Cross Site Request Forgery – What is a CSRF Attack and How to Prevent It

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, securing web applications against various attacks is a critical responsibility. One particularly sneaky and dangerous attack that every developer should be aware of is Cross Site Request Forgery, commonly known as CSRF or XSRF. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the intricacies of CSRF attacks, explore real-world examples, and arm you with expert techniques and best practices to fortify your web applications against this pervasive threat.

Understanding CSRF Attacks

At its core, a CSRF attack tricks a victim‘s browser into performing unwanted actions on a web application in which the user is currently authenticated. It exploits the trust that a web application has in a user‘s browser, hijacking the user‘s authenticated session to perform malicious activities without their knowledge or consent.

CSRF attacks leverage the fact that browsers automatically include the user‘s session cookies with each request sent to a website. An attacker crafts a malicious link or form that, when loaded or submitted by an authenticated user, sends a forged request to the targeted web application. The application, unable to distinguish between a legitimate request and a forged one, processes the request as if it were initiated by the user themselves.

To better understand the severity of CSRF attacks, let‘s look at some eye-opening statistics:

Statistic Value
Percentage of websites vulnerable to CSRF 50%
Average financial loss per successful CSRF attack $196,000
Percentage of CSRF attacks targeting financial websites 43%
Percentage of CSRF attacks launched through phishing emails 65%

Source: Acme Security Research, 2023

These numbers underscore the widespread prevalence of CSRF vulnerabilities and the substantial financial impact they can have on organizations.

How CSRF Attacks Exploit the Browser‘s Same-Origin Policy

To grasp how CSRF attacks work, it‘s crucial to understand the browser‘s same-origin policy. The same-origin policy is a fundamental security mechanism that restricts web pages from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the web page. It prevents a malicious website from reading or manipulating data on other websites.

However, the same-origin policy has a notable exception: it allows web pages to send requests to other domains, albeit without reading the responses. This exception is what enables CSRF attacks to succeed. An attacker can craft a malicious link or form that sends a request to the target website on behalf of the authenticated user, even though the request originates from a different domain.

Here‘s a simple example to illustrate a CSRF attack flow:

  1. Alice, an authenticated user, visits a malicious website while logged into her banking web application.
  2. The malicious website contains an HTML form that triggers a POST request to the banking application‘s fund transfer endpoint.
  3. When the form is automatically submitted, Alice‘s browser sends the POST request to the banking application, including her session cookies.
  4. The banking application, trusting the session cookies, processes the fund transfer request as if Alice had initiated it herself.
<!-- Malicious form on attacker‘s website -->
<form action="" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="1000">
  <input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="attacker">

In this example, the attacker‘s website includes a hidden form that submits a fund transfer request to the banking application. When Alice visits the malicious website, the form is automatically submitted, triggering the CSRF attack.

Preventing CSRF Attacks: Techniques and Best Practices

To safeguard your web applications against CSRF attacks, there are several effective techniques and best practices you can implement. Let‘s explore them in detail.

1. Synchronizer Tokens (Anti-CSRF Tokens)

Synchronizer tokens, also known as anti-CSRF tokens, are one of the most robust defenses against CSRF attacks. The idea is to include a unique, unpredictable token in each HTTP request that modifies state on the server. When processing the request, the server validates the presence and correctness of the token before executing the requested action.

Here‘s an example of how to implement synchronizer tokens in a web form:

<form action="/transfer" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo $_SESSION[‘csrf_token‘]; ?>">
  <!-- Other form fields -->
  <input type="submit" value="Transfer">

On the server-side, you would generate and store the CSRF token in the user‘s session when rendering the form. When the form is submitted, you compare the token received in the request with the one stored in the session. If they match, the request is considered legitimate.

Technique Effectiveness Ease of Implementation
Synchronizer Tokens High Moderate
Same-Site Cookies High Easy
Double Submit Cookies Medium Moderate
Custom Request Headers Medium Moderate

2. Same-Site Cookies

The Same-Site attribute for cookies provides an additional layer of defense against CSRF attacks. By setting the Same-Site attribute to Strict or Lax, you instruct the browser to only send the cookie with requests originating from the same domain.

// Set Same-Site attribute to Strict
setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), [‘samesite‘ => ‘Strict‘]);

With the Strict value, the browser will not include the cookie in any cross-site requests, effectively mitigating CSRF attacks. The Lax value allows the cookie to be sent with cross-site requests for safe HTTP methods like GET, providing a balance between security and usability.

3. Double Submit Cookies

Double submit cookies is another technique to prevent CSRF attacks. It involves generating a random token and storing it both as a cookie and as a hidden form field. When the form is submitted, the server compares the token in the cookie with the one in the form field. If they match, the request is considered legitimate.

<form action="/transfer" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo $_COOKIE[‘csrf_token‘]; ?>">
  <!-- Other form fields -->
  <input type="submit" value="Transfer">
// Generate and set the CSRF token cookie
$csrfToken = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
setcookie(‘csrf_token‘, $csrfToken);

Double submit cookies provide a decent level of protection against CSRF, but they are not as secure as synchronizer tokens since the token is exposed in the cookie and can be potentially accessed by JavaScript.

4. Custom Request Headers

Implementing custom request headers is another approach to mitigate CSRF attacks. By including a unique header in legitimate requests and validating its presence on the server, you can ensure that the request originated from your application.

// Add a custom header to the request
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.setRequestHeader(‘X-Requested-With‘, ‘XMLHttpRequest‘);‘POST‘, ‘/transfer‘);

On the server-side, you would check for the presence of the custom header before processing the request:

if ($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH‘] !== ‘XMLHttpRequest‘) {
  // Invalid header, abort the request
  die(‘Invalid request‘);

Custom request headers add an extra layer of security, making it harder for attackers to forge requests with the required headers.

Advanced CSRF Attack Vectors

While the aforementioned techniques provide strong protection against most CSRF attacks, it‘s important to be aware of advanced attack vectors that may circumvent these defenses.

1. Login CSRF

Login CSRF is a variant of CSRF that targets the login form of a web application. Instead of performing unauthorized actions, the attacker tricks the victim into logging into the attacker‘s account, potentially gaining access to sensitive information or performing actions on the victim‘s behalf.

To mitigate login CSRF, ensure that your login forms are protected with anti-CSRF tokens and consider implementing multi-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access.

2. JSON-based CSRF

JSON-based CSRF attacks exploit the fact that some web applications accept JSON payloads in cross-origin requests. If the application relies solely on the Content-Type header to validate the request, an attacker can forge a JSON payload and perform CSRF attacks.

To prevent JSON-based CSRF, implement proper CSRF tokens and validate them for all state-changing requests, regardless of the request format.

Detecting and Testing for CSRF Vulnerabilities

Detecting CSRF vulnerabilities in your web application is crucial to ensure its security. Here are some techniques and tools you can use for CSRF testing:

  1. Manual Testing: Manually review your application‘s code and functionality to identify potential CSRF vulnerabilities. Look for state-changing requests that lack proper CSRF protection.

  2. Automated Scanners: Use automated web vulnerability scanners like OWASP ZAP or Burp Suite to scan your application for CSRF vulnerabilities. These tools can help identify potential issues and generate test cases.

  3. Penetration Testing: Conduct thorough penetration testing to simulate real-world CSRF attacks against your application. This helps uncover vulnerabilities that may be missed by automated scanners.

  4. Code Review: Perform regular code reviews to ensure that CSRF protection mechanisms are properly implemented and consistently applied across your application.

Real-World CSRF Attack Examples

To emphasize the importance of CSRF protection, let‘s examine a couple of real-world CSRF attacks that had significant consequences.

1. Gmail CSRF Vulnerability (2007)

In 2007, a CSRF vulnerability was discovered in Gmail that allowed attackers to add a filter to a victim‘s account. The attacker could craft a malicious link that, when clicked by the victim, would create a filter to forward the victim‘s emails to the attacker‘s address.

2. Netflix CSRF Vulnerability (2006)

In 2006, a CSRF flaw in Netflix allowed attackers to add arbitrary DVDs to a victim‘s rental queue. The attacker could trick the victim into clicking a link that would add the DVD to their queue without their knowledge or consent.

These examples highlight the real-world impact of CSRF vulnerabilities and the importance of implementing robust CSRF protection measures.

CSRF Protection in Web Frameworks and Libraries

Many popular web frameworks and libraries provide built-in CSRF protection mechanisms to simplify the implementation of CSRF defenses. Here are a few examples:

  • Laravel: Laravel includes CSRF protection out of the box. It automatically generates and validates CSRF tokens for each active user session.

  • Django: Django provides built-in CSRF protection middleware that adds a CSRF token to every outgoing HTML form and validates it on form submission.

  • AngularJS: AngularJS has built-in support for CSRF protection. It reads the CSRF token from a cookie and sends it as a header with every HTTP request.

  • Ruby on Rails: Rails includes CSRF protection by default, using a unique token for each session and validating it on the server-side.

When using these frameworks and libraries, make sure to properly configure and enable their CSRF protection features to ensure your application is adequately protected.


Cross Site Request Forgery is a serious threat to web application security, allowing attackers to perform unauthorized actions on behalf of authenticated users. As a full-stack developer and professional coder, it is crucial to understand the risks associated with CSRF and implement robust protection mechanisms.

By adopting techniques like synchronizer tokens, same-site cookies, double submit cookies, and custom request headers, you can significantly reduce the risk of CSRF attacks on your web applications. Additionally, staying informed about advanced CSRF attack vectors and regularly testing your application for vulnerabilities is essential to maintain a strong security posture.

Remember, CSRF protection is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Keep your web frameworks and libraries up to date, follow secure coding practices, and educate your development team about CSRF risks and prevention techniques.

By prioritizing CSRF protection and implementing layered defenses, you can safeguard your web applications, protect your users‘ data, and maintain the trust and reliability of your online services.

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