Learn JavaScript – Free JS Courses for Beginners

JavaScript is everywhere. As the programming language of the web, it powers millions of websites and web applications. According to Stack Overflow‘s 2020 Developer Survey, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language for the 8th year in a row, with 67.7% of respondents using it.

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020 - Programming, Scripting, and Markup Languages

But JavaScript isn‘t limited to the web. It can be used to build server-side applications with Node.js, create cross-platform desktop apps with Electron, develop mobile apps with frameworks like React Native, and even program robots and IoT devices. The possibilities are endless.

As a full-stack developer who has worked with JavaScript for over a decade, I can confidently say that learning JavaScript is one of the best investments you can make in your coding career. It‘s versatile, beginner-friendly, and has a huge community and job market.

In this guide, I‘ll share my top picks for the best free JavaScript courses for beginners. I‘ll also cover what you need to get started, key concepts you‘ll learn, tips for learning effectively, and how to take your skills to the next level. Let‘s dive in!

What You Need to Start Learning JavaScript

To start coding in JavaScript, you only need a few basic tools:

  • A computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux)
  • A text editor (like VS Code, Sublime Text, or Atom)
  • A web browser (like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari)

I recommend using Visual Studio Code as your text editor since it has great built-in support for JavaScript and a huge library of extensions. It‘s free, open-source, and available on all platforms.

Visual Studio Code

As for prerequisites, it helps to have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS since JavaScript is often used to manipulate web pages. However, you don‘t need to be an HTML/CSS expert to start learning JS. Many beginner courses will cover the basics of all three technologies.

JavaScript Fundamentals

Before diving into the course recommendations, let‘s review some of the key concepts you‘ll learn as a beginner JavaScript developer:

  • Variables are used to store data values. JavaScript has three variable declaration keywords: var, let, and const.
var age = 30;
let name = "John";
const PI = 3.14;
  • Data Types specify what kind of data a variable can hold. The main data types in JS are number, string, boolean, undefined, and null.
let score = 75;
let message = "Game Over";
let isWinner = true;
let value; // undefined
let result = null; 
  • Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. This includes arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), assignment operators (=, +=), comparison operators (==, ===, <, >), and logical operators (&&, ||, !).
let x = 10;
let y = 5;
let z = x + y; // 15
console.log(z > 10); // true
  • Conditional Statements allow you to execute different code based on different conditions. The two main conditionals in JS are if...else and switch.
let hour = 20;
if (hour < 18) {
  console.log("Good day");
} else {
  console.log("Good evening");
  • Loops are used to repeatedly run a block of code. JavaScript has two main loop types: for and while.
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

let i = 0; 
while (i < 5) {
  • Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task. They can take input parameters and return output values.
function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

console.log(add(3, 4)); // 7
  • Objects are used to store collections of key/value pairs. They are a fundamental data structure in JavaScript.
let person = {
  name: "John",
  age: 30,
  city: "New York"

console.log(person.name); // "John"
  • Arrays are used to store ordered lists of values. They are another commonly used data structure in JS.
let fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"];
console.log(fruits[1]); // "Banana"

for (let fruit of fruits) {

These are just some of the core concepts you‘ll learn in a beginner JavaScript course. Don‘t worry if they seem overwhelming now – the courses will explain each topic step-by-step with plenty of examples.

Top Free JavaScript Courses for Beginners

Now that you have a high-level overview of JavaScript fundamentals, let‘s get into my course recommendations. I‘ve personally vetted each of these resources and can vouch for their quality and thoroughness.

1. freeCodeCamp‘s JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification (5/5)

freeCodeCamp's JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification

freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that offers a completely free and comprehensive web development curriculum. Their JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification is the perfect starting point for beginners.

The curriculum is split into bite-sized interactive lessons that cover everything from basic syntax to advanced data structures. You‘ll code right in the browser and test your skills with algorithm challenges. The estimated completion time is 300 hours, but you can go at your own pace.

By the end of the certification, you‘ll have built 5 real-world projects and earned a certificate you can add to your LinkedIn or resume. freeCodeCamp also has a huge community forum where you can get help and connect with other learners.

2. The Odin Project‘s Foundations Course (4.5/5)

The Odin Project

The Odin Project is a free open-source curriculum for learning full-stack web development. Their Foundations course includes a solid introduction to JavaScript programming along with HTML and CSS basics.

Unlike freeCodeCamp, The Odin Project takes a more project-based approach. You‘ll complete small projects along the way to reinforce your learning, like a rock paper scissors game and an etch-a-sketch application.

After completing the Foundations course, you can move onto their Full Stack JavaScript path to continue learning more advanced topics. The Odin Project has an active Discord community where you can get help and pair program with other students.

3. Watch and Code‘s Practical JavaScript (5/5)

Watch and Code

For a more video-based approach to learning JavaScript, check out Watch and Code‘s free Practical JavaScript course. Taught by experienced software engineer Gordon Zhu, this course focuses on building a real-world todo list application from scratch.

You‘ll learn practical skills like version control with Git, debugging with Chrome DevTools, and designing clean interfaces. Gordon‘s teaching style is clear, concise, and beginner-friendly. He also provides source code for each lesson so you can follow along.

The course is around 8 hours long and is completely free, with no ads or upsells. It‘s a great option if you prefer a more hands-on and project-based approach to learning.

4. JavaScript30 (4/5)


Created by Wes Bos, JavaScript30 is a free 30-day vanilla JS coding challenge. Each day, you‘ll build a small project like a drum kit, CSS variables, or flex panels. This course is better suited for people who already know a bit of JavaScript and want to practice their skills.

There‘s no frameworks, compilers, or libraries – just pure JavaScript. This makes it a great way to solidify your understanding of the language and DOM manipulation. Wes provides video tutorials and starter code for each project.

The one downside is that there‘s no "official" community for JavaScript30, so you‘ll have to be proactive about seeking help if you get stuck. But overall, it‘s a fun and effective way to build your JS muscle memory.

Tips for Learning JavaScript Effectively

Learning to code is hard. Learning to code on your own is even harder. As someone who is self-taught, here are my top tips for staying motivated and making the most of your learning:

  1. Code every day. Consistency is key when learning a new skill. Even if you can only dedicate 30 minutes per day, make it a habit. Consider setting a SMART goal and tracking your progress to stay accountable.

  2. Build projects. It‘s easy to fall into the tutorial trap and feel like you‘re making progress just by watching videos or reading articles. But the best way to learn is by doing. Build small projects to practice your skills and add them to your portfolio. Start with todo lists, calculators, or games, then work your way up to more complex applications.

  3. Take breaks. It‘s normal to feel frustrated or overwhelmed when learning something new. If you hit a wall, take a step back and come back with fresh eyes. Go for a walk, talk to a friend, or work on a different problem. Sometimes the best breakthroughs come when you‘re not actively thinking about the issue.

  4. Embrace the struggle. Learning to code is supposed to be challenging. Embrace the feeling of discomfort and push through it. When you‘re stuck on a problem, resist the urge to look up the solution right away. Take the time to think it through and try different approaches. The struggle is where the real learning happens.

  5. Find a community. One of the best parts about learning JavaScript is that you‘re never alone. There are countless online communities, forums, and social media groups where you can ask questions, get feedback, and connect with other developers. Some of my favorites are the freeCodeCamp forum, the JavaScript subreddit, and the 100Devs Discord server.

Taking Your JavaScript Skills to the Next Level

Once you‘ve completed a beginner JavaScript course and built some small projects, you might be wondering what‘s next. Here are some ideas to continue growing as a developer:

  • Learn a front-end framework. While vanilla JavaScript is great for learning the fundamentals, most real-world applications use a framework or library to structure their codebase. Some popular options are React, Vue, and Angular. These tools allow you to build complex user interfaces and single-page applications with reusable components.

  • Explore back-end development. JavaScript isn‘t just for the front-end. With Node.js, you can use JavaScript to build server-side applications and APIs. Some popular Node.js frameworks are Express, Koa, and NestJS. Learning back-end development will make you a more well-rounded developer and open up more job opportunities.

  • Contribute to open source. One of the best ways to gain real-world experience and build your portfolio is by contributing to open source projects. Look for beginner-friendly issues on GitHub repos related to tools or libraries you use. This will help you practice your skills, learn from other developers, and give back to the community.

  • Attend meetups and conferences. While online resources are great, there‘s no substitute for in-person learning and networking. Attend local JavaScript meetups or conferences to meet other developers, learn new skills, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Some popular ones are JSConf, Node+JS Interactive, and VueConf.

JSConf logo

JavaScript Career Paths and Salaries

As you continue to build your skills, you might start thinking about potential career paths. Here are some common roles that use JavaScript and their average salaries in the US according to Glassdoor:

  • Front-End Developer: $86,178/year
  • Back-End Developer: $101,619/year
  • Full-Stack Developer: $105,813/year
  • JavaScript Developer: $111,069/year
  • Software Engineer: $103,035/year
  • Web Developer: $75,073/year

Average JavaScript Developer Salary

Of course, salaries vary depending on factors like location, company size, and years of experience. But overall, JavaScript is a highly demanded skill with a competitive job market.

Success Stories

To wrap up, I want to leave you with some inspiration from real developers who learned JavaScript and transformed their careers:

  • Emma Bostian: From teaching English in Austria to landing a software engineering job at Spotify
  • Shawn Wang: From finance to becoming a prominent developer advocate and blogger
  • Ali Spittel: A self-taught developer who landed a job at DEV and created the popular #100DaysOfCode challenge

The common thread in these stories is perseverance, passion, and a willingness to learn. Learning to code is not easy, but it‘s also not impossible. With the right resources, mindset, and work ethic, you can achieve your goals and break into the tech industry.


If you‘ve made it this far, congratulations! You now have a solid roadmap for starting your JavaScript journey. To recap, here are the key points we covered:

  • JavaScript is a versatile and beginner-friendly language with a huge community and job market
  • To start learning, all you need is a computer, text editor, and web browser
  • Key concepts to learn include variables, data types, operators, conditionals, loops, functions, objects, and arrays
  • Top free JavaScript courses for beginners: freeCodeCamp, The Odin Project, Watch and Code, and JavaScript30
  • Tips for learning effectively: code every day, build projects, take breaks, embrace the struggle, and find a community
  • Next steps: learn a front-end framework, explore back-end development, contribute to open source, attend meetups and conferences
  • Potential JavaScript career paths and salaries

Remember, learning JavaScript is a journey, not a destination. There will be frustrating days where nothing seems to click. There will be moments of triumph when you finally solve a tough problem. Embrace the process and enjoy the ride.

If you‘re feeling overwhelmed, start small. Pick one course or tutorial and commit to coding for just 30 minutes a day. Build a simple project like a todo list or a quiz app. Share your progress on social media and celebrate your wins.

As you continue to learn and grow, remember to give back to the community. Help other beginners, write blog posts, or contribute to open source. The more you share your knowledge, the more you‘ll reinforce your own understanding.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @yourhandle. I‘m always happy to chat and help aspiring developers.

Happy coding!

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