JavaScript Date Format – How to Format a Date in JS

When working with dates in JavaScript, formatting them properly is a common requirement. Whether you need to display dates on a website, store them in a specific format, or perform date-related calculations, understanding how to format dates in JavaScript is crucial. In this article, we‘ll explore various techniques for formatting dates using JavaScript‘s built-in methods and popular date libraries.

The Date Object in JavaScript

JavaScript provides a built-in Date object that represents a single moment in time. To create a new date instance, you can use the new Date() constructor. Here are a few ways to create date objects:

// Create a date object with the current date and time
const currentDate = new Date();

// Create a date object with a specific date and time
const specificDate = new Date(‘2023-06-15T09:30:00‘);

// Create a date object with year, month, and day arguments
const customDate = new Date(2023, 5, 15); // Note: Month is zero-indexed (0-11)

Once you have a date object, you can use various methods to format and extract specific parts of the date.

Formatting Dates as Strings

JavaScript provides several built-in methods to format dates as strings. Here are a few commonly used methods:

  • toLocaleDateString(): Returns a string with the date portion formatted according to the locale.
  • toDateString(): Returns a string with the date portion in a human-readable format.
  • toISOString(): Returns a string with the date formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard.
const currentDate = new Date();

console.log(currentDate.toLocaleDateString()); // Output: "6/15/2023" (en-US locale)
console.log(currentDate.toDateString()); // Output: "Thu Jun 15 2023"
console.log(currentDate.toISOString()); // Output: "2023-06-15T09:30:00.000Z"

These methods provide quick and easy ways to format dates as strings. However, if you need more control over the format, you can extract individual date parts and customize the format yourself.

Extracting Date Parts

JavaScript offers methods to extract specific parts of a date, such as the year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds. Here are some commonly used methods:

  • getFullYear(): Returns the year (4 digits)
  • getMonth(): Returns the month (0-11)
  • getDate(): Returns the day of the month (1-31)
  • getHours(): Returns the hours (0-23)
  • getMinutes(): Returns the minutes (0-59)
  • getSeconds(): Returns the seconds (0-59)
const currentDate = new Date();

const year = currentDate.getFullYear();
const month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1; // Adding 1 because month is zero-indexed
const day = currentDate.getDate();
const hours = currentDate.getHours();
const minutes = currentDate.getMinutes();
const seconds = currentDate.getSeconds();

console.log(`${year}-${month}-${day} ${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`);
// Output: "2023-6-15 9:30:0"

By extracting individual date parts, you have the flexibility to format the date according to your specific requirements. You can combine these parts to create custom date strings.

Using JavaScript Date Libraries

While JavaScript‘s built-in methods provide basic date formatting capabilities, sometimes you may need more advanced formatting options or additional date-related functionalities. This is where JavaScript date libraries come in handy. Two popular date libraries are Moment.js and date-fns.


Moment.js is a widely used JavaScript library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. It provides a simple and intuitive API for working with dates. Here‘s an example of formatting a date using Moment.js:

const moment = require(‘moment‘);

const currentDate = moment();

console.log(currentDate.format(‘YYYY-MM-DD‘)); // Output: "2023-06-15"
console.log(currentDate.format(‘MMM Do, YYYY‘)); // Output: "Jun 15th, 2023"
console.log(currentDate.format(‘dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a‘)); // Output: "Thursday, June 15th 2023, 9:30:00 am"

Moment.js provides a rich set of formatting tokens that allow you to customize the date format according to your needs. It also handles parsing dates from strings, performing date arithmetic, and working with different time zones.


date-fns is another popular JavaScript library for working with dates. It provides a modular and lightweight approach, allowing you to import only the functions you need. Here‘s an example of formatting a date using date-fns:

import { format } from ‘date-fns‘;

const currentDate = new Date();

console.log(format(currentDate, ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘)); // Output: "2023-06-15"
console.log(format(currentDate, ‘MMM do, yyyy‘)); // Output: "Jun 15th, 2023"
console.log(format(currentDate, ‘EEEE, MMMM do yyyy, h:mm:ss a‘)); // Output: "Thursday, June 15th 2023, 9:30:00 AM"

date-fns offers a wide range of functions for formatting, parsing, manipulating, and comparing dates. It provides a more modular approach compared to Moment.js, allowing you to cherry-pick the functions you need.

Tips and Best Practices

When working with dates in JavaScript, here are some tips and best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Handle time zones: Be aware of time zone differences when working with dates. JavaScript‘s Date object uses the local time zone by default. If you need to work with dates in different time zones, you can use libraries like Moment.js or date-fns that provide time zone support.

  2. Parse dates carefully: When parsing dates from strings, ensure that the string format matches the expected format. JavaScript‘s Date.parse() method can parse dates from strings, but it has some limitations and may behave differently across browsers. Using a library like Moment.js or date-fns can provide more reliable parsing options.

  3. Use appropriate date formats: Choose date formats that are appropriate for your use case. Consider the locale and the intended audience when formatting dates. For example, use ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ) for machine-readable dates and more human-friendly formats like MMM D, YYYY for displaying dates to users.

  4. Perform date comparisons: JavaScript allows you to compare dates using comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=). However, be cautious when comparing dates as strings, as the comparison may not always yield the expected results. It‘s safer to compare date objects directly or use library functions for accurate date comparisons.


Formatting dates in JavaScript is a common task that developers encounter. JavaScript provides built-in methods for basic date formatting, but for more advanced formatting options and additional date-related functionalities, using a date library like Moment.js or date-fns can be beneficial.

By understanding how to create date objects, extract date parts, and format dates using JavaScript‘s built-in methods and popular libraries, you‘ll be well-equipped to handle various date formatting scenarios in your JavaScript projects.

Remember to consider factors like time zones, parsing dates accurately, choosing appropriate date formats, and performing date comparisons correctly to ensure smooth date handling in your applications.

Additional Resources

Happy coding and formatting those dates with ease!

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