JavaScript Dates Made Easy: How to Use the DayJS Library

As a seasoned full-stack developer, I‘ve had my fair share of battles with dates and times in JavaScript. The built-in Date object, while serviceable, often leads to code that is verbose, hard to read, and error-prone. Formatting dates, parsing different string formats, performing date arithmetic – these common tasks can quickly turn into a tangle of low-level operations and mental gymnastics.

Enter DayJS – a lightweight JavaScript library that provides a much more developer-friendly way to parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times. Since discovering DayJS, it has become an indispensable tool in my development toolkit. In this in-depth guide, I‘ll introduce you to DayJS and demonstrate, through practical examples and comparisons, how it can make your life easier when working with dates in JavaScript.

Why DayJS?

Before we dive into the details of using DayJS, let‘s address the question: why use a library at all? After all, JavaScript already has the built-in Date object. While it‘s true that you can accomplish most date-related tasks with Date, there are several compelling reasons to use a library like DayJS:

  1. Simpler API: The Date API is notoriously awkward to work with. It‘s not always clear which methods to use for common tasks, and the method names can be confusing (e.g., getYear() vs. getFullYear()). DayJS provides a much more intuitive and consistent API.

  2. Immutability: Date objects are mutable, meaning that methods like setDate() or setMonth() modify the original object. This can lead to subtle bugs and makes it harder to reason about your code. DayJS, in contrast, emphasizes immutable operations. Methods that modify a date return a new DayJS object, leaving the original untouched.

  3. Parsing flexibility: Parsing date strings with the Date constructor can be finicky and unreliable, especially when dealing with non-standard formats. DayJS supports a wide variety of common formats out of the box and provides an easy way to define custom formats.

  4. Chainable methods: DayJS methods return DayJS objects, allowing you to chain multiple operations in a fluent, readable way. This leads to more concise and expressive code compared to the clunkier Date method chaining.

  5. Modularity: DayJS has a small core and a plugin architecture for additional functionality. This means you can keep your bundle size lean by only including the features you need.

But don‘t just take my word for it. Let‘s look at some concrete examples.

Getting Started with DayJS

First, let‘s cover how to install and import DayJS in your project. DayJS can be installed via npm or yarn:

npm install dayjs


yarn add dayjs

Then import it in your JavaScript file:

import dayjs from ‘dayjs‘

Now you‘re ready to start using DayJS!

Basic Usage and API

Creating a DayJS object is straightforward:

// Create a DayJS object for the current date/time
const now = dayjs();

// Create a DayJS object from a specific date string
const someDate = dayjs(‘2023-08-15‘);

DayJS provides a fluent, chainable API:

const formattedDate = dayjs(‘2023-08-15‘).format(‘MMM D, YYYY‘); 
// formattedDate = "Aug 15, 2023"

Some commonly used methods include:

  • dayjs() – create a new DayJS object
  • format(string) – format the date
  • add(number, unit) – add a duration
  • subtract(number, unit) – subtract a duration
  • diff(date, unit) – get the difference between two dates
  • isBefore(date), isAfter(date), isSame(date) – compare dates

We‘ll explore more methods through examples later on.

DayJS vs. Native Date: A Comparison

To appreciate the benefits of DayJS, let‘s compare some common tasks side-by-side with the native Date object.

Parsing Dates

Parsing date strings with Date can be unreliable, especially for non-ISO8601 formats:

new Date(‘2023-08-15‘); // Valid ISO format
new Date(‘08/15/2023‘); // Invalid date

DayJS, on the other hand, intelligently parses many common formats:

dayjs(‘2023-08-15‘); // ISO format
dayjs(‘08/15/2023‘); // MM/DD/YYYY format

For custom formats, you can provide a format string:

dayjs(‘15-08-2023‘, ‘DD-MM-YYYY‘);

Date Arithmetic

Adding or subtracting time with Date is cumbersome and error-prone:

const now = new Date();
const oneWeekLater = new Date(now.getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

With DayJS, it‘s much cleaner:

const now = dayjs();
const oneWeekLater = now.add(1, ‘week‘);

Comparing Dates

Comparing dates with Date requires remembering which comparison operator to use:

const date1 = new Date(‘2023-08-15‘);
const date2 = new Date(‘2023-08-20‘);

console.log(date1 < date2); // true

DayJS provides more readable comparison methods:

const date1 = dayjs(‘2023-08-15‘);
const date2 = dayjs(‘2023-08-20‘);

console.log(date1.isBefore(date2)); // true


Date objects are mutable, which can lead to unexpected behavior:

const date = new Date(‘2023-08-15‘);
console.log(date); // 2023-08-20

DayJS operations are immutable, returning a new object:

const date = dayjs(‘2023-08-15‘);
const newDate = date.set(‘date‘, 20);
console.log(date.format(‘YYYY-MM-DD‘)); // 2023-08-15 (unchanged)
console.log(newDate.format(‘YYYY-MM-DD‘)); // 2023-08-20

These are just a few examples, but they illustrate how DayJS can lead to cleaner, more maintainable code.

Performance Considerations

As a full-stack developer, I‘m always mindful of the performance implications of third-party libraries. So, how does DayJS stack up?

In terms of bundle size, DayJS is very lightweight. The core library is only 2kb minified and gzipped. Even with several plugins included, the total size is usually under 10kb. This is significantly smaller than alternatives like Moment.js (66kb) and Luxon (17kb).

I‘ve also found DayJS to be highly performant in terms of execution speed. In my own benchmarks, operations like parsing, formatting, and date arithmetic are consistently faster with DayJS compared to Moment.js and on par with or slightly faster than native Date operations.

Of course, the performance differences are usually negligible for small-scale operations. But if you‘re working with large datasets or performing intensive date computations, the efficiency of DayJS can make a noticeable difference.

Advanced DayJS Features

Beyond the basics, DayJS offers several advanced features that are worth highlighting.

Timezone Support

Handling timezones is a common pain point in date/time programming. DayJS makes it easy with the timezone plugin:

import dayjs from ‘dayjs‘;
import utc from ‘dayjs/plugin/utc‘;
import timezone from ‘dayjs/plugin/timezone‘;


const date = dayjs(‘2023-08-15T09:00:00Z‘);
// 2023-08-15T05:00:00

The tz method converts a date to a specified timezone, handling DST transitions and timezone offsets for you.

Locale Support

DayJS supports internationalization through the locale plugin:

import dayjs from ‘dayjs‘;
import ‘dayjs/locale/es‘;

console.log(dayjs(‘2023-08-15‘).format(‘dddd, MMMM D, YYYY‘)); 
// martes, agosto 15, 2023

You can easily switch locales and have DayJS format dates, months, and weekdays according to the specified locale.

Duration Support

The duration plugin allows working with durations of time:

import dayjs from ‘dayjs‘;
import duration from ‘dayjs/plugin/duration‘;


const dur = dayjs.duration(2, ‘days‘);
console.log(dur.asHours()); // 48

This is handy for tasks like measuring elapsed time or countdown timers.

Relative Time Formatting

The relativeTime plugin provides human-friendly relative time formatting:

import dayjs from ‘dayjs‘;
import relativeTime from ‘dayjs/plugin/relativeTime‘;


const date = dayjs(‘2023-08-10‘);
console.log(date.from(dayjs(‘2023-08-15‘))); // 5 days ago

This is great for displaying timestamps in a user-friendly way, like in a chat application or social media feed.

DayJS in the Modern JavaScript Ecosystem

As a full-stack developer, I find that DayJS fits seamlessly into the modern JavaScript development landscape.

In front-end frameworks like React and Vue, DayJS is a natural choice for handling dates in state and props. Its immutability plays well with the unidirectional data flow of these frameworks.

function Post({ publishDate }) {
  return <div>{dayjs(publishDate).format(‘MMMM D, YYYY‘)}</div>;

On the back-end, DayJS is a great companion to Node.js and databases. You can use it to parse and format dates from API requests and database queries.

app.get(‘/api/posts‘, (req, res) => {
  const { startDate, endDate } = req.query;
  const posts = db.getPosts()
    .where(‘publishDate‘, ‘>=‘, dayjs(startDate))
    .where(‘publishDate‘, ‘<=‘, dayjs(endDate));

In my experience, DayJS integrates smoothly with the vast majority of JavaScript libraries and tools. Its small size and modular design make it easy to adopt incrementally without bloating your bundle.

Potential Drawbacks

No library is perfect, and DayJS is no exception. While I believe the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, there are a couple of potential gotchas to be aware of:

  1. Learning curve: While DayJS has a simpler API than the native Date object, there is still a learning curve. You‘ll need to familiarize yourself with the DayJS method names and conventions.

  2. Browser support: DayJS uses modern JavaScript features and may not work in very old browsers without transpilation. However, this is increasingly a non-issue as legacy browser usage declines.

  3. Limited low-level control: For some very specific, low-level date manipulations, you may still need to fall back to the native Date object. However, these cases are rare in typical web development.

Overall, I‘ve found that the clarity, safety, and expressiveness that DayJS brings to date handling far outweigh these minor drawbacks.


In my journey as a full-stack developer, adopting DayJS has been a game-changer for how I work with dates and times in JavaScript. Its intuitive API, immutable operations, parsing flexibility, and plugin ecosystem have made date-related tasks a breeze rather than a chore.

If you‘re still using the native Date object for anything beyond the simplest cases, I highly recommend giving DayJS a try. It will make your date code cleaner, more robust, and more maintainable.

Of course, don‘t just take my word for it. Dive into the DayJS documentation, try it out in your own projects, and see the benefits for yourself. I think you‘ll find, as I have, that DayJS is an indispensable addition to your JavaScript toolkit.

Happy coding!

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