How to Allow Users to Upload Images with Node.js, Express, MongoDB and Cloudinary

Node.js, Express, MongoDB and Cloudinary logos

John Smith

Are you building a web application that allows users to upload photos or other images? Simply having users paste in a URL to an image hosted elsewhere is the quick and easy approach. But for a more integrated, professional user experience, you‘ll want to support direct image uploads.

In this guide, I‘ll walk you through a robust, production-ready solution for handling user image uploads in a Node.js app. We‘ll be using the popular Express web framework, storing image metadata in MongoDB with Mongoose, and leveraging Cloudinary‘s powerful media management platform.

Here‘s an overview of the technologies we‘ll be using:

  • Node.js: Server-side JavaScript runtime
  • Express: Web application framework for Node.js
  • MongoDB: NoSQL document database
  • Mongoose: Object document modeling (ODM) layer for MongoDB and Node.js
  • Cloudinary: Cloud-based media management platform

This stack provides everything you need to implement a scalable, efficient image upload feature. Node.js and Express give you a fast, Javascript-based server environment. MongoDB offers a flexible document data model perfect for storing metadata about uploaded files. Mongoose simplifies working with MongoDB from Node. And Cloudinary handles all the complexities around uploading, storing, transforming and delivering images.

Setting Up the Front-End Upload Form

First, let‘s put together a simple HTML form that allows the user to select an image file to upload:

<form action="/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input type="file" name="image">
  <button type="submit">Upload</button>

The key aspects here are:

  1. The form‘s `enctype` attribute must be set to `"multipart/form-data"`. This allows the form to submit binary file data.
  2. The file input field must have its `name` attribute set. We‘ve used `"image"` in this example.
  3. The form submits a POST request to the `/upload` URL when the submit button is clicked.

That covers the front-end. Now let‘s set up the server to handle the form submission.

Configuring the Back-End

Installing Dependencies

Start by installing the necessary dependencies:

npm install express multer mongoose cloudinary multer-storage-cloudinary

Here‘s what each one does:

  • express: Web framework
  • multer: Middleware for handling multipart/form-data (file uploads)
  • mongoose: MongoDB ODM
  • cloudinary: SDK for the Cloudinary API
  • multer-storage-cloudinary: Multer storage engine for Cloudinary

Configuring Cloudinary

Next, we need to configure the Cloudinary SDK with your account credentials. I recommend using environment variables to avoid hard-coding sensitive data:

const cloudinary = require(‘cloudinary‘).v2;

  cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME, 
  api_key: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY, 
  api_secret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET,

You can find your Cloudinary credentials in the Dashboard area of your account console.

Setting Up Multer

Now let‘s create a Multer instance configured to use Cloudinary as the storage backend:

const { CloudinaryStorage } = require(‘multer-storage-cloudinary‘);
const multer = require(‘multer‘);

const storage = new CloudinaryStorage({
  cloudinary: cloudinary,
  params: {
    folder: ‘user-uploads‘,
    format: async (req, file) => ‘png‘, // supports promises as well
    public_id: (req, file) => ‘computed-filename-using-request‘,

const parser = multer({ storage: storage });

Here we specify a few options:

  • folder: The directory in your Cloudinary account where uploaded images will be stored
  • format: Convert uploaded images to PNG format
  • public_id: Define your own naming convention for uploaded files

The resulting parser object is a Multer instance that we‘ll use as Express middleware to process the uploaded file.

Defining the Express Route

Finally, we set up the Express POST route to handle the form submission:‘/upload‘, parser.single(‘image‘), async (req, res) => {
  // req.file contains information about the uploaded file
  // req.body contains other form fields, if there were any 

  try {
    // Create a new image model and save to DB
    const image = new Image({
      imageURL: req.file.path, // Generated by Cloudinary
      publicID: req.file.filename, // Generated by Cloudinary 
      // Other fields go here


    res.send(‘Image uploaded!‘); 
  } catch (err) {
    res.status(500).send(‘Server error‘);

The parser.single(‘image‘) middleware processes the file input field named "image". Inside the route handler, req.file contains the uploaded file‘s info.

We extract the Cloudinary-generated path and filename and save them to a new Mongoose document. The path is the URL where the uploaded image can be accessed. The filename is its public ID that uniquely identifies it in your Cloudinary account.

After saving the document, we return a success message to the user. If anything goes wrong, we return a generic error response.

Displaying Uploaded Images

To display the uploaded images in your app, first query the database to retrieve the relevant image documents. Then access the imageURL property to get the public URL of the image file.

For example, in an Express route:

app.get(‘/images‘, async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const images = await Image.find();
    res.render(‘gallery‘, { images });
  } catch (err) {
    res.status(500).send(‘Server error‘);

And in an EJS template named gallery.ejs:

<% images.forEach(function(image) { %>
  <img src="<%= image.imageURL %>" alt="User uploaded image">
<% }); %>

Security Considerations

When allowing users to upload files to your server, security is paramount. A malicious user could attempt to upload harmful files or overload your server with huge files.

Some best practices to mitigate these risks:

  • Validate the file type and extension. In our example, Cloudinary ensures that only image files are uploaded.
  • Limit the file size. You can pass the limits option to Multer to restrict the size of uploaded files.
  • Generate your own unique filenames, rather than trusting user-provided ones. Cloudinary handles this for us.
  • Run virus scanning on uploaded files. Cloudinary provides automatic scanning for common malware.

Performance Optimizations

Uploading and serving images can be taxing on your server‘s resources. Offloading this work to a specialized platform like Cloudinary can significantly improve your app‘s performance and scalability.

Some specific performance benefits of using Cloudinary:

  • Images are served from a global content delivery network (CDN), reducing latency.
  • Cloudinary automatically creates multiple versions of each image at different sizes and resolutions. This allows you to optimize delivery based on the viewer‘s device and connection speed.
  • Cloudinary can automatically compress images to reduce file size without sacrificing quality.

Advanced Features

Cloudinary supports many powerful features beyond basic image uploading and serving. Here are a couple you might find useful.

Image Transformations

Cloudinary allows you to apply a wide array of transformations to images on-the-fly by modifying the delivery URL. This includes resizing, cropping, rotating, adjusting colors and contrast, adding text and image overlays, applying filters and effects, and more.

For example, to crop an image to a 200×200 thumbnail:,h_200,c_thumb/sample.jpg

The transformation is specified by the segment between /upload and the image‘s public ID. In this case, w_200,h_200,c_thumb sets the width and height to 200 pixels and crops to a thumbnail.

Direct Unsigned Uploads

With the Cloudinary upload API, you can allow your users to upload files directly from the browser to Cloudinary. This is more efficient than uploading to your server and then re-uploading to Cloudinary.

To do this securely without exposing your secret API key, you can generate a signed upload preset on your server. This grants limited upload permission to your Cloudinary account for a short time period.

Here‘s an example of generating a signed preset in Express:

app.get(‘/upload-preset‘, async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const preset = await cloudinary.api.create_upload_preset({
      folder: ‘unsigned-uploads‘,
      unsigned: true, 
      tags: [‘user-upload‘],
  } catch (err) {
    res.status(500).send(‘Server error‘); 

The front-end can then request this preset and use it to upload directly to Cloudinary:

const preset = await fetch(‘/upload-preset‘).then(res => res.text());

const data = new FormData();
data.append(‘file‘, file);
data.append(‘upload_preset‘, preset);

const res = await fetch(`${cloudName}/upload`, {
  method: ‘POST‘,
  body: data,

After a successful upload, you‘ll typically store the image URL and public ID in your database as before.


Allowing users to upload images greatly enhances the interactivity and value of your web app. In this guide, we‘ve seen how to implement image uploads in a Node.js and Express environment using Cloudinary and MongoDB.

The key steps are:

  1. Set up an HTML form for selecting an image file
  2. Install and configure the necessary dependencies
  3. Create a Multer instance that uses Cloudinary for storage
  4. Define an Express route that handles the form submission and saves image metadata to MongoDB
  5. Retrieve and display uploaded images by accessing their Cloudinary URLs

By leveraging the power of Cloudinary, we get seamless image uploads, fast global delivery, automatic optimizations and transformations, and much more. And with a flexible, nonrelational database like MongoDB, we can easily store metadata about uploaded content.

I hope this guide has been helpful in adding image upload functionality to your own Node.js and Express projects. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!

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