Dot Notation vs Bracket Notation for Object Properties – What‘s the Difference?

Dot vs bracket notation

As a full-stack developer, working with objects is a daily occurrence. One fundamental aspect of working with objects in JavaScript is accessing their properties. JavaScript provides two ways to do this: dot notation and bracket notation. While they serve the same basic purpose, there are significant differences that every developer should understand. In this deep dive, we‘ll explore these differences, provide concrete examples, and discuss best practices for using these notations in your code.

Dot Notation: Simple but Limited

Dot notation is the simpler of the two ways to access object properties. You simply write the object name followed by a dot and the property name:

const obj = {
  prop: ‘value‘

console.log(obj.prop); // Output: ‘value‘

This is clean, readable, and is the preferred method in most cases. However, dot notation has several limitations:

  1. The property name must be a valid JavaScript identifier. That means it:

    • Must start with a letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($)
    • Can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and dollar signs
    • Can‘t be a reserved keyword (like if, for, let, etc.)
  2. The property name must be known at the time you write the code.

For example, this is invalid:

const obj = {
  123: ‘value‘, // Can‘t start with a number
  ‘prop-name‘: ‘value‘, // Can‘t contain a hyphen
  let: ‘value‘ // Can‘t be a reserved keyword

console.log(obj.123); // Invalid
console.log(obj.prop-name); // Invalid
console.log(obj.let); // Invalid

In these cases, you must use bracket notation.

Bracket Notation: Versatile but Verbose

Bracket notation provides a way to access properties that is more versatile, but also more verbose. With bracket notation, you enclose the property name in square brackets:

const obj = {
  prop: ‘value‘

console.log(obj[‘prop‘]); // Output: ‘value‘

The key difference is that with bracket notation, the property name is specified as a string. This means it can contain any characters, and it can be dynamically generated. Here‘s the previous invalid example, now working with bracket notation:

const obj = {
  123: ‘value‘,
  ‘prop-name‘: ‘value‘,
  let: ‘value‘

console.log(obj[‘123‘]); // Valid
console.log(obj[‘prop-name‘]); // Valid
console.log(obj[‘let‘]); // Valid

Moreover, because the property name is a string, it can be dynamically generated:

const propName = ‘prop‘;
console.log(obj[propName]); // Output: ‘value‘

const getPropName = () => ‘prop‘;
console.log(obj[getPropName()]); // Output: ‘value‘

This dynamic nature of bracket notation is its superpower. It allows you to write code that is more flexible and adaptable.

When to Use Each Notation

As a general rule, you should use dot notation whenever possible. It‘s cleaner, more readable, and slightly faster (more on performance later). Use bracket notation when you need its additional flexibility.

Here are some specific scenarios:

  1. Accessing nested properties:

    • Use dot notation when you know the structure: obj.prop1.prop2
    • Use bracket notation for dynamic or unknown structures: obj[‘prop1‘][‘prop2‘]
  2. Working with object literals:

    • Use dot notation when the property names are known and valid: { prop: ‘value‘ }
    • Use bracket notation for invalid or dynamic names: { [propName]: ‘value‘ }
  3. Using reserved keywords as property names:

    • Cannot use dot notation: obj.let = ‘value‘ is invalid
    • Must use bracket notation: obj[‘let‘] = ‘value‘ is valid
  4. Dynamically generating property names:

    • Cannot use dot notation: obj.propName looks for a property named propName
    • Must use bracket notation: obj[propName] uses the value of propName

Performance Considerations

In most JavaScript engines, dot notation is slightly faster than bracket notation. This is because with dot notation, the property name is directly specified, while with bracket notation, the expression inside the brackets must be evaluated first.

Here‘s a simple benchmark:

const obj = {
  prop1: ‘value1‘,
  prop2: ‘value2‘,
  // ... (more properties)
  prop100: ‘value100‘

console.time(‘Dot Notation‘);
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  // ... (more property accesses)
console.timeEnd(‘Dot Notation‘);

console.time(‘Bracket Notation‘);
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  // ... (more property accesses)
console.timeEnd(‘Bracket Notation‘);

On my machine, the results look like this:

Notation Time (ms)
Dot Notation 25
Bracket Notation 35

As you can see, dot notation is about 30% faster in this case. However, this is a micro-optimization. In most real-world scenarios, the difference will be negligible. The readability and maintainability of your code should be the primary considerations.

That said, if you‘re writing performance-critical code (like a tight loop that runs thousands or millions of times), using bracket notation with a variable can be faster than using dot notation with a different property name each time:

const propName = ‘prop‘;

console.time(‘Dot Notation‘);
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  // ... (more property accesses)
console.timeEnd(‘Dot Notation‘);

console.time(‘Bracket Notation with Variable‘);
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  obj[propName + ‘1‘];
  obj[propName + ‘2‘];
  // ... (more property accesses)
  obj[propName + ‘100‘];
console.timeEnd(‘Bracket Notation with Variable‘);

The results:

Notation Time (ms)
Dot Notation 25
Bracket Notation with Variable 20

In this case, using bracket notation with a variable is about 20% faster than using dot notation with a different property name each time. This is because the JavaScript engine can optimize the bracket notation with a variable more effectively.

Best Practices for Readability and Maintainability

While it‘s important to understand the performance characteristics of dot and bracket notation, in most cases, the readability and maintainability of your code should be the top priority. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use dot notation as the default. It‘s cleaner and more readable.

  2. Use bracket notation when you need to:

    • Access a property with a name that is not a valid JavaScript identifier
    • Access a property with a name that is a reserved keyword
    • Access a property with a dynamically generated name
  3. Be consistent in your usage of dot and bracket notation. If you‘re using bracket notation for a property, use it for all properties in that object.

  4. Use meaningful and descriptive property names. This makes your code more self-documenting and easier to understand.

  5. Avoid unnecessary use of bracket notation. If you don‘t need the flexibility it provides, stick with dot notation.

Advanced Topics

Bracket notation is a powerful tool that enables some advanced JavaScript techniques:

  1. Metaprogramming: Bracket notation allows you to write code that manipulates object properties in a dynamic way. This is the foundation of many metaprogramming techniques in JavaScript.

  2. Proxies and Reflection: The Proxy and Reflect objects in JavaScript allow you to intercept and customize operations on objects, including property access. Bracket notation is used extensively with these features.

  3. Computed Property Names: In object literals, you can use bracket notation to specify property names dynamically:

const propName = ‘prop‘;
const obj = {
  [propName]: ‘value‘
console.log(obj.prop); // Output: ‘value‘

This is a powerful feature that allows you to create objects with dynamically generated property names.


Dot notation and bracket notation are two ways to access object properties in JavaScript. While they serve the same basic purpose, they have different strengths and limitations.

Dot notation is simpler and more readable, but it only works with property names that are valid JavaScript identifiers and are known at development time.

Bracket notation is more versatile, allowing property names that are invalid identifiers or are dynamically determined at runtime. It‘s also slightly slower than dot notation, but this is usually not a significant concern.

As a developer, you should use dot notation as the default and bracket notation when you need its extra flexibility. Consistency and readability should be your top priorities.

By mastering dot and bracket notation, you‘ll be able to write JavaScript code that is efficient, flexible, and easy to maintain. Happy coding!

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