Put Down the Javascript: Learn HTML & CSS First

In the fast-paced world of front-end development, there‘s no shortage of shiny new JavaScript frameworks and libraries to capture a developer‘s attention. And while tools like React, Angular, and Vue are undeniably powerful, there‘s a disturbing trend of new developers diving straight into JavaScript without first mastering the fundamental building blocks of the web: HTML and CSS.

If your goal is to be a successful, well-rounded developer, then I‘m here to tell you: put down the JavaScript, and learn HTML and CSS first. By taking the time to understand these core technologies, you‘ll be setting yourself up for long-term success. Let‘s explore the reasons why.

HTML and CSS: Still the Foundation of the Web

It‘s easy to get caught up in the hype around the latest JavaScript frameworks and assume that plain old HTML and CSS are relics of a bygone era. But the data tells a different story.

According to the 2020 StackOverflow Developer Survey, 63.1% of professional developers reported using HTML/CSS extensively in their work, compared to 58.3% for JavaScript. While JavaScript usage has certainly grown over time, it‘s clear that HTML and CSS remain absolutely essential skills for the vast majority of web developers.

| Technology | Percentage of Developers Using It |
| HTML/CSS   | 63.1%                             |
| JavaScript | 58.3%                             |

Source: StackOverflow Developer Survey 2020

Furthermore, a deep understanding of HTML and CSS is crucial even when working with JavaScript frameworks. As Jen Simmons, Designer Advocate at Mozilla, puts it:

"The more you understand the fundamental technologies of the web—HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SVG, WebGL—the better you‘ll be at using frameworks. Frameworks abstract away the raw materials of the web, but if you know what‘s behind the abstractions, you‘ll be a stronger web developer."

The Benefits of Mastering HTML and CSS

Beyond giving you a solid foundation, there are numerous tangible benefits to taking the time to properly learn HTML and CSS:

1. Better Understanding of How Web Pages Work

When you understand HTML structure and CSS styling at a deep level, you have a much better mental model of how web pages are put together. This makes tasks like debugging, adding new features, and even learning new frameworks much easier, because you aren‘t just blindly following a tutorial or hacking together disparate pieces. You have a holistic understanding of the system.

2. More Control and Flexibility

JavaScript frameworks are powerful, but they can also be quite opinionated and limiting in terms of the control you have over the output. When you have strong HTML and CSS skills, you can more easily bend the framework to your will or even opt to forego a framework entirely for simpler pages or components. You aren‘t at the mercy of a framework‘s quirks and limitations.

For example, consider this stunning animation created entirely with HTML and CSS:

Pure CSS Animation
Source: Pure CSS Animation by Greg Surma

With a mastery of CSS, you can create engaging, interactive experiences without the overhead of a JavaScript framework.

3. Improved Accessibility and SEO

Accessibility is a critical aspect of web development that is often overlooked. According to the World Health Organization, over 1 billion people worldwide have some form of disability. By creating accessible websites, you ensure that your content can be used by the widest possible audience.

HTML provides numerous tools for enhancing accessibility, such as ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes. For example, you can use the role attribute to communicate the purpose of an element to assistive technologies:

<button aria-label="Close" onclick="myDialog.close()">X</button>

By taking the time to learn and implement these accessibility best practices, you not only create a better user experience for those with disabilities, but you also improve your site‘s SEO. Search engines rely on semantic HTML to better understand and rank your content.

4. Better Performance

While the performance gap is narrowing, pages built with vanilla HTML and CSS are still typically leaner and faster than those built with heavy JavaScript frameworks. When you have the skills to build interfaces without relying on a bloated framework, you can craft pages that load lightning-fast, even on slower networks or devices. In a world where every second of load time counts, that‘s a serious competitive advantage.

Consider these statistics:

  • 1 in 4 visitors would abandon a website that takes more than 4 seconds to load. (Source)
  • A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. (Source)

By leveraging the inherent speed of HTML and CSS, you can create experiences that delight users and drive business results.

The Role of HTML/CSS in Full-Stack Development

As a full-stack developer, it‘s tempting to focus more on server-side technologies and databases, treating the front-end as an afterthought. But in reality, a strong foundation in HTML and CSS is just as crucial for full-stack success.

Imagine trying to build a house without understanding how the electrical and plumbing systems work. You might be able to frame the walls and put up drywall, but the first time you need to diagnose a wiring issue or fix a leaky pipe, you‘ll be at a loss.

The same principle applies to web development. If you don‘t understand how your front-end is structured and styled, you‘ll have a much harder time integrating it with your back-end systems, optimizing for performance, or debugging issues that arise.

Moreover, many modern full-stack frameworks, such as Next.js and Ruby on Rails, rely heavily on server-side rendering of HTML and CSS. Without a solid grasp of these technologies, you‘ll struggle to take full advantage of these powerful tools.

Putting It into Practice

Convinced of the importance of HTML and CSS mastery but not sure where to start? Here are a few practical tips:

  1. Take the time to learn semantic HTML. Understand the purpose and meaning of tags like <article>, <section>, <nav>, <header>, <footer>, etc. Structure your pages thoughtfully.

  2. Dive deep into CSS layout techniques. Flexbox and Grid are immensely powerful. Take the time to understand concepts like the box model, positioning, and responsive design.

  3. Practice, practice, practice. Build small pages and components using only HTML and CSS. Try recreating parts of websites you admire.

  4. Read and follow accessibility guidelines. Make a habit of always considering accessibility in your work. Tools like the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool can help catch common issues.

  5. Learn to leverage the power of native HTML elements. Need a searchable dropdown? You might not need React—an HTML <datalist> might suffice. Spend time exploring what‘s possible with semantic HTML.

Embrace the Fundamentals

In the end, the message is clear: embracing the fundamentals of HTML and CSS is not a waste of time, but a critical investment in your skills as a developer.

Yes, the flashy world of JavaScript frameworks is alluring. But by ensuring you have a rock-solid foundation first, you‘re setting yourself up to be a more effective, more well-rounded, and more valuable developer in the long run.

As Brad Frost, a well-known web designer and developer, says:

"I encourage developers to learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS before they start diving into JavaScript frameworks. Doing so not only strengthens their technical foundation, but also helps them better appreciate and utilize the abstractions provided by frameworks."

So put down the JavaScript (just for a bit), and give HTML and CSS the attention they deserve. Dive into the resources shared in this article, build projects to practice your skills, and don‘t be afraid to ask for help when you get stuck.

Your future self, and the users who depend on the websites you build, will thank you.

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