JavaScript Is Turing Complete – Explained

As a full-stack developer, you‘re likely aware that JavaScript is a powerful and versatile language that can be used for everything from simple scripting to complex application development. But did you know that JavaScript is also "Turing complete"? This property has deep implications for what can (and cannot) be accomplished with the language.

In this article, we‘ll dive deep into the concept of Turing completeness, explore how it applies to JavaScript, and consider what it means for us as JavaScript developers. While the theory behind Turing completeness originates in abstract mathematics, its practical implications are very real. Understanding this aspect of JavaScript can change the way you approach problems and architect solutions. Let‘s get started!

Turing Machines: A Quick Primer

To understand Turing completeness, we need to start with the concept of a Turing machine. Introduced by mathematician Alan Turing in 1936, a Turing machine is a theoretical model of computation that can simulate any computer algorithm, no matter how complex.

Despite its abstract nature, a Turing machine is actually a rather simple device. It consists of:

  • An infinitely long tape divided into discrete cells
  • A read/write head that can move left and right along the tape
  • A state register that stores the current state of the machine
  • A table of instructions for how the machine should behave based on its current state and the symbol it is reading from the tape

At each step, the machine reads the symbol under its head, consults the instruction table to determine its next action based on that symbol and its current state, and then executes that action. This may involve writing a new symbol, moving the head, and/or transitioning to a new state. The process continues until a halting state is reached (if one exists for that program).

Turing showed that despite its simplicity, this model can compute any function that is "computable" in the mathematical sense. In other words, if a problem can be solved by any computer, there is a Turing machine that can solve it. The Church-Turing thesis, a foundational principle in computer science, states that this is true for any reasonable model of computation. This means that Turing machines are not just a theoretical curiosity – they genuinely capture something fundamental about the nature of computation itself.

JavaScript: A Turing Complete Language

So what does it mean for a programming language like JavaScript to be Turing complete? Simply put, it means that JavaScript is powerful enough to simulate a Turing machine. Any computation that can be performed by a Turing machine can also be performed in JavaScript.

In practice, this means that any algorithm that can be expressed in a way that could be executed by a computer can be implemented in JavaScript. From simple arithmetic to complex machine learning models, if it‘s computable, it can be done in JavaScript.

It‘s important to note that this is a statement about the theoretical capabilities of the language, not necessarily the practical feasibility of implementing certain algorithms in JavaScript. Questions of efficiency, ease of expression, and suitability for a given domain still apply. However, it does mean that there are no computations that are fundamentally off-limits due to inherent limitations in JavaScript‘s computational power.

How JavaScript Achieves Turing Completeness

So what specific features of JavaScript allow it to achieve Turing completeness? Let‘s break it down:

1. Functions as First-Class Objects

In JavaScript, functions are treated as first-class objects. This means they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned as values from functions. This is a powerful feature that allows for techniques like higher-order functions and functional programming.

Crucially for Turing completeness, it means that JavaScript can implement the concept of an "instruction table" from a Turing machine. The instructions for the machine can be encoded as functions:

const instructionTable = {
  ‘q0‘: {
    ‘0‘: () => { /* ... */ },
    ‘1‘: () => { /* ... */ }
  ‘q1‘: {
    ‘0‘: () => { /* ... */ },
    ‘1‘: () => { /* ... */ }
  // ...

2. Dynamic Typing and Arbitrary Memory Access

JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language, which means that variables can hold values of any type, and the type of a value can change during the course of a program‘s execution. This flexibility is powerful, but it also means that JavaScript needs a way to store and access arbitrary amounts of data of varying types during a computation.

JavaScript provides this capability through its memory model, which includes features like objects, arrays, and dynamically-allocated memory. Objects and arrays can be dynamically resized as needed, allowing for arbitrary data storage:

const tape = [];

function readTape(position) {
  if (position >= tape.length) {
    // Extend "tape" if necessary
    tape.length = position + 1;
  return tape[position];

function writeTape(position, symbol) {
  tape[position] = symbol;

This ability to store and manipulate arbitrary data is crucial for simulating the "infinite tape" of a Turing machine.

3. Conditional Branching and Unbounded Computation

To simulate the decision-making capability of a Turing machine, JavaScript needs a way to perform conditional branching based on the current state and input. This is readily provided by constructs like if/else and switch statements:

function transition(currentState, currentSymbol) {
  const instruction = instructionTable[currentState][currentSymbol];
  if (instruction) {
    // Execute the appropriate action
  } else {
    // Halt if no valid transition found

Moreover, to be Turing complete, the language must support unbounded computation – that is, a computation that could potentially run forever. JavaScript achieves this through recursion and looping constructs like while and for. For example, a recursive function can call itself indefinitely:

function runMachine(state, position) {
  const symbol = readTape(position);
  transition(state, symbol);
  runMachine(newState, newPosition); // Recursive call

Together, these features provide the necessary computational primitives to simulate a Turing machine in JavaScript.

Implementing a Turing Machine in JavaScript

To illustrate these concepts, let‘s walk through a simple implementation of a Turing machine simulator in JavaScript. We‘ll create a machine that performs binary addition.

First, we define our instruction table:

const instructions = {
  ‘q0‘: { // start state
    ‘0‘: { write: ‘0‘, move: ‘right‘, nextState: ‘q0‘ },
    ‘1‘: { write: ‘1‘, move: ‘right‘, nextState: ‘q0‘ },
    ‘‘: { write: ‘‘, move: ‘left‘, nextState: ‘q1‘ }
  ‘q1‘: { // perform addition
    ‘0‘: { write: ‘0‘, move: ‘left‘, nextState: ‘q1‘ },
    ‘1‘: { write: ‘1‘, move: ‘left‘, nextState: ‘q1‘ },
    ‘‘: { write: ‘‘, move: ‘right‘, nextState: ‘q2‘ }
  ‘q2‘: { // restore tape and halt
    ‘0‘: { write: ‘0‘, move: ‘right‘, nextState: ‘q2‘ },
    ‘1‘: { write: ‘1‘, move: ‘right‘, nextState: ‘q2‘ },
    ‘‘: { write: ‘‘, move: ‘right‘, nextState: ‘qf‘ }
  ‘qf‘: { } // final state

Each state is represented by an object, with keys corresponding to the possible input symbols and values representing the corresponding action and next state.

Next, we implement the tape as an array, with functions to read and write symbols:

let tape = [];
let headPosition = 0;

function readSymbol() {
  return tape[headPosition] || ‘‘;

function writeSymbol(symbol) {
  tape[headPosition] = symbol;

We also need functions to move the head and transition between states based on the instruction table:

function moveHead(direction) {
  headPosition += (direction === ‘right‘ ? 1 : -1);

function transition(state, symbol) {
  const { write, move, nextState } = instructions[state][symbol];
  return nextState;

Finally, we can put it all together in a runMachine function that executes the Turing machine on a given input:

function runMachine(input) {
  tape = [...input, ...Array(input.length).fill(‘‘)]; // initialize tape
  headPosition = 0;
  let state = ‘q0‘;

  while (state !== ‘qf‘) {
    const symbol = readSymbol();
    state = transition(state, symbol);

  return tape.slice(0, input.length).join(‘‘); // return result

We can test it out:

console.log(runMachine(‘1011‘)); // ‘0001‘

This simple example illustrates how the key features of JavaScript – functions, dynamic memory, conditionals, and unbounded iteration – come together to enable the simulation of a Turing machine. While a binary adder is a trivial example, the same principles could be used to implement any computable function in JavaScript.

Real-World Implications for JavaScript Developers

Understanding that JavaScript is Turing complete is more than just a theoretical curiosity – it has real implications for how we approach problem-solving and system design in JavaScript.

On one hand, it means that we can have confidence that JavaScript is capable of expressing any computation we might need in a web application or server-side script. From complex data processing pipelines to sophisticated AI models, if it‘s computable, it can be done in JavaScript.

This has been borne out in practice over the past decade, as JavaScript has grown from a simple scripting language for adding interactivity to web pages to a full-fledged platform for application development. Node.js, which allows JavaScript to be used on the server side, has been a game-changer in this regard. As developer and blogger Jeff Atwood famously stated, "Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript."

However, the fact that something can be implemented in JavaScript doesn‘t always mean that it should be. JavaScript‘s dynamic typing and interpreted nature make it less efficient for certain types of computations compared to lower-level, statically-typed languages like C or Rust. Its single-threaded execution model can also be a limitation for parallelizable tasks.

For example, while it‘s possible to implement complex machine learning models in pure JavaScript, it‘s often more efficient to use JavaScript as a high-level interface to lower-level libraries written in C++ or Python, as popular libraries like TensorFlow.js and ml5.js do.

JavaScript‘s Turing completeness also doesn‘t exempt it from the fundamental limitations of computation. There are still many problems that are undecidable or intractable, even in theory. The halting problem – determining whether a given program will eventually halt or run forever – is a classic example. No JavaScript program (or any other program) can solve this problem in the general case.

However, understanding these limitations is empowering in its own way. It can guide us in knowing when a problem may be fundamentally difficult or impossible, saving wasted effort trying to find a solution that doesn‘t exist.

The Evolution of JavaScript and Turing Completeness

JavaScript‘s journey to being recognized as a Turing complete language has been a gradual one. In its early days, JavaScript was primarily used for simple scripting tasks, and its potential as a general-purpose programming language was often overlooked or dismissed.

However, as web applications became more complex and demanding, JavaScript‘s capabilities were put to the test. Developers began pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible with the language, crafting increasingly sophisticated libraries and frameworks.

The advent of Ajax in the early 2000s was a turning point, demonstrating that JavaScript could be used to build rich, interactive web applications that rivaled desktop software in functionality. This paved the way for the emergence of Single Page Applications (SPAs) and the rise of JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js.

On the server side, the introduction of Node.js in 2009 opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for JavaScript. Suddenly, JavaScript could be used to write full-stack applications, with the same language used on the client and the server. This isomorphic or universal JavaScript paradigm has become increasingly popular, with frameworks like Next.js and Meteor enabling seamless client-server interaction.

Today, JavaScript is one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world, powering a vast ecosystem of web applications, mobile apps, desktop apps (via Electron), and even IoT devices. Its Turing completeness is not just a theoretical property, but a practical reality that is leveraged by developers every day to build complex, interactive systems.

Looking to the future, JavaScript‘s role as a universal language for computation seems set to only grow. With the increasing power of web browsers and the advent of technologies like WebAssembly, the web platform is becoming an increasingly viable target for all sorts of applications, from productivity software to games to scientific simulations.

At the same time, the JavaScript language itself continues to evolve, with new features and syntax being added in each version of the ECMAScript standard. These additions, such as async/await, classes, and modules, make the language more expressive and easier to use for a wide range of programming tasks.

As JavaScript developers, understanding the language‘s Turing complete nature can give us a deeper appreciation for its capabilities and guide us in pushing those capabilities to their limits. It‘s an exciting time to be a part of the JavaScript ecosystem, and the possibilities are endless.


In this deep dive, we‘ve explored the concept of Turing completeness, its relevance to JavaScript, and what it means for us as JavaScript developers. We‘ve seen how JavaScript‘s specific features, such as first-class functions and dynamic memory, enable it to simulate a Turing machine and thus be capable of expressing any computable algorithm.

We‘ve also considered the practical implications of this, from the confidence it gives us in JavaScript‘s capabilities to the guidance it provides in recognizing fundamental computational limits. We‘ve traced JavaScript‘s evolution as a Turing complete language and its rise to become a dominant force in web development and beyond.

As with any powerful tool, the key is to wield JavaScript‘s Turing completeness wisely – leveraging it to build robust, efficient systems while being mindful of its practical limitations. By understanding the theoretical foundations of the language, we can make more informed decisions in our day-to-day development work.

So the next time you‘re architecting a complex JavaScript application or wrestling with a challenging algorithm, take a moment to appreciate the Turing complete power at your fingertips. It‘s a reminder of the remarkable capabilities we have as JavaScript developers, and the endless possibilities that await us in this ever-evolving language.

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