Building a Feature-Rich Chess Clock Web App with JavaScript

Chess is a game steeped in history and tradition. One of the most iconic aspects of competitive chess is the chess clock – a dual-timer device that enforces time controls and adds a critical strategic element to the game. In this in-depth tutorial, we‘ll use JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to build a full-featured chess clock web application.

Understanding Chess Time Controls

Before diving into the code, it‘s important to understand why chess clocks are used and how they impact the game. The primary reasons are:

  1. Fairness: Clocks prevent either player from stalling indefinitely and ensure each player has an equal amount of time to make their moves.

  2. Variety: Different time controls enable various formats of chess, from multi-hour classical games that reward deep calculation to frenetic blitz and bullet games that test quick pattern recognition and reactions.

  3. Practicality: Time limits make it feasible to schedule and run chess tournaments with many players and rounds.

The specific time controls used vary widely. Here are a few examples of common formats:

Format Base Time Increment Description
Classical 90-180 min 30 sec Slow games rewarding deep strategies
Rapid 10-60 min 5-10 sec Intermediate pace for calculating
Blitz 3-5 min 2-3 sec Fast games rewarding quick tactics
Bullet 1-2 min 0-1 sec Lightning-speed pattern recognition

With a firm grasp on chess clocks and their role, we‘re ready to start implementing our own with web technologies.

Planning the Feature Set

A basic chess clock simply needs to keep track of two timers, indicate which is active, decrement the active timer each second, and sound an alert when one reaches zero. However, we can expand on this core functionality with several useful features:

  • Configurable time controls: Allow the user to set the base time and increment for each player.
  • Timer formatting: Display the remaining time in a user-friendly "minutes:seconds" format.
  • Responsive design: Ensure the clock adapts smoothly to various screen sizes and devices.
  • Visual alerts: Flash the timer or display a warning color when time is running low.
  • Keyboard controls: Enable starting, pausing, and resetting the timers via keyboard for accessibility.
  • Sound effects: Play audio cues for key events like timer start, low time warning, and timeout.
  • Persistence: Store time controls and preferences client-side so they‘re preserved across sessions.
  • Multiplayer: Allow head-to-head play from two devices via WebSocket connections.

We‘ll tackle these features one-by-one, iteratively enhancing the base functionality into a fully-fledged app.

Implementing the Core Clock

Let‘s begin by coding the essential chess clock logic and UI. We‘ll use JavaScript to handle the timers and DOM updates, HTML for the clock interface, and CSS for styling.

HTML Structure

  <div class="clock">
    <div class="player p1">
      <div class="digits">10:00</div>
    <div class="player p2">
      <div class="digits">10:00</div>  

  <div class="controls">
    <button type="button" class="start">Start</button>
    <button type="button" class="pause">Pause</button>
    <button type="button" class="reset">Reset</button>

This establishes a simple two-clock layout with start/pause/reset buttons. Each .player div will hold one player‘s timer display.

CSS Styling

.clock {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-around;

.player {
  padding: 30px;
  background: #eee;
  border: 3px solid #333;
  border-radius: 20px;
  text-align: center; 

.digits {
  font-family: monospace;
  font-size: 5rem;  

.active {
  border-color: #2ecc71;
  box-shadow: 0 0 20px #2ecc71;  

.low {
  color: #e74c3c;
  animation: pulse 1s infinite;   

@keyframes pulse {
  50% { opacity: 0.5; }

The .clock div uses flexbox to position the two .player divs side-by-side. The .digits style the timer text with a large monospace font. The .active and .low classes will be toggled to highlight the active player and warn of low time, respectively.

JavaScript Logic

Now for the heart of the chess clock – the timer logic. We‘ll encapsulate each player‘s timer state and behavior in a Player class.

class Player {
  constructor(element, minutes=10) {
    this.element = element;
    this.seconds = minutes * 60;

  start() {
    if (!this.interval) {
      this.interval = setInterval(() => this.tick(), 1000);  

  pause() {
    delete this.interval;  

  reset(minutes=10) {
    this.seconds = minutes * 60;

  tick() {

    if (this.seconds <= 0) {

  update() {
    let minutes = Math.floor(this.seconds / 60);
    let seconds = this.seconds % 60;    

    minutes = minutes < 10 ? ‘0‘ + minutes : minutes;
    seconds = seconds < 10 ? ‘0‘ + seconds : seconds;

    this.element.querySelector(‘.digits‘).textContent = `${minutes}:${seconds}`;

    if (this.seconds <= 30) {
    } else {

  alert() {
    const audio = new Audio(‘timeout.mp3‘);;

The Player class encapsulates key data like seconds remaining and DOM element reference, as well as methods for starting, pausing, resetting, and updating the timer.

The start method uses setInterval to "tick" every second, decrementing the seconds and updating the display. The pause method clears the interval. The reset method stops the timer and sets seconds back to the default.

The update method handles two key aspects – the time display formatting and the low time warning. It calculates the minutes and seconds from the total, pads single digits with a leading ‘0‘ for a consistent "00:00" display, and updates the DOM .digits textContent. It also toggles the low class when 30 seconds remain to trigger the warning animation.

The alert method is called when seconds hits 0. It plays a sound effect and applies a timeout class to visually indicate the player has lost on time.

To use the Player class, we create two instances and wire them up to the start/pause/reset buttons:

const p1 = new Player(document.querySelector(‘.p1‘));
const p2 = new Player(document.querySelector(‘.p2‘));

let activePlayer = p1;

function startPause() {
  if (activePlayer.interval) {
  } else {

function reset() {

document.querySelector(‘.start‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, startPause); 
document.querySelector(‘.pause‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, startPause);
document.querySelector(‘.reset‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, reset);

document.querySelector(‘.p1‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, () => {
  activePlayer = p2;

document.querySelector(‘.p2‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, () => {
  activePlayer = p1;

The activePlayer variable tracks whose turn it is. Clicking .start or .pause will start or pause both clocks simultaneously. Clicking .reset will reset both to 10:00.

Clicking either .player div will pause the active player, remove the .active class from their element, set activePlayer to the other player, start their timer, and add .active to their element. This allows the players to click their side of the clock when it‘s their turn.

Performance Considerations

While setInterval is often used for simple timers and animations, it has some limitations. The callback isn‘t guaranteed to fire at the exact delay specified and can drift over time, causing the clock to become inaccurate.

For our chess clock, a small amount of drift is acceptable. More sophisticated timing solutions exist, such as using comparisons or the Web Worker API to run the timer in a background thread.

Accessibility Enhancements

To make the chess clock more accessible, we can add keyboard controls. The Spacebar can toggle the active player, while Enter can start/pause and Escape can reset.

document.addEventListener(‘keydown‘, event => {
  if (event.code === ‘Space‘) {
    activePlayer = activePlayer === p1 ? p2 : p1;

  if (event.code === ‘Enter‘) {

  if (event.code === ‘Escape‘) {

We should also ensure the .player divs and control buttons have proper ARIA roles and attributes for screen readers.

Visual Polish

To give the chess clock a more refined look, we can leverage CSS transforms and transitions for smooth animation on the active player highlight and low time warning.

.player {
  transition: all 0.2s ease;

.active {  
  transform: scale(1.05);

.low {
  animation: pulse 0.5s alternate infinite ease-in-out;   

@keyframes pulse {
  from { transform: scale(1); }
  to { transform: scale(1.1); }  

The .player transition smoothly animates any changes to the element. The .active selector scales the element up slightly. The .low animation pulses the warning by alternately scaling up and down.

We can also enhance the skeuomorphic look of the clock with gradients and shadows.

.player {
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee, #ccc);
  box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);

Multiplayer Mode

To enable two players to use the chess clock from separate devices, we could leverage WebSocket communication. The server would manage the game state and relay moves between the clients.

Upon starting a new game, the server assigns the player either white or black. Clicking a .player div sends a message to the server indicating that player has ended their turn. The server updates the game state and broadcasts it to both clients, triggering the timer swap.

Persistence and Preferences

To remember a player‘s preferred time controls, we can use localStorage to store them client-side. When the page loads, it checks for saved preferences and restores them.

// Save preferences.
function savePrefs() {
  const prefs = {
    p1Minutes: p1.minutes,
    p2Minutes: p2.minutes,
    soundEnabled: soundEnabled    
  localStorage.setItem(‘chessClockPrefs‘, JSON.stringify(prefs));

// Load preferences.
function loadPrefs() {
  const prefs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(‘chessClockPrefs‘)) || {};
  p1.minutes = prefs.p1Minutes || 10;
  p2.minutes = prefs.p2Minutes || 10;
  soundEnabled = prefs.soundEnabled !== false;

We could extend this to a more robust user account system with sign-in, saved games, and statistics by integrating with a backend database and authentication service.

Deploying the App

To make the chess clock available for anyone to use, we need to deploy it to the web. This involves hosting the frontend files (HTML, CSS, JS) and backend server.

The frontend could be served from a static host like GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Amazon S3. The backend, if using one for multiplayer or user accounts, could run on a platform like Heroku, AWS, or Google Cloud.

To simplify dependency management and ensure a consistent environment, the frontend and backend could be containerized using Docker. A continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline could automatically build, test, and deploy changes to the respective hosts.


In this tutorial, we‘ve built a robust, feature-rich chess clock web app using vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The key techniques and concepts covered include:

  • Manipulating the DOM to update the UI in response to timer events
  • Utilizing setInterval for clock timing and exploring its limitations
  • Encapsulating related data and behavior in ES6 classes
  • Implementing a clean, responsive layout with flexbox and media queries
  • Enhancing the UX with CSS animations, sound effects, and keyboard controls
  • Storing preferences client-side with localStorage
  • Discussing server-side enhancements like multiplayer, user accounts, and deployment

I encourage you to extend and personalize this project. Some ideas:

  1. Add options for different time controls like hourglass, Fischer, or Bronstein.
  2. Integrate a chess board GUI to play full games.
  3. Implement a matchmaking system to pair online players.
  4. Add social sharing to let users post their results.

The skills practiced in this project – DOM manipulation, asynchronous timing, object-oriented design, web layout and animation – are transferable to a wide range of frontend web projects.

Master JavaScript timing, sharpen your UI/UX skills, and have fun building!

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