JavaScript Tutorial: Code Two Classic Word Games

Word games are a fun and effective way to engage your mind, expand your vocabulary, and test your knowledge. They‘re also an excellent learning project for beginning JavaScript developers looking to practice core programming concepts in a hands-on manner.

In this comprehensive tutorial, we‘ll walk through how to code two classic word games from scratch using vanilla JavaScript: a Jeopardy-style trivia game and a word association game. By the end, you‘ll have built two fully-functional interactive games while solidifying your understanding of essential JavaScript techniques.

Why Build Word Games to Learn JavaScript?

Coding simple games provides immediate, concrete practice with the fundamentals of JavaScript in a way that‘s engaging and rewarding. According to a survey by Stack Overflow, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language, employed by over 68% of professional developers. Gaining proficiency in JavaScript and its related tools and frameworks can open up a wide range of opportunities, from front-end web development to full-stack engineering.

Building word games in particular allows you to practice working with several key JavaScript concepts:

  • Arrays and Objects: Storing and accessing word lists, questions and answers, and game state
  • Functions: Organizing reusable blocks of code to handle game logic and user interactions
  • Loops: Iterating over arrays to dynamically generate HTML elements and process game data
  • DOM Manipulation: Selecting, creating, and updating HTML elements to reflect game state
  • Event Listeners: Responding to user interactions like button clicks to control game flow
  • Conditionals: Checking user input against game data and updating scores and displays accordingly

A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that students who practiced programming concepts through game-based learning showed significantly higher levels of engagement and motivation compared to those who used traditional study methods. By applying JavaScript skills to build fun and challenging word games, you‘re more likely to stay focused and driven to continue improving.

Game 1: Jeopardy Trivia

Let‘s start by building a basic Jeopardy-style trivia game, where players are presented with clues in the form of answers and must respond with the correct question. Here‘s a step-by-step breakdown of how to implement this in JavaScript.

Defining Clue Data

First, we‘ll create an array of objects to store our clues, categories, and point values:

const clues = [
    category: "Science & Nature",
    question: "The speed of light in a vacuum is about 186,000 miles per one of these units",
    answer: "second",
    value: 200
    category: "Mythology",
    question: "This Greek goddess of wisdom is said to have sprung fully-grown from the head of Zeus", 
    answer: "Athena",
    value: 400
  // Additional clues...

Each object in the clues array contains category, question, answer, and value properties to fully define each trivia item.

Setting Up the Game Board

Next, we‘ll create references to the necessary HTML elements for displaying the game board and score:

const board = document.getElementById("board");
const scoreDisplay = document.getElementById("score");

To dynamically generate the Jeopardy board from our clues array, we‘ll use a function that creates an HTML element for each clue and attaches a click event listener:

function initBoard() {
  // Create a new row element
  let row = document.createElement("div");
  row.className = "row";

  // Loop through the clues array
  clues.forEach(clue => {
    // Create a new box element for each clue
    let box = document.createElement("div");
    box.className = "box";
    // Set the box text to the clue‘s point value
    box.textContent = clue.value;
    // Attach a click event listener to handle selecting the clue
    box.addEventListener("click", handleClick.bind(null, clue));
    // Add the box to the row

  // Add the row to the board

This initBoard function loops through the clues array, creating a new div element for each clue, setting its text content to the clue‘s point value, and adding a click event listener to handle selecting the clue. The generated HTML structure will look something like:

<div id="board">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="box">200</div>
    <div class="box">400</div>

Handling Clue Selection

When a clue box is clicked, the handleClick function will be called with the corresponding clue object as an argument:

let score = 0;

function handleClick(clue, event) {
  // Mark the clicked box as used"used");
  // Remove the click event listener from the used box"click", handleClick);

  // Prompt the user for their response to the clue
  let userAnswer = prompt(clue.question);

  // Check if the user‘s response matches the correct answer
  if (userAnswer.toLowerCase() === clue.answer.toLowerCase()) {
    // If correct, add the clue‘s value to the score
    score += clue.value;
  } else {
    // If incorrect, subtract the clue‘s value from the score
    score -= clue.value;

  // Update the displayed score
  scoreDisplay.textContent = score;

This function first marks the clicked clue box as used by adding a used class and removing the click event listener to prevent re-selection. It then prompts the user to input their response to the clue and checks if it matches the correct answer. The score is updated accordingly, adding the clue‘s value for a correct response and subtracting it for an incorrect one. Finally, the displayed score is updated to reflect the change.

To kick off the game, we simply call the initBoard function:


With that, our basic Jeopardy game is complete! Players can select clues by clicking on the point values, input their responses, and see their score tallied based on their performance.

Expanding the Game

To take this simple implementation further, consider adding some of the following features:

  • Support for multiple categories and rounds (like the classic Jeopardy "Double Jeopardy" round)
  • A final "Final Jeopardy" clue with customizable wager amounts
  • A more polished UI with graphics, animations, and sound effects
  • Multi-player support with a buzzer system to determine who can respond first
  • A leaderboard to keep track of high scores across games

While adding these enhancements will require more advanced JavaScript techniques, the core concepts of dynamically rendering HTML elements, managing game state, and handling user input with event listeners will remain central to the implementation.

Game 2: Word Associations

For our second game, we‘ll create a simple word association challenge where players are presented with a target word and must select other related words from a list of options.

Implementing the Word List

We‘ll start by defining our word list as an array of strings:

const words = [
  // More words...

Setting Up Game State

Next, we‘ll create variables to track the essential game state, including the target word, the player‘s selected words, and their score:

let targetWord;
let userWords;
let score;

function startGame() {
  // Select a random word from the array as the target
  targetWord = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)];
  // Reset the user‘s selected words
  userWords = [];
  // Reset the score
  score = 0;
  // Update the UI to reflect the new game state

The startGame function initializes a new game by selecting a random word from the words array as the target, resetting the userWords array and score variable, and calling an updateUI function (defined later) to reflect the new game state.

Rendering Word Options

To present the word options to the player, we‘ll generate button elements for each word dynamically:

const wordButtons = document.getElementById("word-buttons");

function renderWordButtons() {
  // Clear any existing word buttons
  wordButtons.innerHTML = "";

  // Loop through the words array
  for (let word of words) {
    // Skip the target word and any words the user has already selected
    if (word !== targetWord && !userWords.includes(word)) {
      // Create a new button element for the word
      let button = document.createElement("button");
      button.textContent = word;
      // Attach a click event listener to handle selecting the word
      button.addEventListener("click", handleGuess.bind(null, word));
      // Add the button to the word buttons container

The renderWordButtons function first clears any existing buttons from the wordButtons container. It then loops through the words array, skipping the target word and any words the player has already selected. For each remaining word, a new button element is created with the word as its text content and a click event listener attached to handle selecting the word. The button is then added to the wordButtons container.

Handling Word Selection

When a word button is clicked, the handleGuess function is called with the selected word as an argument:

function handleGuess(word) {
  // Add the selected word to the user‘s words array

  // Check if the selected word is associated with the target word
  if (isAssociated(targetWord, word)) {
    // If associated, increment the score
  } else {
    // If not associated, decrement the score

  // Check if the user has selected all possible words
  if (userWords.length === words.length - 1) {
    // If all words have been selected, end the game and display the final results
    alert(`Game over! Your score is ${score}. The target word was "${targetWord}".`);
    // Start a new game
  } else {
    // If words remain, update the word buttons and UI

This function first adds the selected word to the userWords array. It then checks if the selected word is associated with the target word using a helper function called isAssociated (implementation discussed later). If the words are associated, the score is incremented; if not, the score is decremented.

Next, the function checks if the player has selected all possible words by comparing the length of the userWords array to the length of the words array minus one (to account for the target word). If all words have been selected, the game ends, the final score is displayed, and a new game is started. If words remain, the word buttons and UI are updated to reflect the new game state.

Checking Word Associations

The isAssociated helper function is responsible for determining if two given words are related. A simple implementation could use a hard-coded object to store word associations:

const associations = {
  cat: ["dog", "mouse", "yarn"],
  dog: ["cat", "bone", "leash"],
  bird: ["feather", "nest", "worm"],
  // More associations...

function isAssociated(word1, word2) {
  // Check if word2 is in the associations array for word1
  return associations[word1].includes(word2);

In this example, the associations object maps each word to an array of associated words. The isAssociated function simply checks if word2 is included in the associations array for word1.

For a more robust solution, consider integrating with a thesaurus API or using natural language processing techniques to determine word relations based on semantic similarity or frequency of co-occurrence in text corpora.

Updating the UI

Finally, the updateUI function is responsible for updating the displayed target word, score, and other game elements:

const targetWordDisplay = document.getElementById("target-word");
const scoreDisplay = document.getElementById("score");

function updateUI() {
  // Update the displayed target word
  targetWordDisplay.textContent = targetWord;
  // Update the displayed score
  scoreDisplay.textContent = score;
  // Render the updated word buttons

To put it all together, the final HTML for the word association game might look something like:

<p>Select words related to: <span id="target-word"></span></p>

<div id="word-buttons"></div>

<p>Score: <span id="score">0</span></p>

And the JavaScript to initialize the game:


With that, our basic word association game is complete! The player is presented with a target word and a set of buttons for other words. Clicking a word button updates the score based on whether the word is associated with the target. The game ends when all words have been selected, and a new game begins with a new target word.

Expanding the Game

Some ideas for enhancing the word association game:

  • Add a timer to limit the amount of time players have to make their selections
  • Implement difficulty levels with more obscure or challenging word associations
  • Provide hints or definitions for the target word
  • Track high scores across multiple plays and display a leaderboard
  • Allow players to create and share their own word association sets


In this tutorial, we‘ve walked through the process of building two classic word games using vanilla JavaScript. Along the way, we‘ve explored essential programming concepts and techniques, including:

  • Storing and manipulating data with arrays and objects
  • Dynamically generating HTML elements based on data
  • Handling user interactions with click events
  • Updating the DOM to reflect changes in game state
  • Organizing code with functions and variables
  • Implementing game logic with conditionals and loops

To deepen your understanding, I encourage you to customize and expand upon the provided examples. Experiment with different data structures, add new features and game mechanics, and refactor the code to improve performance and maintainability.

Coding word games is just one example of the kind of fun, engaging projects you can build with JavaScript. As you continue to develop your skills, consider exploring libraries and frameworks like Phaser or Babylon.js that provide powerful tools and abstractions for game development.

With practice and dedication, the techniques you‘ve learned here will serve as a foundation for creating increasingly sophisticated interactive experiences on the web. Keep coding, stay curious, and most importantly – have fun!

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