Span HTML – How to Use the Span Tag with CSS

The HTML <span> tag is a versatile inline element that allows you to group and style parts of your content without disrupting the document flow. When combined with CSS, the span tag becomes a powerful tool for applying styles to specific text or inline elements within a larger block of content. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the span tag, explore its relationship with CSS, and discover practical use cases to enhance your web development skills.

Understanding the Span Tag

The <span> tag is an inline container used to mark up a part of a text or a part of a document. It doesn‘t inherently represent anything, but it‘s useful for grouping and applying styles to inline elements. Unlike block-level elements like <div>, the <span> tag does not create any visual changes or start on a new line by default. Its purpose is to wrap around content so you can target it with CSS or JavaScript.

Here‘s a basic example of how to use the span tag:

<p>This is a <span>highlighted</span> word within a paragraph.</p>

In this case, the word "highlighted" is wrapped inside a <span> tag, allowing you to apply specific styles or manipulate it using JavaScript without affecting the surrounding text.

Span vs. Div: Inline vs. Block

It‘s essential to understand the difference between the <span> and <div> tags. While both are used as containers, they serve different purposes:

  • <div> is a block-level element that creates a new line before and after it, and it can contain other block-level and inline elements.
  • <span> is an inline element that doesn‘t create any visual changes by default and is used to group or wrap parts of text or inline elements.

Here‘s an example that demonstrates the difference:

<div>This is a block-level div element.</div>
<span>This is an inline span element.</span>
<span>Another inline span element.</span>

In this case, the <div> will appear on a new line, while the two <span> elements will appear inline with the surrounding text.

According to a study by the Web Almanac, the <span> tag is the second most frequently used element in HTML after the <div> tag. The study analyzed over 7 million web pages and found that the <span> tag appeared on 92.4% of the pages (Source: Web Almanac – Part 1: Page Content).

Element Frequency
div 97.6%
span 92.4%
a 91.9%
img 89.3%
p 87.5%

This data highlights the widespread usage of the <span> tag in web development and its importance in creating structured and styled content.

Styling Span Elements with CSS

The real power of the <span> tag shines when combined with CSS. By applying styles to span elements, you can create visually appealing and meaningful text effects. Let‘s explore some common styling techniques.

Changing Text Color

To change the color of text wrapped inside a <span> tag, you can use the CSS color property. Here‘s an example:

<p>This is a <span class="highlight">highlighted</span> word.</p>

  .highlight {
    color: #ff0000;

In this case, the text "highlighted" will appear in red color (#ff0000) while the rest of the paragraph remains unaffected.

Applying Background Color

Similarly, you can apply a background color to the text inside a <span> tag using the CSS background-color property:

<p>This word has a <span class="bg-yellow">yellow background</span>.</p>

  .bg-yellow {
    background-color: #ffff00;

The text "yellow background" will have a yellow background color (#ffff00) applied to it.

Modifying Font Styles

You can also use the <span> tag to modify font styles, such as making text bold, italic, or changing the font family. Here‘s an example:

<p>This is <span class="bold">bold</span> and <span class="italic">italic</span> text.</p>

  .bold {
    font-weight: bold;
  .italic {
    font-style: italic;

In this case, the text "bold" will appear in bold weight, and "italic" will be in italic style.

Manipulating Span Elements with JavaScript

In addition to styling, you can also use JavaScript to manipulate span elements dynamically. By assigning unique IDs or classes to span tags, you can target them with JavaScript and perform various actions. Here‘s an example:

<p>The current temperature is <span id="temp">25</span>°C.</p>

  const tempElement = document.getElementById(‘temp‘);
  const currentTemp = 28;
  tempElement.textContent = currentTemp;

In this example, JavaScript is used to target the span element with the ID "temp" and update its content with the current temperature value.

Accessibility Considerations

When using the <span> tag, it‘s crucial to keep accessibility in mind. While <span> itself doesn‘t convey any semantic meaning, it‘s important to use it in a way that doesn‘t hinder accessibility. Here are a few considerations:

  1. Use descriptive and meaningful class or ID names that reflect the purpose of the element. This helps screen readers and other assistive technologies understand the context of the content.

  2. Avoid using <span> for interactive elements like buttons or links. Instead, use appropriate semantic elements like <button> or <a> to ensure proper keyboard navigation and accessibility.

  3. If you‘re using <span> to visually hide content (e.g., for screen readers only), make sure to use appropriate techniques like the sr-only class or aria-label attribute to provide alternative text.

By following these accessibility best practices, you can ensure that your use of the <span> tag doesn‘t create barriers for users with disabilities.

Performance Impact of Excessive Span Usage

While the <span> tag is lightweight and doesn‘t have a significant impact on performance by itself, excessive use of <span> elements can lead to bloated HTML and slower rendering times. Here are a few performance considerations:

  1. Use <span> judiciously and only when necessary. Overusing <span> tags can lead to a cluttered and less semantic markup, which can negatively impact performance and maintainability.

  2. Be mindful of the number of elements on a page. A large number of <span> elements, especially when nested or combined with other elements, can increase the document‘s complexity and slow down rendering.

  3. Avoid using <span> for layout purposes. For creating grid systems or complex layouts, consider using CSS Grid, Flexbox, or other layout techniques instead of relying heavily on <span> elements.

By optimizing your usage of <span> and keeping performance in mind, you can ensure that your web pages load quickly and provide a smooth user experience.

Combining Span with Other HTML Elements

The <span> tag can be effectively combined with other HTML elements to create rich and structured content. Here are a few examples:

  1. Combining <span> with headings (<h1> to <h6>): You can use <span> inside heading elements to apply specific styles or highlight parts of the heading text.
<h2>Welcome to <span class="highlight">My Website</span></h2>
  1. Using <span> within <p> or <div>: <span> is commonly used within paragraph elements (<p>) or <div> containers to style or manipulate specific parts of the text.
<p>This is a <span class="bold">bold</span> text within a paragraph.</p>
  1. Combining <span> with <a>: You can use <span> inside anchor elements (<a>) to style or highlight specific parts of a link‘s text.
<a href="#">Click <span class="highlight">here</span> to learn more</a>

By combining <span> with other HTML elements, you can create semantically meaningful and visually appealing content structures.

Span in Responsive Web Design

When building responsive websites, the <span> tag can be a useful tool for creating flexible and adaptable content. Here are a few ways to use <span> in responsive web design:

  1. Applying different styles based on screen size: You can use media queries in combination with <span> to apply different styles based on the screen size or device.
<p>This text will change color on <span class="mobile-highlight">smaller screens</span>.</p>

  @media (max-width: 600px) {
    .mobile-highlight {
      color: #ff0000;
  1. Showing or hiding content: You can use <span> with CSS classes to show or hide specific parts of the content based on the screen size.
<p>This is the <span class="desktop-only">desktop</span><span class="mobile-only">mobile</span> version of the content.</p>

  .desktop-only {
    display: inline;
  .mobile-only {
    display: none;

  @media (max-width: 600px) {
    .desktop-only {
      display: none;
    .mobile-only {
      display: inline;

By leveraging the flexibility of <span> and combining it with responsive design techniques, you can create websites that adapt and provide optimal experiences across different devices and screen sizes.

Span and SEO Considerations

While the <span> tag itself doesn‘t have a direct impact on search engine optimization (SEO), it‘s important to use it in a way that aligns with SEO best practices. Here are a few considerations:

  1. Use semantic HTML: Whenever possible, use semantic HTML elements like <h1>, <p>, <article>, etc., to provide a clear structure and hierarchy to your content. Use <span> only for inline styling or manipulation purposes.

  2. Avoid keyword stuffing: Don‘t use <span> to excessively repeat or stuff keywords in an attempt to manipulate search rankings. This practice can be seen as spammy and can lead to penalties from search engines.

  3. Provide meaningful content: Focus on creating high-quality, informative, and relevant content that naturally incorporates keywords. Use <span> to enhance the presentation or interactivity of your content, but don‘t rely on it for SEO purposes.

By following SEO best practices and using <span> appropriately, you can ensure that your website is optimized for both search engines and users.


In this comprehensive guide, we explored the HTML <span> tag and its powerful combination with CSS. We delved into the differences between <span> and <div>, learned how to style and manipulate span elements, and discovered real-world use cases. We also discussed accessibility considerations, performance impact, combining <span> with other HTML elements, responsive web design techniques, and SEO best practices.

Key takeaways from this guide:

  1. The <span> tag is a versatile inline element used for grouping and styling parts of content.
  2. CSS plays a crucial role in styling <span> elements, allowing you to change text color, apply background colors, modify font styles, and more.
  3. JavaScript can be used to dynamically manipulate <span> elements and create interactive experiences.
  4. Accessibility and performance should be considered when using <span> to ensure inclusive and efficient web pages.
  5. <span> can be effectively combined with other HTML elements to create rich and structured content.
  6. Responsive web design techniques can be applied to <span> elements to create adaptable and flexible content.
  7. While <span> doesn‘t directly impact SEO, it‘s important to use it in alignment with SEO best practices.

As web development continues to evolve, the <span> tag remains a fundamental tool in a developer‘s toolkit. With its ability to apply granular styles and manipulate inline content, <span> empowers developers to create visually appealing and interactive web experiences.

Looking ahead, the future of web development will likely see an increasing focus on accessibility, performance optimization, and responsive design. As a full-stack developer and professional coder, staying up-to-date with the latest techniques and best practices surrounding the <span> tag will be essential to create modern, inclusive, and user-friendly websites.

By mastering the use of <span> in combination with CSS and other web technologies, you can take your web development skills to new heights and create stunning, functional, and engaging web experiences that captivate users and drive results.

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