Learn to Code a BuzzFeed Clone in Three Ways (JavaScript, React, TypeScript)

Are you an aspiring web developer looking to sharpen your skills? One excellent project to tackle is building a BuzzFeed-style quiz app. Through this process, you‘ll gain hands-on experience with fundamental frontend technologies and witness the evolution of a web app as it‘s implemented using different tools and techniques.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through creating a BuzzFeed clone three ways:

  1. Using vanilla JavaScript
  2. Upgrading to React with a mock API
  3. Leveling up with TypeScript and a Node.js backend

By the end, you‘ll have a solid grasp of core web dev concepts and be well-equipped to continue your learning journey. Let‘s get started!

Web Development Basics

Before diving into the project, let‘s briefly review some key web technologies you should be familiar with:


As the language of the web, JavaScript allows you to create dynamic, interactive experiences in the browser. It‘s an essential skill for any frontend developer.


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows you to create reusable UI components and efficiently update the DOM.


TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JS. It adds optional static typing, which can help catch errors early and make your code more maintainable.

What is a BuzzFeed Clone?

You‘ve likely seen BuzzFeed‘s iconic online quizzes – "Which Harry Potter character are you?", "What career should you actually have?", etc. These viral quizzes have a simple premise – answer a series of multiple choice questions and get a customized result at the end.

Building a BuzzFeed clone is a great beginner project because it incorporates core web dev skills:

  • Creating a user interface with HTML/CSS
  • Handling user interactions
  • Manipulating the DOM
  • Implementing application logic
  • Fetching and displaying data

Your BuzzFeed clone can be a complete app with the ability to create and take custom quizzes, or a simpler version with hard-coded questions and results. The complexity is up to you!

Now that you have an overview of the project, let‘s start building with vanilla JavaScript.

BuzzFeed Clone with Vanilla JavaScript

To begin, create a basic HTML structure with a container to hold the quiz questions and answers. Use CSS to style the layout and add visual appeal.

Next, write JavaScript to:

  1. Define an array of quiz questions and their answer choices
  2. Render the first question and its answers on the page
  3. Handle answer selection by listening for click events
  4. Keep track of selected answers
  5. Progress to the next question after an answer is selected
  6. At the end of the quiz, determine and display the result based on the user‘s answers

Here‘s a code snippet illustrating the basic flow:

const quizData = [
    question: "What‘s your favorite food?",
    answers: ["Pizza", "Tacos", "Sushi", "Pasta"] 
    question: "What‘s your ideal vacation?",
    answers: ["Beach", "Mountains", "City", "Staycation"]
  // More questions... 

let currentQuestion = 0;
let selections = [];

const questionEl = document.getElementById("question");
const answersEl = document.getElementById("answers");
const nextButton = document.getElementById("next");

function renderQuestion() {
  const currentQuizData = quizData[currentQuestion];
  questionEl.innerText = currentQuizData.question;

  answersEl.innerHTML = "";
  for (const answer of currentQuizData.answers) {
    const button = document.createElement("button");
    button.innerText = answer;

function selectAnswer(e) {
  const selectedButton = e.target;
  if (!selectedButton.classList.contains("answer")) return;

  selections[currentQuestion] = selectedButton.innerText;

  if (currentQuestion < quizData.length - 1) {
  } else {

answersEl.addEventListener("click", selectAnswer);

// ...

This vanilla JS implementation provides a solid foundation, but can quickly become cumbersome to manage as the app grows. In the next section, we‘ll see how React helps solve this issue.

Enhancing with React and a Mock API

React promotes a component-based architecture that keeps your code modular and reusable. Each piece of the UI – QuizQuestion, AnswerChoice, Result, etc. can be its own component with encapsulated logic.

Here‘s how you might structure a React version of the BuzzFeed clone:

function App() {
  const [quizData, setQuizData] = useState([]);
  const [currentQuestionIndex, setCurrentQuestionIndex] = useState(0);
  const [selections, setSelections] = useState([]);

  // Fetch quiz data from API 
  useEffect(() => {
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(data => setQuizData(data)); 
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className="app">


function Quiz(props) {
  const currentQuestion = props.quizData[props.currentQuestionIndex];
  if (!currentQuestion) return <div>Loading...</div>

  const makeSelection = answer => {
    props.setSelections([...props.selections, answer]);
    if (props.currentQuestionIndex < props.quizData.length - 1) {
      props.setCurrentQuestionIndex(props.currentQuestionIndex + 1);

  return (
      <div className="answers">
        {currentQuestion.answers.map(answer => (
            onClick={() => makeSelection(answer)}

// ...

Using React features like hooks and props, the flow of data and behavior between the Quiz, QuizQuestion, and AnswerButton components becomes clear and maintainable.

To make the quiz data more dynamic, you can pull it from an API rather than hardcoding it. For development, a mock API using a tool like JSON Server is convenient. Simply define your quiz data in a JSON file:

  "quizData": [
      "question": "What‘s your favorite food?",  
      "answers": [
      "question": "What‘s your ideal vacation?",
      "answers": [

Then fetch it in your React code as shown above. This sets the stage for eventually replacing the mock API with a real back end.

Moving from vanilla JS to React is a significant leap for a beginner, but the component-driven model is powerful for creating scalable web apps. In the final section, we‘ll ratchet up the complexity once more by introducing TypeScript and a true back end.

Leveling Up with TypeScript and Node.js

Retrofitting your React app with TypeScript enables you to add type annotations to your code. This can prevent common bugs and signal your intent more clearly. Importantly, it prepares you to work on larger, more complex codebases.

Here‘s how the Quiz component might look in TypeScript:

interface QuizData {
  question: string;
  answers: string[];

interface QuizProps {
  quizData: QuizData[];
  currentQuestionIndex: number;
  setCurrentQuestionIndex: (index: number) => void;
  selections: string[];
  setSelections: (selections: string[]) => void;  

function Quiz({
}: QuizProps) {
  // ...

By defining interfaces for the quiz data and component props, you get type checking and autocompletion in your IDE. This is invaluable as your app grows.

Finally, let‘s discuss standing up a real back end for your BuzzFeed clone. Node.js with Express is a common choice. Your back end will be responsible for serving the quiz data and handling submissions.

First define a quiz schema with a tool like Mongoose:

const quizSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  title: String,
  questions: [
      text: String,
      answers: [String]  

Then set up API routes to create, read, update, and delete quizzes in your database:

app.get("/api/quizzes", (req, res) => {
    .then(quizzes => res.json(quizzes))
    .catch(err => res.status(400).json(err));

app.post("/api/quizzes", (req, res) => {  
  const newQuiz = new Quiz(req.body);
    .then(quiz => res.json(quiz))
    .catch(err => res.status(400).json(err));

// ...  

Your React frontend can now fetch and modify real quiz data. Submitting a quiz could trigger a POST request to create a new quiz document, for example.

Wiring up a backend introduces essential concepts like schemas, CRUD operations, and API design. It‘s a key step in becoming a full-stack developer.


Building a BuzzFeed clone is an engaging way to cement your foundational web development skills. Through three increasingly complex implementations – vanilla JS, React with a mock API, and TypeScript with Node.js – you‘ll progressively enhance your understanding and tool set.

Some key concepts covered:

  • DOM manipulation
  • Event handling
  • Component-based architecture
  • Data fetching and state management
  • Static typing
  • Creating and consuming APIs
  • Database modeling

Armed with this experience, you‘ll be well-prepared to tackle more advanced projects and continue growing as a developer. Remember, the learning never stops in this field!

Next steps could include adding user authentication, more robust quiz customization, social sharing functionality, or even gamification elements. The sky‘s the limit.

Happy coding!

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