The Riddle of Sphinx: How to Document Your Code Easily

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I know firsthand how crucial good documentation is to the success of any software project. It‘s the key to making your code maintainable, scalable, and accessible to other developers. And yet, all too often, documentation is treated as an afterthought or neglected entirely in the rush to ship new features.

In fact, a study by GitHub found that out of 1.8 million repositories analyzed, 20% had no README at all, and only 25% had documentation beyond a basic README file. This lack of documentation is a major problem, leading to countless hours of wasted effort trying to understand and modify poorly documented code.

But it doesn‘t have to be this way! With the right tools and practices, documenting your code can be a breeze. In this article, I‘ll show you how to use Sphinx, a powerful documentation generator, to create comprehensive, professional docs for your Python projects. Whether you‘re working on a small script or a large-scale application, Sphinx can help you communicate your code‘s intent and functionality clearly.

We‘ll start by covering the basics of Sphinx – what it is, how it works, and why it‘s so useful. Then we‘ll dive into a step-by-step tutorial on setting up Sphinx for a project, customizing the configuration, and writing effective content. Along the way, I‘ll share tips and best practices from my own experience as well as insights from industry experts. Finally, we‘ll deploy the finished docs to GitHub Pages for easy sharing.

By the end of this guide, you‘ll have all the knowledge you need to start documenting your own projects with confidence. Let‘s get started!

Why Good Documentation Matters

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of using Sphinx, let‘s take a step back and consider why documentation is so important in the first place. At the most basic level, docs help you and others understand how your code works. Clear, concise documentation saves countless hours of digging through source code to figure out what a particular function or class does.

But the benefits go much deeper than that. Good documentation is a powerful collaboration tool. By writing down the key concepts, architecture, and usage examples for your project, you enable other developers to quickly get up to speed and start contributing productively. Docs also force you to clarify your own thinking and design choices, often uncovering hidden assumptions or areas for improvement.

For open source projects, documentation is essential for building a strong community. Potential users and contributors are much more likely to get involved with a well-documented project. Conversely, lack of documentation is one of the most common complaints about open source software. In Stack Overflow‘s 2022 Developer Survey, 42% of respondents cited "poor or no documentation" as a major challenge when using open source.

Even for internal company projects, documentation has tangible business benefits. It reduces onboarding time for new hires, prevents knowledge loss when team members leave, and makes it easier to share code across different parts of the organization. In short, good docs are not a nice-to-have – they‘re a fundamental part of producing quality software.

Introduction to Sphinx

So what exactly is Sphinx and how does it help with documentation? At its core, Sphinx is a tool for transforming plaintext files into polished HTML, PDF, and other formats. It was originally created for the Python docs but has since been widely adopted across the software industry.

One of the key features of Sphinx is its support for reStructuredText (reST), a lightweight markup language designed for technical docs. reST is similar to Markdown but has a more rigorous syntax and built-in support for things like cross-references, footnotes, and code blocks. Here‘s a quick example:

This is a section heading

This is a paragraph with *italic* and **bold** text.

- Bullet list item
- Another item

Code block::

    def hello():
        print("Hello, world!")

Sphinx extends reST with a variety of directives and roles for including specialized content. For example, the .. code-block:: directive highlights code snippets with syntax coloring, while the :ref: role creates cross-references to other parts of the docs.

Another powerful feature of Sphinx is its ability to extract docstrings from your Python code and incorporate them directly into the documentation. This means you can write detailed explanations of functions, classes, and modules right in your source files, and Sphinx will pull them in automatically. More on this later.

Setting Up Sphinx

Now that we have a high-level understanding of Sphinx, let‘s walk through the process of setting it up for a real project. Suppose we have a simple Python package with the following structure:


To generate Sphinx docs, we‘ll first create a docs/ directory and run sphinx-quickstart inside it:

mkdir docs
cd docs

This launches an interactive prompt that asks you a series of questions about your project. You can mostly accept the defaults, but make sure to say yes when asked about setting up autodoc and creating a Makefile. These will be important later.

After the quickstart finishes, your docs/ directory should look something like this:


The key files to know about are:

  • The main Sphinx configuration file. This is where you customize things like project info, extensions, and theme options.
  • index.rst: The root page of your docs, which serves as a table of contents for the other pages.
  • Makefile: A convenience script for building the docs using the make command.

Configuring Sphinx

Before we start writing content, let‘s configure Sphinx to work with our package. Open up in your text editor and scroll down to the "Path setup" section. Uncomment and modify these lines to point to your package‘s root directory:

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(".."))

This tells Sphinx where to find your Python modules relative to

Next, add the sphinx.ext.autodoc extension to the list of enabled extensions:

extensions = [
    # ...

Autodoc is what allows Sphinx to pull in docstrings from your code. We‘ll see how to use it in a bit.

Finally, let‘s choose a theme for our docs. I recommend the "Read the Docs" theme, which provides a clean, responsive design out of the box. To use it, first install the theme package:

pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

Then add this line to

html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"

Feel free to explore the other options in, but the defaults are generally good enough to start with.

Writing Content

With the configuration out of the way, it‘s time to start writing! Sphinx expects documentation content to be organized into reStructuredText files. Let‘s create a few pages to describe our package. Open up index.rst and replace the contents with:

Welcome to My Package‘s documentation!

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:


The toctree directive creates a table of contents and specifies which pages to include. The :maxdepth: option controls how many levels of headings to show, while :caption: sets the title.

Now let‘s create the pages we referenced. Add a new file intro.rst with some basic information about the project:


My Package is a collection of useful utilities for doing X, Y, and Z. It is designed to be easy to use and integrate into existing projects.


- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- Feature 3


To install My Package, run:

.. code-block:: bash

    pip install my-package

For more details, see the Tutorial section.

Sphinx supports all the standard reST formatting, like section headers, bulleted lists, and code blocks. You can also use custom directives like .. note:: and .. warning:: to highlight important information.

Next, let‘s add a tutorial.rst file with a more in-depth walkthrough of the package:


This tutorial will guide you through the basic usage of My Package.

First, make sure you have installed the package as described in the Introduction.

Importing the Package

To use My Package in your own code, start by importing it:

.. code-block:: python

    import my_package

Using Module 1

Module 1 provides functions for doing common tasks. For example:

.. code-block:: python

    result = my_package.module1.some_function(arg1, arg2)

The `some_function` takes two arguments and returns a result. See the API reference for more details.


The .. code-block:: directive tells Sphinx to highlight the code block according to the specified language (Python in this case). You can also use backticks to create inline code like some_function.

Documenting the API

One of the most powerful features of Sphinx is its ability to generate API documentation directly from your code‘s docstrings. This keeps your docs and code in sync and saves you from having to write everything twice.

To use this feature, first make sure your code follows one of the standard Python docstring formats supported by Sphinx (Google, NumPy, or reStructuredText). Here‘s an example of a function documented using the Google style:

def some_function(arg1, arg2):
    """Summary line.

    Extended description of function.

        arg1 (int): Description of arg1
        arg2 (str): Description of arg2

        bool: Description of return value
    return True

The docstring includes a brief summary, a longer description, and sections for the arguments, return value, and other properties.

To pull these docstrings into your Sphinx docs, create a new file api.rst with:

API Reference

.. automodule:: my_package.module1

.. automodule:: my_package.module2

The .. automodule:: directive tells Sphinx to generate docs for the specified module, while :members: includes docs for all its public functions, classes, and variables. You can also use :undoc-members: to include objects without docstrings.

Building and Viewing

With some content in place, let‘s build the docs and see what they look like. Run this command from the docs/ directory:

make html

This tells Sphinx to build HTML output in the _build/html directory. Open up _build/html/index.html in your web browser to view your shiny new docs!

Sphinx supports other output formats like PDF and ePub, which you can build with make latexpdf and make epub respectively. However, HTML is the most common and easiest to share.

Publishing to GitHub Pages

To share your docs with the world, you can publish them for free using GitHub Pages. Just push your code to a public GitHub repo, then enable Pages in the repo settings. For the source, choose the main branch and docs/_build/html directory.

GitHub will automatically build and deploy your docs to a public URL like https://<username><repo>/. Anytime you push new changes to the main branch, your docs will update in a few seconds.

If you want to use a custom domain, just add a CNAME file to your docs/_build/html directory with the domain name, and configure the DNS settings with your registrar. GitHub has detailed guides for setting this up.

Tips and Best Practices

Here are some tips I‘ve learned for making the most of Sphinx and writing great docs:

  • Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon. Explain concepts as if the reader is new to your project.
  • Structure your docs logically with a table of contents and consistent headings. Use Sphinx‘s :ref: and :doc: roles to cross-link between pages.
  • Keep your code examples short and focused. Provide complete, runnable snippets whenever possible.
  • Use Sphinx‘s built-in directives and roles for things like notes, warnings, and references. They provide visual consistency and make the docs easier to scan.
  • Break up long pages or sections with images, diagrams, and other visual aids. Tools like and Mermaid.js are great for creating simple graphics.
  • Document early and often. Write docstrings as you code, and update the narrative docs with each new feature or change.
  • Get feedback from your users and contributors. Ask them what parts of the docs are confusing or incomplete, and improve them based on their input.

For a deeper dive into the art of technical writing, I highly recommend the resources from Write the Docs, especially their Guide to Documentation and Documentation System resources. For Sphinx-specific tips and examples, see the official Sphinx documentation and tutorial.


In this guide, we‘ve covered everything you need to know to start documenting your Python projects with Sphinx. We walked through the key concepts and features of Sphinx, set up a basic docs structure, and explored techniques for writing effective content. By leveraging Sphinx‘s powerful tools and following best practices, you can create docs that are a joy to use and maintain.

But don‘t just take my word for it. Try incorporating Sphinx into your own development workflow and see the benefits firsthand. Write docstrings for your functions and classes, organize your docs into a clear structure, and publish them for the world to see. Your users (and future self) will thank you.

At the end of the day, good documentation is about communication. It‘s a way to share your hard work and knowledge with others, and to invite them to build upon it. In a world where code is read far more than it is written, investing in docs is one of the best ways to make your software accessible, maintainable, and successful in the long run.

So go forth and document! The Sphinx is waiting.

Further Reading

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