A Vue.js introduction for people who know just enough jQuery to get by

The Rise and Fall of jQuery

For over a decade, jQuery has been the dominant force in front-end web development. It provided an intuitive syntax for interacting with the DOM, handling events, and making HTTP requests. So ubiquitous was jQuery that it became synonymous with JavaScript for an entire generation of developers.

Consider these statistics:

  • jQuery is used by 77.8% of all websites (Source: BuiltWith)
  • Over 18 million websites use jQuery (Source: SimilarTech)
  • jQuery has been starred over 54,000 times on GitHub

However, as web applications grew in size and complexity, the limitations of jQuery became apparent:

  • Imperative DOM manipulation led to hard-to-maintain "spaghetti code"
  • Lack of structure made code difficult to reason about and test
  • Performance suffered with frequent direct DOM manipulation
  • Monolithic architecture made code hard to extend and reuse

In response, a new wave of JavaScript frameworks emerged, focusing on declarative UI rendering, componentization, and performance. Among them, Vue.js has stood out for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of adoption.

Why Vue.js?

Vue.js has seen a meteoric rise in popularity since its initial release in 2014. Some key facts:

  • Vue.js has over 176,000 stars on GitHub
  • It‘s the second most starred JavaScript framework (after React)
  • Over 1,500,000 weekly NPM downloads (Source: NPM Trends)
  • Used by over 1,200,000 websites (Source: BuiltWith)

This popularity can be attributed to several factors:

  • Gentle learning curve, especially for those with HTML, CSS, and jQuery knowledge
  • Excellent documentation and API reference
  • Modular and incrementally adoptable architecture
  • High-performance virtual DOM implementation
  • Rich ecosystem of official and community packages

For jQuery developers looking to transition to a modern framework, Vue.js is an excellent choice. Let‘s compare their syntax.

jQuery vs Vue.js Syntax

Here‘s a simple example of DOM manipulation and event handling in jQuery:

<div id="app">
  <button id="myButton">Click me</button>
  <p id="myText"></p>
$(document).ready(function() {
  $(‘#myButton‘).click(function() {
    $(‘#myText‘).text(‘Button was clicked!‘);

In jQuery, we select elements using CSS selectors and manipulate them imperatively. Event listeners are attached directly to elements. While concise, this approach becomes hard to follow as complexity grows.

Here‘s the equivalent in Vue.js:

<div id="app">
  <button @click="handleClick">Click me</button>
  <p>{{ message }}</p>
new Vue({
  el: ‘#app‘,
  data: {
    message: ‘‘
  methods: {
    handleClick() {
      this.message = ‘Button was clicked!‘;

In Vue.js, we declaratively bind data to the view using directives like v-on (aliased as @) and double curly braces {{ }}. When the button is clicked, the handleClick method is invoked, updating the message property. The view automatically reflects this change.

This separation of concerns – data, methods, and template – makes Vue.js code more readable and maintainable. The declarative syntax also enables powerful compile-time optimizations.

Vue.js Reactivity System

At the heart of Vue.js is its reactivity system. When you modify a Vue instance‘s data, the view automatically updates to reflect the changes. This is achieved through a combination of JavaScript object property setters/getters and a virtual DOM.

When a Vue instance is created, it walks through all of its data properties and converts them to getters/setters using Object.defineProperty (in ES5) or Proxy (in ES2015+). This lets Vue observe data mutations and trigger view updates.

Vue.js also maintains a lightweight virtual DOM that caches the actual DOM. When data changes, Vue first renders the virtual DOM, computes the minimal diff, and then efficiently patches the actual DOM. This results in faster updates compared to direct DOM manipulation.

To illustrate, consider this example:

<div id="app">
  <p>{{ count }}</p>
  <button @click="increment">Increment</button>
new Vue({
  el: ‘#app‘,
  data: {
    count: 0
  methods: {
    increment() {

When the increment method is called, it updates the count property. Vue detects this change and re-renders the virtual DOM. It then computes the diff and updates only the text node in the actual DOM. This fine-grained, efficient updating is a significant advantage over jQuery‘s direct DOM manipulation.

Vue.js Core Concepts

Building on the reactivity system, Vue.js introduces several core concepts that make it expressive and flexible.

Reactive Data Binding

In Vue.js, you can declaratively bind data to the DOM using the v-bind directive (aliased as :). This creates a one-way data flow from the instance to the DOM.

<div id="app">
  <p v-bind:title="message">
    Hover over me
new Vue({
  el: ‘#app‘,
  data: {
    message: ‘Hello Vue.js!‘

Here, the title attribute is reactively bound to the message property. Whenever message changes, the title attribute will update automatically.

Computed Properties

Computed properties are functions that return a value based on an instance‘s reactive state. They are cached based on their reactive dependencies and only re-evaluate when those dependencies change.

<div id="app">
  <p>{{ reverseMessage }}</p>
new Vue({
  el: ‘#app‘,
  data: {
    message: ‘Hello Vue.js!‘
  computed: {
    reverseMessage() {
      return this.message.split(‘‘).reverse().join(‘‘);

Here, reverseMessage is a computed property that reverses message. It will only re-run when message changes, and its value will be cached between updates.


Directives are special attributes that reactively apply side effects to the DOM. Vue.js provides a number of built-in directives like v-if, v-for, v-model, etc.

<div id="app">
  <p v-if="seen">Now you see me</p>
  <button @click="toggleSeen">Toggle</button>
new Vue({
  el: ‘#app‘,
  data: {
    seen: true
  methods: {
    toggleSeen() {
      this.seen = !this.seen;

The v-if directive conditionally renders the <p> element based on the truthiness of the seen property. The @click directive (shorthand for v-on:click) attaches an event listener that toggles seen when the button is clicked.


Components are reusable Vue instances with a name. They accept the same options as a root Vue instance, like data, computed, methods, lifecycle hooks, etc.

// Define a new component called todo-item
Vue.component(‘todo-item‘, {
  template: ‘<li>This is a todo</li>‘
<div id="app">

Components allow you to split the UI into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation. They‘re the key to building large-scale applications with Vue.js.

Migrating from jQuery

If you‘re coming from a jQuery background, migrating to Vue.js can seem daunting. However, Vue.js allows for incremental adoption – you can start by enhancing existing pages with Vue.js and gradually transition to a fully Vue-powered front-end.

Here are some best practices for migrating from jQuery to Vue.js:

  1. Begin with a simple component: Start by converting a small part of your page, like a widget or a form, into a Vue component. This will help you get familiar with Vue‘s syntax and lifecycle.

  2. Migrate code incrementally: As you refactor jQuery code into Vue components, do it piece by piece. Don‘t try to rewrite everything at once. Gradually replace jQuery functionality with equivalent Vue.js features.

  3. Leverage Vue‘s reactivity system: Instead of directly manipulating the DOM with jQuery, use Vue‘s reactive data binding. Declare your data in the component‘s data option and bind it to the template using directives.

  4. Use Vue‘s event handling: Replace jQuery event listeners with Vue‘s v-on directive or its @ shorthand. This keeps your event handling logic inside your Vue components.

  5. Utilize computed properties and watchers: For complex logic that depends on reactive data, use computed properties or watchers. These will help keep your code clean and efficient.

  6. Adopt a component-based architecture: As you transition to Vue.js, start thinking in terms of components. Break your UI into reusable, self-contained components. This will make your code more maintainable and scalable.

  7. Leverage the Vue.js ecosystem: Vue.js has a rich ecosystem of official libraries and community plugins. Use Vue Router for client-side routing, Vuex for state management, and vue-test-utils for unit testing your components.

Remember, the key is to do the migration gradually. You can use Vue.js alongside jQuery during the transition. As you become more comfortable with Vue.js, you can incrementally replace more jQuery code.

For more detailed guidance, consult the official Vue.js documentation and migration guides. The Vue.js community is also very active and helpful – don‘t hesitate to reach out for help or advice.

Real-World Vue.js

Vue.js has been used successfully in production by numerous companies, from startups to large enterprises. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Alibaba: Alibaba uses Vue.js extensively across their e-commerce platforms for features like product listings, shopping cart, and checkout flow. During their 2018 Singles‘ Day event, Alibaba‘s Vue.js-powered web apps handled over 69 million orders.

  • GitLab: GitLab‘s UI was originally built with jQuery, but they‘ve been incrementally migrating to Vue.js. Their new CI/CD pipeline configuration interface is built entirely with Vue.js and Vuex.

  • Baidu: Baidu, the largest search engine in China, uses Vue.js for many of its web products, including Baidu Maps, Baidu Cloud, and Baidu Analytics.

  • Xiaomi: Xiaomi uses Vue.js for their Mi Store e-commerce platform, handling hundreds of millions of daily active users.

These successful use cases demonstrate Vue.js‘ ability to scale and perform in demanding, high-traffic environments. Numerous other companies like Adobe, Nintendo, BMW, and Codeship also rely on Vue.js in production.


In this article, we‘ve seen how Vue.js provides a modern, performant alternative to jQuery for building interactive web interfaces. Its declarative syntax, reactivity system, and component-based architecture make it well-suited for creating maintainable and scalable applications.

For jQuery developers, Vue.js offers a gentle learning curve and the ability to incrementally migrate existing codebases. By leveraging Vue.js‘ core concepts and rich ecosystem, you can efficiently build robust front-end applications.

If you‘re ready to take the leap from jQuery to Vue.js, start small, leverage the official documentation and resources, and don‘t hesitate to reach out to the welcoming Vue.js community. Happy coding!

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