How to avoid frustration by choosing the right JavaScript selector

If you‘ve spent any time doing web development with JavaScript, you‘ve undoubtedly run into frustrating issues trying to select elements in the DOM. Using the wrong selector can lead to null or empty results, or selections that don‘t update properly as the page changes.

To help you avoid these pitfalls, let‘s take an in-depth look at the main JavaScript selectors, understand their pros and cons, and learn some tips for optimizing your selections. By the end, you‘ll be equipped to choose the ideal selector for any situation.

The Main JavaScript Selectors

JavaScript provides five key methods for selecting elements in the DOM:

  1. getElementById()
  2. getElementsByClassName()
  3. getElementsByTagName()
  4. querySelector()
  5. querySelectorAll()

While they can all be used to grab elements, they each work a bit differently. Understanding these differences is crucial for making the right choice.


This is the most straightforward selector – it takes an ID string and returns the matching element, if one exists. Since IDs must be unique, it will only ever return a single element. getElementById() is also generally the fastest selector, so it‘s ideal when you need to grab a specific element quickly.

// Select the element with ID ‘main‘
const mainEl = document.getElementById(‘main‘);

Keep in mind that IDs are case-sensitive and you shouldn‘t include the ‘#‘ symbol in the string. If no matching element is found, it will return null.

getElementsByClassName() and getElementsByTagName()

Both of these selectors return an array-like HTMLCollection of elements that match the given class name string or tag name.

// Select all elements with class ‘btn‘
const buttons = document.getElementsByClassName(‘btn‘);

// Select all elements
const links = document.getElementsByTagName(‘a‘);

HTMLCollections are "live", meaning if elements are added or removed from the DOM, the collection will automatically update. This can be useful for iterating over a dynamic set of elements. However, there are a couple downsides:

  1. You can‘t use standard array methods like forEach(), map(), reduce() etc. on an HTMLCollection without converting it to an array first.

  2. The live updating can be inefficient for large collections if you only need it once.

Also note that these methods only check descendants, so they won‘t search up the tree from the node they‘re called on.

querySelector() and querySelectorAll()

querySelector() and querySelectorAll() are newer additions that have a couple advantages over the previous selectors we looked at:

  1. They accept any valid CSS selector, making them very versatile. You can select by ID, class, tag, attribute, pseudo-class, or any combination.

  2. querySelectorAll() returns a static NodeList instead of a live HTMLCollection. NodeLists have the advantage of being able to use forEach() directly.

// Select the first

const firstPara = document.querySelector(‘p‘);

// Select all elements with a "data-active" attribute
const activeEls = document.querySelectorAll(‘[data-active]‘);

// Select all that are direct children of another

const childDivs = document.querySelectorAll(‘div > div‘);

The key difference between the two is that querySelector() only returns the first matching element, while querySelectorAll() returns all matching elements in a NodeList.

Also be aware that these methods search through the entire subtree, so they can be slower than more specific lookups if you only need to check direct descendants.

More Advanced Selectors

In addition to the basic selectors we‘ve covered, there are some more advanced techniques you can use with querySelector()/querySelectorAll() to really fine-tune your element selection:

Attribute Selectors

You can select elements based on the presence of an attribute, or the value of an attribute using these formats:

// Select elements with the attribute "data-active"

// Select elements where the "data-count" attribute has the value "0"

// Select elements where the "href" attribute starts with "http"


Pseudo-classes let you select elements based on special states or positions. Some common ones include:

:first-child / :last-child – matches an element that is the first or last child of its parent
:nth-child(n) – matches elements based on their position among siblings (e.g. :nth-child(odd), :nth-child(3n))
:not(selector) – matches elements that do not match the selector

// Select every other row in a table

// Select all elements that are not checkboxes


Combinators allow you to select elements based on their relationship to other elements. There are four types:

descendant selector (space) – matches all descendants of an element
child selector (>) – matches direct children only
adjacent sibling selector (+) – matches the next sibling only
general sibling selector (~) – matches all subsequent siblings

// Select all

elements within a

document.querySelectorAll(‘div p‘);

// Select

elements that are direct children of a

document.querySelectorAll(‘div > p‘);

// Select the

that comes immediately after a

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