How to Convert a Callback Function to a Promise in JavaScript

As a full-stack JavaScript developer, dealing with asynchronous code is an everyday occurrence. For years, callbacks were the primary way to handle async operations in JS. However, callbacks can quickly become unwieldy, leading to deeply nested "callback hell" that‘s difficult to read and maintain.

Promises provide a more elegant and manageable alternative to callbacks. In this article, I‘ll show you how to convert a callback-based function into a promise step-by-step. By the end, you‘ll be able to utilize promises effectively in your own code for cleaner, more readable async logic. Let‘s dive in!

Understanding the Limitations of Callbacks

Callbacks are functions passed as arguments to other functions, which are then invoked inside the outer function to complete some kind of action. They are commonly used for async operations, such as fetching data from an API or reading files from a system.

While callbacks work fine for simple cases, they have some significant drawbacks:

  1. Callback hell – Nested callbacks can quickly get out of hand, resulting in code that is difficult to read and maintain. The "pyramid of doom" anti-pattern is a telltale sign of callback hell.

  2. Lack of readability – Inline callbacks can obscure the main logic of your code. It becomes harder to reason about the flow of your program at a glance.

  3. Lack of reusability – Callback-based code is more difficult to refactor for reuse in other parts of your codebase.

  4. Difficult error handling – Handling errors with callbacks often involves checking for them in multiple places throughout your code. This approach is prone to overlooking errors.

Here‘s an example of nested callbacks leading to callback hell:

fs.readdir(source, function (err, files) {
  if (err) {
    console.log(‘Error finding files: ‘ + err)
  } else {
    files.forEach(function (filename, fileIndex) {
      gm(source + filename).size(function (err, values) {
        if (err) {
          console.log(‘Error identifying file size: ‘ + err)
        } else {
          console.log(filename + ‘ : ‘ + values)
          aspect = (values.width / values.height)
          widths.forEach(function (width, widthIndex) {
            height = Math.round(width / aspect)
            console.log(‘resizing ‘ + filename + ‘to ‘ + height + ‘x‘ + height)
            this.resize(width, height).write(dest + ‘w‘ + width + ‘_‘ + filename, function(err) {
              if (err) console.log(‘Error writing file: ‘ + err)

The multiple levels of indentation and nesting of anonymous functions make this code a nightmare to follow. With promises, we can make this much more readable.

Promises to the Rescue

Promises provide a way to handle asynchronous operations in a more manageable and readable way. A promise represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an async operation and its resulting value.

Promises have three states:

  1. Pending – The initial state before the promise succeeds or fails
  2. Fulfilled – The state of a promise representing a successful operation
  3. Rejected – The state of a promise representing a failed operation

Promises are created using the new keyword and take a function (the executor) as an argument. This executor function itself takes two arguments, resolve and reject, which are both functions. Inside the executor, resolve is called to transition the promise from pending to fulfilled, while reject is called to transition the promise from pending to rejected.

Here‘s a simple example:

const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // Async operation here
  if (/* everything worked */) {
    resolve("It worked!");
  else {
    reject(Error("It broke"));

Once a promise is fulfilled or rejected, we can use .then(), .catch(), and .finally() to handle the results:

myPromise.then(result => {
  console.log(result); // "It worked!"
}).catch(error => {  
  console.log(error); // Error: "It broke"

This syntax is much cleaner and more readable compared to callbacks. It also allows for better error handling, as we can catch errors in a single place rather than checking for them throughout our code.

Converting a Callback to a Promise Step-by-Step

Now that we understand the benefits of promises, let‘s walk through converting a callback-based function to a promise-based one.

Consider this callback-based function for reading a file:

const fs = require(‘fs‘);

function readFileCallback(file, callback) {
  fs.readFile(file, ‘utf8‘, (err, data) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      callback(null, data);

readFileCallback(‘test.txt‘, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {

To convert this to a promise-based function, we‘ll wrap the fs.readFile call inside a Promise constructor:

const fs = require(‘fs‘);

function readFilePromise(file) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.readFile(file, ‘utf8‘, (err, data) => {
      if (err) {
      } else {

  .then(data => {
  .catch(err => {

Let‘s break this down:

  1. We create a new function readFilePromise that takes the file argument.

  2. Inside readFilePromise, we return a new Promise. The Promise constructor takes an executor function as an argument.

  3. The executor function itself takes two arguments: resolve and reject. These are functions that we‘ll call to transition the promise state to fulfilled or rejected.

  4. Inside the executor, we call fs.readFile as before. But instead of calling a callback, we call resolve with the data if the operation was successful, and reject with the err if there was an error.

  5. When we call readFilePromise, it returns a promise. We can then use .then() to handle the successful result (the resolved value), and .catch() to handle any errors (the rejected value).

By wrapping the callback-based fs.readFile inside a promise, we‘ve made our code more readable and easier to reason about. We can now chain multiple async operations together using .then(), rather than nesting callbacks.

Error Handling with Promises

One of the great advantages of promises is centralized error handling. With callbacks, you need to handle errors at every level of nesting. With promises, you can handle all errors in a single .catch() block at the end of your promise chain.

For example:

  .then(data => {
    return readFilePromise(‘test2.txt‘);
  .then(data => {
  .catch(err => {

Here, if an error occurs in either readFilePromise call, it will be caught by the .catch() block at the end. This makes for much cleaner and more maintainable code.

Using Async/Await with Promises

The async/await syntax is a way to work with promises that makes async code appear more synchronous. It was introduced in ES2017 and has quickly become a popular way to write promise-based code.

An async function is a function declared with the async keyword. async functions always return a promise. Inside an async function, you can use the await keyword before a call to a promise-based function to pause your code on that line until the promise is settled, then return the fulfilled value.

Here‘s our readFilePromise example rewritten using async/await:

async function readFiles() {
  try {
    const data1 = await readFilePromise(‘test.txt‘);
    const data2 = await readFilePromise(‘test2.txt‘);
  } catch (err) {


With async/await, our code looks almost synchronous. The await keyword before each readFilePromise call pauses the execution of the readFiles function until the promise is settled. If the promise is rejected, the rejection value is thrown as an error, which we catch with a try/catch block.


Promises provide a powerful way to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript. By converting callback-based functions into promise-based ones, we can make our code more readable, maintainable, and easier to reason about. The async/await syntax takes this a step further, allowing us to write async code that appears almost synchronous.

I hope this guide has helped you understand how to convert callbacks to promises and how promises can improve your JavaScript code. Remember, practice is key – the more you work with promises and async/await, the more comfortable you‘ll become with these concepts.

Happy coding!

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