How to Participate in Hacktoberfest – Even if You Don‘t Write Code

Hacktoberfest logo

Hacktoberfest is an annual celebration of open source software organized by DigitalOcean, Intel, and DEV. The event encourages people from around the world to contribute to open source projects on GitHub during the month of October.

In 2021, 154,466 participants from 180 countries made 583,361 pull requests to over 64,000 projects. Those numbers have grown exponentially since Hacktoberfest launched in 2014 with a mere 676 contributors.

The incredible global participation illustrates the power of the open source community coming together. People of diverse backgrounds and skill levels all play a part in building and improving the software that powers our world.

So how can you get involved in this exciting event and impactful community? Let‘s explore how to make your first open source contribution, no coding required!

Why Participate in Hacktoberfest?

There are countless compelling reasons to contribute to open source, whether you‘re a developer or not:

  • Make a real impact – Your contributions help improve tools used by millions of people every day. It‘s empowering to build something meaningful for a global audience.

  • Grow your skills – Open source provides the opportunity to practice working on real-world projects with other professionals. You‘ll learn new tools, technologies, and processes that help you grow.

  • Build your network – Collaborating on open source connects you with talented people around the world who can become valuable professional contacts. It‘s a great way to meet mentors, peers, and even potential employers.

  • Boost your portfolio – Hiring managers love to see demonstrated experience and passion. Open source contributions showcase your abilities, initiative, and communication skills.

  • Get free swag – Hacktoberfest participants who make 4 accepted pull requests earn a limited edition t-shirt (or can choose to plant a tree). Many projects also offer additional rewards like stickers for contributors.

Hacktoberfest t-shirt and stickers
Hacktoberfest participants who make 4 accepted pull requests can earn a free t-shirt and stickers. (Source: DigitalOcean)

But beyond the personal benefits, the impact of open source is enormous:

  • Transparency – Open source code can be viewed and audited by anyone, making it more secure and trustworthy than proprietary black boxes.

  • Innovation – Open collaboration accelerates the development of cutting-edge technologies. Shared progress moves the world forward faster.

  • Accessibility – Open source makes software freely available to individuals, nonprofits, and underserved populations, not just those who can afford expensive licenses.

  • Education – Studying open source code is a valuable learning resource for programmers of all levels looking to improve their skills.

Hacktoberfest is the perfect gateway to experience these benefits. You‘ll see how fulfilling it is to build something real, expand your horizons, and pay it forward – all while earning some sweet prizes.

Ways to Contribute to Open Source Without Coding

Think you need to be an elite hacker to contribute to open source? Think again! Open source projects need help in all areas, many of which don‘t require writing any code.

Here‘s a small sampling of the many non-code ways you can make a valued open source contribution:


Person writing documentation

Well-written and maintained documentation is essential for any project. Clear instructions, examples, and references help users and contributors understand how to use and improve the software. Some documentation tasks:

  • Write a project README or "Getting Started" guide
  • Improve or expand existing documentation
  • Add code comments to explain functionality
  • Create tutorials or how-to guides
  • Fix grammar, spelling, and formatting issues


Designers working together

Designers of all types can make valuable open source contributions:

  • UI/UX Designers – Improve the layout, visual design, and user flows in the application. Create wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to propose new interfaces and experiences.

  • Graphic Designers – Create logos, icons, illustrations, and other graphics for the project. Ensure branding is consistent across websites, social media, and marketing.

  • Web Designers – Implement responsive, accessible HTML/CSS layouts for project websites, landing pages, and documentation. Ensure compatibility across browsers and devices.


Software testing process

No matter how skilled the coders, every project needs thorough testing to catch bugs, spot usability issues, and verify the software works as intended. Quality assurance opportunities:

  • Manually test the application and record results
  • Write detailed bug reports with steps to reproduce, expected vs actual behavior, and environment details
  • Triage and confirm bug reports from other testers
  • Propose and implement automated tests
  • Review code changes and verify fixed issues


Website shown in multiple languages

Help make open source projects accessible to a wider global audience by translating them into multiple languages. Localization tasks include:

  • Translate user interface text
  • Translate documentation, websites, and marketing content
  • Review and improve translations from others
  • Ensure translations are consistent and culturally appropriate

User Support

Person providing customer support

Answering questions and troubleshooting issues other users have with the project is a tremendous help. You can assist by:

  • Responding to questions on forums, chat rooms, and social media
  • Creating FAQ pages or knowledge base articles
  • Improving documentation based on common questions and problems

Outreach and Advocacy

Person speaking at a conference

Spreading the word about the project expands its reach and attracts more users and contributors. Show your passion through:

  • Writing blog posts and articles
  • Speaking at meetups and conferences
  • Creating video tutorials and demonstrations
  • Posting about the project on social media
  • Reaching out to journalists and influencers

Finding Beginner-Friendly Open Source Projects

With so many open source projects out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Thankfully, there are some great resources that aggregate beginner-friendly issues and projects:

  • Up For Grabs – Browse projects with tasks for new contributors, searchable by language and technology.
  • First Timers Only – A collection of small, well-documented issues across projects tagged for first-time contributors.
  • Awesome for Beginners – A list of projects with good bugs for new contributors, sorted by language.
  • Good First Issues – Showcases beginner-friendly issues across popular open source projects on GitHub.

When evaluating projects, look for ones that are actively maintained, have a friendly and responsive community, and provide thorough documentation. Many large projects like freeCodeCamp, Gatsby, and Mozilla have detailed contributing guides and label starter issues for beginners.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your First Open Source Contribution

Now that you know why and what to contribute, let‘s walk through the process of actually making that first contribution! We‘ll use GitHub for this example, since that‘s where most Hacktoberfest contributions happen.

1. Set up a GitHub account

If you don‘t have one already, create a free GitHub account. Fill out your profile with your name, photo, bio, location, and any relevant links. This helps maintainers get to know you.

2. Find an issue to work on

Browse the resources above or explore the Hacktoberfest website to find a project and issue that interests you. You can search by language, technology, and difficulty level to narrow it down.

Once you‘ve found a promising issue, read through the description and comments carefully. Make sure you understand the problem and requirements before jumping in. If anything is unclear, ask clarifying questions in the comments.

3. Fork the repository

When you‘ve found an issue you want to tackle, head to the project repository‘s homepage on GitHub. Click the "Fork" button in the upper right to create a copy of the repository associated with your account. This is where you‘ll make your changes.

Clicking fork button on GitHub repository

4. Clone your fork locally

Next, you‘ll download a local copy of the forked repository to your computer. Click the green "Code" button and copy the URL displayed.

Copying clone URL

Open your terminal and run:

git clone

Replace YOUR-USERNAME with your GitHub username and REPOSITORY-NAME with the name of the project repository.

5. Create a branch

Change into the repository directory:


Now create a new branch to contain your changes:

git checkout -b my-contribution

Choose a short, descriptive name for your branch related to the issue you‘re working on.

6. Make your changes

Open the project files in your favorite editor and start implementing your changes. If you‘re working on a bug fix, try to isolate the problem and make the smallest possible change that resolves it. If you‘re adding a new feature or enhancement, make sure it matches the project‘s style and conventions.

Save your changes and test them out locally. Many projects have specific instructions for running the code and verifying your change works as expected.

7. Commit your changes

Once you‘re satisfied with your changes, it‘s time to commit them. Run git status to see a list of files you‘ve changed.

Add the files you want to include in your commit:

git add path/to/file1.js path/to/file2.css

Then create your commit with a descriptive message summarizing your change:

git commit -m "Fix bug causing error on user login"

8. Push your changes to GitHub

Now you‘ll upload your local commits to your forked repository on GitHub:

git push origin my-contribution 

Replace my-contribution with the actual name of your branch.

9. Create a pull request

Head back to your forked repository on GitHub and refresh the page. You should see a highlighted area offering to create a pull request from your new branch:

Recently pushed branches on GitHub

Click the green "Compare & pull request" button. This will open a form to submit your pull request to the original project repository.

Fill in a title and description for your pull request, following any instructions or templates provided by the project. Explain the problem you‘re solving, the changes you made, and any open questions you have.

Submitting a pull request

Double check everything looks good and click "Create pull request". Congratulations, you‘ve just submitted your first open source contribution! 🎉

The project maintainers will review your changes and likely provide some feedback. Respond to their questions and comments in the pull request, and push additional commits to your branch to incorporate any requested changes.

With some luck, your pull request will be merged and your contribution will become part of the project. But even if it‘s not ultimately accepted, you‘ve still learned a ton and helped move the project forward. Every contribution counts!

Etiquette for Open Source Contributors

As you get more involved in open source, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Read the contribution guidelines – Most projects have a file that explains what types of contributions they accept and how the process works. Always read this first to make sure you understand the expectations.

  • Be respectful and constructive – Open source brings together people from all over the world with different backgrounds and perspectives. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, and focus on the work rather than personal attributes.

  • Keep discussions focused – Stay on topic and avoid derailing conversations with unrelated comments. If you have a separate issue or feature request, create a new thread for it.

  • Be patient – Remember that open source maintainers are often volunteers juggling many responsibilities. It may take them some time to review your contribution. Be understanding and avoid badgering them for updates.

  • Accept feedback gracefully – Contributors and maintainers may suggest changes to your work. Don‘t take it personally! The goal is to work together to make the best possible contribution to the project.

By following these guidelines, you‘ll build a positive reputation in the open source community and contribute to a welcoming, collaborative environment.

You‘re On Your Way to Open Source Success

Contributing to open source may seem intimidating at first, but it‘s really just a matter of finding the right opportunity, working through the technical steps, and being a considerate community member. With this guide, you‘re well on your way to making your first of many contributions.

Remember, open source participation is for everyone. You have something valuable to offer, whether it‘s coding, writing, designing, or advocating. Your unique perspective and experiences can shape the future of projects used by people across the globe.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start unlocking the joys and benefits of contributing to open source. Happy Hacktoberfest!

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