Mailto Link – How to Make an HTML Email Link [Example Code]

As a full-stack developer, one of the most common features you‘ll need to implement is a way for users to contact you or your client through the website. While contact forms are a popular option, sometimes a simple mailto link is the most efficient solution.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive into everything you need to know about mailto links, including how they work, why you might want to use them, and how to implement them with HTML code. We‘ll also explore some of the more advanced customization options and considerations for mailto links.

By the end of this article, you‘ll have a solid understanding of mailto links and how to use them effectively in your web development projects. Let‘s get started!

What is a Mailto Link?

A mailto link is a type of HTML link that opens the default email client on the user‘s device and pre-populates the email fields, such as the recipient address, subject line, and body text. Instead of pointing to a URL or another web page, the mailto link contains an email address in a special format.

Here‘s a basic example of an HTML mailto link:

<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Email John Doe</a>

When a user clicks on this link, it will open up their default email program, such as Apple Mail, Microsoft Outlook, or Gmail, and create a new email addressed to [email protected]. The user can then compose and send the email as usual.

Why Use Mailto Links?

Mailto links offer several benefits over contact forms or simply displaying an email address on your site:

  1. Convenience: Mailto links allow users to quickly send an email without having to manually copy and paste or remember the email address. This reduces friction and makes it more likely that users will reach out.

  2. Familiarity: Many users are already accustomed to clicking on mailto links to send emails from a website. It‘s a common and expected functionality.

  3. Integration with email clients: Mailto links work seamlessly with the user‘s existing email setup, whether that‘s a desktop program like Outlook or a web-based service like Gmail. This allows them to use their preferred email tool.

  4. Ease of implementation: For developers, adding a mailto link is generally quicker and simpler than coding a full contact form. It doesn‘t require any backend server logic or storage.

  5. Flexibility: Mailto links can be used for various purposes beyond general contact requests, such as sending feedback, asking questions, reporting bugs, or reaching specific individuals or departments.

However, there are also some potential downsides to keep in mind:

  • Mailto links expose your email address on the web, which can invite spam.
  • If a user doesn‘t have an email client set up, the mailto link may not work as expected.
  • Some users may prefer the structure and interface of a web-based contact form.
  • Accidentally clicking on a mailto link can be annoying for users who didn‘t intend to compose an email.

As of 2023, an estimated 4.3 billion people use email worldwide, and collectively send and receive over 347 billion emails per day (source). While not all of those are initiated through mailto links, it gives you a sense of the massive scale and importance of email as a communication channel.

A study by the Nielsen Norman Group found that users are generally familiar with mailto links and will use them when available, especially for customer support requests or feedback (source). However, they also found that some users were hesitant to click on mailto links due to spam concerns or inconsistent behavior across devices.

As a developer, it‘s important to weigh these factors and choose the right approach for your particular use case and audience.

How to Create a Mailto Link in HTML

The basic syntax for a mailto link in HTML is:

<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Link Text</a>

The mailto: part is a special URL scheme that indicates the link should open an email program. After the colon, you include the email address you want to send the message to.

In the example above, clicking the link would open a new email composition window addressed to [email protected]. You can customize the link text between the <a> tags however you want, such as "Email Us", "Contact John Doe", or even an email icon.

To add multiple recipients, simply separate the email addresses with commas:

<a href="mailto:[email protected],[email protected]">Email John and Jane</a>

Adding a Subject Line, CC, BCC, and Body Text

In addition to specifying the recipient(s), you can pre-populate other fields of the email using URL parameters in the mailto link. Here are the available options:

  • subject: Sets the subject line of the email
  • cc: Specifies one or more email addresses to CC (carbon copy)
  • bcc: Specifies one or more email addresses to BCC (blind carbon copy)
  • body: Pre-fills the message body with the specified text

To include these parameters, you append them to the email address after a question mark (?), and separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&). Here‘s an example that includes a subject line and CC recipient:

<a href="mailto:[email protected][email protected]">Email Us</a>

Note that you need to encode certain characters in the parameter values, such as spaces (as %20) and line breaks (as %0A). Here‘s a handy reference table:

Character Encoding
Space %20
! %21
# %23
$ %24
& %26
( %28
) %29
* %2A
+ %2B
, %2C
/ %2F
: %3A
; %3B
= %3D
? %3F
@ %40
[ %5B
] %5D

Here‘s a more complex example with all the parameters:

<a href="mailto:[email protected][email protected][email protected]&subject=Hello%20from%20the%20website&body=Just%20wanted%20to%20say%20hello!%0AHow%20are%20you%3F">Say Hello</a>

Notice how spaces, line breaks, and other special characters are encoded in the subject and body parameters. When the user clicks this link, it will open an email client with the following pre-filled values:

The user can still modify any of these fields before sending the email. The mailto link simply provides a convenient starting point.

Accessibility Considerations

When using mailto links, it‘s important to ensure they are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Here are some best practices:

  • Provide clear and descriptive link text that indicates where the link goes and what action it performs. For example, use "Email customer support" instead of "Click here".
  • Include a title attribute on the link to provide additional context, especially if the link text is an icon or image.
  • Ensure adequate color contrast between the link text and background for readability.
  • Consider adding aria-label or aria-describedby attributes to provide more semantic information about the mailto link‘s purpose for screen reader users.
  • Avoid using URL shorteners or redirects that obscure the actual mailto URL.

Here‘s an example of an accessible mailto link:

  href="mailto:[email protected]"
  title="Opens an email to customer support"
  aria-label="Email customer support"
  <img src="/images/envelope-icon.png" alt=""> 
  Contact Us

The title and aria-label provide redundant but useful information for users who may not be able to see or interpret the envelope icon. The image also has an empty alt attribute, since the adjacent link text sufficiently describes it.

User Interaction and Email Clients

When a user clicks on a mailto link, the behavior can vary depending on their device, operating system, and default email client. Here‘s what typically happens:

  • Desktop computers: The operating system‘s default email program (e.g., Apple Mail or Microsoft Outlook) will open a new email composition window with the pre-filled fields from the mailto link.
  • Mobile devices: The built-in email app (e.g., iOS Mail or Gmail app) will open with a new email pre-populated based on the mailto parameters.
  • Web-based email: If the user has a webmail service like Gmail or Yahoo Mail set as their default email handler, clicking the mailto link may open a new browser tab with the email pre-filled.

However, there are some scenarios where the mailto link may not work as intended:

  • The user doesn‘t have an email program set up on their device.
  • The user has multiple email clients installed and the wrong one opens.
  • Certain email programs may not support all the mailto parameters (e.g., BCC or body text).
  • Browser popup blockers or other security settings may prevent the email program from opening.
  • Rarely, the device may not recognize the mailto protocol or have it associated with an email program.

According to a study by Mailchimp, about 46% of email opens occur on mobile devices, 35% on desktop, and 19% in a webmail client (source). As a developer, it‘s important to test your mailto links on various devices and email programs to ensure the best experience for your users.

You can also provide some fallback options in case the mailto link doesn‘t work, such as displaying the email address as plain text (so the user can copy and paste it) or linking to a web-based contact form as an alternative.

Spam and Security

One potential downside of using mailto links is that they can expose your email address to spammers and bots that scrape websites for contact information. This can lead to an increase in spam messages to that inbox.

To mitigate this risk, you can try the following techniques:

  • Use a dedicated email address for the mailto link that‘s separate from your personal or main business address.
  • Obfuscate the email address using JavaScript or other methods so it‘s not plain text in the HTML source code.
  • Use a contact form instead of a mailto link, as this hides the email address from public view.
  • Implement rate limiting, CAPTCHA, or other anti-spam measures on the server-side if you‘re using a contact form.
  • Regularly monitor the inbox for spam and use filters or services to block unwanted messages.

Additionally, it‘s a good idea to educate your users about email security best practices, such as not sending sensitive information over unencrypted email and being cautious of phishing attempts. You can include a brief disclaimer near the mailto link or in the email signature reminding users of these precautions.

Frequently Asked Questions

To wrap up, here are answers to some common questions about mailto links:

Can I use multiple mailto links on the same page?

Yes, you can have as many mailto links on a page as you need. Just make sure each one has a unique and relevant link text and destination email address.

Are mailto links case-sensitive?

No, the mailto protocol and email addresses are not case-sensitive. However, it‘s a good practice to use lowercase for consistency and readability.

Can I style mailto links with CSS?

Yes, you can style mailto links just like any other <a> element using CSS. Common styles include changing the color, underlining, or adding hover effects.

Do I need to include the mailto: part in the href?

Yes, the mailto: prefix is required for the link to function as an email link. Without it, the browser will treat it as a regular URL link.

Can I use mailto links in HTML emails?

Yes, you can use mailto links in the HTML version of email campaigns. However, keep in mind that not all email clients support them, so it‘s best to also include the email address as plain text.

Are there any character limits for mailto links?

Technically, there is no specified limit on the length of a mailto link. However, extremely long URLs may get truncated or cause layout issues, so it‘s best to keep them concise. If you need to include a lot of information, consider using a contact form instead.


Mailto links are a quick and convenient way to allow users to send emails directly from your website. By using the mailto URL scheme and its various parameters, you can pre-fill the recipient address, subject line, CC/BCC fields, and body text to streamline the email composition process.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ve covered everything you need to know to effectively implement mailto links in your web development projects:

  • The basics of mailto link syntax and parameters
  • How to encode special characters in the URL
  • Accessibility best practices for mailto links
  • User interaction and email client behavior
  • Spam and security considerations
  • Answers to common questions about mailto links

As a full-stack developer, you have the skills and knowledge to choose the right approach for your specific use case, whether that‘s a simple mailto link or a more robust contact form. The key is to prioritize user experience, security, and maintainability.

By following the tips and examples in this guide, you can create effective and accessible mailto links that enhance your website‘s user experience and make it easy for visitors to get in touch. Happy coding!

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