JavaScript Interview Prep Cheatsheet: Ace Your Coding Interviews with These Concepts

Are you gearing up for a JavaScript interview and feeling a bit nervous? Don‘t worry, you‘re not alone! As a seasoned full-stack developer who has been through numerous interviews, I‘ve noticed a pattern in the most frequently asked JavaScript questions. In this comprehensive cheatsheet, I‘ve distilled the essential concepts that will cover the majority of what you‘ll encounter in a solid JS interview.

Whether you‘re a beginner looking to break into the industry or an experienced developer brushing up on your skills, this guide will help you solidify your understanding and feel more confident in your next interview. Let‘s dive in!

1. JavaScript Fundamentals

First, let‘s start with the building blocks of JavaScript. Here are the key concepts you should have a solid grasp on:


var: function-scoped, can be redeclared and reassigned
let: block-scoped, can be reassigned but not redeclared
const: block-scoped, cannot be reassigned or redeclared

Data Types

– Primitives: number, string, boolean, null, undefined, symbol
– Objects: collections of key-value pairs

Type Coercion and Comparison

== vs ===: loose equality vs strict equality
– Truthy and falsy values
– Implicit type coercion in comparisons and logical operations

Control Flow

if/else statements
switch statements
for and while loops


– Function declarations vs function expressions
– Arrow functions and their lexical this binding
– Higher-order functions: taking functions as arguments or returning functions

Arrays and Array Methods

map: creates a new array by calling a callback function on each element
filter: creates a new array with elements that pass a test
reduce: reduces an array to a single value by applying a callback function
forEach: executes a callback function for each array element

2. Functional Programming Concepts

Functional programming (FP) has gained popularity in recent years, and JavaScript supports many FP paradigms. Here are some key concepts to understand:

Higher-Order Functions

– Functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions
– Enable powerful abstractions and code reuse

Pure Functions and Side Effects

– Pure functions: always return the same output for the same input, no side effects
– Side effects: modifying external state, I/O operations, etc.


– Avoiding direct mutation of objects and arrays
– Creating new copies with methods like Object.assign or spread syntax

Currying and Partial Application

– Currying: converting a function with multiple arguments into a sequence of functions, each taking a single argument
– Partial application: fixing some arguments of a function, creating a new function with fewer arguments


– Building complex functions by combining smaller, simpler functions
– Enables modular and reusable code

3. Objects and OOP

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a fundamental paradigm in JavaScript. Here are the key concepts to grasp:

Object Creation

– Object literals: const obj = { key: value }
– Constructor functions: function Person(name) { = name; }
– Classes (ES6): class Person { constructor(name) { = name; } }

Prototypes and Prototypal Inheritance

– Prototypes: objects that other objects inherit properties and methods from
– Prototypal inheritance: objects inheriting directly from other objects

this Keyword and Binding

this refers to the object that the function is a property of
– Binding this with call, apply, or bind

Encapsulation and Data Privacy

– Encapsulation: bundling data and methods that operate on that data within an object
– Data privacy: using closures or symbols to create private properties and methods

Getters and Setters

– Getters: methods that retrieve the value of an object‘s property
– Setters: methods that set the value of an object‘s property

4. Asynchronous JavaScript

Asynchronous programming is crucial for handling I/O operations, network requests, and other time-consuming tasks without blocking the main thread. Here are the key concepts to understand:

Callbacks and Callback Hell

– Callbacks: functions passed as arguments to be executed later
– Callback hell: nested callbacks leading to unreadable and unmaintainable code

Promises and Promise Chaining

– Promises: objects representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation
– Promise chaining: linking promises together to handle a sequence of asynchronous operations

Async/Await Syntax

async functions: always return a promise, allowing the use of await
await: pauses the execution of an async function until a promise is resolved

Event Loop and Call Stack

– Event loop: continuously checks the call stack and the callback queue
– Call stack: data structure that keeps track of function calls
– Event queue: holds callbacks to be executed after the call stack is empty


setTimeout: executes a callback after a specified delay
setInterval: repeatedly executes a callback at a specified interval

5. DOM Manipulation

Manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) is essential for creating interactive web pages. Here are the key concepts to know:

Querying and Modifying DOM Elements

document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll
– Modifying element properties and attributes
– Creating and appending new elements

Event Handling

– Adding event listeners to elements
– Event bubbling and capturing
– Preventing default behavior and stopping propagation

Forms and User Input Validation

– Accessing form elements and their values
– Validating user input with regular expressions or built-in validation attributes

DOM Traversal and Manipulation

– Navigating the DOM tree with parent, child, and sibling properties
– Modifying the DOM structure with methods like appendChild, removeChild, and replaceChild

6. Error Handling

Proper error handling is crucial for writing robust and maintainable code. Here are the key concepts to understand:

try/catch/finally Blocks

try: contains the code that might throw an error
catch: handles the error if one is thrown
finally: executes regardless of whether an error was thrown or caught

Throwing and Catching Custom Errors

throw statement: throws a user-defined exception
– Catching and handling custom errors

Error Object and Its Properties

name: type of the error (e.g., TypeError, SyntaxError)
message: human-readable description of the error
stack: stack trace, useful for debugging

Error Handling Patterns and Best Practices

– Centralized error handling with a dedicated error handling module
– Logging errors for debugging and monitoring
– Providing meaningful error messages to users

7. ES6+ Features

ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and later versions introduced several new features that make JavaScript more expressive and concise. Here are some key features to know:

Destructuring and Spread Syntax

– Destructuring: extracting values from arrays or properties from objects into distinct variables
– Spread syntax: spreading elements of an array or properties of an object into another array or object

Template Literals

– Backtick syntax for creating multi-line strings
– Interpolation with placeholders ${} for embedding expressions

Default Parameters

– Specifying default values for function parameters

Symbols and Iterators

Symbol: unique and immutable primitive value
– Iterators: objects that define a sequence and can be iterated upon


– Functions that can be paused and resumed, returning multiple values
– Defined with function* syntax and using yield to return values

8. Advanced Concepts

Here are some advanced JavaScript concepts that often come up in interviews:

Closures and Lexical Scope

– Closures: functions that retain access to variables in their outer (enclosing) lexical scope
– Lexical scope: the ability of a function to access variables from its enclosing scope


– Variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope
var variables are initialized with undefined, while let and const variables are not initialized
– Function declarations are hoisted completely, while function expressions are not

IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions)

– Functions that are executed immediately after they are defined
– Useful for creating a new scope and avoiding polluting the global namespace


– Caching the results of expensive function calls to improve performance
– Can be implemented using closures or objects

Debouncing and Throttling

– Debouncing: delaying a function‘s execution until a certain amount of time has passed without it being called again
– Throttling: limiting a function‘s execution to a certain frequency, regardless of how often it‘s called

9. JavaScript Patterns

Design patterns are reusable solutions to common programming problems. Here are some popular JavaScript patterns to be familiar with:

Module Pattern

– Encapsulates related code into a single unit
– Provides a private namespace and exposes a public API

Singleton Pattern

– Ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it

Observer Pattern

– Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically

Pub/Sub Pattern

– Decouples publishers and subscribers, allowing them to interact without knowing about each other

Decorator Pattern

– Attaches additional responsibilities to an object dynamically, providing a flexible alternative to subclassing

10. Performance and Optimization

Writing performant JavaScript code is crucial for creating fast and responsive web applications. Here are some key concepts to consider:

Script Loading

defer: delays script execution until the HTML document has been fully parsed
async: downloads the script in the background and executes it as soon as it‘s available

Event Delegation

– Attaching event listeners to a parent element instead of individual child elements
– Improves performance and simplifies event handling

Lazy Loading and Code Splitting

– Lazy loading: deferring the loading of non-critical resources until they are needed
– Code splitting: splitting JavaScript code into smaller chunks that can be loaded on demand

Web Workers

– Running CPU-intensive tasks in the background without affecting the performance of the page

Memory Leaks and Garbage Collection

– Common causes of memory leaks: accidental global variables, forgotten timers, closures
– Garbage collection: automatic memory management that frees developers from manually releasing memory


Congratulations on making it through this comprehensive JavaScript interview prep cheatsheet! By understanding and applying these concepts, you‘ll be well-equipped to tackle the majority of questions you‘ll face in a JavaScript interview.

Remember, the key to success is not just memorizing syntax and APIs, but understanding the underlying principles and being able to apply them to solve problems. Practice coding challenges, build projects, and don‘t be afraid to ask questions and seek feedback.

I wish you the best of luck in your job search and future interviews. Happy coding! 🚀

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