HTML New Line – How to Add a Line Break with the <br> Tag

As a seasoned full-stack developer, I‘ve worked with HTML for many years and have witnessed the evolution of web development practices. One of the most fundamental elements in HTML is the <br> tag, which allows you to insert a line break in your content. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the <br> tag in depth, diving into its usage, best practices, and expert tips to help you master this essential HTML element.

What is the <br> Tag?

The <br> tag is an inline HTML element that introduces a line break in the content. When the browser encounters a <br> tag, it breaks the current line and continues rendering the remaining content on a new line. It‘s important to note that the <br> tag is an empty element, meaning it doesn‘t require a closing tag.

Here‘s a simple example that demonstrates the usage of the <br> tag:

<p>This is the first line.<br>
And this is the second line.</p>

The output will look like this:

This is the first line.
And this is the second line.

The <br> tag is useful when you want to add line breaks within a block-level element, such as a paragraph (<p>), without creating a new block-level element.

According to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the international standards organization for the web, "The <br> element represents a line break" (W3C, 2021).

When to Use the <br> Tag

While the <br> tag is handy for adding line breaks, it‘s important to use it judiciously. In many cases, it‘s more appropriate to use block-level elements like <p> or <div> to structure your content and apply styling with CSS.

Here are some scenarios where using the <br> tag is appropriate:

  1. Separating lines within an address:

    <p>John Doe<br>
    123 Main Street<br>
    City, State 12345</p>
  2. Creating line breaks in poetry or song lyrics:

    <p>Roses are red,<br>
    Violets are blue,<br>
    Sugar is sweet,<br>
    And so are you.</p>
  3. Formatting short, concise text where a new paragraph isn‘t necessary:

    <p>The quick brown fox<br>
    jumps over the lazy dog.</p>

However, avoid using the <br> tag for the following purposes:

  1. Creating vertical space between paragraphs or other elements. Instead, use CSS margins or padding.
  2. Separating paragraphs of text. Use the <p> tag for this purpose.
  3. Aligning or positioning elements. CSS provides more flexible and maintainable options for layout control.

In a study conducted by the Web Almanac (2021), it was found that the <br> tag is used on 92.8% of websites, making it one of the most commonly used HTML elements. However, the study also noted that the <br> tag is often misused for formatting purposes, highlighting the importance of understanding its proper usage.

Best Practices for Using the <br> Tag

When using the <br> tag, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Use <br> tags sparingly: Overusing <br> tags can lead to poor document structure and make your HTML harder to maintain. Rely on semantic HTML elements and CSS for formatting whenever possible.

  2. Avoid using <br> for presentational purposes: The <br> tag should be used for meaningful line breaks in content, not for visual formatting. Use CSS to control the presentation of your web page.

  3. Consider accessibility: When using <br> tags, ensure that the content remains understandable and accessible to users with assistive technologies. Avoid using <br> tags to create visual layouts that may confuse screen readers.

As a full-stack developer, I‘ve encountered numerous instances where the improper use of <br> tags led to maintenance challenges and accessibility issues. By adhering to these best practices, you can create cleaner, more maintainable code and improve the user experience for all users.

Browser Support and History

The <br> tag has been a part of HTML since the early days of the web. It is supported by all major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge.

Browser Support
Chrome Yes
Firefox Yes
Safari Yes
Internet Explorer Yes
Microsoft Edge Yes

In HTML4 and earlier versions, the <br> tag had an optional closing slash (<br />) to indicate that it was an empty element. However, in HTML5, the closing slash is no longer required, and the <br> tag is treated as a void element.

Related HTML Tags

While the <br> tag is used for inserting line breaks, there are other HTML tags that serve similar purposes or are often used in conjunction with <br>:

  1. <p>: The paragraph tag is used to define a paragraph of text. It automatically adds a line break before and after the enclosed content.

  2. <hr>: The horizontal rule tag creates a thematic break or a horizontal line in the document. It is often used to separate sections of content.

  3. <pre>: The preformatted text tag preserves the whitespace and line breaks within its content. It is useful for displaying code snippets or formatted text.

Here‘s a comparison of the usage of these related tags based on data from the Web Almanac (2021):

Tag Usage
<p> 98.2%
<br> 92.8%
<hr> 71.5%
<pre> 41.7%

As you can see, the <p> and <br> tags are used on the vast majority of websites, while the <hr> and <pre> tags are less commonly used but still play important roles in structuring and formatting content.

Common Mistakes and Misuses

Developers often make the following mistakes when using the <br> tag:

  1. Using <br> for vertical spacing: As mentioned earlier, using multiple <br> tags to create vertical space between elements is not recommended. Instead, use CSS margins or padding for this purpose.

  2. Using <br> to separate paragraphs: Each paragraph of text should be wrapped in a <p> tag. Don‘t use <br> tags to separate paragraphs, as it doesn‘t provide semantic meaning to the content.

  3. Overusing <br> tags: Excessive use of <br> tags can lead to a cluttered and poorly structured document. Strive for a clean and semantic HTML structure, and use CSS for visual formatting.

In my experience as a full-stack developer, I‘ve seen numerous projects where the overuse of <br> tags led to maintenance nightmares. By using semantic HTML elements and CSS for formatting, you can create more maintainable and flexible code.

Accessibility Considerations

When using the <br> tag, it‘s crucial to consider the accessibility of your web page. Screen readers and other assistive technologies rely on the structure and semantics of HTML to provide a meaningful experience to users.

Here are some guidelines to ensure accessibility when using <br> tags:

  1. Use <br> only for meaningful line breaks: Avoid using <br> tags for purely visual purposes. Screen readers may announce the presence of a line break, so ensure that it makes sense in the context of the content.

  2. Provide alternative text when necessary: If the line break conveys important information, consider providing alternative text using the aria-label or aria-describedby attributes to describe the purpose of the line break.

  3. Use semantic HTML: Whenever possible, use semantic HTML elements like <p>, <h1>-<h6>, <section>, and <article> to structure your content. This helps screen readers understand the hierarchy and meaning of the content.

According to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, "Using semantic markup to convey meaning rather than using presentational markup to convey appearance will make the information more robust" (W3C, 2018).


The <br> tag is a fundamental HTML element that allows you to insert line breaks in your content. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we‘ve explored the usage, best practices, accessibility considerations, and expert tips for working with the <br> tag.

As a full-stack developer, I‘ve witnessed the evolution of web development practices and the importance of using semantic HTML and CSS for structuring and formatting content. By understanding when and how to use the <br> tag effectively, you can create well-structured, maintainable, and accessible web pages.

Remember to use <br> tags sparingly, rely on semantic HTML elements and CSS for formatting, and prioritize accessibility to ensure that your web pages are usable by everyone. Keep exploring and learning, and happy coding!


W3C. (2021). HTML Standard.

Web Almanac. (2021). Part I Chapter 3: Markup.

W3C. (2018). Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

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