How to Set Up Jest & Enzyme Like a Boss

As a React developer, you know the importance of building robust, maintainable applications. A key part of that is implementing a solid testing strategy to ensure your components behave as expected and prevent regressions. In this guide, we‘ll walk through setting up Jest and Enzyme to create a powerful testing environment for your React projects.

Why Test Your React Components?

Before diving into the setup, let‘s briefly discuss why testing your React components is crucial:

  1. Confidence in Your Code: Tests give you confidence that your components work as intended. You can refactor and make changes without fear of breaking existing functionality.

  2. Catch Bugs Early: Tests help you catch bugs early in the development process. Failing tests immediately alert you to potential issues before they make it to production.

  3. Documentation: Tests serve as a form of documentation. They describe how your components should behave and provide examples of their usage.

  4. Better Code Quality: Writing tests forces you to think about edge cases, error handling, and different scenarios your components might encounter. This leads to better code quality overall.

Now that we understand the importance of testing, let‘s get started with setting up Jest and Enzyme.

Introducing Jest

Jest is a popular testing framework developed by Facebook. It provides a complete testing solution out of the box, including a test runner, assertion library, and mocking capabilities. Some key features of Jest include:

  • Easy Setup: Jest requires minimal configuration and comes with sensible defaults.
  • Fast: Jest runs tests in parallel, making the test execution quick and efficient.
  • Snapshot Testing: Jest allows you to create snapshots of your components‘ rendered output and compare them against future runs to detect unintended changes.
  • Coverage Reporting: Jest has built-in code coverage reporting, helping you identify untested areas of your codebase.

Introducing Enzyme

Enzyme is a testing utility library specifically designed for testing React components. It provides a set of APIs to interact with your components in tests, simulating user interactions and examining the rendered output. Some key features of Enzyme include:

  • Shallow Rendering: Enzyme‘s shallow rendering allows you to test components in isolation, without rendering their child components.
  • Full Rendering: Enzyme also supports full rendering, which renders the entire component tree, including child components.
  • Querying: Enzyme provides a powerful set of query methods to find and interact with elements in your component‘s output.
  • Simulating Events: You can simulate user events, such as clicks and form inputs, to test your component‘s behavior.

Setting Up Jest and Enzyme

Now that we have a basic understanding of Jest and Enzyme, let‘s walk through the steps to set them up in your React project.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

First, make sure you have a React project set up. If you don‘t have one, you can create a new project using Create React App or your preferred setup.

Open your terminal, navigate to your project‘s root directory, and run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

npm install --save-dev jest enzyme @types/enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16 @types/enzyme-adapter-react-16

This command installs Jest, Enzyme, and their respective type definitions as development dependencies.

Step 2: Configure Jest

Next, we need to configure Jest. Create a file named jest.config.js in your project‘s root directory and add the following configuration:

module.exports = {
  setupFilesAfterEnv: [‘<rootDir>/src/setupTests.js‘],
  testPathIgnorePatterns: [‘/node_modules/‘],
  testEnvironment: ‘jsdom‘,
  moduleNameMapper: {
    ‘\\.(css|less|scss)$‘: ‘identity-obj-proxy‘,

Let‘s break down the configuration:

  • setupFilesAfterEnv: Specifies the path to a setup file that runs before each test file. We‘ll create this file in the next step.
  • testPathIgnorePatterns: Ignores the node_modules directory when searching for test files.
  • testEnvironment: Sets the test environment to jsdom, which simulates a browser environment.
  • moduleNameMapper: Maps file extensions to their respective mocks. In this case, we‘re using identity-obj-proxy to mock CSS, Less, and Sass files.

Step 3: Configure Enzyme

Create a file named src/setupTests.js and add the following code:

import { configure } from ‘enzyme‘;
import Adapter from ‘enzyme-adapter-react-16‘;

configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });

This file sets up Enzyme with the appropriate adapter for React 16. It runs before each test file, as specified in the Jest configuration.

Step 4: Update Package.json

Open your package.json file and add the following scripts:

"scripts": {
  "test": "jest",
  "test:watch": "jest --watch",
  "test:coverage": "jest --coverage"

These scripts allow you to run tests, watch for changes, and generate coverage reports.

Writing Tests

With the setup complete, let‘s write a simple test to ensure everything is working correctly.

Create a file named src/components/Button.test.js and add the following code:

import React from ‘react‘;
import { shallow } from ‘enzyme‘;
import Button from ‘./Button‘;

describe(‘Button‘, () => {
  it(‘renders correctly‘, () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Button>Click me</Button>);

  it(‘calls the onClick prop when clicked‘, () => {
    const onClickMock = jest.fn();
    const wrapper = shallow(<Button onClick={onClickMock}>Click me</Button>);

In this test file, we‘re testing a hypothetical Button component. The first test case checks if the component renders correctly by comparing it to a snapshot. The second test case verifies that the onClick prop is called when the button is clicked.

Run the tests by executing the following command in your terminal:

npm test

If everything is set up correctly, you should see the tests pass.

Best Practices and Tips

Here are some best practices and tips to keep in mind when using Jest and Enzyme:

  1. Organize Tests: Keep your test files close to the components they test. A common convention is to place them in the same directory as the component with a .test.js extension.

  2. Describe and It Blocks: Use describe blocks to group related test cases and it blocks to define individual test cases. This improves test readability and organization.

  3. Shallow Rendering: Use shallow rendering when testing components in isolation. It renders only the component itself, without rendering child components, making tests faster and more focused.

  4. Mock Dependencies: Mock external dependencies, such as API calls or third-party libraries, to isolate the component being tested and ensure consistent behavior.

  5. Test Edge Cases: Don‘t forget to test edge cases and error scenarios. Consider different prop combinations, invalid inputs, and unexpected user interactions.

  6. Keep Tests Simple: Aim for simple, focused test cases. Each test should test a single behavior or scenario. Complex tests are harder to maintain and understand.

  7. Continuous Integration: Integrate your tests into your continuous integration (CI) pipeline. Run tests automatically on each code push to catch potential issues early.


In this guide, we‘ve learned how to set up Jest and Enzyme for testing React components. We covered the importance of testing, introduced Jest and Enzyme, and walked through the steps to configure them in a React project. We also explored writing basic tests and discussed some best practices and tips.

Testing is an essential part of building robust React applications. By incorporating Jest and Enzyme into your development workflow, you can catch bugs early, ensure code quality, and have confidence in your components‘ behavior.

Remember, testing is an ongoing process. As your application grows and evolves, make sure to keep your tests up to date and add new tests for new features and scenarios.

Happy testing!

Further Reading

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