How to Set Up an LED Light and Make It Blink with Code

Arduino board with blinking LED light

As a full-stack developer, I love exploring the intersection of hardware and software. One of the best beginner projects to get your feet wet with electronics is making an LED blink using a microcontroller like an Arduino. It demonstrates the fundamental concept of using code to control something in the physical world. By the end of this guide, you‘ll understand how to wire up a basic circuit and program an LED to turn on and off. Let‘s get started!

What Is an LED and How Does It Work?

An LED, or light-emitting diode, is a semiconductor device that gives off light when an electric current passes through it. LEDs have two leads: a positive anode lead and a negative cathode lead. Current can only flow through the LED in one direction, from the anode to the cathode. When sufficient voltage is applied to the anode lead, electrons are able to recombine with electron holes, releasing energy in the form of photons and causing the LED to light up.

Unlike incandescent light bulbs, LEDs are highly efficient, require little power, and can last over 50,000 hours. They come in a variety of colors and sizes for different applications. For this project, we‘ll use a standard 5mm LED.

Components You‘ll Need

Before we get started, gather the following parts:

  • Arduino Uno or compatible microcontroller board
  • USB A-to-B cable
  • Breadboard
  • 5mm LED
  • 220 ohm resistor
  • Male-to-male jumper wires

Components needed for LED blinking circuit

The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P microchip. It provides 14 digital input/output pins that can be used to interact with various components like LEDs. We‘ll connect the Arduino to our computer via a USB cable to upload our code.

A breadboard allows us to quickly build temporary circuits without soldering. Components and wires are pushed into the holes to form connections. The resistor is used to limit current through the LED and prevent it from burning out.

Wiring the Circuit

Now it‘s time to hook everything up. Follow these steps:

  1. Connect the Arduino to your computer with the USB cable. The green power LED should turn on.
  2. Plug the LED into the breadboard. Make sure the longer anode lead is in a different row than the shorter cathode lead.
  3. Using a jumper wire, connect the cathode lead (short leg) of the LED to one of the ground (GND) pins on the Arduino.
  4. Plug one end of the 220 ohm resistor into the same row as the LED anode (long leg). Connect the other end to Arduino digital pin 13 using a jumper wire.

Your completed circuit should look like this:

Wiring diagram for LED blink circuit

If you‘re wondering about the resistor, it‘s used to reduce the current flowing to the LED. According to Ohm‘s Law, current equals voltage divided by resistance (I=V/R). The Arduino provides 5V of power, so a 220 ohm resistor will allow a safe 23mA of current to reach the LED. Without the resistor, the LED would likely pop!

Coding the Blink

With the circuit ready, let‘s write the code to make the LED blink. Open the Arduino IDE and type the following:

// Define pin 13 as the LED pin
const int LED_PIN = 13;

void setup() {
  // Set pin 13 as an output
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Turn the LED on
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);

  // Wait 1 second

  // Turn the LED off
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);

  // Wait 1 second

Let‘s break this down line-by-line:

  1. const int LED_PIN = 13; creates a constant variable to store the number of the pin the LED is connected to. Using a constant makes the code more readable and allows you to easily change the pin assignment later.
  2. The setup() function runs once when the Arduino first powers on. Here we set pin 13 as an OUTPUT since we want to drive the LED.
  3. The loop() function runs continuously after setup() finishes. This is where we tell the LED to turn on and off.
  4. digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH) applies 5V to pin 13, lighting up the LED. HIGH can be replaced with 1 and LOW with 0, but using these predefined constants makes the code more legible.
  5. delay(1000) pauses the program for 1000 milliseconds, or 1 second, with the LED on.
  6. digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW) applies 0V to pin 13, turning off the LED.
  7. Another 1 second delay() keeps the LED off before the loop restarts.

Click the upload button and you should see the LED turn on for 1 second, then off for 1 second, continuously! Congratulations, you just created your first Arduino program to blink an LED!

Modifying the Blink Pattern

Now that you have the basic blink program working, try changing the delay values to alter the blink pattern. For example, modify the code to turn the LED on for 0.5 seconds and off for 1.5 seconds:

digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); 

You can even add more LEDs to create interesting patterns and light shows. Just make sure each LED has its own resistor and unique pin number. Then duplicate the digitalWrite() and delay() logic for the additional LEDs.

Adjusting LED Brightness with PWM

So far we‘ve used digitalWrite() to turn the LED fully on or off. But what if you want finer control over the LED‘s brightness? Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique that can be used to dim LEDs or control the speed of motors.

PWM works by rapidly toggling a digital signal on and off. The percentage of time the signal is on (HIGH) versus off (LOW) determines the effective voltage delivered to the LED. This percentage is called the duty cycle.

The Arduino‘s analogWrite() function can generate a PWM signal on any of the pins marked with a tilde (~). Let‘s use it to gradually fade the LED on and off:

const int LED_PIN = 9; // Use pin 9 for PWM

void setup() { 
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Fade the LED from off to full brightness
  for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
    analogWrite(LED_PIN, i);

  // Fade the LED from full brightness to off
  for (int i = 255; i >= 0; i--) {
    analogWrite(LED_PIN, i);

Plug the LED‘s anode into pin 9 and run this code. You should see the LED slowly brighten to full intensity, then dim back to off in a mesmerizing pattern. The for loops increment or decrement the brightness level and analogWrite() sets the duty cycle. A 5ms delay between each step creates a smooth fading effect.

Troubleshooting Tips

If your LED isn‘t lighting up properly, here are a few things to check:

  • Make sure the LED is plugged in the correct orientation. The longer anode leg should be connected to the resistor.
  • Double check that you wired the components to the correct Arduino pins.
  • Verify the code was uploaded to the board successfully. You should see the Arduino‘s TX/RX LEDs flash during the upload process.
  • Test the LED in a different slot on the breadboard to make sure it isn‘t burnt out or damaged.

Going Further

Blinking an LED is just the beginning! Here are some ideas to continue exploring Arduino programming and electronics:

  • Add a button that toggles the LED on/off when pressed
  • Hook up a PIR motion sensor to trigger the LED when movement is detected
  • Use an LDR (light-dependent resistor) to automatically adjust LED brightness based on ambient light
  • Build a mood lamp with red, green, and blue LEDs that you can control via the serial monitor
  • Fade multiple LEDs in a Knight Rider or Cylon pattern

I hope this guide helped demystify the basics of programming an LED with Arduino. As you can see, even a simple blinking light involves a variety of electronics concepts like current, resistance, digital/analog signals, and more. We‘ve barely scratched the surface of what‘s possible!

Microcontrollers like the Arduino put the power of controlling the physical world in your hands. All it takes is some cheap components, basic programming skills, and a desire to learn. Go forth and make something amazing!

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