Effortless Scroll Animations with the Intersection Observer API

Web animations can really enhance the user experience of a site when applied thoughtfully and judiciously. Revealing or animating elements as they scroll into view is a popular technique for adding some visual flair while improving the perceived performance of a page.

In the past, implementing scroll animations required listening for scroll events and calculating element positions, which could quickly become a performance bottleneck. Fortunately, the Intersection Observer API provides a more efficient and effective way to create scroll-triggered animations and effects.

In this post, we‘ll take an in-depth look at the Intersection Observer API and walk through a step-by-step guide to adding scroll animations to a web page. We‘ll cover everything you need to know to start using this powerful API in your projects today!

Understanding the Intersection Observer API

So what exactly is the Intersection Observer API? In a nutshell, it allows you to detect when an element enters or leaves the browser viewport or another specified element. It does this asynchronously and efficiently, without the need to attach scroll event listeners or perform expensive DOM calculations.

The key components of the API are:


This is the primary interface for using the API. It‘s a constructor function that creates a new observer instance configured with the desired options and callback function.

Observer callback

This is the function that gets called whenever the visibility of a target element changes. It receives an array of IntersectionObserverEntry objects representing the intersecting elements.


This object describes the intersection between a target element and the root (the viewport or a specified element). It provides properties like the intersectionRatio, boundingClientRect, and more.


When creating an observer, you can pass an optional configuration object to control things like the root element, margins, and threshold values that govern when the callback is invoked.

Here‘s a quick example demonstrating the basic usage:

// Create a new intersection observer
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
  entries.forEach(entry => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      // Element is intersecting, do something
    } else {
      // Element is not intersecting, do something else 
}, {
  root: null, // Use the viewport
  threshold: 0.5 // Trigger when 50% of element is visible

// Observe one or more elements
const elements = document.querySelectorAll(‘.animate-me‘);
elements.forEach(el => observer.observe(el));

In this snippet, we create a new IntersectionObserver that checks if a target element is at least 50% visible in the viewport. When that condition is met, it adds a "visible" class to the element, which could be used to trigger an animation via CSS. When the element falls below the 50% threshold, the class is removed.

We then use querySelectorAll to find all elements with the class "animate-me" and observe each one with our observer instance.

With this foundation in place, let‘s see how we can apply this API to create some scroll animations of our own!

Creating a Basic Scroll Animation

For our example, we‘ll create a simple page with several sections that animate in as they scroll into view. We‘ll use HTML and CSS to structure and style the page, then sprinkle in some JavaScript to activate the animations.


First, let‘s scaffold out the page in HTML with some sample content:


  <p>Welcome to my awesome page full of scroll animations!</p>

  <h2 class="animate-me">Section 1</h2>
  <p class="animate-me">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</p> 

  <h2 class="animate-me">Section 2</h2>
  <p class="animate-me">Consectetur adipiscing elit...</p>

  <h2 class="animate-me">Section 3</h2>  
  <p class="animate-me">Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt...</p>

We‘ve got a basic header followed by three <section> elements, each containing an <h2> and a <p>. The elements we want to animate have the class "animate-me".


Next, let‘s define some styles in CSS to lay out the sections and set up the animations:

section {
  min-height: 100vh;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  font-size: 2rem;

h2 {
  font-size: 3rem;

.animate-me {
  opacity: 0;
  transform: translateY(20px); 
  transition: all 1.5s; 

.animate-me.visible {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translateY(0);

Each <section> is styled to be at least 100% of the viewport height, creating the scrolling effect. The .animate-me elements are initially translated down and fully transparent. When the visible class is added, they‘ll smoothly fade in and rise up into place over 1.5 seconds. Adjust the transform and transition values to taste.

The JavaScript

Finally, let‘s wire it all up with JavaScript and the Intersection Observer API:

// Detect when an animation should be triggered
const callback = entries => {
  entries.forEach(entry => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
    } else {

// Configure the observer
const options = {
  root: null,
  threshold: 0.25

// Create the observer
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);

// Tell the observer which elements to track
const targets = document.querySelectorAll(‘.animate-me‘);
targets.forEach(target => observer.observe(target));

Walking through it:

  1. We define our observer callback to iterate over the IntersectionObserverEntry objects it receives. If isIntersecting is true, the visible class is added to the entry‘s target element, otherwise it‘s removed.
  2. We configure the observer options, specifying the viewport as the root and setting a threshold of 0.25 to trigger the animation when the element is 25% visible.
  3. We create a new IntersectionObserver instance, passing our callback and options.
  4. We select all elements with the class .animate-me and observe each one.

That‘s all there is to it! With just a few lines of JavaScript (and some cleverly applied HTML and CSS classes), we have a page full of elements that gracefully animate in as the user scrolls.

See the Pen Basic Scroll Animations with Intersection Observer by Jason Wardrip (@mreishus) on CodePen.

Of course, this is just scratching the surface of what‘s possible. You can get quite creative with the animations and transitions you apply via CSS. And the Intersection Observer API gives you plenty of flexibility in controlling exactly when and how your animations are triggered.

Advanced Techniques and Use Cases

Beyond basic fade and translate animations, the Intersection Observer can enable all sorts of interesting effects and optimizations. Here are just a few examples to get your creative juices flowing:

Animating elements in sequence

By combining the Intersection Observer with CSS transition-delays, you can create intricate, sequenced animation chains as the user scrolls, with each element animating in one after the other. This can add a cinematic quality to long-form page designs.

Lazy loading images and other media

Improve page load times and save bandwidth by loading images, videos, and other expensive resources only when they‘re ready to come into view. An Intersection Observer is the perfect tool for this, as it can detect when an element is about to be visible and dynamically set its src before it starts loading.

Infinite scrolling

Tired of clunky "Load More" buttons? With an Intersection Observer locked on a "loading sentinel" element at the bottom of a long list or grid, you can automatically fetch and append new items just before the user reaches the end, creating a smooth, endless scrolling experience.

Contextual animations based on scroll direction

By inspecting an IntersectionObserverEntry‘s boundingClientRect and intersectionRect, you can determine which direction an element is entering or leaving the viewport from. Use this data to vary your animations (e.g. fading in from the left or right) based on the scrolling direction.

Parallax and sticky elements

Though often overused, parallax effects can add depth and drama to a design when applied sparingly and tastefully. The Intersection Observer API is a great tool for implementing parallax, as it can track the visibility of background and foreground elements and adjust their positions or speeds accordingly as the user scrolls.

Sticky elements that lock in place once they reach an edge of the screen are another trendy effect that the Intersection Observer is well suited for. Instead of recalculating scroll positions on every tick, you simply observe the target element and apply a "sticky" class once it crosses the specified threshold.

Caveats and Browser Support

As with any web technology, there are a few things to keep in mind when using Intersection Observers:

Browser support

The Intersection Observer API is supported in all modern browsers, but has no support in IE 11 or below. Be sure to check your analytics and plan accordingly before deploying observer-dependent designs to production. Polyfills are available to add IE support if absolutely necessary.

Avoid layout thrashing

Intersection Observers are incredibly efficient compared to listening for scroll events, but it‘s still possible to overdo it. If you‘re observing large numbers of elements or your callback is doing expensive DOM manipulation, you may cause jank or long paints. Keep your observers lean and mean for best results.

Choose your threshold wisely

Be thoughtful and sparing with your threshold levels. Setting detailed increments (like [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]) can be useful for tracking granular analytics, but is probably overkill for most animation use cases and will just result in unnecessary callback invocations. Stick to one or two thresholds max unless you really need the extra precision.


The Intersection Observer API is a powerful, efficient, and easy-to-use way to create engaging scroll-based experiences on the web. By allowing you to decouple element visibility tracking from expensive browser repaints and reflows, it offers potentially dramatic performance gains compared to older approaches.

So what are you waiting for? Grab the Intersection Observer by the callback and start building some scroll animations of your own! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Animate a series of product images sliding in from alternating sides
  • Fade up customer testimonials one at a time as the user scrolls through them
  • Create an immersive, full-screen parallax story with layered images and text
  • Build an eye-catching call-to-action that zooms into view right when the user needs it most

There‘s really no limit to what you can achieve with a little creativity and a willingness to explore. So have fun, and happy scrolling!

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