwide are GitHub and Replit. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore how you can unlock free access to GitHub…