Protecting Your Bootstrap Forms from Bots: A Developer‘s Guide to ReCaptcha

As a full-stack developer, one issue I consistently see clients and colleagues struggle with is form spam. It‘s a pervasive problem that affects websites and businesses of all sizes – one study found that 80% of websites receive unwanted bot traffic, and another estimated the total cost of spam to businesses at $20 billion per year.

While there‘s no silver bullet for stopping all spam and abuse, one of the most effective defenses is to add ReCaptcha to your web forms. ReCaptcha is a free service from Google that protects your site from spam and abuse using an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges.

In this tutorial, I‘ll walk through how to add ReCaptcha to a Bootstrap form and configure it for optimal performance and user experience. By the end, you‘ll have a fully functional contact form that can stop bots in their tracks.

How ReCaptcha Works

Before we dive into the implementation details, let‘s do a quick overview of how ReCaptcha protects your forms.

The core of ReCaptcha is a machine learning model that analyzes various signals about each form submission to determine the likelihood it came from a human or bot. Some of the factors it looks at include:

  • The user‘s IP address and location
  • How the user interacted with the ReCaptcha widget (mouse movements, timing, etc.)
  • The user‘s browsing history and cookies

When you add ReCaptcha to a form, here‘s what happens behind-the-scenes:

  1. The user fills out your form and checks the "I‘m not a robot" box (or completes another type of challenge)
  2. Upon submission, the user‘s response is sent to Google‘s servers for validation
  3. Google‘s risk analysis engine generates a score (from 0.0 to 1.0) based on how likely the submission is from a human
  4. That score is returned to your server, where you can decide to accept or block the submission based on your desired threshold

Here‘s a visual flowchart of the process:

graph LR
A[User] --> B[ReCaptcha Widget]
B --> C{ReCaptcha API}
C --> D[Risk Analysis Engine]
D --> E[Score]
E --> F{Validate Score}
F -- Above Threshold --> G[Allow Submission] 
F -- Below Threshold --> H[Block Submission]

One nice aspect of ReCaptcha is that for most users, checking a single box is all that‘s needed. Google is usually able to determine the user is human based on that initial interaction. Only in cases where the risk analysis is unsure are users presented with additional challenges, like selecting all images that match a certain description.

With that background in mind, let‘s look at how to implement ReCaptcha, step-by-step.

Registering Your Site

The first step is to register your site and get the necessary API keys from the ReCaptcha admin console.

  1. Sign into the admin console with your Google account
  2. Register a new site by providing a label and the domain(s) you want to use ReCaptcha on. You can specify up to 10 domains.
  3. Choose "reCAPTCHA v2" and "Checkbox" as the type you want to use
  4. Accept the terms of service and click Submit

After completing those steps, you‘ll be given two keys:

  • Site key: A public key you‘ll use in your HTML code to invoke ReCaptcha on the frontend
  • Secret key: A private key you‘ll use in your server-side code to verify the ReCaptcha response. Keep this key secret.

Hang onto those keys, as we‘ll need them in the next steps.

Adding ReCaptcha to Your HTML Form

Next, we need to modify our form HTML to include the ReCaptcha widget and configure it with our site key.

Here‘s the HTML for a basic Bootstrap contact form:

<form id="contactForm">
  <div class="mb-3">
    <label class="form-label" for="name">Name</label>
    <input class="form-control" id="name" type="text" placeholder="Name" required>
  <div class="mb-3">
    <label class="form-label" for="email">Email</label>
    <input class="form-control" id="email" type="email" placeholder="Email" required>
  <div class="mb-3">
    <label class="form-label" for="message">Message</label>
    <textarea class="form-control" id="message" rows="6" placeholder="Message" required></textarea>

  <div class="d-grid">
    <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" type="submit">Submit</button>

To add ReCaptcha, we need to include the ReCaptcha API script and add an empty div to hold the widget.

Add this script tag before your closing </body> tag:

<script src="" async defer></script>  

And this inside your form where you want the ReCaptcha box to appear:

<div class="mb-3">  
  <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="YOUR_SITE_KEY"></div>

Replace YOUR_SITE_KEY with the actual site key you got when registering your site.

That will tell ReCaptcha to automatically render the "I‘m not a robot" checkbox widget inside the provided <div> element.

Server-side Validation

Remember that ReCaptcha widget on your form is just the frontend piece – to truly protect against bots, you also need to verify the ReCaptcha response on your server before processing the form submission.

To streamline that process, I recommend using the official ReCaptcha PHP client library. You can install it via Composer:

composer require google/recaptcha  

Here‘s a complete PHP script that validates the ReCaptcha response and processes the form data:

require __DIR__ . ‘/vendor/autoload.php‘;

  $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha(‘YOUR_SECRET_KEY‘);
  $response = $recaptcha->verify($_POST[‘g-recaptcha-response‘], $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR‘]);

  if ($response->isSuccess()) {
    // Validate form inputs and send email
    $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, ‘name‘, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS);
    $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, ‘email‘, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);        
    $message = filter_input(INPUT_POST, ‘message‘, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS);

    if ($name && $email && $message) {
      $to = ‘[email protected]‘;
      $subject = ‘New form submission‘;  
      $body = "Name: $name\nEmail: $email\nMessage: $message";

      if (mail($to, $subject, $body)) {
        echo "Success! Your message has been sent.";
      echo "Oops! Something went wrong and the message could not be sent. ";
    echo "Please fill out all required fields.";       
  } else {
    echo "Invalid ReCaptcha. Please try again.";

This code does the following:

  1. Require the ReCaptcha PHP library
  2. Check if the form was submitted via POST
  3. Create a new ReCaptcha instance with your secret key
  4. Call $recaptcha->verify() to validate the response token and user‘s IP address
  5. If successful, validate and sanitize the form inputs
  6. If the form data is valid, send an email with the submitted information
  7. Return the appropriate HTTP response code and messages based on the result

Make sure to replace YOUR_SECRET_KEY with your actual secret key and update the recipient email address.

Frontend Integration

The last step is to hook up your frontend code to invoke the ReCaptcha widget, pass the response token to your server, and handle errors.

Here‘s an example using jQuery:

$(function() {
  $(‘#contactForm‘).submit(function(event) {

    grecaptcha.ready(function() {
      grecaptcha.execute(‘YOUR_SITE_KEY‘, {action: ‘submit‘}).then(function(token) {
        $(‘#contactForm‘).prepend(‘<input type="hidden" name="g-recaptcha-response" value="‘ + token + ‘">‘);

        $.post("submit.php", $(‘#contactForm‘).serialize(), function(response) {
        }).fail(function(xhr) {
        }).always(function() {

This code listens for the form submission event, and when triggered:

  1. Tells ReCaptcha to execute the challenge and get a response token
  2. Appends the token to the form as a hidden input
  3. Submits the form data (including the token) to submit.php via AJAX
  4. Displays the success/error message returned by the server
  5. Resets the ReCaptcha widget and form after the request is complete

Be sure to replace YOUR_SITE_KEY with your actual ReCaptcha site key.

Additional Customization

You can customize various aspects of the ReCaptcha widget to better fit your site and goals.

For example, to change the default language to Spanish, add the hl parameter:

<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="YOUR_SITE_KEY" data-callback="onSubmit" data-size="normal" data-hl="es"></div>

Or to invoke the widget programmatically rather than automatically, use the JavaScript API:

grecaptcha.ready(function() {
  grecaptcha.render(‘recaptcha-container‘, {
    ‘sitekey‘: ‘YOUR_SITE_KEY‘, 
    ‘callback‘: onSubmit,
    ‘size‘: ‘normal‘

Check the ReCaptcha docs for a full list of customization options and examples.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some common issues you might encounter when implementing ReCaptcha and how to resolve them:

  • Error: "Invalid site key" – This usually means you didn‘t replace YOUR_SITE_KEY with your actual ReCaptcha site key in the HTML code. Verify you‘re using the correct site key that matches the domain.

  • Error: "Timeout or duplicate" – This can happen if you‘re invoking the ReCaptcha API multiple times on the same page without resetting the widget in between. Call grecaptcha.reset() after each request to prevent this.

  • Not working on mobile – By default, ReCaptcha will automatically adjust the challenge type based on the user‘s screen size and device. If you‘re having issues, make sure you‘re not forcing a specific size via the data-size attribute. You can also try explicitly setting data-size="compact" for mobile users.

  • CORS errors in console – If you see cross-origin resource sharing errors in your browser console, it means your ReCaptcha keys are being used on a domain that hasn‘t been authorized in the admin console. Verify the domain matches exactly (including www subdomain).

ReCaptcha vs. Other Solutions

ReCaptcha is a popular choice for spam protection, but there are other options available. Here‘s a quick comparison of ReCaptcha vs. two common alternatives:

Solution Pros Cons
ReCaptcha Free, widely used and trusted, automatically adapts difficulty Privacy concerns (sends data to Google), adds friction for users
hCaptcha Free, pays websites for using it, claims better accessibility Less widely recognized, some privacy concerns
Akismet Runs entirely on your server (no third-party scripts), AI-based Monthly fee required, works best for WordPress

Ultimately, the right solution will depend on your specific needs and priorities. ReCaptcha is a solid choice for most websites, but it‘s worth evaluating the alternatives to see if they might be a better fit.


Adding ReCaptcha to your Bootstrap forms is a straightforward and effective way to block spam submissions and protect your site. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can get ReCaptcha up and running in about 30 minutes.

To recap, here‘s what we covered:

  1. Registering your site and getting API keys from the ReCaptcha admin console
  2. Adding the ReCaptcha widget to your Bootstrap form via HTML
  3. Validating the ReCaptcha response token on the server using PHP
  4. Integrating the ReCaptcha widget with your frontend code
  5. Customizing and troubleshooting common ReCaptcha issues

We also looked at some statistics that highlight why spam protection is so crucial for modern websites, and compared ReCaptcha to other solutions like hCaptcha and Akismet.

ReCaptcha stats

While ReCaptcha and other Captchas are a great first line of defense against bots, it‘s important to remember that they‘re not a complete security solution on their own. Spammers are constantly devising new ways to circumvent Captchas, so it‘s important to implement additional security measures like server-side validation, rate limiting, and IP blocking.

As a full-stack developer who has integrated ReCaptcha on dozens of sites, my biggest piece of advice is to thoroughly test your implementation and monitor your form analytics over time. This will help you identify any potential issues or vulnerabilities early on, before they can cause real damage.

If you have any questions or run into issues implementing ReCaptcha, don‘t hesitate to reach out to the community for help. The official ReCaptcha support forum and tag on Stack Overflow are great resources for troubleshooting and getting expert advice.

With a little effort and the right tools, you can keep your forms spam-free and your website running smoothly. Happy coding!

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