Mastering Environment Variables in Vanilla JavaScript Projects

As a full-stack developer, I know firsthand the importance of keeping sensitive information like API keys and database credentials secure. Exposing these secrets can lead to serious consequences, from data breaches to unexpected bills from abuse of your API resources. According to a recent report from GitGuardian, over 2 million API keys and credentials are leaked on public GitHub repositories every year, and the average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million (IBM).

While server-side frameworks like Express make it relatively easy to manage environment variables, the process is a bit more involved when building vanilla JavaScript applications that run entirely in the browser. However, with a bit of know-how and some careful configuration, you can still take advantage of the security and flexibility provided by environment variables in your client-side code. In this in-depth guide, I‘ll share some pro tips and best practices for using environment variables effectively in vanilla JS projects.

The Challenge of Environment Variables in Client-Side Code

If you‘re used to working with Node.js, you‘re probably familiar with the process.env object and libraries like dotenv that make it easy to load environment variables from a file. Unfortunately, process is a Node-specific global that doesn‘t exist in browser-based JavaScript runtimes. So if you try to use dotenv or access process.env in your client-side code, you‘ll run into errors like "require is not defined" or "process is not defined".

One potential workaround is to define your "environment" variables directly in your client-side JavaScript code, like this:

const apiKey = ‘abc123‘;

However, hardcoding sensitive values in your source code is a major security antipattern. If you commit this code to a public repository or if an attacker gains access to your JavaScript files, they could easily extract the API key and abuse it for their own purposes. According to research from North Carolina State University, around 100,000 GitHub repositories have API keys and cryptographic keys in publicly accessible files.

So what‘s the solution? We need a way to securely inject the necessary environment variables into our client-side code without exposing them in our source files. Let‘s explore a couple options.

Injecting Environment Variables at Build Time

One approach is to inject environment variables into your client-side code as part of your build process, before deploying to production. This way, the sensitive values are never committed to source control but can still be accessed by your application at runtime.

Many popular hosting platforms and static site generators provide mechanisms for defining build-time environment variables. For example, on Netlify, you can specify build environment variables through the admin dashboard or in your netlify.toml configuration file:

  API_KEY = "abc123"

You can then reference these variables in your build scripts or inject them into your client-side code directly. One common approach is to generate a config file during the build that exports the environment variables:

// generateConfig.js
const fs = require(‘fs‘);

const config = `export default {
  API_KEY: ‘${process.env.API_KEY}‘,

fs.writeFileSync(‘src/config.js‘, config);

In your client-side code, you can then import the generated config module:

import config from ‘./config‘;

By dynamically generating the config file at build time, you ensure that the actual API key value is never committed to your repository. The downside of this approach is that you‘ll need to regenerate and redeploy your frontend code whenever you change an environment variable value.

Using Git-Ignored Config Files

Another option is to store your environment variables in a separate configuration file that is ignored by Git. This allows you to keep the sensitive values out of source control while still being able to reference them in your client-side code.

To set this up, create a config.js file in your project directory:

// config.js
export default {
  API_KEY: ‘abc123‘,

Then add this file to your .gitignore to ensure it doesn‘t accidentally get committed:

# .gitignore

Now you can safely import the config object into your client-side modules:

import config from ‘./config‘;

The config.js file should be manually created on each environment where the code runs (development, staging, production) with the appropriate values for that environment.

While this approach avoids the need for a build step, it does require some additional manual configuration on each environment. You also need to be very careful not to accidentally commit the config.js file to source control.

Security Best Practices

Whenever dealing with sensitive information like API keys in client-side code, it‘s crucial to follow security best practices to minimize the risk of exposure. Here are some key guidelines:

  1. Principle of Least Privilege: Only include the absolute minimum environment variables necessary in your client-side code. Anything highly sensitive should be kept securely on the server and accessed via API calls with proper authentication.

  2. Restrict API Permissions: When possible, use API keys with restricted permissions that limit the potential damage if the key is compromised. For example, if your application only needs read access to a specific resource, ensure the API key doesn‘t have write or delete capabilities.

  3. Rotate Keys Regularly: Periodically rotating your API keys helps limit the window of opportunity for an attacker to abuse a compromised key. Some API providers even support short-lived or one-time-use keys that automatically expire after a set time period.

  4. Avoid Logging Sensitive Values: Be careful not to accidentally log or expose sensitive environment variables in your client-side code or error messages. Regularly audit your codebase for any potential leaks.

  5. Use Secure Communication Channels: When communicating between your client-side code and backend servers, always use secure, encrypted protocols like HTTPS. Consider using techniques like JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for authentication and authorization instead of passing API keys directly.

  6. Implement Rate Limiting and Monitoring: Work with your API providers to set up rate limits and monitoring to detect and block any suspicious activity or abnormal usage patterns. Many services offer tools to help you track API usage and get alerted to potential issues.

  7. Keep Dependencies Updated: Regularly update any third-party libraries or frameworks used in your client-side code to ensure you have the latest security patches. Automated dependency scanning tools like Snyk or GitHub‘s Dependabot can help identify and fix vulnerabilities.

By following these best practices and taking a proactive, layered approach to security, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with using environment variables in your vanilla JavaScript projects.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the right setup and configuration, you may still run into issues when working with environment variables in client-side code. Here are a few common problems and potential solutions:

  • "ReferenceError: process is not defined": This error indicates that you‘re trying to access the process global variable in a browser environment where it doesn‘t exist. Make sure you‘re not using any Node-specific code or libraries in your client-side modules.

  • "TypeError: fs.writeFileSync is not a function": The fs module is a Node.js built-in for working with the file system, and is not available in the browser. If you need to dynamically generate a config file at build time, make sure to run that script in a Node environment, not in the browser.

  • "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘export‘": If you see this error when importing an ES module like config.js, it likely means you need to add a type="module" attribute to your script tag:

    <script type="module" src="./index.js"></script>  

    This tells the browser to interpret the code as an ES module, which supports the import and export syntax.

  • Config values undefined: If your environment variables are coming up undefined in your client-side code, double check that they are properly defined in your build environment or config file. Make sure the variable names match exactly and that the values are properly formatted as strings.

If you‘re still running into issues after double checking these common gotchas, try searching for the specific error message or problem description on sites like Stack Overflow or the GitHub issues page for any relevant libraries or tools. Chances are someone else has run into the same issue and found a solution!


Environment variables are a powerful tool for securely managing configuration settings and sensitive information in JavaScript projects. While the process for using them in vanilla JS is a bit more involved compared to server-side Node.js code, it‘s still possible to take advantage of their benefits with a bit of up-front setup.

By using techniques like build-time injection or git-ignored config files, you can safely include environment variables in your client-side code without exposing them in source control. However, it‘s important to remember that any values included in browser-executable code could potentially be accessed by users, so always be cautious about what information you include and follow security best practices to minimize risks.

I hope this guide has given you a solid foundation for working with environment variables in your own vanilla JavaScript projects. By taking the time to properly set up and secure your configuration settings, you can build more robust, flexible applications while reducing the chances of accidental exposure or unauthorized access.

As a professional developer, it‘s our responsibility to prioritize security and protect our users‘ data. While it may require a bit of extra effort upfront, the peace of mind and protection against potential breaches is well worth it. So go forth and build amazing things with vanilla JS – just don‘t forget to keep those environment variables safe and sound!

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